American taxpayers paying for Africa's contraceptives...Did you vote in favor of this?

Right-wingers have to decide whether they want unchecked population growth or not. On one day they want unchecked population growth and everybody to have babies who can, even the unwilling, and the next day they want to limit fertility, particularly among "Mexicans." But they love the Duggars. This is all mind-boggling.
Oh, I see, because people noticed the Earth is finite in 1970 and made predictions that were too early, the Earth is really infinite and can hold and feed infinite humans.


The Earth is FINITE.

It can hold only so many humans.

There are already too many now.

What is causing that????


Muslims and Latinos are migrating because they have 10 kids per couple and their own countries are


Being PRO DEATH now means we all survive without a billion death event in the future.

Moron? You say that we live on a finite earth in an infinite universe and he is the moron?

People like you need to be slapped up side the head.

How bout you join this group?


Do the world a favor.

Make no mistake, the entire ideology of Progressivism is to reduce population numbers, whether it be through abortion, promoting of gay sex, contraception, promoting a horrible economy so people won't want to have children, or a subpar state run health care that will ration all our health care away so more and more people will die.

It is the culture of death.
The Universe is not Infinite. It too has an End.
LaDingleBerry cries that The Earth is Overpopulated, but is for Letting Criminals Run Free, and Against Capital Punishment.
If anything, shouldn't we roll out such an effort in Mexico first? After all, they neighbor us and send us all their human trash to deal with. Wouldn't cutting the fertility rate in Mexico benefit good real Americans? How does mitigating infection, disease and decreasing the fertility rate in Africa help Americans?


U.S. to Spend $700,000 on Eswatini’s “National Condom Strategy” - Judicial Watch
This ain't birth control money, unless you think arming soldiers is considered birth control, with which I may actually agree.


Oh, I see, because people noticed the Earth is finite in 1970 and made predictions that were too early, the Earth is really infinite and can hold and feed infinite humans.


The Earth is FINITE.

It can hold only so many humans.

There are already too many now.

What is causing that????


Muslims and Latinos are migrating because they have 10 kids per couple and their own countries are


Being PRO DEATH now means we all survive without a billion death event in the future.

Moron? You say that we live on a finite earth in an infinite universe and he is the moron?

People like you need to be slapped up side the head.

How bout you join this group?


Do the world a favor.

Make no mistake, the entire ideology of Progressivism is to reduce population numbers, whether it be through abortion, promoting of gay sex, contraception, promoting a horrible economy so people won't want to have children, or a subpar state run health care that will ration all our health care away so more and more people will die.

It is the culture of death.
The Universe is not Infinite. It too has an End.

You miss my point entirely. Leftists self impose limitations that don't really exist.
Right-wingers have to decide whether they want unchecked population growth or not. On one day they want unchecked population growth and everybody to have babies who can, even the unwilling, and the next day they want to limit fertility, particularly among "Mexicans." But they love the Duggars. This is all mind-boggling.

Consider the possibility that, unlike you leftwingers, that individual rightwingers, might have individually reached different ideas and positions,

instead of adopting them from the Party Line like sheep or good little commies.
Oh, I see, because people noticed the Earth is finite in 1970 and made predictions that were too early, the Earth is really infinite and can hold and feed infinite humans.


The Earth is FINITE.

It can hold only so many humans.

There are already too many now.

What is causing that????


Muslims and Latinos are migrating because they have 10 kids per couple and their own countries are


Being PRO DEATH now means we all survive without a billion death event in the future.

Large families isn't the product of religion, it's cultural (we see it here in the inner cities and low income areas, where it's almost expected to be pregnant as a teen), and because many have nothing better to do to occupy their time than fucking. It was a pretty normal thing in this country before the tech revolution of the 80s.

Religion has been around since the dawn of time. The "pro-life vs pro-choice" argument in this country may account for some modification of the birth rate here, but it does not account for the substantial growth in global population over the past few decades.

That is the product of improved medical care resulting in life expectancy nearly doubling since the 19th century, and substantially reducing infant mortality rates. The population will keep growing as improvements are made in treatments for terminal illnesses.

Nature's natural population filter (plagues, epidemics -- see Spanish Flu) is being neutered by more effective medicines, quicker response times and more effective quarantines. In the end, nature always wins. If the population grows beyond what can be sustained, mother nature will deal with it accordingly.
. If the population grows beyond what can be sustained, mother nature will deal with it accordingly.

Well, Cornovirus is trending that way. I was hoping to avoid it.

Another scenario is a mass human extermination. That's what I'd like to avoid. But that will take "willpower" and we don't appear to have any as a race or in our leaders right now...
. If the population grows beyond what can be sustained, mother nature will deal with it accordingly.

Well, Cornovirus is trending that way. I was hoping to avoid it.

Another scenario is a mass human extermination. That's what I'd like to avoid. But that will take "willpower" and we don't appear to have any as a race or in our leaders right now...

~900 deaths can hardly be considered a population-thinning pandemic. The term "coronavirus" describes a large family of viruses. You know what the last 9-alarm coronavirus was? SARS. The common cold is a coronavirus. There was a similar scare about SARS, but once it hit the west, it was realized it was about as dangerous as a mild flu. The people dying of these coronaviruses tend to be people living in dense populations in poor health.
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900 deaths can hardly be considered a population-thinning pandemic.

1. this thing is 2 months old

2. you are trusting the CHINESE GOVERNMENT on that number. The Chinese are fully capable of "reducing" that number by shooting millions for coughing. Look what they did to the young doc who discovered it, they put him in prison where he died two months later from exactly what he was warning about....

3. there are already some serious predictions....

coronavirus will kill millions - Google Search
900 deaths can hardly be considered a population-thinning pandemic.

1. this thing is 2 months old

2. you are trusting the CHINESE GOVERNMENT on that number. The Chinese are fully capable of "reducing" that number by shooting millions for coughing. Look what they did to the young doc who discovered it, they put him in prison where he died two months later from exactly what he was warning about....

3. there are already some serious predictions....

coronavirus will kill millions - Google Search

That goes straight to my point. Same could be said of the SARS numbers. Hot temps kill off coronaviruses, and that's right around the corner. To your last point, you typed in a search term and got hits. Hysteria and alarmism are the hallmarks of online media. You could get the same exact search results for SARS, ebola, swine flu, bird flu at the time they were "novel." Hell, even the zombie virus was the top search after the video showing the bath salts guy chewing some guy's face. Calm down. Panic and alarmism is precisely why the government is reluctant to release data that is likely to turn seemingly reasonable people into rioting mobs.
Those cruise ships don't go to Wuhan. They go to RESORTS.

Corona virus is way way bigger in China than the official stats suggest....

but it takes some intelligence to notice that, and you have none....
Those cruise ships don't go to Wuhan. They go to RESORTS.

Corona virus is way way bigger in China than the official stats suggest....

but it takes some intelligence to notice that, and you have none....

So I have no intelligence because I'm reticent to predict that the new coronavirus will result in global cataclysm? LOL. I acknowledged that the Chinese are likely underreporting, but said they likely did the same with SARS and H1N1. To that end, H1N1 officially killed 17,000+ worldwide in the first 6 months, though the CDC estimated the number to be closer to 285,000. After that initial worldwide death toll (mostly in Asia and dense populations with poor health), it reduced to a normal flu pattern in 2010, with H1N1 included in the annual flu vaccine.

So how about we make a wager -- let's revisit this on May 15th. If this is a serious issue in the U.S., I'll publicly admit I was wrong and acknowledge you were a superior prognosticator. If this is a non-issue in the U.S., then you do the same. Deal? I'm not going to keep arguing about the future when you're resorting to insults and there's obviously no way to discuss this rationally.
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The way to reduce the risk of pandemics is to reduce population.
We also should greatly reduce international travel, since it is not necessary.

All pandemics occur when you increase the gene pool of the threat.
Reduce the population and travel, and the threat gene pool is reduced.
The way to reduce the risk of pandemics is to reduce population.
We also should greatly reduce international travel, since it is not necessary.

All pandemics occur when you increase the gene pool of the threat.
Reduce the population and travel, and the threat gene pool is reduced.

Like, say, 1918, when the world population was only around 1.5 billion, before air travel and global vacationing? Pandemics never happened then. Unless of course we count the Spanish Flu that infected 1/3 of the global population and killed more than 50 million people worldwide, including 3/4 of a million in the U.S. Recall the stories of bodies being stacked 3-4 deep in the streets.

A cordon sanitaire can be effective when a rampant strain of virus like Ebola is quickly detected. For flu viruses, with long incubation periods and symptoms similar to the common cold, it's largely impossible to quarantine (and the last H1N1 pandemic in 2009 was also transmittable via mosquito).

We (in the west) live in a different day and age, where vaccines are quickly developed, wiping these pandemics out for the most part within a short period of time, and where the health of people in the west (sans the very old and infirm) is several orders of magnitude better than it was when previous killer pandemics ravaged the world, as is the medicine to treat those that have become ill.
The way to reduce the risk of pandemics is to reduce population.
We also should greatly reduce international travel, since it is not necessary.

All pandemics occur when you increase the gene pool of the threat.
Reduce the population and travel, and the threat gene pool is reduced.

Like, say, 1918, when the world population was only around 1.5 billion, before air travel and global vacationing? Pandemics never happened then. Unless of course we count the Spanish Flu that infected 1/3 of the global population and killed more than 50 million people worldwide, including 3/4 of a million in the U.S. Recall the stories of bodies being stacked 3-4 deep in the streets.

A cordon sanitaire can be effective when a rampant strain of virus like Ebola is quickly detected. For flu viruses, with long incubation periods and symptoms similar to the common cold, it's largely impossible to quarantine (and the last H1N1 pandemic in 2009 was also transmittable via mosquito).

We (in the west) live in a different day and age, where vaccines are quickly developed, wiping these pandemics out for the most part within a short period of time, and where the health of people in the west (sans the very old and infirm) is several orders of magnitude better than it was when previous killer pandemics ravaged the world, as is the medicine to treat those that have become ill.

Wrong urban population densities were much higher in 1918, and millions of people had just been stuck together on ships to and from WWI.
There was more global travel back then as compared to now, with whole continents of refugees and whole armies of returning veterans.

If you think vaccines are the solution, you are totally wrong.
With higher hybridization from denser populations and more travel, strains quickly become vaccine resistant.

And the life expectancy has never increased by even a single order of magnitude.
Increasing life span average from 50 to 70 is less than a .4 increase, not a factor of 10.
But the reality is we are not necessarily even living any longer, but simply have reduced infant mortality rates.
The way to reduce the risk of pandemics is to reduce population.
We also should greatly reduce international travel, since it is not necessary.

All pandemics occur when you increase the gene pool of the threat.
Reduce the population and travel, and the threat gene pool is reduced.

Like, say, 1918, when the world population was only around 1.5 billion, before air travel and global vacationing? Pandemics never happened then. Unless of course we count the Spanish Flu that infected 1/3 of the global population and killed more than 50 million people worldwide, including 3/4 of a million in the U.S. Recall the stories of bodies being stacked 3-4 deep in the streets.

A cordon sanitaire can be effective when a rampant strain of virus like Ebola is quickly detected. For flu viruses, with long incubation periods and symptoms similar to the common cold, it's largely impossible to quarantine (and the last H1N1 pandemic in 2009 was also transmittable via mosquito).

We (in the west) live in a different day and age, where vaccines are quickly developed, wiping these pandemics out for the most part within a short period of time, and where the health of people in the west (sans the very old and infirm) is several orders of magnitude better than it was when previous killer pandemics ravaged the world, as is the medicine to treat those that have become ill.

Increasing life span average from 50 to 70 is less than a .4 increase, not a factor of 10.

I want to address this point first and foremost. This statement is highly misleading. The increase in lifespan from 50 years to 70 years represents a 40% (forty percent) increase, not a .4% (zero point four percent) increase, as you appear to be suggesting. While .4 is technically the correct decimal if you're talking about it as a factor of 1.0, it is NOT correct as a percentage. Forty percent (40%) is a major increase in lifespan. Anyone suggesting otherwise is being outright disingenuous. By comparison, an increase by the same percentage would represent a current average lifespan of 98 years. That would be a significant increase.
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If anything, shouldn't we roll out such an effort in Mexico first? After all, they neighbor us and send us all their human trash to deal with. Wouldn't cutting the fertility rate in Mexico benefit good real Americans? How does mitigating infection, disease and decreasing the fertility rate in Africa help Americans?


U.S. to Spend $700,000 on Eswatini’s “National Condom Strategy” - Judicial Watch
That was tried a few years back in another area. Didn’t work the condoms were discarded.

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