American Soldier Responds To Anti-Muslim Comments In An Incredible Way


Sep 6, 2013
American Soldier Responds To Anti-Muslim Comments In An Incredible Way on 'What Would You Do?' (VIDEO)

"What Would You Do?" by ABC is a hidden camera series where people are put into ethical dilemmas, given the choice between passively accepting injustice and standing up for what they believe is right.

This soldier didn't hesitate to speak up when a young man started harassing a Muslim cashier, refusing to be served by him because "he's a Muslim."

The uniformed man defended freedom of religion for all, stating, "We live in America, he can have whatever religion he wants."

"That's the reason I wear the uniform -- so anyone can live free in this country."
American Soldier Responds To Anti-Muslim Comments In An Incredible Way on 'What Would You Do?' (VIDEO)

"What Would You Do?" by ABC is a hidden camera series where people are put into ethical dilemmas, given the choice between passively accepting injustice and standing up for what they believe is right.

This soldier didn't hesitate to speak up when a young man started harassing a Muslim cashier, refusing to be served by him because "he's a Muslim."

The uniformed man defended freedom of religion for all, stating, "We live in America, he can have whatever religion he wants."

"That's the reason I wear the uniform -- so anyone can live free in this country."

Good for him. Wouldn't it be nice if all Veterans here had the same attitude. Do you think they do?
"What Would You Do?" by ABC is a hidden camera series where people are put into ethical dilemmas, given the choice between passively accepting injustice and standing up for what they believe is right.

This soldier didn't hesitate to speak up when a young man started harassing a Muslim cashier, refusing to be served by him because "he's a Muslim."

The uniformed man defended freedom of religion for all, stating, "We live in America, he can have whatever religion he wants."

"That's the reason I wear the uniform -- so anyone can live free in this country."

Good for him. Wouldn't it be nice if all Veterans here had the same attitude. Do you think they do?

Depends. Soldiers unfortunately see the extremist side of Islam but I'm sure they've met their equal share of honest locals caught in a conflict between people they are afraid of.
American Soldier Responds To Anti-Muslim Comments In An Incredible Way on 'What Would You Do?' (VIDEO)

"What Would You Do?" by ABC is a hidden camera series where people are put into ethical dilemmas, given the choice between passively accepting injustice and standing up for what they believe is right.

This soldier didn't hesitate to speak up when a young man started harassing a Muslim cashier, refusing to be served by him because "he's a Muslim."

The uniformed man defended freedom of religion for all, stating, "We live in America, he can have whatever religion he wants."

"That's the reason I wear the uniform -- so anyone can live free in this country."

Good for him. Wouldn't it be nice if all Veterans here had the same attitude. Do you think they do?

Why do you care? I personally would confront someone harassing a clerk too. First off it is none of the customers business what religion the clerk is secondly one can not tell religion from looks and thirdly his religion has nothing to do with his job.

Just like I defend allowing homosexuals teach in school and adopt children. I am opposed to same sex marriages because a marriage is a thing between a man and a woman. Homosexuals are no danger to children in a school setting or as parents.
American Soldier Responds To Anti-Muslim Comments In An Incredible Way on 'What Would You Do?' (VIDEO)

"What Would You Do?" by ABC is a hidden camera series where people are put into ethical dilemmas, given the choice between passively accepting injustice and standing up for what they believe is right.

This soldier didn't hesitate to speak up when a young man started harassing a Muslim cashier, refusing to be served by him because "he's a Muslim."

The uniformed man defended freedom of religion for all, stating, "We live in America, he can have whatever religion he wants."

"That's the reason I wear the uniform -- so anyone can live free in this country."

Good for him. Wouldn't it be nice if all Veterans here had the same attitude. Do you think they do?

Why do you care? I personally would confront someone harassing a clerk too. First off it is none of the customers business what religion the clerk is secondly one can not tell religion from looks and thirdly his religion has nothing to do with his job.

Just like I defend allowing homosexuals teach in school and adopt children. I am opposed to same sex marriages because a marriage is a thing between a man and a woman. Homosexuals are no danger to children in a school setting or as parents.

Apart from having nothing to do with the topic, that is an odd stance to take on gay marriage. You have no problem with gay people....but you just cannot bring yourself to grant them equal protection under the law.

I think you need that sliver of bullshit to keep your nutter card.

As a veteran as well, I'd have defended the situation as well.

So, the op is to put a label on those who can't stand Radical Islam and it will end with the race card as always.

Riddle me this................ I applaud the Egyptian Military, aka Moderate Muslims, in their actions against the Radical Muslim Brotherhood. Hell I'd like to give them a dang medal for it.

So I support the Moderate Muslims over the Barbarians. Oh hell, I've called Radical Muslims Barbarians.

So sorry it's just the Bigot side of me that can't stand the Murdering bastards.
The first thing is we need to do is dispense with this bullshit about soldiers defending our freedoms. The wars we wage have nothing to do with protecting our freedoms.
American Soldier Responds To Anti-Muslim Comments In An Incredible Way on 'What Would You Do?' (VIDEO)

"What Would You Do?" by ABC is a hidden camera series where people are put into ethical dilemmas, given the choice between passively accepting injustice and standing up for what they believe is right.

This soldier didn't hesitate to speak up when a young man started harassing a Muslim cashier, refusing to be served by him because "he's a Muslim."

The uniformed man defended freedom of religion for all, stating, "We live in America, he can have whatever religion he wants."

"That's the reason I wear the uniform -- so anyone can live free in this country."

Good for him. Wouldn't it be nice if all Veterans here had the same attitude. Do you think they do?

Now, if it was a Christian......that's a different story.
The first thing is we need to do is dispense with this bullshit about soldiers defending our freedoms. The wars we wage have nothing to do with protecting our freedoms.

I guess those who have fought and died to avenge 9/11 didn't do it to defend one of our basic principles.

The Freedom of LIFE. As that Freedom was lost by 3000 people.

So, our military went after the scumbags. To avenge that basic principle of Freedom.
Wold he have done the same if it was an atheist refusing to be served by a cashier wearing a cross necklace? Or, would he have said keep religion out of the workplace?
The first thing is we need to do is dispense with this bullshit about soldiers defending our freedoms. The wars we wage have nothing to do with protecting our freedoms.

I guess those who have fought and died to avenge 9/11 didn't do it to defend one of our basic principles.

The Freedom of LIFE. As that Freedom was lost by 3000 people.

So, our military went after the scumbags. To avenge that basic principle of Freedom.

If our basic principle was LIFE then why did we just murder untold thousands of people over the last 13 years? Women, children, bad guys, puppies and so on. What freedom have I gained from that?
The first thing is we need to do is dispense with this bullshit about soldiers defending our freedoms. The wars we wage have nothing to do with protecting our freedoms.

I guess those who have fought and died to avenge 9/11 didn't do it to defend one of our basic principles.

The Freedom of LIFE. As that Freedom was lost by 3000 people.

So, our military went after the scumbags. To avenge that basic principle of Freedom.

If our basic principle was LIFE then why did we just murder untold thousands of people over the last 13 years? Women, children, bad guys, puppies and so on. What freedom have I gained from that?

It's not just about you or I. Perhaps you'd sing a different tune from the grave yard after attacked by the same types who killed our people on 9/11.

I notice you call it Murder. War is Murder of our enemies. I don't deny that, pardon me when I don't get teared up after our military sends the Radical Islamist to Hell. I don't need a tissue on that.

They wanted to see Allah so badly, they picked a fight with us. I can't help it that they ended up with 72 Rosie O'donnells in Paradise.
American Soldier Responds To Anti-Muslim Comments In An Incredible Way on 'What Would You Do?' (VIDEO)

"What Would You Do?" by ABC is a hidden camera series where people are put into ethical dilemmas, given the choice between passively accepting injustice and standing up for what they believe is right.

This soldier didn't hesitate to speak up when a young man started harassing a Muslim cashier, refusing to be served by him because "he's a Muslim."

The uniformed man defended freedom of religion for all, stating, "We live in America, he can have whatever religion he wants."

"That's the reason I wear the uniform -- so anyone can live free in this country."

You should listen to him instead of insisting everyone follow your religion of state thought control.
Good for him. Wouldn't it be nice if all Veterans here had the same attitude. Do you think they do?

Why do you care? I personally would confront someone harassing a clerk too. First off it is none of the customers business what religion the clerk is secondly one can not tell religion from looks and thirdly his religion has nothing to do with his job.

Just like I defend allowing homosexuals teach in school and adopt children. I am opposed to same sex marriages because a marriage is a thing between a man and a woman. Homosexuals are no danger to children in a school setting or as parents.

Apart from having nothing to do with the topic, that is an odd stance to take on gay marriage. You have no problem with gay people....but you just cannot bring yourself to grant them equal protection under the law.

I think you need that sliver of bullshit to keep your nutter card.

If your version of equal protection did not include forcing people to attend weddings they object to I would agree with you. Unfortunately, it doesn't, so you can fold your equal protection into multiple sharp corners and stuff it up your ass.
I guess those who have fought and died to avenge 9/11 didn't do it to defend one of our basic principles.

The Freedom of LIFE. As that Freedom was lost by 3000 people.

So, our military went after the scumbags. To avenge that basic principle of Freedom.

If our basic principle was LIFE then why did we just murder untold thousands of people over the last 13 years? Women, children, bad guys, puppies and so on. What freedom have I gained from that?

It's not just about you or I. Perhaps you'd sing a different tune from the grave yard after attacked by the same types who killed our people on 9/11.

I notice you call it Murder. War is Murder of our enemies. I don't deny that, pardon me when I don't get teared up after our military sends the Radical Islamist to Hell. I don't need a tissue on that.

They wanted to see Allah so badly, they picked a fight with us. I can't help it that they ended up with 72 Rosie O'donnells in Paradise.

Calm down.

Had one of my kin been killed on 9-11 I would have undoubtedly wanted payback because anger is a part of the grief process, but we have given back 10X of what they took in flesh.
Wold he have done the same if it was an atheist refusing to be served by a cashier wearing a cross necklace? Or, would he have said keep religion out of the workplace?

Oh, I'm pretty sure he would have done the same exact thing.

He is a man of principle, that is obvious. I also get the feeling he doesn't like assholes, whatever their agenda.
"...we have given back 10X of what they took in flesh."
Possibly more like 100X...

But 100-to-1 kill ratios have a purpose...

It makes the Adversary think longer and harder about attacking us another time...

And, more importantly, it makes heads-of-state think very, VERY long and hard, before allowing such terrorist organizations to operate in the open on their soil...
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