American killed by bow and arrow trying to visit forbidden North Sentinel Island...

Speaking Of 'Savior Complex'
SweetSue92 said:
to know not to kill the man approaching.
They FINALLY Drove Him Out
Yet, He Insisted On Returning AGAIN -- ILLEGALLY
He Asked For It

The Rest Of Your Post Is Made-Up Nonsense
You Know Isn't True, Yourself
So Is Not Worthy Of Addressing

It absolutely is true. A great number of "modern" people have romanticized those who live primitively. You're not aware of this? You don't see it all around you?
What is missing here is posters who never been to a museum

Or a library or a zoo
What Isn't Missing
Is People That Create Their Own Laws Out Of Thin Air
And Think Their Supposed Moralities
Are Universally Binding On Everyone Else On Earth

Just Stand On A Street-Corner In Toronto
Talk The Awful Truth About Islam Or The Homosexual Lifestyle
And See What Happens To Their 'Freedom Of Speech' Laws
That They Enjoy Here In The United States

That some nations have different laws does not make moral truths less true.

Here's the often used example: It is wrong to torture babies for fun. It is wrong in all cultures, in all times, in all places.

I'm not going to argue against that. Someone could, but we would all recognize them as ghouls.
Speaking Of 'Savior Complex'
SweetSue92 said:
to know not to kill the man approaching.
They FINALLY Drove Him Out
Yet, He Insisted On Returning AGAIN -- ILLEGALLY
He Asked For It

The Rest Of Your Post Is Made-Up Nonsense
You Know Isn't True, Yourself
So Is Not Worthy Of Addressing

A great number of "modern" people have romanticized those who live primitively.
So true! The Native Americans being one. And the Australian Aboriginals being another.
Speaking Of 'Savior Complex'
SweetSue92 said:
to know not to kill the man approaching.
They FINALLY Drove Him Out
Yet, He Insisted On Returning AGAIN -- ILLEGALLY
He Asked For It

The Rest Of Your Post Is Made-Up Nonsense
You Know Isn't True, Yourself
So Is Not Worthy Of Addressing

A great number of "modern" people have romanticized those who live primitively.
So true! The Native Americans being one. And the Australian Aboriginals being another.

Right. I mean I see no reason to denigrate them for this. But I don't revere them for it either. Much of modern society has been taught to revere these cultures. I don't buy that.
Speaking Of 'Savior Complex'
SweetSue92 said:
to know not to kill the man approaching.
They FINALLY Drove Him Out
Yet, He Insisted On Returning AGAIN -- ILLEGALLY
He Asked For It

The Rest Of Your Post Is Made-Up Nonsense
You Know Isn't True, Yourself
So Is Not Worthy Of Addressing

A great number of "modern" people have romanticized those who live primitively.
So true! The Native Americans being one. And the Australian Aboriginals being another.

Right. I mean I see no reason to denigrate them for this. But I don't revere them for it either. Much of modern society has been taught to revere these cultures. I don't buy that.
Yup. Lots of ignoramuses paint these people as a pastoral bunch of enviro-peacenics, whose serpent in the garden moment was the white mans arrival.
This is what relgion does to the mind. Makes you delusion that some character in the sky is going to protect you.

So you know for certain that the character in the sky doesn't exist, or that their is no possibility that a higher power exists. How'd we get here?

Even if there is a God, it's obvious he doesn't give a shit about human beings. Otherwise why did t God protect him? Or protect the many other people suffering in the world.

And I need evidence that God exist. I don't make a habit of going on faith anymore. I spent 30 years of my life doing that. I go by hard facts now.

Nowhere in the Bible did God promise that life in this world would be without hardships, or that we’re guaranteed a long life. God’s protection is a bigger picture sort of thing. In other words, even if we go through terrible trials, suffering, tragedies, etc, God can take a bad situation and bring something good out of it. In the long run, all things work together for good, for those who love God. But regardless of how good or bad our life is here in this world… If one has God, this is not all there is. This is just temporary, and our true home is in heaven. (From a Christian perspective, obviously.)

But God promises to reward his children. I wouldn't except God to give people a life of luxury, but God could at least lend a hand to those in need. Why would he allow preist to molest children. Or why would he allow babies to suffer with abusive parents

God seems sadistic to me.
If these people’s actions were morally, and principly sound; then they would apply to everyone. Ergo, some farmer in Texas would be perfectly justified in blowing away “invaders”. Yet some here think that only these island dwellers have some manifest right to murder people.
Conversely the deceased is denigrated as some sort of invader who deserved to be killed for having the gall to enter this territory uninvited. And surely he is a front runner for this years Darwin Awards. But still. If ones morals and principles are consistent, and sound; what applies there, applies here, or anywhere else for that matter.

Yes. Two things:

1. The Islanders were protecting a primitive culture, and they are "diverse", so much latitude is given. Too much.

2. There's savior complex going on here, and I don't mean on the part of the missionary. Many defenders of the Islanders believe they can't have been expected to know better--to know not to kill the man approaching.

Both are shameful if you ask me. You don't get more latitude because your skin is brown, you use bow and arrows and wear no clothes. And how did the Islanders know the man was not starving and just wanted food? We can't hold them to that standard? Why not?
Third times the charm
If these people’s actions were morally, and principly sound; then they would apply to everyone. Ergo, some farmer in Texas would be perfectly justified in blowing away “invaders”. Yet some here think that only these island dwellers have some manifest right to murder people.
Conversely the deceased is denigrated as some sort of invader who deserved to be killed for having the gall to enter this territory uninvited. And surely he is a front runner for this years Darwin Awards. But still. If ones morals and principles are consistent, and sound; what applies there, applies here, or anywhere else for that matter.

Yes. Two things:

1. The Islanders were protecting a primitive culture, and they are "diverse", so much latitude is given. Too much.

2. There's savior complex going on here, and I don't mean on the part of the missionary. Many defenders of the Islanders believe they can't have been expected to know better--to know not to kill the man approaching.

Both are shameful if you ask me. You don't get more latitude because your skin is brown, you use bow and arrows and wear no clothes. And how did the Islanders know the man was not starving and just wanted food? We can't hold them to that standard? Why not?
Third times the charm
I look at it like the island is their house and he repeatedly broke into to it. What a fucking dip shit
Speaking Of 'Savior Complex'
SweetSue92 said:
to know not to kill the man approaching.
They FINALLY Drove Him Out
Yet, He Insisted On Returning AGAIN -- ILLEGALLY
He Asked For It

The Rest Of Your Post Is Made-Up Nonsense
You Know Isn't True, Yourself
So Is Not Worthy Of Addressing

A great number of "modern" people have romanticized those who live primitively.
So true! The Native Americans being one. And the Australian Aboriginals being another.
We need to go give them savages some jebus and edjumucation. That’ll learn em just like we lenrt the savages in the great ol USA. They’re thriving like no other culture on earth. Joke
The pure unadulterated stupidity of some people on this forum is truly shocking. Well played
Speaking Of 'Savior Complex'
SweetSue92 said:
to know not to kill the man approaching.
They FINALLY Drove Him Out
Yet, He Insisted On Returning AGAIN -- ILLEGALLY
He Asked For It

The Rest Of Your Post Is Made-Up Nonsense
You Know Isn't True, Yourself
So Is Not Worthy Of Addressing

A great number of "modern" people have romanticized those who live primitively.
So true! The Native Americans being one. And the Australian Aboriginals being another.
We need to go give them savages some jebus and edjumucation. That’ll learn em just like we lenrt the savages in the great ol USA. They’re thriving like no other culture on earth. Joke
The natives birth rates, and life expectancy have improved since contact with whites. Ooops!
If these people’s actions were morally, and principly sound; then they would apply to everyone. Ergo, some farmer in Texas would be perfectly justified in blowing away “invaders”. Yet some here think that only these island dwellers have some manifest right to murder people.
Conversely the deceased is denigrated as some sort of invader who deserved to be killed for having the gall to enter this territory uninvited. And surely he is a front runner for this years Darwin Awards. But still. If ones morals and principles are consistent, and sound; what applies there, applies here, or anywhere else for that matter.

Yes. Two things:

1. The Islanders were protecting a primitive culture, and they are "diverse", so much latitude is given. Too much.

2. There's savior complex going on here, and I don't mean on the part of the missionary. Many defenders of the Islanders believe they can't have been expected to know better--to know not to kill the man approaching.

Both are shameful if you ask me. You don't get more latitude because your skin is brown, you use bow and arrows and wear no clothes. And how did the Islanders know the man was not starving and just wanted food? We can't hold them to that standard? Why not?
Third times the charm
I look at it like the island is their house and he repeatedly broke into to it. What a fucking dip shit
Well India looks at the island as “India”. So if India won’t prosecute murders that happen under their governance; their governance is squarely in question...
Speaking Of 'Savior Complex'
SweetSue92 said:
to know not to kill the man approaching.
They FINALLY Drove Him Out
Yet, He Insisted On Returning AGAIN -- ILLEGALLY
He Asked For It

The Rest Of Your Post Is Made-Up Nonsense
You Know Isn't True, Yourself
So Is Not Worthy Of Addressing

A great number of "modern" people have romanticized those who live primitively.
So true! The Native Americans being one. And the Australian Aboriginals being another.
We need to go give them savages some jebus and edjumucation. That’ll learn em just like we lenrt the savages in the great ol USA. They’re thriving like no other culture on earth. Joke

I'm not a colonizer. I don't believe one group of people have a moral imperative to make another group of people live like they do. Or should try to.

But to use a modern example. If one group of people has modern sewer systems with flush toilets in every home, and another culture is still digging holes in the dirt with sticks to poop in...I think we know who has the superior culture.

And I don't know what's wrong with saying that. Liberals would always, ALWAYS choose to live in the former, but love to chastise anyone to actually speaks the truth outloud.
If these people’s actions were morally, and principly sound; then they would apply to everyone. Ergo, some farmer in Texas would be perfectly justified in blowing away “invaders”. Yet some here think that only these island dwellers have some manifest right to murder people.
Conversely the deceased is denigrated as some sort of invader who deserved to be killed for having the gall to enter this territory uninvited. And surely he is a front runner for this years Darwin Awards. But still. If ones morals and principles are consistent, and sound; what applies there, applies here, or anywhere else for that matter.

Yes. Two things:

1. The Islanders were protecting a primitive culture, and they are "diverse", so much latitude is given. Too much.

2. There's savior complex going on here, and I don't mean on the part of the missionary. Many defenders of the Islanders believe they can't have been expected to know better--to know not to kill the man approaching.

Both are shameful if you ask me. You don't get more latitude because your skin is brown, you use bow and arrows and wear no clothes. And how did the Islanders know the man was not starving and just wanted food? We can't hold them to that standard? Why not?
Third times the charm
I look at it like the island is their house and he repeatedly broke into to it. What a fucking dip shit
Well India looks at the island as “India”. So if India won’t prosecute murders that happen under their governance; their governance is squarely in question...

There was a statement issued from Port Blair, the capital of Andaman & Nicobar. They are sending police reinforcement to Sentinel Island to make sure no religious nutcase tries to do a revenge killing. They will patrol the area to protect the tribe from religious nutcases like Chau.
So bomb them into the Stone Age- there’s an irony there I just can’t grasp it.
Speaking Of 'Savior Complex'
SweetSue92 said:
to know not to kill the man approaching.
They FINALLY Drove Him Out
Yet, He Insisted On Returning AGAIN -- ILLEGALLY
He Asked For It

The Rest Of Your Post Is Made-Up Nonsense
You Know Isn't True, Yourself
So Is Not Worthy Of Addressing

A great number of "modern" people have romanticized those who live primitively.
So true! The Native Americans being one. And the Australian Aboriginals being another.
We need to go give them savages some jebus and edjumucation. That’ll learn em just like we lenrt the savages in the great ol USA. They’re thriving like no other culture on earth. Joke

I'm not a colonizer. I don't believe one group of people have a moral imperative to make another group of people live like they do. Or should try to.

But to use a modern example. If one group of people has modern sewer systems with flush toilets in every home, and another culture is still digging holes in the dirt with sticks to poop in...I think we know who has the superior culture.

And I don't know what's wrong with saying that. Liberals would always, ALWAYS choose to live in the former, but love to chastise anyone to actually speaks the truth outloud.
Blah blah fucking blah. You sound like a real piece of work. It’s fucking sick
So bomb them into the Stone Age- there’s an irony there I just can’t grasp it.
Speaking Of 'Savior Complex'They FINALLY Drove Him Out
Yet, He Insisted On Returning AGAIN -- ILLEGALLY
He Asked For It

The Rest Of Your Post Is Made-Up Nonsense
You Know Isn't True, Yourself
So Is Not Worthy Of Addressing

A great number of "modern" people have romanticized those who live primitively.
So true! The Native Americans being one. And the Australian Aboriginals being another.
We need to go give them savages some jebus and edjumucation. That’ll learn em just like we lenrt the savages in the great ol USA. They’re thriving like no other culture on earth. Joke

I'm not a colonizer. I don't believe one group of people have a moral imperative to make another group of people live like they do. Or should try to.

But to use a modern example. If one group of people has modern sewer systems with flush toilets in every home, and another culture is still digging holes in the dirt with sticks to poop in...I think we know who has the superior culture.

And I don't know what's wrong with saying that. Liberals would always, ALWAYS choose to live in the former, but love to chastise anyone to actually speaks the truth outloud.
Blah blah fucking blah. You sound like a real piece of work. It’s fucking sick

I'm right, and you have nothing to say about it, so you all but declare that you're brainwashed by attempting to insult me.

A real freethinker right here. Way to go, Minion, you've chomped down the talking points just like they told you to.
So bomb them into the Stone Age- there’s an irony there I just can’t grasp it.
A great number of "modern" people have romanticized those who live primitively.
So true! The Native Americans being one. And the Australian Aboriginals being another.
We need to go give them savages some jebus and edjumucation. That’ll learn em just like we lenrt the savages in the great ol USA. They’re thriving like no other culture on earth. Joke

I'm not a colonizer. I don't believe one group of people have a moral imperative to make another group of people live like they do. Or should try to.

But to use a modern example. If one group of people has modern sewer systems with flush toilets in every home, and another culture is still digging holes in the dirt with sticks to poop in...I think we know who has the superior culture.

And I don't know what's wrong with saying that. Liberals would always, ALWAYS choose to live in the former, but love to chastise anyone to actually speaks the truth outloud.
Blah blah fucking blah. You sound like a real piece of work. It’s fucking sick

I'm right, and you have nothing to say about it, so you all but declare that you're brainwashed by attempting to insult me.

A real freethinker right here. Way to go, Minion, you've chomped down the talking points just like they told you to.
Blah blah , blah blah blah????
So bomb them into the Stone Age- there’s an irony there I just can’t grasp it.
So true! The Native Americans being one. And the Australian Aboriginals being another.
We need to go give them savages some jebus and edjumucation. That’ll learn em just like we lenrt the savages in the great ol USA. They’re thriving like no other culture on earth. Joke

I'm not a colonizer. I don't believe one group of people have a moral imperative to make another group of people live like they do. Or should try to.

But to use a modern example. If one group of people has modern sewer systems with flush toilets in every home, and another culture is still digging holes in the dirt with sticks to poop in...I think we know who has the superior culture.

And I don't know what's wrong with saying that. Liberals would always, ALWAYS choose to live in the former, but love to chastise anyone to actually speaks the truth outloud.
Blah blah fucking blah. You sound like a real piece of work. It’s fucking sick

I'm right, and you have nothing to say about it, so you all but declare that you're brainwashed by attempting to insult me.

A real freethinker right here. Way to go, Minion, you've chomped down the talking points just like they told you to.
Blah blah , blah blah blah????
So you’re saying the American Indian living insqualor, his culture diminished to ashes struggling with alcohol perhaps and domestic violence after a couple of hundred years of being “assimilated” is better off then when he roamed the open prairies in pursuit of Buffalo at one with his people and his religion is better off because he has a toilet. Got it

You’re an idiot
This is what relgion does to the mind. Makes you delusion that some character in the sky is going to protect you.

So you know for certain that the character in the sky doesn't exist, or that their is no possibility that a higher power exists. How'd we get here?

Even if there is a God, it's obvious he doesn't give a shit about human beings. Otherwise why did t God protect him? Or protect the many other people suffering in the world.

And I need evidence that God exist. I don't make a habit of going on faith anymore. I spent 30 years of my life doing that. I go by hard facts now.

Nowhere in the Bible did God promise that life in this world would be without hardships, or that we’re guaranteed a long life. God’s protection is a bigger picture sort of thing. In other words, even if we go through terrible trials, suffering, tragedies, etc, God can take a bad situation and bring something good out of it. In the long run, all things work together for good, for those who love God. But regardless of how good or bad our life is here in this world… If one has God, this is not all there is. This is just temporary, and our true home is in heaven. (From a Christian perspective, obviously.)

But God promises to reward his children. I wouldn't except God to give people a life of luxury, but God could at least lend a hand to those in need. Why would he allow preist to molest children. Or why would he allow babies to suffer with abusive parents

God seems sadistic to me.
You miss the purpose of this temporary dream.

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