American Patriot David Duke: Charge Obama With Treason For Supporting ISIS In Syria

Much of the far left is racist and yet still support them.
All humans are racist. David just made a living at it.

He needs to rush over there and tell those sand ******* to knock it off, burn a cross, and hand out a few Bibles. That'll show 'em, Praise Jesus...
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Maybe now he is, but when he was n the KKK he was a die hard Democrat.

It is part of the far left programming to forget that part..

Southern Democrats were more conservative than the modern day GOP.

That may be true! However, it is hard lesson for the far left to learn that they come from racist up bringing to still supporting racists even though they maybe more politically correct these days.

What are you trying to prove, how you as a republican are a REAL left winger or something?

^ The hero of a Sarah Palin and Chris McDaniel supporter.

Coincidence???? :eek:

:laugh: :lmao:

Maybe now he is, but when he was n the KKK he was a die hard Democrat.

It is part of the far left programming to forget that part..

Southern Democrats were more conservative than the modern day GOP.

That may be true! However, it is hard lesson for the far left to learn that they come from racist up bringing to still supporting racists even though they maybe more politically correct these days.
The KKK did used vote for us, and now they vote for you. Congrats on that...

^ The hero of a Sarah Palin and Chris McDaniel supporter.

Coincidence???? :eek:

:laugh: :lmao:


Like Sarah Palin and Chris McDaniels, he also believes in protecting our sovereign borders from illegal invaders? Do you? Also what do you think what Duke had to say in his article about ISIS?
Southern Democrats were more conservative than the modern day GOP.

That may be true! However, it is hard lesson for the far left to learn that they come from racist up bringing to still supporting racists even though they maybe more politically correct these days.

What are you trying to prove, how you as a republican are a REAL left winger or something?

Nope just pointing out that the far left is built on racists and they continue that manner. So for a far left Obama drone to come in here and make the comments they have show that they only post from propaganda and talking points.

Just like they think that the KKK now votes (R). No proof can be offered as such since they actual support socialism.

So the far left contradicts themselves every time they post the KKK votes (R).

Even the most racist people on the planet voted for Obama to try and prove they weren't racist.

^ The hero of a Sarah Palin and Chris McDaniel supporter.

Coincidence???? :eek:

:laugh: :lmao:


Like Sarah Palin and Chris McDaniels, he also believes in protecting our sovereign borders from illegal invaders? Do you? Also what do you think what Duke had to say in his article about ISIS?

A racist, embarrassing, moronic, unpatriotic, broken clock can be right twice a day. :dunno:

^ The hero of a Sarah Palin and Chris McDaniel supporter.

Coincidence???? :eek:

:laugh: :lmao:


Like Sarah Palin and Chris McDaniels, he also believes in protecting our sovereign borders from illegal invaders? Do you? Also what do you think what Duke had to say in his article about ISIS?
Can someone post the article? I tried to click on the link but my computer threatened to kill a puppy if I went any farther.

And for 60 years no administration has closed the borders. Is that more Treason?
Wouldn't that be KKK Grand We earn David Duke?

Once again the far left fails to see that when they see the keywords like KKK this man was running as Democrat!

lol...he ran as a Democrat in 1974 to distance himself from the KKK. After that he was solely REPUBLICAN and ran for the presidency as a REPUBLICAN in 1992.

Oh my the far left just can not post anything factual and they can noit handle that they support racists in their own party.

It must have an (R) or (D) to make a determination on what is or is not racist.

Continue on far left Obama drone...
Once again the far left fails to see that when they see the keywords like KKK this man was running as Democrat!

lol...he ran as a Democrat in 1974 to distance himself from the KKK. After that he was solely REPUBLICAN and ran for the presidency as a REPUBLICAN in 1992.

Oh my the far left just can not post anything factual and they can handle that they support racists in their own party.

It must have an (R) or (D) to make a determination on what is or is not racist.

Continue on far left Obama drone...

Are you saying his most recent presidential run wasn't as a repbublicunt? :rofl:
That may be true! However, it is hard lesson for the far left to learn that they come from racist up bringing to still supporting racists even though they maybe more politically correct these days.

What are you trying to prove, how you as a republican are a REAL left winger or something?

Nope just pointing out that the far left is built on racists and they continue that manner. So for a far left Obama drone to come in here and make the comments they have show that they only post from propaganda and talking points.

Just like they think that the KKK now votes (R). No proof can be offered as such since they actual support socialism.

So the far left contradicts themselves every time they post the KKK votes (R).

Even the most racist people on the planet voted for Obama to try and prove they weren't racist.

Congratulations, you are left wing, certainly to the left of old southern democrats or the KKK. And like the other brain dead left wing faggots in this thread that just ignore the Obama's destructive neo conservative foreign policy, you belong in a FEMA camp.
What are you trying to prove, how you as a republican are a REAL left winger or something?

Nope just pointing out that the far left is built on racists and they continue that manner. So for a far left Obama drone to come in here and make the comments they have show that they only post from propaganda and talking points.

Just like they think that the KKK now votes (R). No proof can be offered as such since they actual support socialism.

So the far left contradicts themselves every time they post the KKK votes (R).

Even the most racist people on the planet voted for Obama to try and prove they weren't racist.

Congratulations, you are left wing, certainly to the left of old southern democrats or the KKK. And like the other brain dead left wing faggots in this thread that just ignore the Obama's destructive neo conservative foreign policy, you belong in a FEMA camp.

Oh my been a while since I have been called such names, no wait I get much of that from the far left.
Nope just pointing out that the far left is built on racists and they continue that manner. So for a far left Obama drone to come in here and make the comments they have show that they only post from propaganda and talking points.

Just like they think that the KKK now votes (R). No proof can be offered as such since they actual support socialism.

So the far left contradicts themselves every time they post the KKK votes (R).

Even the most racist people on the planet voted for Obama to try and prove they weren't racist.

Congratulations, you are left wing, certainly to the left of old southern democrats or the KKK. And like the other brain dead left wing faggots in this thread that just ignore the Obama's destructive neo conservative foreign policy, you belong in a FEMA camp.

Oh my been a while since I have been called such names, no wait I get much of that from the far left.

^Exactly what a far left moonbat pussy would say :rolleyes:
Wouldn't that be KKK Grand We earn David Duke?

Once again the far left fails to see that when they see the keywords like KKK this man was running as Democrat!

Oh the far left has no clue beyond their programming!

you are the one who appears to have absolutely no clue kosh!

David Ernest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is an American White nationalist, writer, right-wing politician, and a former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan,[4][5] and former Republican Louisiana State Representative. He was a candidate in the Democratic presidential primaries in 1988 and the Republican presidential primaries in 1992. Duke has unsuccessfully run for the Louisiana State Senate, U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, and Governor of Louisiana.
Duke describes himself as a "racial realist", asserting that "all people have a basic human right to preserve their own heritage."[6] He opposes what he considers to be Jewish control of the Federal Reserve Bank, the federal government and the media. Duke supports the preservation of what he labels Western culture and traditionalist Christian "family values", strict Constitutionalism, abolition of the Internal Revenue Service, voluntary racial segregation, ardent anti-communism and white separatism.[7][8][9]
The Southern Poverty Law Center describes Duke as "the most recognizable figure on the American radical right" and "a neo-Nazi".[10] His views are characterized by racism, antisemitism, and Holocaust denial
In your sub-human world of white supremacist depravery and your perverted version of America I guess Duke would rate as a Patriot. The fact that you're a sicker, dumber piece of shit than he is tells us all we need to know about you and these wacked out enablers who line up to second your drooling babble. The Democratic Party hasn't had a big enough tent or smarmy enough platform to include that asshole for 50 years. If whatever party of cretins you belong to is diseased enough to support the anti-American freak take him and your worn-out copies of Mein Kampf and fuck off.
Wouldn't that be KKK Grand We earn David Duke?

Once again the far left fails to see that when they see the keywords like KKK this man was running as Democrat!

Oh the far left has no clue beyond their programming!
He was elected as a Republican.

And the far left continues to show that the (D) part of his history is no existent!

1988 Democratic presidential campaign

In 1988, Duke ran initially in the Democratic presidential primaries. His campaign failed to make much of an impact, with the one notable exception of winning the little-known New Hampshire Vice-Presidential primary.[34] Duke, having failed to gain much traction as a Democrat, then successfully sought the Presidential nomination of the Populist Party.[35] He appeared on the ballot for President in eleven states and was a write-in candidate in some other states, some with Trenton Stokes of Arkansas for Vice President, and on other state ballots with Floyd Parker for Vice President. He received just 47,047 votes, for 0.04 percent of the combined, national popular vote.[36]

David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also the far left also forgets that in order to be on the ballet in every state one must choose one of two parties to be affiliated with.

It was not until Ross Perrot that changed. And even then he has to fight to get his name on the ballet in every state.
Wouldn't that be KKK Grand We earn David Duke?

Once again the far left fails to see that when they see the keywords like KKK this man was running as Democrat!

Oh the far left has no clue beyond their programming!

you are the one who appears to have absolutely no clue kosh!

David Ernest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is an American White nationalist, writer, right-wing politician, and a former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan,[4][5] and former Republican Louisiana State Representative. He was a candidate in the Democratic presidential primaries in 1988 and the Republican presidential primaries in 1992. Duke has unsuccessfully run for the Louisiana State Senate, U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, and Governor of Louisiana.
Duke describes himself as a "racial realist", asserting that "all people have a basic human right to preserve their own heritage."[6] He opposes what he considers to be Jewish control of the Federal Reserve Bank, the federal government and the media. Duke supports the preservation of what he labels Western culture and traditionalist Christian "family values", strict Constitutionalism, abolition of the Internal Revenue Service, voluntary racial segregation, ardent anti-communism and white separatism.[7][8][9]
The Southern Poverty Law Center describes Duke as "the most recognizable figure on the American radical right" and "a neo-Nazi".[10] His views are characterized by racism, antisemitism, and Holocaust denial

Oh my the far left continues to prove that his history began when he put an (R) by his name, just like so many believe that in the history of Iraq did not start until 2003.

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