Americans are being buried in debt and--the Misery Index (not me alone) explains

I remembering first hearing about the misery index by someone who was against the policies of Jimmy Carter.

Today, we have those SAME policies! Will people never learn from history?! STOP VOTING DIM!

How did we end up with another Carter Administration - only this time on steroids? At least Carter didn't open our borders to just any old yahoo who wants to come across, including "beyond yahoo" terrorists?!


Americans have a tendency to live above their means.

I remembering first hearing about the misery index by someone who was against the policies of Jimmy Carter.

Today, we have those SAME policies! Will people never learn from history?! STOP VOTING DIM!

How did we end up with another Carter Administration - only this time on steroids? At least Carter didn't open our borders to just any old yahoo who wants to come across, including "beyond yahoo" terrorists?!

Speak for yourself. I have zero car payments on 4 cars, zero credit card debt, and a low mortgage interest rate.
With BLOATED government vampire sucking off the poor and working class people fall into the debt trap. Imagine if they got to keep the money they earned. The $7,000 BILLION dollars the federal government is leaching off the people is only a portion, now add state and local taxes, fees, and various forms of government mooching.
you forgot

"While those working for said behemoth become millionaires and billionaires (Pelosi et al)"
you forgot

"While those working for said behemoth become millionaires and billionaires (Pelosi et al)"
Yes it's odd that Democrats get elected to congress then accidently become multi-millionaires on a meager civil servant salary. :eusa_think:
Seattle just demonstrated how Democrats MOOCH. They allocated $30 million for rent relief for 4,500 people. Then spent $60 million hiring government workers to "administer" the program.
Seattle just demonstrated how Democrats MOOCH. They allocated $30 million for rent relief for 4,500 people. Then spent $60 million hiring government workers to "administer" the program.
I would laugh but it's terrible.

THe laugh would be over how STUPID govt is. That is, govt run by morons aka demonrats
Americans have a tendency to live above their means.

Yes, and eventually it catches up with them. Sooner or later people reach the point where they can't pay their bills and the interest due strangles them financially. Their credit cards are cancelled and the credit score tumbles and basically they can't borrow any more money. And that is when the shit hits the fan.
While true, has nothing to do with the topic.
ha ha..



It has a lot to do w/ the topic since it is wrong for "the little people" to strive hard, yet have to fork over a huge chunk of their earnings to a govt that is against them, while the aforementioned looters get filthy rich off this.

No, I don't expect for you to get it.
Yes, and eventually it catches up with them. Sooner or later people reach the point where they can't pay their bills and the interest due strangles them financially. Their credit cards are cancelled and the credit score tumbles and basically they can't borrow any more money. And that is when the shit hits the fan.
But somehow, those govt "servants" always manage to pay their bills... buy Ferraris... hire male prostitutes who hit them with hammers and etc...
It has a lot to do w/ the topic since it is wrong for "the little people" to strive hard, yet have to fork over a huge chunk of their earnings to a govt that is against them, while the aforementioned looters get filthy rich off this.

No, I don't expect for you to get it.

That's the government they voted for. What's the problem?
you flatter yourself.

The day I let some puke dimrat victimize me is the day they put me in the old pine box.

Even if such were to happen, that doesn't make the dimrat right. They are never right.
I'm not a Democrat but thanks for playing.
How does Covid 19 affect income?

Looking at the overall distribution of real income changes, as compared to only large declines, similarly highlights the dis-equalizing effects of the pandemic. Most working-age adults in the bottom quintile of the distribution had market income declines, with a median annual income change in 2020 of –2.7 percent.Jul 7, 2022

Income Declines During COVID-19 - The Fed​

But somehow, those govt "servants" always manage to pay their bills... buy Ferraris... hire male prostitutes who hit them with hammers and etc...
Mr. Pelosi was not an office holder nor is he a civil servant nor has he ever been elected to a federal position.

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