American killed by bow and arrow trying to visit forbidden North Sentinel Island...

Here....we'll try it India they have different laws than we do in the US. This island and the people that inhabit it are under India jurisdiction.

North Sentinel Island - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › North_Sentinel_Island

North Sentinel Island is one of the Andaman Islands, which includes South Sentinel Island, in the Bay of Bengal. ... In practice, Indian authorities recognise the islanders' desire to be left alone and restrict their role to remote monitoring; they do not prosecute them for killing non-Sentinelese people.

Population rank: -1

Location: Bay of Bengal

Population: 40 (2011); (census estimate, actual population highly uncertain) May be ...

Area: 59.67 km2 (23.04 sq mi)
Missing: un ‎| ‎Must include
What exactly do you think this post does for your side of this debate? You arent bringing any new information to the table.
What history? What was the last continent they occupied?

Exactly, what history? What have these savages achieved?

They achieved minding their own business, and only killing a few people who entered their land in the past 200 years. I know they have nothing on us. We have invaded lands, killed millions, and conquered a continent in the same time. But these "savages" have to go.

So “minding their own business” is what defines a great culture?? You’ve been indoctrinated, which is why your perspective is warped. These people are too stupid to not mind their own business. And we done more to enhance and save lives that can even be fathomed.
youve been indoctrinated to think you have a "right" to their island.

Bullshit. Never did I say that
yea you did. just not smart enough to see it.
All those wrongs don’t make this action right. It’s natural law that killing is the worst offense one commit.

They are a race of people that want to be left alone.. it's there island and India acknowledge it ..


So what? I want to be left alone and don’t want outsiders coming into my country as well. I can’t kill anyone if I don’t get what I want

Start your own country

Our people did that, now everyone wants to come here, but we dont kill them for it.

You do know the US has roughly 3,500,000 square miles..

North sentinal island has like 18 square miles

If you have a point to make there, say it and lets see if it holds water.
Exactly, what history? What have these savages achieved?

They achieved minding their own business, and only killing a few people who entered their land in the past 200 years. I know they have nothing on us. We have invaded lands, killed millions, and conquered a continent in the same time. But these "savages" have to go.

So “minding their own business” is what defines a great culture?? You’ve been indoctrinated, which is why your perspective is warped. These people are too stupid to not mind their own business. And we done more to enhance and save lives that can even be fathomed.
youve been indoctrinated to think you have a "right" to their island.

Bullshit. Never did I say that
yea you did. just not smart enough to see it.
^ Worst comeback ever. :cuckoo:
Here....we'll try it India they have different laws than we do in the US. This island and the people that inhabit it are under India jurisdiction.

North Sentinel Island - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › North_Sentinel_Island

North Sentinel Island is one of the Andaman Islands, which includes South Sentinel Island, in the Bay of Bengal. ... In practice, Indian authorities recognise the islanders' desire to be left alone and restrict their role to remote monitoring; they do not prosecute them for killing non-Sentinelese people.

Population rank: -1

Location: Bay of Bengal

Population: 40 (2011); (census estimate, actual population highly uncertain) May be ...

Area: 59.67 km2 (23.04 sq mi)
Missing: un ‎| ‎Must include
What exactly do you think this post does for your side of this debate? You arent bringing any new information to the table.

You haven't either and why we have to keep repeating....

they do not prosecute them for killing non-Sentinelese people.
Here....we'll try it India they have different laws than we do in the US. This island and the people that inhabit it are under India jurisdiction.

North Sentinel Island - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › North_Sentinel_Island

North Sentinel Island is one of the Andaman Islands, which includes South Sentinel Island, in the Bay of Bengal. ... In practice, Indian authorities recognise the islanders' desire to be left alone and restrict their role to remote monitoring; they do not prosecute them for killing non-Sentinelese people.

Population rank: -1

Location: Bay of Bengal

Population: 40 (2011); (census estimate, actual population highly uncertain) May be ...

Area: 59.67 km2 (23.04 sq mi)
Missing: un ‎| ‎Must include


Thanks but I still don't think they will get us..

Exactly, what history? What have these savages achieved?

They achieved minding their own business, and only killing a few people who entered their land in the past 200 years. I know they have nothing on us. We have invaded lands, killed millions, and conquered a continent in the same time. But these "savages" have to go.

So “minding their own business” is what defines a great culture?? You’ve been indoctrinated, which is why your perspective is warped. These people are too stupid to not mind their own business. And we done more to enhance and save lives that can even be fathomed.
youve been indoctrinated to think you have a "right" to their island.
Do you support killing illegals in the US?
one has nothing to do with the other
I guess youve been indoctrinated to believe they have a right to our country. Funny how that doesnt apply to this guy who was murdered.
Here....we'll try it India they have different laws than we do in the US. This island and the people that inhabit it are under India jurisdiction.

North Sentinel Island - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › North_Sentinel_Island

North Sentinel Island is one of the Andaman Islands, which includes South Sentinel Island, in the Bay of Bengal. ... In practice, Indian authorities recognise the islanders' desire to be left alone and restrict their role to remote monitoring; they do not prosecute them for killing non-Sentinelese people.

Population rank: -1

Location: Bay of Bengal

Population: 40 (2011); (census estimate, actual population highly uncertain) May be ...

Area: 59.67 km2 (23.04 sq mi)
Missing: un ‎| ‎Must include


Thanks but I still don't think they will get us..


yep, like arguing with a brick wall......useless.
They achieved minding their own business, and only killing a few people who entered their land in the past 200 years. I know they have nothing on us. We have invaded lands, killed millions, and conquered a continent in the same time. But these "savages" have to go.

So “minding their own business” is what defines a great culture?? You’ve been indoctrinated, which is why your perspective is warped. These people are too stupid to not mind their own business. And we done more to enhance and save lives that can even be fathomed.
youve been indoctrinated to think you have a "right" to their island.

Bullshit. Never did I say that
yea you did. just not smart enough to see it.
^ Worst comeback ever. :cuckoo:
it was fine. your ignorance isnt my challenge.
Here....we'll try it India they have different laws than we do in the US. This island and the people that inhabit it are under India jurisdiction.

North Sentinel Island - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › North_Sentinel_Island

North Sentinel Island is one of the Andaman Islands, which includes South Sentinel Island, in the Bay of Bengal. ... In practice, Indian authorities recognise the islanders' desire to be left alone and restrict their role to remote monitoring; they do not prosecute them for killing non-Sentinelese people.

Population rank: -1

Location: Bay of Bengal

Population: 40 (2011); (census estimate, actual population highly uncertain) May be ...

Area: 59.67 km2 (23.04 sq mi)
Missing: un ‎| ‎Must include


Thanks but I still don't think they will get us..


yep, like arguing with a brick wall......useless.
^ The "No Argument Twins".
They achieved minding their own business, and only killing a few people who entered their land in the past 200 years. I know they have nothing on us. We have invaded lands, killed millions, and conquered a continent in the same time. But these "savages" have to go.

So “minding their own business” is what defines a great culture?? You’ve been indoctrinated, which is why your perspective is warped. These people are too stupid to not mind their own business. And we done more to enhance and save lives that can even be fathomed.
youve been indoctrinated to think you have a "right" to their island.
Do you support killing illegals in the US?
one has nothing to do with the other
I guess youve been indoctrinated to believe they have a right to our country. Funny how that doesnt apply to this guy who was murdered.
one has nothing to do with the other.
They achieved minding their own business, and only killing a few people who entered their land in the past 200 years. I know they have nothing on us. We have invaded lands, killed millions, and conquered a continent in the same time. But these "savages" have to go.

So “minding their own business” is what defines a great culture?? You’ve been indoctrinated, which is why your perspective is warped. These people are too stupid to not mind their own business. And we done more to enhance and save lives that can even be fathomed.
youve been indoctrinated to think you have a "right" to their island.

Bullshit. Never did I say that
yea you did. just not smart enough to see it.
^ Worst comeback ever. :cuckoo:

You want to go all over the world being Charles bronson or something..

Dude how many times do we have to say this is a unique ecosystem..?

Even the India government acknowledge this and they are preserving the culture for future generations of people.

Note to self. When approaching hostile Indians on remote island, always be ARMED.

Or be ready to run like hell.

Yeahbutt it's an island. You best stay home unless you can walk on water.
Thats why you go armed. A few guys with guns could clean up there.

but, but, but...…...that's MURDER!!!! :aargh:
No, its self defense. If they shoot arrows, clean up. I think they need to start having tours go through there constantly, but make sure that everyone is armed in case they are attacked.
So “minding their own business” is what defines a great culture?? You’ve been indoctrinated, which is why your perspective is warped. These people are too stupid to not mind their own business. And we done more to enhance and save lives that can even be fathomed.
youve been indoctrinated to think you have a "right" to their island.

Bullshit. Never did I say that
yea you did. just not smart enough to see it.
^ Worst comeback ever. :cuckoo:

You want to go all over the world being Charles bronson or something..

Dude how many times do we have to say this is a unique ecosystem..?

Even the India government acknowledge this and they are preserving the culture for future generations of people.

What does India have to do with my opinion on this subject?
Note to self. When approaching hostile Indians on remote island, always be ARMED.

Or be ready to run like hell.

Yeahbutt it's an island. You best stay home unless you can walk on water.
Thats why you go armed. A few guys with guns could clean up there.

but, but, but...…...that's MURDER!!!! :aargh:
No, its self defense. If they shoot arrows, clean up. I think they need to start having tours go through there constantly, but make sure that everyone is armed in case they are attacked.
you really are a special kinda stupid.


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