American servicemember reportedly shoots, kills Afghan civilians ...


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
apparently, someone snapped. On one hand I am not altogether surprised, over the last 10 years, considering the recent events and events in the past that had caused reprisal killings committed by Afghans, donning amercian uniforms to slip into bases,commit sabotage etc etc ....

The Military Judicial system will swing into action and if it is as appears, he must be punished.

BALANDI, Afghanistan (AP) – A U.S. service member walked out of a base in southern Afghanistan before dawn Sunday and started shooting Afghan civilians, according to villagers and Afghan and NATO officials. Villagers showed an Associated Press photographer 15 bodies, including women and children, who they said were killed by the American.

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American servicemember reportedly shoots, kills Afghan civilians
A lone US soldier went on a rampage, killing at 16, possibly more, Afghanistanis in their homes; Reuters is reporting that IN Afghanistan, it is being reported as US SOLDIERS drunk, and laughing, carried out the killings. Should Obama speak on this today or soon, or ignore it. Sincere question here. broadcast
A lone US soldier went on a rampage, killing at 16, possibly more, Afghanistanis in their homes; Reuters is reporting that IN Afghanistan, it is being reported as US SOLDIERS drunk, and laughing, carried out the killings. Should Obama speak on this today or soon, or ignore it. Sincere question here. broadcast

Right after golf this afternoon.
A lone US soldier went on a rampage, killing at 16, possibly more, Afghanistanis in their homes; Reuters is reporting that IN Afghanistan, it is being reported as US SOLDIERS drunk, and laughing, carried out the killings. Should Obama speak on this today or soon, or ignore it. Sincere question here. broadcast

can you link to that account please.
This is why Ron Paul should be president.

ron paul is an idiot.

this isn't my lei. no one is denying hasn't been hidden for a year. in my lai, there were about 500 people killed and it didn't come to light for an entire year. here they immediately started to investigation. No effort at obfuscation. No effort to avoid responsibility.

Very different... and like anything else, because one bad incident occurs doesn't mean that there shouldn't be any involvement in the area. the question is what type of involvement should it be. paulians aren't the ones to answer that question intelligently.
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I know....:doubt:
I posted a thread, a short time ago, about this; no My Lei. One soldier went over the brink. But in Afghanistan it is being reported as "US SOLDIERS, drunk & laughing". THEREIN lies an even larger problem.
A lone US soldier went on a rampage, killing at 16, possibly more, Afghanistanis in their homes; Reuters is reporting that IN Afghanistan, it is being reported as US SOLDIERS drunk, and laughing, carried out the killings. Should Obama speak on this today or soon, or ignore it. Sincere question here. broadcast
Link, please.
Afghan president: American kills 16 in shooting - Yahoo! News

Sounds like total muslim bullshit to me.

BALANDI, Afghanistan (AP) — President Hamid Karzai said a U.S. service member killed 16 people — nine of them children and three women — in a shooting spree Sunday that he condemned as "an assassination."
Karzai demanded an explanation from the United States, adding new tensions to a relationship already severely strained over Americans burning Muslim holy books on a base in Afghanistan. The burnings sparked violent protests and attacks that left some 30 people dead. Six U.S. service members have been killed in attacks by their Afghan colleagues since the Quran burnings came to light, but the violence has just started to calm down.
"This is an assassination, an intentional killing of innocent civilians and cannot be forgiven," Karzai said in a statement. He said he has repeatedly demanded the U.S. stop killing Afghan civilians.
Five people were wounded in the pre-dawn attack in Kandahar province, including a 15-year-old boy named Rafiullah who was shot in the leg and spoke to the president over the telephone. He described how the American soldier entered his house in the middle of the night, woke up his family and began shooting them, according to Karzai's statement.
NATO officials apologized for the shootings but did not confirm that anyone was killed, referring instead to reports of deaths.

Another fucking lie that people just assumed is true b/c it involves OUR servicemen.

Go fuck yourselves.
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No amount of Obama apologies will be enough to make this one right. Why are we still in Afghanistan? It's been so long, most don't even remember why we went there in the first place. This is a terrible and completely unnecessary tragedy. It's what happens when you put Soldiers in an No-Win situation. The Longest War is over. Time to come home.

A US soldier in Afghanistan has killed at least 16 civilians and wounded five after entering their homes in Kandahar province, senior local officials say.

He left his military base in the early hours of the morning and opened fire in at least two homes; women and children were among the dead. Nato said it was investigating the "deeply regrettable incident". Anti-US sentiment is already high in Afghanistan after US soldiers burnt copies of the Koran last month. US officials have apologised repeatedly for the incident at a Nato base in Kabul, but they failed to quell a series of protests and attacks that killed at least 30 people and six US troops.

Local people have reportedly gathered near the base in Panjwai district to protest about Sunday's killings, and the US embassy is advising against travel to the area. Lt Gen Adrian Bradshaw, deputy commander of Nato-led forces, said he was unable to "explain the motivation behind such callous acts", adding that "our thoughts and prayers are with those caught in this tragedy".

'Propaganda victory'

He is reported to have walked off his base at around 03:00 local time (22:30 GMT Saturday) and headed to nearby villages, moving methodically from house to house.

"Eleven members of my family are dead. They are all dead," Haji Samad, an elder from Najeeban village, told the AFP news agency.

Haji Sayed Jan, from Alkozai village, was quoted by the AFP as saying: "My home was attacked and I lost four family members".

Read More:
BBC News - US soldier kills Afghan civilians in Kandahar
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It sounds like a guy who just flipped out.

But it also shows that we need to get the hell out of there forth-with.

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