American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act Would Develop National Manufacturing


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010

On June 20, 2013, U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-IL-) introduced H.R. 2447, “The American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2013,”a bill that would bring together the private and public sectors to develop recommendations to revitalize American manufacturing and create good-paying, middle-class jobs here at home.” U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger (IL-16) is the lead Republican cosponsor.

This bill is a pillar of the “Make It in America” jobs plan in the House and would require the National Science and Technology Council’s Committee on Technology to develop a national manufacturing competitiveness strategic plan that would be updated every four years. The goals of the strategic plan would be to promote growth of the manufacturing sector, support the development of a skilled manufacturing workforce, enable innovation and investment in domestic manufacturing, and support national security.

In order to develop a manufacturing strategy, the bill would also require the Committee to conduct an analysis of factors that impact the competitiveness and growth of the United States manufacturing sector, such as “the adequacy of the industrial base for maintaining national security,” “Trade, trade enforcement, and intellectual property policies, and financing, investment, and taxation policies and practices…”

read more American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act Would Develop National Manufacturing Strategy | Economy In Crisis
Sounds good.


Is America's way back ;) WE need to make things again. Our place is making things and constructing the best cities on earth.

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Invest in America- OH NO- what about the debt lol...Pub dupes...NOTHING CAN BE ALLOWED UNDER THE BLACK GUY...
1. Legalize drone transport movement of goods. Stay ahead of China and the rest of the world with ideas of getting stuff to people. Order a cake = having it flown to your place in a short time.

2. Work with Google to get either ford or Chevy to build driverless cars.

3. Promote more manufacturing jobs of ipads, iphones and computers!!! Show the world America can make some good stuff ;)

4. Push our schools to go from 17th to 1st in the world. Who can be against this is beyond me...

5. Support science like no tomorrow. Fusion, space research, no advancements into consume tech and military. The life blood that made us!

Stop the fucking nation building of other nations. Time for rebuild AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The US Lost Manufacturing Jobs Under Reagan, Bust 1 & Bush 2. The US Gained Manufacturing Jobs Under Clinton & Obama.

The US Lost Manufacturing Jobs Under Reagan, Bust 1 & Bush 2. The US Gained Manufacturing Jobs Under Clinton & Obama.

According to your chart, there were no lost under Reagan. Bush I and II were a couple of RINOs who followed Dim economic policies. The sky was the limit when it came to government regulation under those two.
Invest in America- OH NO- what about the debt lol...Pub dupes...NOTHING CAN BE ALLOWED UNDER THE BLACK GUY...

We neutered Obama's presidency he was toast after 2010. :eusa_dance:
Right- who cares about the country? Elections mean nothing. Compromise is evil. The New BS GOP is a disgrace.

We don't compromise with traitors on the left we defeat them.
Brainwashed hate/idiocy all the way...It's a CONSPIRACEEEE!!!- with no evidence, just a tidal wave of BS propaganda...

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