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American Women

Originally posted by William Joyce
Unholy is right. Women are often competent, and can be very much so, but it is men who carry the spark of creative genius for the great stuff. Read "Why Men Rule" for some on this. But otherwise, look at the greats of history. All men. Evil conspiracy, or natural consequence of male superiority? I tend to think the latter.

Women are only great when they act like men.

Utterly full of shit, but that's to be expected of an ambulatory dungheap.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
Being a Christian, I'd have to say that's not correct. God created "Adam" first, and then woman with a rib "TAKEN FROM ADAM".

"Woman" wouldn't be here if it wasn't for "MAN".

You know what they say at the end of every prayer....... "A *MEN*". :D

Now that is so much bullshit. That myth was perpetrated to justify the maginalization and subjugation of women.
Originally posted by William Joyce
But otherwise, look at the greats of history. All men.

LOL William, that history book you're reading must be the abridged version.

I think the topics evolved from what was originally said.

Even Adam couldnt have been created without His Mother.
I got involed on this message board to defend America but what I just read made me dizzy. By the way I am a man. You are either very young, lost a job at Mc'donalds to a high school girl, very bitter about something, haven't had hetero sex in about 60 years, have had sex with yourself or God knows what for 60 years because you got turned down by every women you ever met for 60 years or are just a very uneducated faggot who got turned down by every man you ever met for 60 years. You better get used to jercking off for the rest of your life.
I am clueless to where you're comming from. Have a nice lonley life. I hope law enforcement is watching this. You are a serial killer in the making.
:blowup: it is really foolish to compare men and women

men i agree dominate many big things in the world ,

but there some small things which only women can do . :dunno: but they r cery important to us men :D

P.S dont forget from where u entered this world ,

through ur mothers womb
devil said:
:blowup: it is really foolish to compare men and women

men i agree dominate many big things in the world ,

but there some small things which only women can do . :dunno: but they r cery important to us men :D

P.S dont forget from where u entered this world ,

through ur mothers womb

HMmm, welcome devil. You are from where? Why did you pick up this old thread?
Something that I have never seen discussed is the impact on society that was made when women entered the workforce in large numbers . I am old enough to remember when the guy was the bread winner and the gals stayed home ( let me qualify this with the fact that I don't have a problem with women in the workforce).My Mother raised 6 kids (Catholic) on a Captains salary(Air Force) and did a great job . She not only kept the house immaculate , she cooked every night and made us all clothes on her sewing machine . She also had the amazing ability to make my Father feel like he was in charge of the household while she would do whatever she wanted with the home . I never felt that she was the one with less power .
What I saw happening at first in the workforce were guys bringing home the paycheck and it was the couples money , when the wife earned money , it was hers . As women came into the workforce in greater numbers , we became a 2 paycheck society . . .to survive . It appears that business took advantage of women by paying them less but then also used it as a threat to men by saying that they had to take a paycut or be replaced by a woman . We end up fighting over equality and because there is now twice as many people going after fewer jobs(downsizing and better productivity from use of robotics) we all get screwed .
What is the solution ?
By the way , I work in the golf business and tell women when I see them on the course to not put up with any man bitching about their abilities or speed of play . . . as a whole women are faster players. They don't hit it as far but they tend to hit it straight and they don't bullshit , they get up and hit it .
  • Thanks
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Hey Kathianne ,
I just noticed that you and I joined the board at the same time yet you have posted 4,937 times to my 165 . . . boy do I feel inadequate. :wtf: :D
sitarro said:
Something that I have never seen discussed is the impact on society that was made when women entered the workforce in large numbers . I am old enough to remember when the guy was the bread winner and the gals stayed home ( let me qualify this with the fact that I don't have a problem with women in the workforce).My Mother raised 6 kids (Catholic) on a Captains salary(Air Force) and did a great job . She not only kept the house immaculate , she cooked every night and made us all clothes on her sewing machine . She also had the amazing ability to make my Father feel like he was in charge of the household while she would do whatever she wanted with the home . I never felt that she was the one with less power .

When people work together, it's amazing how much they can accomplish with very little.
Kathianne said:
HMmm, welcome devil. You are from where? Why did you pick up this old thread?
thanks for the welcome .

i dint know this was a old thread ,
anyway there are lot of topics here of my intrest ,so i dont want to get too involved in ur board ,cuz if i did then i will never leave ur forum ..
cuz world politics is my fav subject :beer:

i have own forums ,but it is of cricket ,you americans dont like cricket ,

but i have heard usa cricket team is coming up ,

anyway back to the topic , woman is very important in this world ,
there are a million reasons for that .

i cant imagine one night without a woman. :cry:
sitarro said:
Hey Kathianne ,
I just noticed that you and I joined the board at the same time yet you have posted 4,937 times to my 165 . . . boy do I feel inadequate. :wtf: :D

LOL I don't write too many long posts. Thing about teaching, ...have summer days to spout off!
Yes. And when the combined income level puts you over the fifty percent mark in taxation, someone is working exclusively for the government.

You're exactly right. We all got screwed, for the reasons you cited. Great post!
sitarro said:
Something that I have never seen discussed is the impact on society that was made when women entered the workforce in large numbers . I am old enough to remember when the guy was the bread winner and the gals stayed home ( let me qualify this with the fact that I don't have a problem with women in the workforce).My Mother raised 6 kids (Catholic) on a Captains salary(Air Force) and did a great job . She not only kept the house immaculate , she cooked every night and made us all clothes on her sewing machine . She also had the amazing ability to make my Father feel like he was in charge of the household while she would do whatever she wanted with the home . I never felt that she was the one with less power .
What I saw happening at first in the workforce were guys bringing home the paycheck and it was the couples money , when the wife earned money , it was hers . As women came into the workforce in greater numbers , we became a 2 paycheck society . . .to survive . It appears that business took advantage of women by paying them less but then also used it as a threat to men by saying that they had to take a paycut or be replaced by a woman . We end up fighting over equality and because there is now twice as many people going after fewer jobs(downsizing and better productivity from use of robotics) we all get screwed .
What is the solution ?
By the way , I work in the golf business and tell women when I see them on the course to not put up with any man bitching about their abilities or speed of play . . . as a whole women are faster players. They don't hit it as far but they tend to hit it straight and they don't bullshit , they get up and hit it .

But there aren't fewer jobs, there are more. When anti-discrimination laws were passed in this country, our population was under 200 million people. Assuming that half of those people were male (100 million), and that 50-60 million were men who could work, the workforce had somewhere between 50-75 million people all told. Now the population is 250 million. Assuming that 50-60% of that number consists of people who can work (men plus women, which comes to about 125-150 million people) and that the unemployment rate is 5.5%, you get a number that is around 120-145 million jobs. That is an increase in the number of jobs by about 60 or 70 million jobs.

Even with outsourcing, that is an astonishing number.

Many people credit the feminists as being the sole reason or at least the main reason that women entered the workforce and the gains that they made. I don't agree. Yes, I do realize that anti-discrimination laws helped, but I think that the main reason that women entered the workforce was economics. That is, the cost to employers to discriminate against women no longer made business sense.

However, during the 1960s, our society's economy was converting from one based on agriculturel/manufacturing to one based on services and information. In the earlier economy, physical strength was needed to do many jobs, but in the new economy, brains not brawn are what matter. Hence, women can now compete more effectively for jobs. Also, the demand for jobs in the new economy outstripped the supply of men and hence (as I said before) the cost of discriminating against women when it came to jobs became prohibitive.

Did the feminists have anything to do with it? I am not sure...perhaps, but only as far as to get anti-discrimination legislation passed. But just because it became illegal to disciminate on the basis of sex didn't mean that millions of new jobs suddenly appeared. The economy did that.

Would women have entered the workforce anyway even without anti-discrimination laws? I believe that they would have, although they would have faced more obstacles without some legal protections. I believe though, that economics would have forced even the most discriminatory companies to hire and promote women, because if they didn't they would face bankruptcy. Let's face it, it comes down to supply and demand. If you discriminate, you are automatically limiting your supply and pushing up your unit cost of labor. If your competition is hiring and promoting women and enjoying a lower unit cost of labor, you're either going to follow suit or go out of business.
Well thought out post Karl ,
I assumed from my personal experience that with the introduction of the computer and robotics there would have been a loss of a lot of jobs . My own experience was that of a draftsman in the oil business in the 70s . I watched hundreds of draftsmen loss their jobs when CAD was first introduced .
Those first CAD systems were huge and cost a million dollars and weren't as powerful as an ipod today . It is so very amazing how technology has progressed in just the last thirty years and yet we don't have any more free time . :smoke:
Something ive noticed, alot of the girls may age that i have work with dont want to work. They want to get married and have children. and take care of them and have their husbands work. I think its interesting to see that considering the culture we live in. I mean im deffinate more of an old fashion type guy. I think that children are better with a parent who can be home with them for a majority of the time. Of course its going to be a womans choice whether to work or whether to stay home but i think its kind of encouraging in a way to see this.
sitarro said:
Well thought out post Karl ,
I assumed from my personal experience that with the introduction of the computer and robotics there would have been a loss of a lot of jobs . My own experience was that of a draftsman in the oil business in the 70s . I watched hundreds of draftsmen loss their jobs when CAD was first introduced .
Those first CAD systems were huge and cost a million dollars and weren't as powerful as an ipod today . It is so very amazing how technology has progressed in just the last thirty years and yet we don't have any more free time . :smoke:

Thanks for the complement. As for jobs being replaced by technology that is how the economy works, yes, jobs disappear but new ones are created (it reminds me of evolution, in a way). During the past several years millions of jobs have disappeared worldwide ... only to be replaced by others.

It makes sense to me that a lot of draftsmen that you mentioned in your post learned new skills and eventually found jobs doing something else. The same can be said of secretaries, telephone operators and other people whose jobs were replaced by technology.
In all the post's this thread, I failed to see the one statement that pretty much for me slam-dunks the start of this thread. Behind EVERY successful man there is woman behind him. In some cases 3 woman, wife,Mom and Grandma. All three have a hand in how the man goes through life. Most of the posters dont realize that the 3 above mentioned ladies will ALWAYS in the end be the boss. :thup: :clap: :clap: to all the real woman

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