Americans are being buried in debt and--the Misery Index (not me alone) explains


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023

I remembering first hearing about the misery index by someone who was against the policies of Jimmy Carter.

Today, we have those SAME policies! Will people never learn from history?! STOP VOTING DIM!

How did we end up with another Carter Administration - only this time on steroids? At least Carter didn't open our borders to just any old yahoo who wants to come across, including "beyond yahoo" terrorists?!

Bullshit if there weren't border crossings and the diff this time around is at least there are jobs. Unlike after Nixon and Ford fucked over the nation.
Bullshit if there weren't border crossings and the diff this time around is at least there are jobs. Unlike after Nixon and Ford fucked over the nation.
WHat the...?

I have no idea what you're talking about. Do you?

I remembering first hearing about the misery index by someone who was against the policies of Jimmy Carter.

Today, we have those SAME policies! Will people never learn from history?! STOP VOTING DIM!

How did we end up with another Carter Administration - only this time on steroids? At least Carter didn't open our borders to just any old yahoo who wants to come across, including "beyond yahoo" terrorists?!

We ended up like this due to a pandemic and the stoppage of production, duh, it doesn't take a genius, a stable genius, to finger that one out.
WHat the...?

I have no idea what you're talking about. Do you?
The border had people coming across it during Carter why in the hell do you think Reagan gave them amnesty? There was inflation but no fucking jobs during Carter and Reagan so there is yer diff. After Nixon and his price fixing the economy went to hell under a guy who took over for Nixon when he resigned called Gerald Ford who was tripindicular on the steps like Biden is.
We ended up like this due to a pandemic and the stoppage of production, duh, it doesn't take a genius, a stable genius, to finger that one out.
Right. As soon as that zombie & his party took over the White House (literally took it), that administration UN-did all the good policies Trump put in place. One of the worst examples is how they opened up the border for any old freak / terrorist to come across to do harm to us Americans.

But I guess that doesn't bother you? (until one of those freaks robs, rapes or murders you or someone you love?)
Right. As soon as that zombie & his party took over the White House (literally took it), that administration UN-did all the good policies Trump put in place. One of the worst examples is how they opened up the border for any old freak / terrorist to come across to do harm to us Americans.

But I guess that doesn't bother you? (until one of those freaks robs, rapes or murders you or someone you love?)
Trump had no "good" policies...And he is just as much of a culprit as Biden is. The pandemic is the only thing that cut back on immigration, any other time it has never been stopped.
The border had people coming across it during Carter why in the hell do you think Reagan gave them amnesty? There was inflation but no fucking jobs during Carter and Reagan so there is yer diff. After Nixon and his price fixing the economy went to hell under a guy who took over for Nixon when he resigned called Gerald Ford who was tripindicular on the steps like Biden is.
You make no sense. DUH people were coming across in previous administrations. But if you say things were no better under Trump, you are a big LIAR and I don't particularly appreciate liars.
Right. As soon as that zombie & his party took over the White House (literally took it), that administration UN-did all the good policies Trump put in place. One of the worst examples is how they opened up the border for any old freak / terrorist to come across to do harm to us Americans.

But I guess that doesn't bother you? (until one of those freaks robs, rapes or murders you or someone you love?)
They are already robbing us as we have to take care of them, at the expense of our own people.

Of course, most of the immigration is the result of our failure to win the war on drugs, so there's that. :(
They are already robbing us as we have to take care of them, at the expense of our own people.

I know. It's totally disgusting! The illegals get put up in 4 star hotels while America's law-abiding citizens face homelessness or are already there and some have to sleep outside or in their vehicles in the winter time (rent is too high in most places). But oh well, those illegals are "spacial"

Morons in charge
Washington and economists have almost been singularly fixated on GNP/GDP since the 50's. You can come up with whatever other metric you want, but they will ignore it.
OPEC tanked the economy then.
It is never just one thing, but it's interesting that liberals cannot/will not look at simple facts like this:

We ARE better off when the Republicans are in office.

THAT is undeniable, absolutely undeniable.
You make no sense. DUH people were coming across in previous administrations. But if you say things were no better under Trump, you are a big LIAR and I don't particularly appreciate liars.
I don't much care for dittoheads like you that have no brains, if you did you'd take them out and play with them.
It is never just one thing, but it's interesting that liberals cannot/will not look at simple facts like this:

We ARE better off when the Republicans are in office.

THAT is undeniable, absolutely undeniable.
I am better off because I do not exist and live under conditions created by a politician or a government.
Washington and economists have almost been singularly fixated on GNP/GDP since the 50's. You can come up with whatever other metric you want, but they will ignore it.
Of course, Washington ignores anything that makes sense.

Our country is like a car engine that has been driven for 500,000 miles and now the exhaust is blue and copiously spewing out the tailpipe, and you know it needs an over-haul but by God, you're going to keep driving that SOB until it dies ...

wherever the hell that may be! (the taxpayers will always be there so why not?!)


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