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American Women

I actually had a reply to this when it first started, but it was scathing and I decided.....


Originally posted by KLSuddeth
I actually had a reply to this when it first started, but it was scathing and I decided.....



After a few replies, I started to get it. On the other hand, I was really disgusted by some of the comments made by others. All in all, I don't feel the need to prove my worth to those who think I don't have any by being female - and that's all I'm have to say about it.
Originally posted by Said1
After a few replies, I started to get it. On the other hand, I was really disgusted by some of the comments made by others. All in all, I don't feel the need to prove my worth to those who think I don't have any by being female - and that's all I'm have to say about it.

Many don't have any worth being MALE, but those jokers keep posting.

If you don't make yourself heard, they will win their argument by default.

-If anyone cares is a different matter.
Originally posted by NewGuy
Many don't have any worth being MALE, but those jokers keep posting.

If you don't make yourself heard, they will win their argument by default.

-If anyone cares is a different matter.

I did make myself heard, I said I was disguested.
Originally posted by KLSuddeth
Im in agreement, Said :)


Put another way, I don't visit this board to change the way someone thinks, or to seek validation - I come here to have fun, and that's what I usually find. There are enough people in my immediate family who think like this, and I can call them and give them shit anytime I want :p:
Originally posted by Said1

Put another way, I don't visit this board to change the way someone thinks, or to seek validation - I come here to have fun, and that's what I usually find. There are enough people in my immediate family who think like this, and I can call them and give them shit anytime I want :p:
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Hey Said - Why bother reading into this thread, were you expecting something interesting? With it's title I am surprised that you bothered at all! Anyway, we aren't here to offend, but sometimes we must be a little aggresive when taking out the trash!

I wasn't refering to you, just one or two people. I didn't know what the post was all about when I saw it in the first place so I read some of it out of curiosity. Don't get me wrong, I don't get offended easily, just wondering what all the fuss was about. I didn't read all of either, I jumped to the end and asked a question since I didn't see unholy respond. Your right, I should have known better - even though I did suspect :p: . The thread should have been "I Hate All Women", not American Women.
Originally posted by Said1
I wasn't refering to you, just one or two people. I didn't know what the post was all about when I saw it in the first place so I read some of it out of curiosity. Don't get me wrong, I don't get offended easily, just wondering what all the fuss was about. I didn't read all of either, I jumped to the end and asked a question since I didn't see unholy respond. Your right, I should have known better - even though I did suspect :p: . The thread should have been "I Hate All Women", not American Women.

I like to counter the people who hate women by asking them if they like men.

Originally posted by Said1
After a few replies, I started to get it. On the other hand, I was really disgusted by some of the comments made by others. All in all, I don't feel the need to prove my worth to those who think I don't have any by being female - and that's all I'm have to say about it.

i think unholy said he was generalizing.So you could very well be responsible and highly productive.I think unholy is not advocating kicking women out of the workforce but just that everyone be held to the same standard.Their are big differences between men and women and women do some things better than men and men do some things better than women but this is GENERALIZING or not true in every case.I believe there should be no women and mens sports-just sports.I believe a woman must pass the same p.t. test in the military as men or be discharged.I believe if part of a job one has to be able to lift 75 lbs and carry it from point a to point b then all that do that job must meet that standard or go out the door.I believe men should have equal opportunity to get the easy sit-down jobs in big companies and not simply move an unequal amount of women into these jobs because they were unable to compete at other tasks as effectively as male employees (they should be fired not promoted).

Here is an example-
I work for a large aircraft company where i do sheetmetal work.There are several plants and departments and numerous amounts of different types of work.One is working on the line-the most undesirable because it is loud,hot,and difficult.Another is small parts-sitting down building up smaller aircraft assemblies(this is the more desirable position).I work on the line where you have a higher male than female ratio because women who have been placed there usually could not do the work and are moved to easier tasks. In the small parts it is dominated by more women. I was asked to go and learn a smaller assembly and bring it over to the line so a women could be trained on it and do it.When asked why I wouldn't be the one working on it the answer was-We need you on the line.
2 questions-Why was i asked to go learn it and bring it back and not the person who would be doing it?
Why was the woman not deemed as too important to be moved off the line(this happens not only in aircraft but everywhere i have been)?Once again i just want fairness not special treatment like affirmative action.everyone should pull the same weight and i think that was what unholy was talking about.
Originally posted by cptpwichita
i think unholy said he was generalizing.So you could very well be responsible and highly productive.I think unholy is not advocating kicking women out of the workforce but just that everyone be held to the same standard.Their are big differences between men and women and women do some things better than men and men do some things better than women but this is GENERALIZING or not true in every case.I believe there should be no women and mens sports-just sports.I believe a woman must pass the same p.t. test in the military as men or be discharged.I believe if part of a job one has to be able to lift 75 lbs and carry it from point a to point b then all that do that job must meet that standard or go out the door.I believe men should have equal opportunity to get the easy sit-down jobs in big companies and not simply move an unequal amount of women into these jobs because they were unable to compete at other tasks as effectively as male employees (they should be fired not promoted).

Here is an example-
I work for a large aircraft company where i do sheetmetal work.There are several plants and departments and numerous amounts of different types of work.One is working on the line-the most undesirable because it is loud,hot,and difficult.Another is small parts-sitting down building up smaller aircraft assemblies(this is the more desirable position).I work on the line where you have a higher male than female ratio because women who have been placed there usually could not do the work and are moved to easier tasks. In the small parts it is dominated by more women. I was asked to go and learn a smaller assembly and bring it over to the line so a women could be trained on it and do it.When asked why I wouldn't be the one working on it the answer was-We need you on the line.
2 questions-Why was i asked to go learn it and bring it back and not the person who would be doing it?
Why was the woman not deemed as too important to be moved off the line(this happens not only in aircraft but everywhere i have been)?Once again i just want fairness not special treatment like affirmative action.everyone should pull the same weight and i think that was what unholy was talking about.

I don't really care about what unholy said since it was meant to piss people off, plain and simple. I've got much better reasons to get my panties in a bunch:p:. As for what you wrote above, all I can say is that for the most part I agree, and it was much better said than one of your earlier comments. I would also like to draw attention to the fact that you did take the time to re-state what you meant, which was very decent of you, and it's appreciated.
Very funny.

I am sure Unholy - whoever he or she maybe - gets a rise out of starting arguments and catfights and then walks away.

In fact, I will bet the farm that Unholy is a female or perhaps wishes to be one.

I find people that start catfights are hilarious because they get everyone rowed up - and they walk away and leave the fighting continue....

Don't let people do this to you.
Originally posted by UNHOLY
I would just like to complain about American women. I am generalizing here so keep that in mind, I'm also talking of the ones below the age of around 50. They complain that there is this "invisible forcefield" that is holding them back from getting up to or ahead of men. The only thing that is holding them back is the pure inability to compete with men. Men and women are not equal, which is why men have ruled the planet forever. Look around, everything that has been built has basically been built by men. The only reason women have entered anything is because we have let them. A woman get's a set of implants and flirts with the boss's and she moves up the ladder while the boss's look up her dress, am I right? How many ugly women have nice cushy office jobs? Not many, they either at home with 3 kids doing NOTHING at all (while either robbing their husband or robbing the government) or they are complaining because they have to stand all day long doing factory work. Their are a few ugly women that get far in life basically because they are career oriented, don't want kids and do work (but usually not physical work) hard to get far because they can't rely on their good looks to get them far, these women usually can't find a guy stupid enough to hang around because they are so career oriented that they have no home values to offer men. I'm also getting tired of these women warrior shows, women sports, women in the military, women sports anouncers, women cops, the list keeps going and going... Mailman, not now, now it's mail carrier. Stewardess, not now- flight attendant. Foreman, not now- Team Leader. Basically anything with the word "man" in it has been changed to something that suits women. How about all of the tv commercials that makes fun of men and makes them out to be a bunch of idiots even though we're the ones who have invented and brought women nearly everything they have, including the tv that they are watching the male bashing commercials on. It's time for us men to wake up and start standing up to these b#$%*'s and let them know that if they want something than they are going to have to start earning it by working the overtime and doing the tough jobs. When was the last time you seen a women forging steel or coalmining? Women usually only do jobs that they like and usually only part-time. They have kids so that they can rake in money from their hard working husbands who get an early grave after the women take every dime they have after divorce. They manipulate men by whining and crying around and using sex to get what they want. There are 4 widows to every widower and all we hear about is how women can stop their biological clock from ticking and more breast cancer research. National womens history month? Give me a break. If they get a month, men should have the rest of the year! Can you imagine if men started a "National Men's History Month". Can you imagine all of the backlash from the feminist groups and women in general? Just thought I'd point the obvious out. Sometimes it's so obvious it becomes the norm and overlooked by us hardworking, financially responsible men.

Are you and William Joyce best buddies? America - where even sexist women hating backwoods pigs can speak freely!
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Hmm, accurate? If a woman has earned her right to a job then so be it! Why should it be any different? If they both apply for the same job, and the woman has better credentials why should she not get the job? No I dont think forging steel is a place for a woman, but if she can do the job why not? fear of working women is pretty silly! my opinion anyway!:rolleyes:

Why not? Because UNHOLY is afraid women might perform better than him at his job, and he can't stand it because once a woman pointed out how small his penis was and it really pissed him off.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
That may be fine! but in the working world woman deserve the same opportunities!

I agree. I've wanted to watch women's professional football for a while, but it apparently just barely even exists. Or women's college football, hey, why not? I got into women's basketball recently, its a lot more competitive than I thought it would be. But of course, all Tigah athletics are very competitive.
Originally posted by janeeng

Most of all, think about this, if it weren't for us, your sorry asses wouldn't exist to begin with!

Being a Christian, I'd have to say that's not correct. God created "Adam" first, and then woman with a rib "TAKEN FROM ADAM".

"Woman" wouldn't be here if it wasn't for "MAN".

You know what they say at the end of every prayer....... "A *MEN*". :D
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
I agree. I've wanted to watch women's professional football for a while, but it apparently just barely even exists. Or women's college football, hey, why not? I got into women's basketball recently, its a lot more competitive than I thought it would be. But of course, all Tigah athletics are very competitive.

Women's sports that are competitive,hmmmm......
Oh yeah because they play against women.:p:
Originally posted by Pale Rider
Being a Christian, I'd have to say that's not correct. God created "Adam" first, and then woman with a rib "TAKEN FROM ADAM".

"Woman" wouldn't be here if it wasn't for "MAN".

You know what they say at the end of every prayer....... "A *MEN*". :D

True, woman wouldnt be here if not for man.....

Who gave birth to you? Your dad (man) or your mom (woman)

Originally posted by Pale Rider
Being a Christian, I'd have to say that's not correct. God created "Adam" first, and then woman with a rib "TAKEN FROM ADAM".

"Woman" wouldn't be here if it wasn't for "MAN".

You know what they say at the end of every prayer....... "A *MEN*". :D

U WOULDNT BE HERE IF UR MOM DIDN'T GO THROUGH HELL TO GIVE LABOR TO U. U must have been extra hell u fatty. Im tired of this bullshit that because women were made from a man, they are less important. And the only reason why women are so degraded is because for the last 10 thousand or more years ago, they were degraded and degraded, not much change in the genitics. Ill bet if women werent so degraded, they would be equal to men. They weren't givin the chance to grow thier muscles till now. And also unholy, (not the guy i quoted) the only reason why the men "rule the world" is not because we men are surpirior to them, women could easily rule the world if it wasn't for them catfighting and bitchslapping eachother.(no offence to women, but women do fight eachother alot more then men) I mean look at aaaaanold shwartsinager. he might be called a republican, but hes really a democrap. Is it because he is a liberal? No, its because his wife is a kennedy, she is hot, aaaaanold is a ladysman, and that kennedy girl is very smart. What a perfect combination for world domination! That just shows how powerful women really are.

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