American taxpayers paying for Africa's contraceptives...Did you vote in favor of this?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
If anything, shouldn't we roll out such an effort in Mexico first? After all, they neighbor us and send us all their human trash to deal with. Wouldn't cutting the fertility rate in Mexico benefit good real Americans? How does mitigating infection, disease and decreasing the fertility rate in Africa help Americans?


U.S. to Spend $700,000 on Eswatini’s “National Condom Strategy” - Judicial Watch
We are deep into STAGE 1 of HUMAN OVERPOPULATION, where existing fresh water supplies are being drained by humans sucking too much from nature, and the result is MASSIVE FIRES around the globe.

If we get to STAGE 2 of HUMAN OVERPOPULATION, we will not escape without a multi billion human death event.

Is that what "Pro Lifers" really want, an extermination of billions of humans just to allow the rest to survive??

We need to get a clue. Two kids per couple. If you aren't ready to be parents, then don't have kids.

In the words of the late Michael Jackson

If you cant feed your baby (yeah, yeah)
Then don't have a baby (yeah, yeah)
And don't think maybe (yeah, yeah)
If you can't feed your baby (yeah, yeah)
We are deep into STAGE 1 of HUMAN OVERPOPULATION, where existing fresh water supplies are being drained by humans sucking too much from nature, and the result is MASSIVE FIRES around the globe.

If we get to STAGE 2 of HUMAN OVERPOPULATION, we will not escape without a multi billion human death event.

Is that what "Pro Lifers" really want, an extermination of billions of humans just to allow the rest to survive??

We need to get a clue. Two kids per couple. If you aren't ready to be parents, then don't have kids.

In the words of the late Michael Jackson

If you cant feed your baby (yeah, yeah)
Then don't have a baby (yeah, yeah)
And don't think maybe (yeah, yeah)
If you can't feed your baby (yeah, yeah)
The problem is they said the same shit in 1970......stop making dire predictions when none of them ever come true
Oh, I see, because people noticed the Earth is finite in 1970 and made predictions that were too early, the Earth is really infinite and can hold and feed infinite humans.


The Earth is FINITE.

It can hold only so many humans.

There are already too many now.

What is causing that????


Muslims and Latinos are migrating because they have 10 kids per couple and their own countries are


Being PRO DEATH now means we all survive without a billion death event in the future.
We are deep into STAGE 1 of HUMAN OVERPOPULATION, where existing fresh water supplies are being drained by humans sucking too much from nature, and the result is MASSIVE FIRES around the globe.

If we get to STAGE 2 of HUMAN OVERPOPULATION, we will not escape without a multi billion human death event.

Is that what "Pro Lifers" really want, an extermination of billions of humans just to allow the rest to survive??

We need to get a clue. Two kids per couple. If you aren't ready to be parents, then don't have kids.

In the words of the late Michael Jackson

If you cant feed your baby (yeah, yeah)
Then don't have a baby (yeah, yeah)
And don't think maybe (yeah, yeah)
If you can't feed your baby (yeah, yeah)
Contraception is a temporary fix to an exploding 3rd world population problem. Vasectomies and tubal ligations after 2 kids just like most 1st worlders do. 3rd worlders have no business having a shack full of kids, it is inhumane and long term disastrous for the world.
Uncle Ferd says, "Good...

... anything dat cuts down onna number o' starvin' Ethiopians...

... is a good thing."
We are deep into STAGE 1 of HUMAN OVERPOPULATION, where existing fresh water supplies are being drained by humans sucking too much from nature, and the result is MASSIVE FIRES around the globe.

If we get to STAGE 2 of HUMAN OVERPOPULATION, we will not escape without a multi billion human death event.

Is that what "Pro Lifers" really want, an extermination of billions of humans just to allow the rest to survive??

We need to get a clue. Two kids per couple. If you aren't ready to be parents, then don't have kids.

In the words of the late Michael Jackson

If you cant feed your baby (yeah, yeah)
Then don't have a baby (yeah, yeah)
And don't think maybe (yeah, yeah)
If you can't feed your baby (yeah, yeah)
Contraception is a temporary fix to an exploding 3rd world population problem. Vasectomies and tubal ligations after 2 kids just like most 1st worlders do. 3rd worlders have no business having a shack full of kids, it is inhumane and long term disastrous for the world.

Too many humans attend a place of worship where the "preacher" tells them to have big families, because all the "preacher" cares about is himself, his power, and his wealth, all of which depend on

If anything, shouldn't we roll out such an effort in Mexico first? After all, they neighbor us and send us all their human trash to deal with. Wouldn't cutting the fertility rate in Mexico benefit good real Americans? How does mitigating infection, disease and decreasing the fertility rate in Africa help Americans?


U.S. to Spend $700,000 on Eswatini’s “National Condom Strategy” - Judicial Watch
Watch out, they're coming to your neighborhood soon. Better fund them.
We are deep into STAGE 1 of HUMAN OVERPOPULATION, where existing fresh water supplies are being drained by humans sucking too much from nature, and the result is MASSIVE FIRES around the globe.

If we get to STAGE 2 of HUMAN OVERPOPULATION, we will not escape without a multi billion human death event.

Is that what "Pro Lifers" really want, an extermination of billions of humans just to allow the rest to survive??

We need to get a clue. Two kids per couple. If you aren't ready to be parents, then don't have kids.

In the words of the late Michael Jackson

If you cant feed your baby (yeah, yeah)
Then don't have a baby (yeah, yeah)
And don't think maybe (yeah, yeah)
If you can't feed your baby (yeah, yeah)
Why worry about overpopulation when The End Times comes? 1/4 of all plant life dies, 1/4 of all animal life dies.

The Human Population of Earth is cut in 1/2. 1/3rd of all Fish in The Sea Die, and on Judgment Day the overwhelming majority of The World worshiping Anti-Christ will be thrown in to The Pit of Hell with The False Prophet and Anti-Christ.

The Islamic Allied Armies with Russia, Iran, Turkey, and countries like Libya, Sudan and Ethiopia lose 90% of their entire combined armies on The Mountains of Israel. It will take 7 months to bury the bodies, and 7 years to clean up The Battlefield.

Now, aside from that. Why is THE US funding a UN program? The UN members should be doing this, not US.
Why worry about overpopulation when The End Times comes?

Good grief....

This from a book that claims "soon" means more than 1900 years from now, and stars are the same size as fig leaves....

and the demographic which wrote it doesn't believe it...

The root cause of human overpopulation = religion

Religious people do not understand math or science. Their unimaginably moronic BS must be confronted before we get to STAGE 2.
After the graft and cuts for favored connected important people this will have zero effect
If anything, shouldn't we roll out such an effort in Mexico first? After all, they neighbor us and send us all their human trash to deal with. Wouldn't cutting the fertility rate in Mexico benefit good real Americans? How does mitigating infection, disease and decreasing the fertility rate in Africa help Americans?


U.S. to Spend $700,000 on Eswatini’s “National Condom Strategy” - Judicial Watch
preventing black folk from mating...sounds like Margaret Sangers wet dream...…..progressives and democrats say they changed, but they're the same as they always were
Oh, I see, because people noticed the Earth is finite in 1970 and made predictions that were too early, the Earth is really infinite and can hold and feed infinite humans.


The Earth is FINITE.

It can hold only so many humans.

There are already too many now.

What is causing that????


Muslims and Latinos are migrating because they have 10 kids per couple and their own countries are


Being PRO DEATH now means we all survive without a billion death event in the future.

Moron? You say that we live on a finite earth in an infinite universe and he is the moron?

People like you need to be slapped up side the head.

How bout you join this group?


Do the world a favor.

Make no mistake, the entire ideology of Progressivism is to reduce population numbers, whether it be through abortion, promoting of gay sex, contraception, promoting a horrible economy so people won't want to have children, or a subpar state run health care that will ration all our health care away so more and more people will die.

It is the culture of death.
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We are deep into STAGE 1 of HUMAN OVERPOPULATION, where existing fresh water supplies are being drained by humans sucking too much from nature, and the result is MASSIVE FIRES around the globe.

If we get to STAGE 2 of HUMAN OVERPOPULATION, we will not escape without a multi billion human death event.

Is that what "Pro Lifers" really want, an extermination of billions of humans just to allow the rest to survive??

We need to get a clue. Two kids per couple. If you aren't ready to be parents, then don't have kids.

In the words of the late Michael Jackson

If you cant feed your baby (yeah, yeah)
Then don't have a baby (yeah, yeah)
And don't think maybe (yeah, yeah)
If you can't feed your baby (yeah, yeah)

Sorry son, in they already tried this in the 70's.

"The Population Bomb is a best-selling book written by Stanford University Professor Paul R. Ehrlich and his wife, Anne Ehrlich (who was uncredited), in 1968.[1][2] It predicted worldwide famine in the 1970s and 1980s due to overpopulation, as well as other major societal upheavals, and advocated immediate action to limit population growth. Fears of a "population explosion" were widespread in the 1950s and 1960s, but the book and its author brought the idea to an even wider audience.[3][4][5]"

The Population Bomb - Wikipedia
If anything, shouldn't we roll out such an effort in Mexico first? After all, they neighbor us and send us all their human trash to deal with. Wouldn't cutting the fertility rate in Mexico benefit good real Americans? How does mitigating infection, disease and decreasing the fertility rate in Africa help Americans?


U.S. to Spend $700,000 on Eswatini’s “National Condom Strategy” - Judicial Watch

C'mon man, the Progs say that we are "Global Citizens" it's our duty!!!

(forehead smack)
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The MMGW Hoax didn't work out so they have to dig up another tired old crisis.
It’s so cute when people think the money we send to other countries is being used for it’s stated purpose.

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