American killed by bow and arrow trying to visit forbidden North Sentinel Island...

So bomb them into the Stone Age- there’s an irony there I just can’t grasp it.
We need to go give them savages some jebus and edjumucation. That’ll learn em just like we lenrt the savages in the great ol USA. They’re thriving like no other culture on earth. Joke

I'm not a colonizer. I don't believe one group of people have a moral imperative to make another group of people live like they do. Or should try to.

But to use a modern example. If one group of people has modern sewer systems with flush toilets in every home, and another culture is still digging holes in the dirt with sticks to poop in...I think we know who has the superior culture.

And I don't know what's wrong with saying that. Liberals would always, ALWAYS choose to live in the former, but love to chastise anyone to actually speaks the truth outloud.
Blah blah fucking blah. You sound like a real piece of work. It’s fucking sick

I'm right, and you have nothing to say about it, so you all but declare that you're brainwashed by attempting to insult me.

A real freethinker right here. Way to go, Minion, you've chomped down the talking points just like they told you to.
Blah blah , blah blah blah????
So you’re saying the American Indian living insqualor, his culture diminished to ashes struggling with alcohol perhaps and domestic violence after a couple of hundred years of being “assimilated” is better off then when he roamed the open prairies in pursuit of Buffalo at one with his people and his religion is better off because he has a toilet. Got it

You’re an idiot
Only the weak, and inept; are in squalor... The Alphas own casinos...
So bomb them into the Stone Age- there’s an irony there I just can’t grasp it.
We need to go give them savages some jebus and edjumucation. That’ll learn em just like we lenrt the savages in the great ol USA. They’re thriving like no other culture on earth. Joke

I'm not a colonizer. I don't believe one group of people have a moral imperative to make another group of people live like they do. Or should try to.

But to use a modern example. If one group of people has modern sewer systems with flush toilets in every home, and another culture is still digging holes in the dirt with sticks to poop in...I think we know who has the superior culture.

And I don't know what's wrong with saying that. Liberals would always, ALWAYS choose to live in the former, but love to chastise anyone to actually speaks the truth outloud.
Blah blah fucking blah. You sound like a real piece of work. It’s fucking sick

I'm right, and you have nothing to say about it, so you all but declare that you're brainwashed by attempting to insult me.

A real freethinker right here. Way to go, Minion, you've chomped down the talking points just like they told you to.
Blah blah , blah blah blah????
So you’re saying the American Indian living insqualor, his culture diminished to ashes struggling with alcohol perhaps and domestic violence after a couple of hundred years of being “assimilated” is better off then when he roamed the open prairies in pursuit of Buffalo at one with his people and his religion is better off because he has a toilet. Got it

You’re an idiot

You called him an "Indian". Guess you didn't learn the lessons of your Overlords that great did you? And way to go with those stereotypes. Next up we'll be hearing about drunken Indians.

Back to reeducation camp for you. You suck at this.
So bomb them into the Stone Age- there’s an irony there I just can’t grasp it.
We need to go give them savages some jebus and edjumucation. That’ll learn em just like we lenrt the savages in the great ol USA. They’re thriving like no other culture on earth. Joke

I'm not a colonizer. I don't believe one group of people have a moral imperative to make another group of people live like they do. Or should try to.

But to use a modern example. If one group of people has modern sewer systems with flush toilets in every home, and another culture is still digging holes in the dirt with sticks to poop in...I think we know who has the superior culture.

And I don't know what's wrong with saying that. Liberals would always, ALWAYS choose to live in the former, but love to chastise anyone to actually speaks the truth outloud.
Blah blah fucking blah. You sound like a real piece of work. It’s fucking sick

I'm right, and you have nothing to say about it, so you all but declare that you're brainwashed by attempting to insult me.

A real freethinker right here. Way to go, Minion, you've chomped down the talking points just like they told you to.
Blah blah , blah blah blah????
So you’re saying the American Indian living insqualor, his culture diminished to ashes struggling with alcohol perhaps and domestic violence after a couple of hundred years of being “assimilated” is better off then when he roamed the open prairies in pursuit of Buffalo at one with his people and his religion is better off because he has a toilet. Got it

You’re an idiot

Vikrant also needs to go back to reeducation camp it would appear.

Ho hum, not my problem.
So bomb them into the Stone Age- there’s an irony there I just can’t grasp it.
I'm not a colonizer. I don't believe one group of people have a moral imperative to make another group of people live like they do. Or should try to.

But to use a modern example. If one group of people has modern sewer systems with flush toilets in every home, and another culture is still digging holes in the dirt with sticks to poop in...I think we know who has the superior culture.

And I don't know what's wrong with saying that. Liberals would always, ALWAYS choose to live in the former, but love to chastise anyone to actually speaks the truth outloud.
Blah blah fucking blah. You sound like a real piece of work. It’s fucking sick

I'm right, and you have nothing to say about it, so you all but declare that you're brainwashed by attempting to insult me.

A real freethinker right here. Way to go, Minion, you've chomped down the talking points just like they told you to.
Blah blah , blah blah blah????
So you’re saying the American Indian living insqualor, his culture diminished to ashes struggling with alcohol perhaps and domestic violence after a couple of hundred years of being “assimilated” is better off then when he roamed the open prairies in pursuit of Buffalo at one with his people and his religion is better off because he has a toilet. Got it

You’re an idiot

Vikrant also needs to go back to reeducation camp it would appear.

Ho hum, not my problem.

What kind of education do you wish to impart on me?
So bomb them into the Stone Age- there’s an irony there I just can’t grasp it.
We need to go give them savages some jebus and edjumucation. That’ll learn em just like we lenrt the savages in the great ol USA. They’re thriving like no other culture on earth. Joke

I'm not a colonizer. I don't believe one group of people have a moral imperative to make another group of people live like they do. Or should try to.

But to use a modern example. If one group of people has modern sewer systems with flush toilets in every home, and another culture is still digging holes in the dirt with sticks to poop in...I think we know who has the superior culture.

And I don't know what's wrong with saying that. Liberals would always, ALWAYS choose to live in the former, but love to chastise anyone to actually speaks the truth outloud.
Blah blah fucking blah. You sound like a real piece of work. It’s fucking sick

I'm right, and you have nothing to say about it, so you all but declare that you're brainwashed by attempting to insult me.

A real freethinker right here. Way to go, Minion, you've chomped down the talking points just like they told you to.
Blah blah , blah blah blah????
So you’re saying the American Indian living insqualor, his culture diminished to ashes struggling with alcohol perhaps and domestic violence after a couple of hundred years of being “assimilated” is better off then when he roamed the open prairies in pursuit of Buffalo at one with his people and his religion is better off because he has a toilet. Got it

You’re an idiot
How fucking racist of you to assume that the Native American is not responsible enough to be held accountable for his own decisions, and inaction. Typical leftist, racist trash...
So bomb them into the Stone Age- there’s an irony there I just can’t grasp it.
I'm not a colonizer. I don't believe one group of people have a moral imperative to make another group of people live like they do. Or should try to.

But to use a modern example. If one group of people has modern sewer systems with flush toilets in every home, and another culture is still digging holes in the dirt with sticks to poop in...I think we know who has the superior culture.

And I don't know what's wrong with saying that. Liberals would always, ALWAYS choose to live in the former, but love to chastise anyone to actually speaks the truth outloud.
Blah blah fucking blah. You sound like a real piece of work. It’s fucking sick

I'm right, and you have nothing to say about it, so you all but declare that you're brainwashed by attempting to insult me.

A real freethinker right here. Way to go, Minion, you've chomped down the talking points just like they told you to.
Blah blah , blah blah blah????
So you’re saying the American Indian living insqualor, his culture diminished to ashes struggling with alcohol perhaps and domestic violence after a couple of hundred years of being “assimilated” is better off then when he roamed the open prairies in pursuit of Buffalo at one with his people and his religion is better off because he has a toilet. Got it

You’re an idiot
How fucking racist of you to assume that the Native American is not responsible enough to be held accountable for his own decisions, and inaction. Typical leftist, racist trash...

Don't you know that all the American "Indians" live in squalor, drinking all day long and beating their wives? You don't know that when they "roamed the prairie" (can you GET any more simple thinking than that) they were "at one with their people and their religion???

If they could think better, they wouldn't be liberals.
So bomb them into the Stone Age- there’s an irony there I just can’t grasp it.
Blah blah fucking blah. You sound like a real piece of work. It’s fucking sick

I'm right, and you have nothing to say about it, so you all but declare that you're brainwashed by attempting to insult me.

A real freethinker right here. Way to go, Minion, you've chomped down the talking points just like they told you to.
Blah blah , blah blah blah????
So you’re saying the American Indian living insqualor, his culture diminished to ashes struggling with alcohol perhaps and domestic violence after a couple of hundred years of being “assimilated” is better off then when he roamed the open prairies in pursuit of Buffalo at one with his people and his religion is better off because he has a toilet. Got it

You’re an idiot
How fucking racist of you to assume that the Native American is not responsible enough to be held accountable for his own decisions, and inaction. Typical leftist, racist trash...

Don't you know that all the American "Indians" live in squalor, drinking all day long and beating their wives? You don't know that when they "roamed the prairie" (can you GET any more simple thinking than that) they were "at one with their people and their religion???

If they could think better, they wouldn't be liberals.
Oh really? Wow I didn’t know that. Facts hurt fuck head look at some stats and get back to me.
I heard Trump was going to try and hire these guys...

American killed by bow and arrow-wielding tribe while trying to visit remote Indian island

An American tourist trying to visit a lush, remote island in India has been killed by a tribe completely cut off from the outside world and known to attack outsiders with bows and arrows, police revealed Wednesday.

Indian officials have identified the victim as John Allen Chau, 27. They added that he was illegally ferried by fishermen to North Sentinel Island last week, part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a group of islands in the Bay of Bengal between India and Burma.

“Adventure awaits. So do leeches,” read the final post on his Instagram account, dated Nov. 2. On his Facebook profile, Chau described himself as a “soccer coach, traveller, and writer.” He often posted images of his worldwide exploits online, such as hikes in Washington state and prior trips to India.

Dependera Pathak, director-general of police on India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands, told the Associated Press that Chau arrived in the region on Oct. 16 and stayed in a hotel while he prepared to visit the prohibited island.

He said Chau organized his visit to the island through a friend who hired seven fishermen for $325 to take him there on a boat, which also towed his kayak.

Chau went ashore in his kayak on Nov. 15 and sent the boat with the fishermen out to sea to avoid detection, Pathak said. He interacted with some of the tribespeople, giving them gifts he had prepared such as a football and fish. But the tribespeople became angry and shot an arrow at him which apparently hit a book he was carrying, Pathak said.

The American's kayak became damaged, so he swam to the fishermen's boat, which was waiting at a prearranged location. There he spent the night and wrote out his experiences on pages of paper which he gave to the fishermen, Pathak said.

In one of the notes handed over, according to the New York Times, Chau wrote about Jesus bestowing him with the strength to visit some of the most forbidden places on Earth.

Chau then set off for the island again the following day. Sources who spoke to AFP though said once he set foot on shore, he was “attacked by arrows but he continued walking.

“The fishermen saw the tribals tying a rope around his neck and dragging his body,” one source added.

Following Chau's death, the fishermen left for Port Blair, the capital of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where they informed Chau's friend, who notified his family, Pathak said.

He said the family got in touch with Indian police and U.S. consular officials.

"It was a case of misdirected adventure," he added.

The body, according to Reuters, has not yet been recovered as of Wednesday, and those who took him to the island are said to have been arrested.

"The investigation in this matter is on," senior police officer Deepak Yadav said, announcing that the seven fishermen have been taken into custody.

Did this dummy spend even five minutes Googling "North Sentinel Island" before going on his "adventure"? Turns out they don't like visitors.
Just because they are a tribe, doesnt make them immune to punishment for murder. Someone from that tribe needs to be put it prison.

Somebody "Invaded their Country" and they made sure he wouldn't do it again. Ask anyone in that area why they don't go there! Answer : They don't like outsiders, and I don't want to die are probably the top two answers.
So because these people have a history of killing people, its ok for them to kill more people? Why are you excusing cold blooded murder based on THAT?

Attempting to bring someone to “justice” would only result in more deaths.

What would be the point?

He knew the risk and broke the law anyway.
Attempting to bring someone to “justice” would only result in more deaths.

What would be the point?

He knew the risk and broke the law anyway.
Do you feel the same if an innocent American walked into a Muslim "no-go" zone? Yes, they exist. Would you excuse them murdering an American because he should know the risk?
Attempting to bring someone to “justice” would only result in more deaths.

What would be the point?

He knew the risk and broke the law anyway.
Do you feel the same if an innocent American walked into a Muslim "no-go" zone? Yes, they exist. Would you excuse them murdering an American because he should know the risk?
----------------------------------------- if the so called 'american' was in a muslim religion no go zone like England and France have I probably wouldn't care Course if it was a 'sharia' state like 'iran' then i'd care and I might go after the 'iranian' sharia Government . Course , then i'd ask , what kinda dummy goes to ' iran' . Then someone MIGHT explain that this so called 'american' was a dual 'Iranian - american ' import on a trip to see his Grandma and then i'd say , hey , feck that guy DAngel .
but my sympathies are with the missionary but I think that i'd let it go because he had been warned that he might be killed .
American killed by bow and arrow-wielding tribe while trying to visit remote Indian island

An American tourist trying to visit a lush, remote island in India has been killed by a tribe completely cut off from the outside world and known to attack outsiders with bows and arrows, police revealed Wednesday.

Indian officials have identified the victim as John Allen Chau, 27. They added that he was illegally ferried by fishermen to North Sentinel Island last week, part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a group of islands in the Bay of Bengal between India and Burma.

“Adventure awaits. So do leeches,” read the final post on his Instagram account, dated Nov. 2. On his Facebook profile, Chau described himself as a “soccer coach, traveller, and writer.” He often posted images of his worldwide exploits online, such as hikes in Washington state and prior trips to India.

Dependera Pathak, director-general of police on India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands, told the Associated Press that Chau arrived in the region on Oct. 16 and stayed in a hotel while he prepared to visit the prohibited island.

He said Chau organized his visit to the island through a friend who hired seven fishermen for $325 to take him there on a boat, which also towed his kayak.

Chau went ashore in his kayak on Nov. 15 and sent the boat with the fishermen out to sea to avoid detection, Pathak said. He interacted with some of the tribespeople, giving them gifts he had prepared such as a football and fish. But the tribespeople became angry and shot an arrow at him which apparently hit a book he was carrying, Pathak said.

The American's kayak became damaged, so he swam to the fishermen's boat, which was waiting at a prearranged location. There he spent the night and wrote out his experiences on pages of paper which he gave to the fishermen, Pathak said.

In one of the notes handed over, according to the New York Times, Chau wrote about Jesus bestowing him with the strength to visit some of the most forbidden places on Earth.

Chau then set off for the island again the following day. Sources who spoke to AFP though said once he set foot on shore, he was “attacked by arrows but he continued walking.

“The fishermen saw the tribals tying a rope around his neck and dragging his body,” one source added.

Following Chau's death, the fishermen left for Port Blair, the capital of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where they informed Chau's friend, who notified his family, Pathak said.

He said the family got in touch with Indian police and U.S. consular officials.

"It was a case of misdirected adventure," he added.

The body, according to Reuters, has not yet been recovered as of Wednesday, and those who took him to the island are said to have been arrested.

"The investigation in this matter is on," senior police officer Deepak Yadav said, announcing that the seven fishermen have been taken into custody.

Did this dummy spend even five minutes Googling "North Sentinel Island" before going on his "adventure"? Turns out they don't like visitors.
Just because they are a tribe, doesnt make them immune to punishment for murder. Someone from that tribe needs to be put it prison.

Somebody "Invaded their Country" and they made sure he wouldn't do it again. Ask anyone in that area why they don't go there! Answer : They don't like outsiders, and I don't want to die are probably the top two answers.
So because these people have a history of killing people, its ok for them to kill more people? Why are you excusing cold blooded murder based on THAT?

Attempting to bring someone to “justice” would only result in more deaths.

What would be the point?

He knew the risk and broke the law anyway.
Is that how we should handle "armed and dangerous" criminals in the US, since it might result in more deaths?
American killed by bow and arrow-wielding tribe while trying to visit remote Indian island

An American tourist trying to visit a lush, remote island in India has been killed by a tribe completely cut off from the outside world and known to attack outsiders with bows and arrows, police revealed Wednesday.

Indian officials have identified the victim as John Allen Chau, 27. They added that he was illegally ferried by fishermen to North Sentinel Island last week, part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a group of islands in the Bay of Bengal between India and Burma.

“Adventure awaits. So do leeches,” read the final post on his Instagram account, dated Nov. 2. On his Facebook profile, Chau described himself as a “soccer coach, traveller, and writer.” He often posted images of his worldwide exploits online, such as hikes in Washington state and prior trips to India.

Dependera Pathak, director-general of police on India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands, told the Associated Press that Chau arrived in the region on Oct. 16 and stayed in a hotel while he prepared to visit the prohibited island.

He said Chau organized his visit to the island through a friend who hired seven fishermen for $325 to take him there on a boat, which also towed his kayak.

Chau went ashore in his kayak on Nov. 15 and sent the boat with the fishermen out to sea to avoid detection, Pathak said. He interacted with some of the tribespeople, giving them gifts he had prepared such as a football and fish. But the tribespeople became angry and shot an arrow at him which apparently hit a book he was carrying, Pathak said.

The American's kayak became damaged, so he swam to the fishermen's boat, which was waiting at a prearranged location. There he spent the night and wrote out his experiences on pages of paper which he gave to the fishermen, Pathak said.

In one of the notes handed over, according to the New York Times, Chau wrote about Jesus bestowing him with the strength to visit some of the most forbidden places on Earth.

Chau then set off for the island again the following day. Sources who spoke to AFP though said once he set foot on shore, he was “attacked by arrows but he continued walking.

“The fishermen saw the tribals tying a rope around his neck and dragging his body,” one source added.

Following Chau's death, the fishermen left for Port Blair, the capital of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where they informed Chau's friend, who notified his family, Pathak said.

He said the family got in touch with Indian police and U.S. consular officials.

"It was a case of misdirected adventure," he added.

The body, according to Reuters, has not yet been recovered as of Wednesday, and those who took him to the island are said to have been arrested.

"The investigation in this matter is on," senior police officer Deepak Yadav said, announcing that the seven fishermen have been taken into custody.

Did this dummy spend even five minutes Googling "North Sentinel Island" before going on his "adventure"? Turns out they don't like visitors.
Just because they are a tribe, doesnt make them immune to punishment for murder. Someone from that tribe needs to be put it prison.

Somebody "Invaded their Country" and they made sure he wouldn't do it again. Ask anyone in that area why they don't go there! Answer : They don't like outsiders, and I don't want to die are probably the top two answers.
So because these people have a history of killing people, its ok for them to kill more people? Why are you excusing cold blooded murder based on THAT?
Do you understand what the laws are in place with this tribe on this island? I recall reading where they have given the tribe pretty much full reign. No laws were broken
except for the fishermen and friend who brought the 'not so bright' missionary to the island illegally. There is a reason for the island to have a red flag.
American killed by bow and arrow-wielding tribe while trying to visit remote Indian island

Did this dummy spend even five minutes Googling "North Sentinel Island" before going on his "adventure"? Turns out they don't like visitors.
Just because they are a tribe, doesnt make them immune to punishment for murder. Someone from that tribe needs to be put it prison.

Somebody "Invaded their Country" and they made sure he wouldn't do it again. Ask anyone in that area why they don't go there! Answer : They don't like outsiders, and I don't want to die are probably the top two answers.
So because these people have a history of killing people, its ok for them to kill more people? Why are you excusing cold blooded murder based on THAT?

Attempting to bring someone to “justice” would only result in more deaths.

What would be the point?

He knew the risk and broke the law anyway.
Is that how we should handle "armed and dangerous" criminals in the US, since it might result in more deaths?
Huh? You brought a basket of apples and a box of oranges to this discussion?
American killed by bow and arrow-wielding tribe while trying to visit remote Indian island

Did this dummy spend even five minutes Googling "North Sentinel Island" before going on his "adventure"? Turns out they don't like visitors.
Just because they are a tribe, doesnt make them immune to punishment for murder. Someone from that tribe needs to be put it prison.

Somebody "Invaded their Country" and they made sure he wouldn't do it again. Ask anyone in that area why they don't go there! Answer : They don't like outsiders, and I don't want to die are probably the top two answers.
So because these people have a history of killing people, its ok for them to kill more people? Why are you excusing cold blooded murder based on THAT?

Are they running around India killing people?

People are invading there island..

So you are in support of shooting illegal mexicans in the US i presume?
Well... If killing on this island is permissible.; perhaps some of this guys friends, and loved ones aught to go seek justice...
American killed by bow and arrow-wielding tribe while trying to visit remote Indian island

An American tourist trying to visit a lush, remote island in India has been killed by a tribe completely cut off from the outside world and known to attack outsiders with bows and arrows, police revealed Wednesday.

Indian officials have identified the victim as John Allen Chau, 27. They added that he was illegally ferried by fishermen to North Sentinel Island last week, part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a group of islands in the Bay of Bengal between India and Burma.

“Adventure awaits. So do leeches,” read the final post on his Instagram account, dated Nov. 2. On his Facebook profile, Chau described himself as a “soccer coach, traveller, and writer.” He often posted images of his worldwide exploits online, such as hikes in Washington state and prior trips to India.

Dependera Pathak, director-general of police on India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands, told the Associated Press that Chau arrived in the region on Oct. 16 and stayed in a hotel while he prepared to visit the prohibited island.

He said Chau organized his visit to the island through a friend who hired seven fishermen for $325 to take him there on a boat, which also towed his kayak.

Chau went ashore in his kayak on Nov. 15 and sent the boat with the fishermen out to sea to avoid detection, Pathak said. He interacted with some of the tribespeople, giving them gifts he had prepared such as a football and fish. But the tribespeople became angry and shot an arrow at him which apparently hit a book he was carrying, Pathak said.

The American's kayak became damaged, so he swam to the fishermen's boat, which was waiting at a prearranged location. There he spent the night and wrote out his experiences on pages of paper which he gave to the fishermen, Pathak said.

In one of the notes handed over, according to the New York Times, Chau wrote about Jesus bestowing him with the strength to visit some of the most forbidden places on Earth.

Chau then set off for the island again the following day. Sources who spoke to AFP though said once he set foot on shore, he was “attacked by arrows but he continued walking.

“The fishermen saw the tribals tying a rope around his neck and dragging his body,” one source added.

Following Chau's death, the fishermen left for Port Blair, the capital of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where they informed Chau's friend, who notified his family, Pathak said.

He said the family got in touch with Indian police and U.S. consular officials.

"It was a case of misdirected adventure," he added.

The body, according to Reuters, has not yet been recovered as of Wednesday, and those who took him to the island are said to have been arrested.

"The investigation in this matter is on," senior police officer Deepak Yadav said, announcing that the seven fishermen have been taken into custody.

Did this dummy spend even five minutes Googling "North Sentinel Island" before going on his "adventure"? Turns out they don't like visitors.
Just because they are a tribe, doesnt make them immune to punishment for murder. Someone from that tribe needs to be put it prison.

Somebody "Invaded their Country" and they made sure he wouldn't do it again. Ask anyone in that area why they don't go there! Answer : They don't like outsiders, and I don't want to die are probably the top two answers.
So because these people have a history of killing people, its ok for them to kill more people? Why are you excusing cold blooded murder based on THAT?
Yes, they have a history of killing people and yes, it's ok for them to kill more people.....and get this, at their discretion. Not cold blooded murder, everyone knows those islands are off limits. Kinda like buyer beware
Well... If killing on this island is permissible.; perhaps some of this guys friends, and loved ones aught to go seek justice...

So you want an invading army..

Why doesn't these guys comprehend no trespassing , if you do you will die.


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