American killed by bow and arrow trying to visit forbidden North Sentinel Island...

This place sounds like a real adventure. So if India doesn’t prosecute people for killing on this island...
Why not go on safari...?
Interesting story about an American man hoping to teach the Word of God to a tribe of people living on an Indian island cut off from the outside world wound up paying a gruesome price for his missionary work. John Allen Chau journeyed to India earlier this month posing as a tourist, but outraged officials in the country say that this was no mere sightseeing trip. On the contrary, the young man's plan was to travel to North Sentinel Island, which is home to an isolated tribe of around two dozen people, whom he wished to convert to Christianity.

North Sentinal Island tribespeople believed to have killed trespassing US 'missionary' - CNN

It appears that his initial mission was successful as, thanks to some help from a handful of local fishermen, he was able to reach North Sentinel Island by canoe late last week. When he arrived, however, it seems that the Sentinelese people were not too keen on breaking bread with the young man nor learning about his religion. Instead, they swiftly shot Chau with a barrage of arrows, smashed his boat, and killed him.

The island and its people are protected by the Indian government, who fear that the tribe could fall ill if they were exposed to 'foreign' germs and, as we have learned in this particular case, because the group is extremely hostile to outsiders. As such, while the Sentinelese will bear no responsibility for their role in Chau's demise, the fishermen who helped him reach the island are being charged with his death, since they had a hand in helping him with the deadly and highly illegal misadventure. Meanwhile, Indian officials are left with a problem on their hands in that they are now trying to figure out how to recover Chau's body from what one would assume is an already trigger happy tribe living on the island.

I read about this earlier today. I find it fascinating that these sorts of small tribal people, with little or no exposure to the modern world, still exist in various places. It's tragic that the man was killed, and it certainly gives emphasis to the restriction against anyone visiting the island.

The tribal people of the remote parts of India have a RIGHT TO THEIR WAY OF LIFE. ----as do the HINDU PEOPLE who live in the cities... <<<<< THAT IS WHY PROSELYTIZING is illegal in India. For better insight talk to a Hindu from India and stop being so damned closedminded
and provincial
American killed by bow and arrow-wielding tribe while trying to visit remote Indian island

An American tourist trying to visit a lush, remote island in India has been killed by a tribe completely cut off from the outside world and known to attack outsiders with bows and arrows, police revealed Wednesday.

Indian officials have identified the victim as John Allen Chau, 27. They added that he was illegally ferried by fishermen to North Sentinel Island last week, part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a group of islands in the Bay of Bengal between India and Burma.

“Adventure awaits. So do leeches,” read the final post on his Instagram account, dated Nov. 2. On his Facebook profile, Chau described himself as a “soccer coach, traveller, and writer.” He often posted images of his worldwide exploits online, such as hikes in Washington state and prior trips to India.

Dependera Pathak, director-general of police on India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands, told the Associated Press that Chau arrived in the region on Oct. 16 and stayed in a hotel while he prepared to visit the prohibited island.

He said Chau organized his visit to the island through a friend who hired seven fishermen for $325 to take him there on a boat, which also towed his kayak.

Chau went ashore in his kayak on Nov. 15 and sent the boat with the fishermen out to sea to avoid detection, Pathak said. He interacted with some of the tribespeople, giving them gifts he had prepared such as a football and fish. But the tribespeople became angry and shot an arrow at him which apparently hit a book he was carrying, Pathak said.

The American's kayak became damaged, so he swam to the fishermen's boat, which was waiting at a prearranged location. There he spent the night and wrote out his experiences on pages of paper which he gave to the fishermen, Pathak said.

In one of the notes handed over, according to the New York Times, Chau wrote about Jesus bestowing him with the strength to visit some of the most forbidden places on Earth.

Chau then set off for the island again the following day. Sources who spoke to AFP though said once he set foot on shore, he was “attacked by arrows but he continued walking.

“The fishermen saw the tribals tying a rope around his neck and dragging his body,” one source added.

Following Chau's death, the fishermen left for Port Blair, the capital of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where they informed Chau's friend, who notified his family, Pathak said.

He said the family got in touch with Indian police and U.S. consular officials.

"It was a case of misdirected adventure," he added.

The body, according to Reuters, has not yet been recovered as of Wednesday, and those who took him to the island are said to have been arrested.

"The investigation in this matter is on," senior police officer Deepak Yadav said, announcing that the seven fishermen have been taken into custody.

Did this dummy spend even five minutes Googling "North Sentinel Island" before going on his "adventure"? Turns out they don't like visitors.

.... I'm thinking he's probably Asian with a name like Chau.

What the hell does that matter?
This is what much of the world would still look like today if not for Europeans and their technology, especially the African continent.

I read American Indian tribes had a Thanksgiving memorial and protest over 600 years of Disease , racism and oppression forced on them by Europeans. Maybe we should give them their Property back. Seems they have an issue with Illegal immigration.

I think you should start by giving them your home.
American killed by bow and arrow-wielding tribe while trying to visit remote Indian island

An American tourist trying to visit a lush, remote island in India has been killed by a tribe completely cut off from the outside world and known to attack outsiders with bows and arrows, police revealed Wednesday.

Indian officials have identified the victim as John Allen Chau, 27. They added that he was illegally ferried by fishermen to North Sentinel Island last week, part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a group of islands in the Bay of Bengal between India and Burma.

“Adventure awaits. So do leeches,” read the final post on his Instagram account, dated Nov. 2. On his Facebook profile, Chau described himself as a “soccer coach, traveller, and writer.” He often posted images of his worldwide exploits online, such as hikes in Washington state and prior trips to India.

Dependera Pathak, director-general of police on India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands, told the Associated Press that Chau arrived in the region on Oct. 16 and stayed in a hotel while he prepared to visit the prohibited island.

He said Chau organized his visit to the island through a friend who hired seven fishermen for $325 to take him there on a boat, which also towed his kayak.

Chau went ashore in his kayak on Nov. 15 and sent the boat with the fishermen out to sea to avoid detection, Pathak said. He interacted with some of the tribespeople, giving them gifts he had prepared such as a football and fish. But the tribespeople became angry and shot an arrow at him which apparently hit a book he was carrying, Pathak said.

The American's kayak became damaged, so he swam to the fishermen's boat, which was waiting at a prearranged location. There he spent the night and wrote out his experiences on pages of paper which he gave to the fishermen, Pathak said.

In one of the notes handed over, according to the New York Times, Chau wrote about Jesus bestowing him with the strength to visit some of the most forbidden places on Earth.

Chau then set off for the island again the following day. Sources who spoke to AFP though said once he set foot on shore, he was “attacked by arrows but he continued walking.

“The fishermen saw the tribals tying a rope around his neck and dragging his body,” one source added.

Following Chau's death, the fishermen left for Port Blair, the capital of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where they informed Chau's friend, who notified his family, Pathak said.

He said the family got in touch with Indian police and U.S. consular officials.

"It was a case of misdirected adventure," he added.

The body, according to Reuters, has not yet been recovered as of Wednesday, and those who took him to the island are said to have been arrested.

"The investigation in this matter is on," senior police officer Deepak Yadav said, announcing that the seven fishermen have been taken into custody.

Did this dummy spend even five minutes Googling "North Sentinel Island" before going on his "adventure"? Turns out they don't like visitors.
Just another liberal gone to his just desserts...Liberals do have a deathwish, especially when it comes to "FEEL GOOD" moments..
Go fuck your self peice of shit.
Must of hit a nerve on the stupidity of liberalism and how it kills...
You have shown me you are a walking billboard for abortion. Your mother must be proud.
yes, if any liberal wants to abort their baby, that is their choice, just like doing hard drugs kills liberals too. When all the liberal now and in the future are gone, because you are going extinct, then the world will be a better place...I salute you on your liberal destruction.

American killed by bow and arrow-wielding tribe while trying to visit remote Indian island

Did this dummy spend even five minutes Googling "North Sentinel Island" before going on his "adventure"? Turns out they don't like visitors.
Just another liberal gone to his just desserts...Liberals do have a deathwish, especially when it comes to "FEEL GOOD" moments..
Go fuck your self peice of shit.
Must of hit a nerve on the stupidity of liberalism and how it kills...
You have shown me you are a walking billboard for abortion. Your mother must be proud.
yes, if any liberal wants to abort their baby, that is their choice, just like doing hard drugs kills liberals too. When all the liberal now and in the future are gone, because you are going extinct, then the world will be a better place...I salute you on your liberal destruction.

View attachment 230479
Your momma should have aborted your ass idiot.
Misguided youth.


Check out their Longbow:


They are not playing around, that is a heavy-duty bow.

First picture of tourist killed on North Sentinel Island by uncontacted tribe
-------------------- i'd leave the cave men alone , poor ADULT missionary was killed for his invasion of 'sentinel' Island and i'd leave it at that .
You don't have a say, any more than I do. Unfortunately, the Indian government shares your racist view. An American was murdered and there will be no consequences.
Little i know of this deal these cave men are stone age and uncontacted . I'd say that they should be studied and thats about it . Missionary had been warned wasn't he ??
Think It Supersedes Foreigner's Laws In Their Own Countries ??
What country?

And BTW, the Bill of Rights are the true human rights. They come from GOD. Governments may trample over your rights but you still have them.

Murder is a universal crime. Doesn't mean it won't happen, but when it does, governments exist solely to defend these universal truths.

The Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution.
Neither were Gods words, they were written by mankind here in the dirt of what was to become America.
and i am sympathetic to the missionary but like i said , he had been warned i think DA.
cavemen are ignorant of the world and uncontacted and no understanding of the outside world is my reason for just ignoring the killing .
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