Americans Brutally Rejecting VP Kamala Harris

Can you imagine what kind of an idiot you would have to be to have voted for Joe Dufus and the Ho and then deny that they stole the election? Unbelievable stupidity.
Klobuchar really fukt up warren with that "he's gonna pick a black woman" line


She would have made an alright president. Pretending like she's baking cookies while she's playing to extend the empire's reach. I could see it
She was the only candidate that could have won legitimately, but she was BLM'd out. White women have no future in the DNC, wonder how long it will take them to figure that out?

Well i mean it was white women sniping at each otehr that prevented a white woman from becoming VP

Women tend to undercut each other irrelevant of their race, that's why all women business don't work. Turns out women don't like other women in a work setting

Just hte nature of feminine interaction.

A fucking mess
Not really, it was two things that ended Klobucher, that whole Spanish TV hostess totally trashing her in that one debate, and BLM trashing her.

No kobucher ended warren's bid for VP

it was warren lor klobuchar until klobuchar had issues with being a former DA and not prosecuting Chauvin. Which meant she was never going to be VP as soon as Floyd died.

No one even had to say anything to her, Kobuchar knew she had fucked up

Then just brought down warren with her for the fun of it.
Warren never had a chance, even in that extremely weak field. The 'leader' in that race changed weekly, except for the fact that our so-called VP had to drop out before the first contest, and Creepy Joe was sucking hind tit until the whole of the DNC backed him to stop Bernie. Bernie would have racked up the delegates without having to win that many contests. Never before have so many top tier candidates dropped out before a single vote was counted on Super Tuesday, even after they spent all that money and time campaigning specifically for that contest.

We're in a thread discussing how weak Harris is, Biden has more support in the black community.

Choosing her makes no sense outside Klobuchar forcing the media narrative onto it.

IDK if they have personal problems. But Klobuchar was cleary sniping at warren with that statement.

Your points about bernie are true but irrelevant by this point in the time line. They were competing for VP by then, and the only two viable presidential candidates were white men.

It was a white woman who stopped the other viable white woman VP candidates from getting selected, most obviously warren. Who was the clearly behind Klobuchar in Biden's choice list until Floyd.

Much more likely for men to be cut out than white women. White women are the core of the democratic party. You can lose any single demographic by race/ethnicity but white women and survive as the democrats.
The VP candidate was going to be a black female the second the DNC backed Biden over Bernie. That was the only way they could hand SC to Biden. Biden wasn't leading any states going into Super Tuesday, then suddenly everyone drops out and Biden is king. What a joke.

It was going to be klobuchar, that's who he wanted

this is not in dispute im' not going to banter about it

the DNC can see teh same numbers discussed in this thread. Harris was forced on them, we just had a black president why the fuck woudl you need a black VP? When the old white guy gets more black votes than all the black candidates because he was obama's buddy. Old black ladies LOVE Joe

Makes no sense what you're saying, at all

Beyond the accurate representation of Bernie's problems. Everything else your'e syaing was either fabricated by your terrible sources or you're not remembering correctly.

Timeline is

Bernie is winning > DNC moves against him, biden wins a few and becomes obvious candidate > Klobuchar takes top spot on biden's VP list > floyd dies, klobuchar's political career ends > She closes teh door on warren as she goes out

That's what happened
You are misremembering. Biden won once, in SC. He lost the previous contests convincingly. Iowa and New Hampshire were brutal, then all the sudden he's the guy? Klobuchar was BLM'd out before Floyd died, or at least the threats were being made. Biden needed the black community to win SC, the price for that win was a black VP, although I think Abrams was supposed to be the one.

No she was on top fo the list until floyd died

And yea the DNC moved against him, and he kept winning because they were behind him

Your memory is very flawed on this

"hurr durr the blacks"

lol black people have no real power in the DNC. What fucking party are you talking about? Buying up their propaganda

That was white people who anointed Joe

edit - Like i said the democratic party is the party of white women.
Sorry, but you are dead wrong on this. As a whole, black political power is limited to very specific areas, but that power is vastly greater within the DNC. Democrats cannot win if blacks stay home, just ask Hillary, Gore, or Kerry. The black participation between them and Biden isn't really that big a percentage, but it was all the difference between winning and losing.

No they project as it is

There were only two viable female black candidates, they picked the one who was also a former prosecutor

Just because the DNC messages that way doesn't mean it's black people doing it.

The numbers in elite positions and who votes say that's not it

At first Biden hinted a female, then likely a female of color, and out of all the potential people that could have been picked we got Harris. She obviously knows where some skeletons are buried, because she is woefully unfit and too unpopular for anyone with a brain to pick.

Yep. First he said a woman.

Then buckled to pressure to name a black woman.

And Kamala won the "right place, right time" lotto.
How do you know that he buckled to pressure and didn’t make that decision on his own?

You can use any of the following:

Google, which will point you to several articles of various groups pressuring him. Here's one

Your memory. Think about the climate in July of last year, when he first announced he had 4 black women suddenly under consideration for the position.

Common sense. Kamala wasn't/isn't the smartest/most qualified woman, much less person, for the job.

Are you joking around? It’s hard to take that reply seriously. Of course there was pressure, there is always pressure from a variety of opinions... but that doesn’t mean he buckled and didn’t make the call based on what he wanted. You’re point about her qualifications is subjective as well.

How did he not buckle? When Harris was forced on us, what was happening all across the urban hellscape of America? Endless riots for useless thugs. If it was a numbers game, the VP nod should have been Hispanic, but apparently Democrats like brown kids in cages too much to give brown folks any real power.

Riiiiight, so no proof that Biden wanted somebody else but then buckled under pressure?! Ok got it

Are you expecting a memo? Stay clueless, vote straight ticket Marxist, and you'll never have to use your pea-sized brain again.

I’m not a party line voter. You don’t know who you are talking to

Pretty sure I do, but you can keep pretending you're something else.
Klobuchar really fukt up warren with that "he's gonna pick a black woman" line


She would have made an alright president. Pretending like she's baking cookies while she's playing to extend the empire's reach. I could see it
She was the only candidate that could have won legitimately, but she was BLM'd out. White women have no future in the DNC, wonder how long it will take them to figure that out?

Well i mean it was white women sniping at each otehr that prevented a white woman from becoming VP

Women tend to undercut each other irrelevant of their race, that's why all women business don't work. Turns out women don't like other women in a work setting

Just hte nature of feminine interaction.

A fucking mess
Not really, it was two things that ended Klobucher, that whole Spanish TV hostess totally trashing her in that one debate, and BLM trashing her.

No kobucher ended warren's bid for VP

it was warren lor klobuchar until klobuchar had issues with being a former DA and not prosecuting Chauvin. Which meant she was never going to be VP as soon as Floyd died.

No one even had to say anything to her, Kobuchar knew she had fucked up

Then just brought down warren with her for the fun of it.
Warren never had a chance, even in that extremely weak field. The 'leader' in that race changed weekly, except for the fact that our so-called VP had to drop out before the first contest, and Creepy Joe was sucking hind tit until the whole of the DNC backed him to stop Bernie. Bernie would have racked up the delegates without having to win that many contests. Never before have so many top tier candidates dropped out before a single vote was counted on Super Tuesday, even after they spent all that money and time campaigning specifically for that contest.

We're in a thread discussing how weak Harris is, Biden has more support in the black community.

Choosing her makes no sense outside Klobuchar forcing the media narrative onto it.

IDK if they have personal problems. But Klobuchar was cleary sniping at warren with that statement.

Your points about bernie are true but irrelevant by this point in the time line. They were competing for VP by then, and the only two viable presidential candidates were white men.

It was a white woman who stopped the other viable white woman VP candidates from getting selected, most obviously warren. Who was the clearly behind Klobuchar in Biden's choice list until Floyd.

Much more likely for men to be cut out than white women. White women are the core of the democratic party. You can lose any single demographic by race/ethnicity but white women and survive as the democrats.
The VP candidate was going to be a black female the second the DNC backed Biden over Bernie. That was the only way they could hand SC to Biden. Biden wasn't leading any states going into Super Tuesday, then suddenly everyone drops out and Biden is king. What a joke.

It was going to be klobuchar, that's who he wanted

this is not in dispute im' not going to banter about it

the DNC can see teh same numbers discussed in this thread. Harris was forced on them, we just had a black president why the fuck woudl you need a black VP? When the old white guy gets more black votes than all the black candidates because he was obama's buddy. Old black ladies LOVE Joe

Makes no sense what you're saying, at all

Beyond the accurate representation of Bernie's problems. Everything else your'e syaing was either fabricated by your terrible sources or you're not remembering correctly.

Timeline is

Bernie is winning > DNC moves against him, biden wins a few and becomes obvious candidate > Klobuchar takes top spot on biden's VP list > floyd dies, klobuchar's political career ends > She closes teh door on warren as she goes out

That's what happened
You are misremembering. Biden won once, in SC. He lost the previous contests convincingly. Iowa and New Hampshire were brutal, then all the sudden he's the guy? Klobuchar was BLM'd out before Floyd died, or at least the threats were being made. Biden needed the black community to win SC, the price for that win was a black VP, although I think Abrams was supposed to be the one.

No she was on top fo the list until floyd died

And yea the DNC moved against him, and he kept winning because they were behind him

Your memory is very flawed on this

"hurr durr the blacks"

lol black people have no real power in the DNC. What fucking party are you talking about? Buying up their propaganda

That was white people who anointed Joe

edit - Like i said the democratic party is the party of white women.
Sorry, but you are dead wrong on this. As a whole, black political power is limited to very specific areas, but that power is vastly greater within the DNC. Democrats cannot win if blacks stay home, just ask Hillary, Gore, or Kerry. The black participation between them and Biden isn't really that big a percentage, but it was all the difference between winning and losing.

No they project as it is

There were only two viable female black candidates, they picked the one who was also a former prosecutor

Just because the DNC messages that way doesn't mean it's black people doing it.

The numbers in elite positions and who votes say that's not it

At first Biden hinted a female, then likely a female of color, and out of all the potential people that could have been picked we got Harris. She obviously knows where some skeletons are buried, because she is woefully unfit and too unpopular for anyone with a brain to pick.

Yep. First he said a woman.

Then buckled to pressure to name a black woman.

And Kamala won the "right place, right time" lotto.
How do you know that he buckled to pressure and didn’t make that decision on his own?

You can use any of the following:

Google, which will point you to several articles of various groups pressuring him. Here's one

Your memory. Think about the climate in July of last year, when he first announced he had 4 black women suddenly under consideration for the position.

Common sense. Kamala wasn't/isn't the smartest/most qualified woman, much less person, for the job.

Are you joking around? It’s hard to take that reply seriously. Of course there was pressure, there is always pressure from a variety of opinions... but that doesn’t mean he buckled and didn’t make the call based on what he wanted. You’re point about her qualifications is subjective as well.

Oh, please, what are you looking for "beyond a reasonable doubt" criminal trial level proof, or simple preponderance of evidence, which we clearly have.

Look at the chain of events.

1. Joe says he'll pick a woman. ZERO discussion of a black woman.

2. BLM goes on a rampage. Black and dem leadership openly pressure Buden to choose a black woman.

3. Out of nowhere, "poof" Joe is suddenly publicly considering 4 black women.

Her qualifications relative to others is not at all subjective. Klobuchar in particular makes her look like an amatuer.
Klobuchar really fukt up warren with that "he's gonna pick a black woman" line


She would have made an alright president. Pretending like she's baking cookies while she's playing to extend the empire's reach. I could see it
She was the only candidate that could have won legitimately, but she was BLM'd out. White women have no future in the DNC, wonder how long it will take them to figure that out?

Well i mean it was white women sniping at each otehr that prevented a white woman from becoming VP

Women tend to undercut each other irrelevant of their race, that's why all women business don't work. Turns out women don't like other women in a work setting

Just hte nature of feminine interaction.

A fucking mess
Not really, it was two things that ended Klobucher, that whole Spanish TV hostess totally trashing her in that one debate, and BLM trashing her.

No kobucher ended warren's bid for VP

it was warren lor klobuchar until klobuchar had issues with being a former DA and not prosecuting Chauvin. Which meant she was never going to be VP as soon as Floyd died.

No one even had to say anything to her, Kobuchar knew she had fucked up

Then just brought down warren with her for the fun of it.
Warren never had a chance, even in that extremely weak field. The 'leader' in that race changed weekly, except for the fact that our so-called VP had to drop out before the first contest, and Creepy Joe was sucking hind tit until the whole of the DNC backed him to stop Bernie. Bernie would have racked up the delegates without having to win that many contests. Never before have so many top tier candidates dropped out before a single vote was counted on Super Tuesday, even after they spent all that money and time campaigning specifically for that contest.

We're in a thread discussing how weak Harris is, Biden has more support in the black community.

Choosing her makes no sense outside Klobuchar forcing the media narrative onto it.

IDK if they have personal problems. But Klobuchar was cleary sniping at warren with that statement.

Your points about bernie are true but irrelevant by this point in the time line. They were competing for VP by then, and the only two viable presidential candidates were white men.

It was a white woman who stopped the other viable white woman VP candidates from getting selected, most obviously warren. Who was the clearly behind Klobuchar in Biden's choice list until Floyd.

Much more likely for men to be cut out than white women. White women are the core of the democratic party. You can lose any single demographic by race/ethnicity but white women and survive as the democrats.
The VP candidate was going to be a black female the second the DNC backed Biden over Bernie. That was the only way they could hand SC to Biden. Biden wasn't leading any states going into Super Tuesday, then suddenly everyone drops out and Biden is king. What a joke.

It was going to be klobuchar, that's who he wanted

this is not in dispute im' not going to banter about it

the DNC can see teh same numbers discussed in this thread. Harris was forced on them, we just had a black president why the fuck woudl you need a black VP? When the old white guy gets more black votes than all the black candidates because he was obama's buddy. Old black ladies LOVE Joe

Makes no sense what you're saying, at all

Beyond the accurate representation of Bernie's problems. Everything else your'e syaing was either fabricated by your terrible sources or you're not remembering correctly.

Timeline is

Bernie is winning > DNC moves against him, biden wins a few and becomes obvious candidate > Klobuchar takes top spot on biden's VP list > floyd dies, klobuchar's political career ends > She closes teh door on warren as she goes out

That's what happened
You are misremembering. Biden won once, in SC. He lost the previous contests convincingly. Iowa and New Hampshire were brutal, then all the sudden he's the guy? Klobuchar was BLM'd out before Floyd died, or at least the threats were being made. Biden needed the black community to win SC, the price for that win was a black VP, although I think Abrams was supposed to be the one.

No she was on top fo the list until floyd died

And yea the DNC moved against him, and he kept winning because they were behind him

Your memory is very flawed on this

"hurr durr the blacks"

lol black people have no real power in the DNC. What fucking party are you talking about? Buying up their propaganda

That was white people who anointed Joe

edit - Like i said the democratic party is the party of white women.
Sorry, but you are dead wrong on this. As a whole, black political power is limited to very specific areas, but that power is vastly greater within the DNC. Democrats cannot win if blacks stay home, just ask Hillary, Gore, or Kerry. The black participation between them and Biden isn't really that big a percentage, but it was all the difference between winning and losing.

No they project as it is

There were only two viable female black candidates, they picked the one who was also a former prosecutor

Just because the DNC messages that way doesn't mean it's black people doing it.

The numbers in elite positions and who votes say that's not it

At first Biden hinted a female, then likely a female of color, and out of all the potential people that could have been picked we got Harris. She obviously knows where some skeletons are buried, because she is woefully unfit and too unpopular for anyone with a brain to pick.

Yep. First he said a woman.

Then buckled to pressure to name a black woman.

And Kamala won the "right place, right time" lotto.
How do you know that he buckled to pressure and didn’t make that decision on his own?

You can use any of the following:

Google, which will point you to several articles of various groups pressuring him. Here's one

Your memory. Think about the climate in July of last year, when he first announced he had 4 black women suddenly under consideration for the position.

Common sense. Kamala wasn't/isn't the smartest/most qualified woman, much less person, for the job.

Are you joking around? It’s hard to take that reply seriously. Of course there was pressure, there is always pressure from a variety of opinions... but that doesn’t mean he buckled and didn’t make the call based on what he wanted. You’re point about her qualifications is subjective as well.

How did he not buckle? When Harris was forced on us, what was happening all across the urban hellscape of America? Endless riots for useless thugs. If it was a numbers game, the VP nod should have been Hispanic, but apparently Democrats like brown kids in cages too much to give brown folks any real power.

Riiiiight, so no proof that Biden wanted somebody else but then buckled under pressure?! Ok got it

Are you expecting a memo? Stay clueless, vote straight ticket Marxist, and you'll never have to use your pea-sized brain again.

I’m not a party line voter. You don’t know who you are talking to

Pretty sure I do, but you can keep pretending you're something else.

Good point you win. You know me better than I know myself. How could I have been so dumb as to not trust those amazing instincts of yours?! Idiot
Klobuchar really fukt up warren with that "he's gonna pick a black woman" line


She would have made an alright president. Pretending like she's baking cookies while she's playing to extend the empire's reach. I could see it
She was the only candidate that could have won legitimately, but she was BLM'd out. White women have no future in the DNC, wonder how long it will take them to figure that out?

Well i mean it was white women sniping at each otehr that prevented a white woman from becoming VP

Women tend to undercut each other irrelevant of their race, that's why all women business don't work. Turns out women don't like other women in a work setting

Just hte nature of feminine interaction.

A fucking mess
Not really, it was two things that ended Klobucher, that whole Spanish TV hostess totally trashing her in that one debate, and BLM trashing her.

No kobucher ended warren's bid for VP

it was warren lor klobuchar until klobuchar had issues with being a former DA and not prosecuting Chauvin. Which meant she was never going to be VP as soon as Floyd died.

No one even had to say anything to her, Kobuchar knew she had fucked up

Then just brought down warren with her for the fun of it.
Warren never had a chance, even in that extremely weak field. The 'leader' in that race changed weekly, except for the fact that our so-called VP had to drop out before the first contest, and Creepy Joe was sucking hind tit until the whole of the DNC backed him to stop Bernie. Bernie would have racked up the delegates without having to win that many contests. Never before have so many top tier candidates dropped out before a single vote was counted on Super Tuesday, even after they spent all that money and time campaigning specifically for that contest.

We're in a thread discussing how weak Harris is, Biden has more support in the black community.

Choosing her makes no sense outside Klobuchar forcing the media narrative onto it.

IDK if they have personal problems. But Klobuchar was cleary sniping at warren with that statement.

Your points about bernie are true but irrelevant by this point in the time line. They were competing for VP by then, and the only two viable presidential candidates were white men.

It was a white woman who stopped the other viable white woman VP candidates from getting selected, most obviously warren. Who was the clearly behind Klobuchar in Biden's choice list until Floyd.

Much more likely for men to be cut out than white women. White women are the core of the democratic party. You can lose any single demographic by race/ethnicity but white women and survive as the democrats.
The VP candidate was going to be a black female the second the DNC backed Biden over Bernie. That was the only way they could hand SC to Biden. Biden wasn't leading any states going into Super Tuesday, then suddenly everyone drops out and Biden is king. What a joke.

It was going to be klobuchar, that's who he wanted

this is not in dispute im' not going to banter about it

the DNC can see teh same numbers discussed in this thread. Harris was forced on them, we just had a black president why the fuck woudl you need a black VP? When the old white guy gets more black votes than all the black candidates because he was obama's buddy. Old black ladies LOVE Joe

Makes no sense what you're saying, at all

Beyond the accurate representation of Bernie's problems. Everything else your'e syaing was either fabricated by your terrible sources or you're not remembering correctly.

Timeline is

Bernie is winning > DNC moves against him, biden wins a few and becomes obvious candidate > Klobuchar takes top spot on biden's VP list > floyd dies, klobuchar's political career ends > She closes teh door on warren as she goes out

That's what happened
You are misremembering. Biden won once, in SC. He lost the previous contests convincingly. Iowa and New Hampshire were brutal, then all the sudden he's the guy? Klobuchar was BLM'd out before Floyd died, or at least the threats were being made. Biden needed the black community to win SC, the price for that win was a black VP, although I think Abrams was supposed to be the one.

No she was on top fo the list until floyd died

And yea the DNC moved against him, and he kept winning because they were behind him

Your memory is very flawed on this

"hurr durr the blacks"

lol black people have no real power in the DNC. What fucking party are you talking about? Buying up their propaganda

That was white people who anointed Joe

edit - Like i said the democratic party is the party of white women.
Sorry, but you are dead wrong on this. As a whole, black political power is limited to very specific areas, but that power is vastly greater within the DNC. Democrats cannot win if blacks stay home, just ask Hillary, Gore, or Kerry. The black participation between them and Biden isn't really that big a percentage, but it was all the difference between winning and losing.

No they project as it is

There were only two viable female black candidates, they picked the one who was also a former prosecutor

Just because the DNC messages that way doesn't mean it's black people doing it.

The numbers in elite positions and who votes say that's not it

At first Biden hinted a female, then likely a female of color, and out of all the potential people that could have been picked we got Harris. She obviously knows where some skeletons are buried, because she is woefully unfit and too unpopular for anyone with a brain to pick.

Yep. First he said a woman.

Then buckled to pressure to name a black woman.

And Kamala won the "right place, right time" lotto.
How do you know that he buckled to pressure and didn’t make that decision on his own?

You can use any of the following:

Google, which will point you to several articles of various groups pressuring him. Here's one

Your memory. Think about the climate in July of last year, when he first announced he had 4 black women suddenly under consideration for the position.

Common sense. Kamala wasn't/isn't the smartest/most qualified woman, much less person, for the job.

Are you joking around? It’s hard to take that reply seriously. Of course there was pressure, there is always pressure from a variety of opinions... but that doesn’t mean he buckled and didn’t make the call based on what he wanted. You’re point about her qualifications is subjective as well.

Oh, please, what are you looking for "beyond a reasonable doubt" criminal trial level proof, or simple preponderance of evidence, which we clearly have.

Look at the chain of events.

1. Joe says he'll pick a woman. ZERO discussion of a black woman.

2. BLM goes on a rampage. Black and dem leadership openly pressure Buden to choose a black woman.

3. Out of nowhere, "poof" Joe is suddenly publicly considering 4 black women.

Her qualifications relative to others is not at all subjective. Klobuchar in particular makes her look like an amatuer.

Uhh yes I would expect proof if you are going to make a claim like that instead of hyperbolic assumptions. Otherwise you’re stating an opinion
I think the distinction folks on the right are making. . . and I could be wrong here, is they are making the claim that Harris used her sexual proclivities to leverage gains in her career.

I, personally, do not see her gaining positions of power from her activities. . . but then? I have not done research into that topic. They just as well may have been work place romances. Do we know for sure there were not other equally qualified candidates?

Later on, it becomes more subtle, and harder to prove, but how The Whore's political career got its start is obvious and undeniable.

She was openly having a sexual affair with Willie Brown, a married man, a powerful politician, who was in a position to provider her with opportunities and support without which she would never have achieved any political positions.

And in every position that The Whore has held, she has conducted herself with incompetence and corruption, and has very clearly not been a suitable person to hold that office.

There is simply no way that she has advanced through the offices that she's held, legitimately, on the basis of her own abilities and character. We know, without any reasonable doubt, that she slept her way into and through her first several political positions, and there really is no reason to suppose that she hasn't advanced through every position since then, either through that means, or through similarly illegitimate means.
So. . . you're saying she slept with Biden?

Klobuchar really fukt up warren with that "he's gonna pick a black woman" line


She would have made an alright president. Pretending like she's baking cookies while she's playing to extend the empire's reach. I could see it
She was the only candidate that could have won legitimately, but she was BLM'd out. White women have no future in the DNC, wonder how long it will take them to figure that out?

Well i mean it was white women sniping at each otehr that prevented a white woman from becoming VP

Women tend to undercut each other irrelevant of their race, that's why all women business don't work. Turns out women don't like other women in a work setting

Just hte nature of feminine interaction.

A fucking mess
Not really, it was two things that ended Klobucher, that whole Spanish TV hostess totally trashing her in that one debate, and BLM trashing her.

No kobucher ended warren's bid for VP

it was warren lor klobuchar until klobuchar had issues with being a former DA and not prosecuting Chauvin. Which meant she was never going to be VP as soon as Floyd died.

No one even had to say anything to her, Kobuchar knew she had fucked up

Then just brought down warren with her for the fun of it.
Warren never had a chance, even in that extremely weak field. The 'leader' in that race changed weekly, except for the fact that our so-called VP had to drop out before the first contest, and Creepy Joe was sucking hind tit until the whole of the DNC backed him to stop Bernie. Bernie would have racked up the delegates without having to win that many contests. Never before have so many top tier candidates dropped out before a single vote was counted on Super Tuesday, even after they spent all that money and time campaigning specifically for that contest.

We're in a thread discussing how weak Harris is, Biden has more support in the black community.

Choosing her makes no sense outside Klobuchar forcing the media narrative onto it.

IDK if they have personal problems. But Klobuchar was cleary sniping at warren with that statement.

Your points about bernie are true but irrelevant by this point in the time line. They were competing for VP by then, and the only two viable presidential candidates were white men.

It was a white woman who stopped the other viable white woman VP candidates from getting selected, most obviously warren. Who was the clearly behind Klobuchar in Biden's choice list until Floyd.

Much more likely for men to be cut out than white women. White women are the core of the democratic party. You can lose any single demographic by race/ethnicity but white women and survive as the democrats.
The VP candidate was going to be a black female the second the DNC backed Biden over Bernie. That was the only way they could hand SC to Biden. Biden wasn't leading any states going into Super Tuesday, then suddenly everyone drops out and Biden is king. What a joke.

It was going to be klobuchar, that's who he wanted

this is not in dispute im' not going to banter about it

the DNC can see teh same numbers discussed in this thread. Harris was forced on them, we just had a black president why the fuck woudl you need a black VP? When the old white guy gets more black votes than all the black candidates because he was obama's buddy. Old black ladies LOVE Joe

Makes no sense what you're saying, at all

Beyond the accurate representation of Bernie's problems. Everything else your'e syaing was either fabricated by your terrible sources or you're not remembering correctly.

Timeline is

Bernie is winning > DNC moves against him, biden wins a few and becomes obvious candidate > Klobuchar takes top spot on biden's VP list > floyd dies, klobuchar's political career ends > She closes teh door on warren as she goes out

That's what happened
You are misremembering. Biden won once, in SC. He lost the previous contests convincingly. Iowa and New Hampshire were brutal, then all the sudden he's the guy? Klobuchar was BLM'd out before Floyd died, or at least the threats were being made. Biden needed the black community to win SC, the price for that win was a black VP, although I think Abrams was supposed to be the one.

No she was on top fo the list until floyd died

And yea the DNC moved against him, and he kept winning because they were behind him

Your memory is very flawed on this

"hurr durr the blacks"

lol black people have no real power in the DNC. What fucking party are you talking about? Buying up their propaganda

That was white people who anointed Joe

edit - Like i said the democratic party is the party of white women.
Sorry, but you are dead wrong on this. As a whole, black political power is limited to very specific areas, but that power is vastly greater within the DNC. Democrats cannot win if blacks stay home, just ask Hillary, Gore, or Kerry. The black participation between them and Biden isn't really that big a percentage, but it was all the difference between winning and losing.

No they project as it is

There were only two viable female black candidates, they picked the one who was also a former prosecutor

Just because the DNC messages that way doesn't mean it's black people doing it.

The numbers in elite positions and who votes say that's not it

At first Biden hinted a female, then likely a female of color, and out of all the potential people that could have been picked we got Harris. She obviously knows where some skeletons are buried, because she is woefully unfit and too unpopular for anyone with a brain to pick.

Yep. First he said a woman.

Then buckled to pressure to name a black woman.

And Kamala won the "right place, right time" lotto.

klobuchar forced him into specifically a black woman

you guys have your timelines all fucked up here

his white woman of choice got caught up in george floyd
The South Carolina primary forced the issue. There is no way the black community rallies behind Biden if they didn't have assurances of a visual and substantial pay day. How that became Harris is a mystery, that ho must have some dirt on some pretty powerful folks in DC.

Biden was always polling well among black america

What are you talkign about?

SC was just he first place that had any black people to vote for him.

He crushes all other candidates in black preference. Especially in old black ladies. Who vote at very high rates. Only guy who could have beat him in that demo is Obama

The DNC did not give him black America.

He had black America the moment he was Obama's VP for the second time. They love him for it. The reason he's so confident in telling black people "they aren't black if they vote for him" is because it's overwhelmingly true statistically.

Biden was always going to mop up the black american primary vote

Which is why Harris was not the original top choice, she can't bring a voting bloc Biden already has. They wanted rural whites, klobuchar was perfect for that.
That's not what it was really about. It wasn't the matter of core popularity, what put Biden over the top in SC was turnout in the black community. It was abnormal, like oh so many things related to this 'election'.

It was expected

BIden was ALWAYS going to win SC because of his poll numbers in black america

You are clearly not following the news very closely. What was odd is that all the other candidates backed off after SC. Even though there were no more big black voting blocs to push Biden above Sanders

This was mostly white people doing this shit

Your sources are very bad if you didn't think the first VP to a black president ever wasn't popular. The data was clear on that before the primary started. Mark SC down for Biden

All black america did was love old Joe, beyond that not on them.
Polling going into SC wasn't as certain as you claim. It was a big field, lots of losers, lots of ways to split things up. What was a surprise was seeing black leaders all throughout SC getting out the vote for a primary. It was more active than Congressional, Senate, or most state elections. It was a chump show that simply reinforced the truth that the DNC fixes primaries.
Yup those are my words and your reaction to them was a meaningless rant full of opinion and not fact. Thanks for playing

That you will not now own up to what you said, and what it clearly means, is no deficiency on my part; but an expression of the intellectual dishonesty that has always been one of your most prominent traits.
Klobuchar really fukt up warren with that "he's gonna pick a black woman" line


She would have made an alright president. Pretending like she's baking cookies while she's playing to extend the empire's reach. I could see it
She was the only candidate that could have won legitimately, but she was BLM'd out. White women have no future in the DNC, wonder how long it will take them to figure that out?

Well i mean it was white women sniping at each otehr that prevented a white woman from becoming VP

Women tend to undercut each other irrelevant of their race, that's why all women business don't work. Turns out women don't like other women in a work setting

Just hte nature of feminine interaction.

A fucking mess
Not really, it was two things that ended Klobucher, that whole Spanish TV hostess totally trashing her in that one debate, and BLM trashing her.

No kobucher ended warren's bid for VP

it was warren lor klobuchar until klobuchar had issues with being a former DA and not prosecuting Chauvin. Which meant she was never going to be VP as soon as Floyd died.

No one even had to say anything to her, Kobuchar knew she had fucked up

Then just brought down warren with her for the fun of it.
Warren never had a chance, even in that extremely weak field. The 'leader' in that race changed weekly, except for the fact that our so-called VP had to drop out before the first contest, and Creepy Joe was sucking hind tit until the whole of the DNC backed him to stop Bernie. Bernie would have racked up the delegates without having to win that many contests. Never before have so many top tier candidates dropped out before a single vote was counted on Super Tuesday, even after they spent all that money and time campaigning specifically for that contest.

We're in a thread discussing how weak Harris is, Biden has more support in the black community.

Choosing her makes no sense outside Klobuchar forcing the media narrative onto it.

IDK if they have personal problems. But Klobuchar was cleary sniping at warren with that statement.

Your points about bernie are true but irrelevant by this point in the time line. They were competing for VP by then, and the only two viable presidential candidates were white men.

It was a white woman who stopped the other viable white woman VP candidates from getting selected, most obviously warren. Who was the clearly behind Klobuchar in Biden's choice list until Floyd.

Much more likely for men to be cut out than white women. White women are the core of the democratic party. You can lose any single demographic by race/ethnicity but white women and survive as the democrats.
The VP candidate was going to be a black female the second the DNC backed Biden over Bernie. That was the only way they could hand SC to Biden. Biden wasn't leading any states going into Super Tuesday, then suddenly everyone drops out and Biden is king. What a joke.

It was going to be klobuchar, that's who he wanted

this is not in dispute im' not going to banter about it

the DNC can see teh same numbers discussed in this thread. Harris was forced on them, we just had a black president why the fuck woudl you need a black VP? When the old white guy gets more black votes than all the black candidates because he was obama's buddy. Old black ladies LOVE Joe

Makes no sense what you're saying, at all

Beyond the accurate representation of Bernie's problems. Everything else your'e syaing was either fabricated by your terrible sources or you're not remembering correctly.

Timeline is

Bernie is winning > DNC moves against him, biden wins a few and becomes obvious candidate > Klobuchar takes top spot on biden's VP list > floyd dies, klobuchar's political career ends > She closes teh door on warren as she goes out

That's what happened
You are misremembering. Biden won once, in SC. He lost the previous contests convincingly. Iowa and New Hampshire were brutal, then all the sudden he's the guy? Klobuchar was BLM'd out before Floyd died, or at least the threats were being made. Biden needed the black community to win SC, the price for that win was a black VP, although I think Abrams was supposed to be the one.

No she was on top fo the list until floyd died

And yea the DNC moved against him, and he kept winning because they were behind him

Your memory is very flawed on this

"hurr durr the blacks"

lol black people have no real power in the DNC. What fucking party are you talking about? Buying up their propaganda

That was white people who anointed Joe

edit - Like i said the democratic party is the party of white women.
Sorry, but you are dead wrong on this. As a whole, black political power is limited to very specific areas, but that power is vastly greater within the DNC. Democrats cannot win if blacks stay home, just ask Hillary, Gore, or Kerry. The black participation between them and Biden isn't really that big a percentage, but it was all the difference between winning and losing.

No they project as it is

There were only two viable female black candidates, they picked the one who was also a former prosecutor

Just because the DNC messages that way doesn't mean it's black people doing it.

The numbers in elite positions and who votes say that's not it

At first Biden hinted a female, then likely a female of color, and out of all the potential people that could have been picked we got Harris. She obviously knows where some skeletons are buried, because she is woefully unfit and too unpopular for anyone with a brain to pick.

Yep. First he said a woman.

Then buckled to pressure to name a black woman.

And Kamala won the "right place, right time" lotto.
How do you know that he buckled to pressure and didn’t make that decision on his own?

You can use any of the following:

Google, which will point you to several articles of various groups pressuring him. Here's one

Your memory. Think about the climate in July of last year, when he first announced he had 4 black women suddenly under consideration for the position.

Common sense. Kamala wasn't/isn't the smartest/most qualified woman, much less person, for the job.

Are you joking around? It’s hard to take that reply seriously. Of course there was pressure, there is always pressure from a variety of opinions... but that doesn’t mean he buckled and didn’t make the call based on what he wanted. You’re point about her qualifications is subjective as well.

Oh, please, what are you looking for "beyond a reasonable doubt" criminal trial level proof, or simple preponderance of evidence, which we clearly have.

Look at the chain of events.

1. Joe says he'll pick a woman. ZERO discussion of a black woman.

2. BLM goes on a rampage. Black and dem leadership openly pressure Buden to choose a black woman.

3. Out of nowhere, "poof" Joe is suddenly publicly considering 4 black women.

Her qualifications relative to others is not at all subjective. Klobuchar in particular makes her look like an amatuer.





God damn people

You spend all this time and are still so ignorant about what the fuck was going on

It's 2020 there are two media bubbles at minimum you need to stay engaged with. Clearly anyone not understanding that it was Klobuchar who forced them into it is failing to properly listen to what the democrat/left bubble is saying.
Klobuchar really fukt up warren with that "he's gonna pick a black woman" line


She would have made an alright president. Pretending like she's baking cookies while she's playing to extend the empire's reach. I could see it
She was the only candidate that could have won legitimately, but she was BLM'd out. White women have no future in the DNC, wonder how long it will take them to figure that out?

Well i mean it was white women sniping at each otehr that prevented a white woman from becoming VP

Women tend to undercut each other irrelevant of their race, that's why all women business don't work. Turns out women don't like other women in a work setting

Just hte nature of feminine interaction.

A fucking mess
Not really, it was two things that ended Klobucher, that whole Spanish TV hostess totally trashing her in that one debate, and BLM trashing her.

No kobucher ended warren's bid for VP

it was warren lor klobuchar until klobuchar had issues with being a former DA and not prosecuting Chauvin. Which meant she was never going to be VP as soon as Floyd died.

No one even had to say anything to her, Kobuchar knew she had fucked up

Then just brought down warren with her for the fun of it.
Warren never had a chance, even in that extremely weak field. The 'leader' in that race changed weekly, except for the fact that our so-called VP had to drop out before the first contest, and Creepy Joe was sucking hind tit until the whole of the DNC backed him to stop Bernie. Bernie would have racked up the delegates without having to win that many contests. Never before have so many top tier candidates dropped out before a single vote was counted on Super Tuesday, even after they spent all that money and time campaigning specifically for that contest.

We're in a thread discussing how weak Harris is, Biden has more support in the black community.

Choosing her makes no sense outside Klobuchar forcing the media narrative onto it.

IDK if they have personal problems. But Klobuchar was cleary sniping at warren with that statement.

Your points about bernie are true but irrelevant by this point in the time line. They were competing for VP by then, and the only two viable presidential candidates were white men.

It was a white woman who stopped the other viable white woman VP candidates from getting selected, most obviously warren. Who was the clearly behind Klobuchar in Biden's choice list until Floyd.

Much more likely for men to be cut out than white women. White women are the core of the democratic party. You can lose any single demographic by race/ethnicity but white women and survive as the democrats.
The VP candidate was going to be a black female the second the DNC backed Biden over Bernie. That was the only way they could hand SC to Biden. Biden wasn't leading any states going into Super Tuesday, then suddenly everyone drops out and Biden is king. What a joke.

It was going to be klobuchar, that's who he wanted

this is not in dispute im' not going to banter about it

the DNC can see teh same numbers discussed in this thread. Harris was forced on them, we just had a black president why the fuck woudl you need a black VP? When the old white guy gets more black votes than all the black candidates because he was obama's buddy. Old black ladies LOVE Joe

Makes no sense what you're saying, at all

Beyond the accurate representation of Bernie's problems. Everything else your'e syaing was either fabricated by your terrible sources or you're not remembering correctly.

Timeline is

Bernie is winning > DNC moves against him, biden wins a few and becomes obvious candidate > Klobuchar takes top spot on biden's VP list > floyd dies, klobuchar's political career ends > She closes teh door on warren as she goes out

That's what happened
You are misremembering. Biden won once, in SC. He lost the previous contests convincingly. Iowa and New Hampshire were brutal, then all the sudden he's the guy? Klobuchar was BLM'd out before Floyd died, or at least the threats were being made. Biden needed the black community to win SC, the price for that win was a black VP, although I think Abrams was supposed to be the one.

No she was on top fo the list until floyd died

And yea the DNC moved against him, and he kept winning because they were behind him

Your memory is very flawed on this

"hurr durr the blacks"

lol black people have no real power in the DNC. What fucking party are you talking about? Buying up their propaganda

That was white people who anointed Joe

edit - Like i said the democratic party is the party of white women.
Sorry, but you are dead wrong on this. As a whole, black political power is limited to very specific areas, but that power is vastly greater within the DNC. Democrats cannot win if blacks stay home, just ask Hillary, Gore, or Kerry. The black participation between them and Biden isn't really that big a percentage, but it was all the difference between winning and losing.

No they project as it is

There were only two viable female black candidates, they picked the one who was also a former prosecutor

Just because the DNC messages that way doesn't mean it's black people doing it.

The numbers in elite positions and who votes say that's not it

At first Biden hinted a female, then likely a female of color, and out of all the potential people that could have been picked we got Harris. She obviously knows where some skeletons are buried, because she is woefully unfit and too unpopular for anyone with a brain to pick.

Yep. First he said a woman.

Then buckled to pressure to name a black woman.

And Kamala won the "right place, right time" lotto.
How do you know that he buckled to pressure and didn’t make that decision on his own?

You can use any of the following:

Google, which will point you to several articles of various groups pressuring him. Here's one

Your memory. Think about the climate in July of last year, when he first announced he had 4 black women suddenly under consideration for the position.

Common sense. Kamala wasn't/isn't the smartest/most qualified woman, much less person, for the job.

Are you joking around? It’s hard to take that reply seriously. Of course there was pressure, there is always pressure from a variety of opinions... but that doesn’t mean he buckled and didn’t make the call based on what he wanted. You’re point about her qualifications is subjective as well.

Oh, please, what are you looking for "beyond a reasonable doubt" criminal trial level proof, or simple preponderance of evidence, which we clearly have.

Look at the chain of events.

1. Joe says he'll pick a woman. ZERO discussion of a black woman.

2. BLM goes on a rampage. Black and dem leadership openly pressure Buden to choose a black woman.

3. Out of nowhere, "poof" Joe is suddenly publicly considering 4 black women.

Her qualifications relative to others is not at all subjective. Klobuchar in particular makes her look like an amatuer.

Uhh yes I would expect proof if you are going to make a claim like that instead of hyperbolic assumptions. Otherwise you’re stating an opinion

You really should start a movement then to overturn the the civil court process, which rules on countless cases each year without any such irrefutable proof.
Klobuchar really fukt up warren with that "he's gonna pick a black woman" line


She would have made an alright president. Pretending like she's baking cookies while she's playing to extend the empire's reach. I could see it
She was the only candidate that could have won legitimately, but she was BLM'd out. White women have no future in the DNC, wonder how long it will take them to figure that out?

Well i mean it was white women sniping at each otehr that prevented a white woman from becoming VP

Women tend to undercut each other irrelevant of their race, that's why all women business don't work. Turns out women don't like other women in a work setting

Just hte nature of feminine interaction.

A fucking mess
Not really, it was two things that ended Klobucher, that whole Spanish TV hostess totally trashing her in that one debate, and BLM trashing her.

No kobucher ended warren's bid for VP

it was warren lor klobuchar until klobuchar had issues with being a former DA and not prosecuting Chauvin. Which meant she was never going to be VP as soon as Floyd died.

No one even had to say anything to her, Kobuchar knew she had fucked up

Then just brought down warren with her for the fun of it.
Warren never had a chance, even in that extremely weak field. The 'leader' in that race changed weekly, except for the fact that our so-called VP had to drop out before the first contest, and Creepy Joe was sucking hind tit until the whole of the DNC backed him to stop Bernie. Bernie would have racked up the delegates without having to win that many contests. Never before have so many top tier candidates dropped out before a single vote was counted on Super Tuesday, even after they spent all that money and time campaigning specifically for that contest.

We're in a thread discussing how weak Harris is, Biden has more support in the black community.

Choosing her makes no sense outside Klobuchar forcing the media narrative onto it.

IDK if they have personal problems. But Klobuchar was cleary sniping at warren with that statement.

Your points about bernie are true but irrelevant by this point in the time line. They were competing for VP by then, and the only two viable presidential candidates were white men.

It was a white woman who stopped the other viable white woman VP candidates from getting selected, most obviously warren. Who was the clearly behind Klobuchar in Biden's choice list until Floyd.

Much more likely for men to be cut out than white women. White women are the core of the democratic party. You can lose any single demographic by race/ethnicity but white women and survive as the democrats.
The VP candidate was going to be a black female the second the DNC backed Biden over Bernie. That was the only way they could hand SC to Biden. Biden wasn't leading any states going into Super Tuesday, then suddenly everyone drops out and Biden is king. What a joke.

It was going to be klobuchar, that's who he wanted

this is not in dispute im' not going to banter about it

the DNC can see teh same numbers discussed in this thread. Harris was forced on them, we just had a black president why the fuck woudl you need a black VP? When the old white guy gets more black votes than all the black candidates because he was obama's buddy. Old black ladies LOVE Joe

Makes no sense what you're saying, at all

Beyond the accurate representation of Bernie's problems. Everything else your'e syaing was either fabricated by your terrible sources or you're not remembering correctly.

Timeline is

Bernie is winning > DNC moves against him, biden wins a few and becomes obvious candidate > Klobuchar takes top spot on biden's VP list > floyd dies, klobuchar's political career ends > She closes teh door on warren as she goes out

That's what happened
You are misremembering. Biden won once, in SC. He lost the previous contests convincingly. Iowa and New Hampshire were brutal, then all the sudden he's the guy? Klobuchar was BLM'd out before Floyd died, or at least the threats were being made. Biden needed the black community to win SC, the price for that win was a black VP, although I think Abrams was supposed to be the one.

No she was on top fo the list until floyd died

And yea the DNC moved against him, and he kept winning because they were behind him

Your memory is very flawed on this

"hurr durr the blacks"

lol black people have no real power in the DNC. What fucking party are you talking about? Buying up their propaganda

That was white people who anointed Joe

edit - Like i said the democratic party is the party of white women.
Sorry, but you are dead wrong on this. As a whole, black political power is limited to very specific areas, but that power is vastly greater within the DNC. Democrats cannot win if blacks stay home, just ask Hillary, Gore, or Kerry. The black participation between them and Biden isn't really that big a percentage, but it was all the difference between winning and losing.

No they project as it is

There were only two viable female black candidates, they picked the one who was also a former prosecutor

Just because the DNC messages that way doesn't mean it's black people doing it.

The numbers in elite positions and who votes say that's not it

At first Biden hinted a female, then likely a female of color, and out of all the potential people that could have been picked we got Harris. She obviously knows where some skeletons are buried, because she is woefully unfit and too unpopular for anyone with a brain to pick.

Yep. First he said a woman.

Then buckled to pressure to name a black woman.

And Kamala won the "right place, right time" lotto.

klobuchar forced him into specifically a black woman

you guys have your timelines all fucked up here

his white woman of choice got caught up in george floyd
The South Carolina primary forced the issue. There is no way the black community rallies behind Biden if they didn't have assurances of a visual and substantial pay day. How that became Harris is a mystery, that ho must have some dirt on some pretty powerful folks in DC.

Biden was always polling well among black america

What are you talkign about?

SC was just he first place that had any black people to vote for him.

He crushes all other candidates in black preference. Especially in old black ladies. Who vote at very high rates. Only guy who could have beat him in that demo is Obama

The DNC did not give him black America.

He had black America the moment he was Obama's VP for the second time. They love him for it. The reason he's so confident in telling black people "they aren't black if they vote for him" is because it's overwhelmingly true statistically.

Biden was always going to mop up the black american primary vote

Which is why Harris was not the original top choice, she can't bring a voting bloc Biden already has. They wanted rural whites, klobuchar was perfect for that.
That's not what it was really about. It wasn't the matter of core popularity, what put Biden over the top in SC was turnout in the black community. It was abnormal, like oh so many things related to this 'election'.

It was expected

BIden was ALWAYS going to win SC because of his poll numbers in black america

You are clearly not following the news very closely. What was odd is that all the other candidates backed off after SC. Even though there were no more big black voting blocs to push Biden above Sanders

This was mostly white people doing this shit

Your sources are very bad if you didn't think the first VP to a black president ever wasn't popular. The data was clear on that before the primary started. Mark SC down for Biden

All black america did was love old Joe, beyond that not on them.
Polling going into SC wasn't as certain as you claim. It was a big field, lots of losers, lots of ways to split things up. What was a surprise was seeing black leaders all throughout SC getting out the vote for a primary. It was more active than Congressional, Senate, or most state elections. It was a chump show that simply reinforced the truth that the DNC fixes primaries.

It was very certain, no one else polled well in SC.

Bernie wasn't winning it. And the rest barely got any votes from anyone
Yup those are my words and your reaction to them was a meaningless rant full of opinion and not fact. Thanks for playing

That you will not now own up to what you said, and what it clearly means, is no deficiency on my part; but an expression of the intellectual dishonesty that has always been one of your most prominent traits.
I literally just wrote “yup those are my words” and your response is “That you will not now own up to what you said, and what it clearly means, is no deficiency on my part;”

Deficiency doesn’t do your retardedness justice. I’d go with brain damage
Klobuchar really fukt up warren with that "he's gonna pick a black woman" line


She would have made an alright president. Pretending like she's baking cookies while she's playing to extend the empire's reach. I could see it
She was the only candidate that could have won legitimately, but she was BLM'd out. White women have no future in the DNC, wonder how long it will take them to figure that out?

Well i mean it was white women sniping at each otehr that prevented a white woman from becoming VP

Women tend to undercut each other irrelevant of their race, that's why all women business don't work. Turns out women don't like other women in a work setting

Just hte nature of feminine interaction.

A fucking mess
Not really, it was two things that ended Klobucher, that whole Spanish TV hostess totally trashing her in that one debate, and BLM trashing her.

No kobucher ended warren's bid for VP

it was warren lor klobuchar until klobuchar had issues with being a former DA and not prosecuting Chauvin. Which meant she was never going to be VP as soon as Floyd died.

No one even had to say anything to her, Kobuchar knew she had fucked up

Then just brought down warren with her for the fun of it.
Warren never had a chance, even in that extremely weak field. The 'leader' in that race changed weekly, except for the fact that our so-called VP had to drop out before the first contest, and Creepy Joe was sucking hind tit until the whole of the DNC backed him to stop Bernie. Bernie would have racked up the delegates without having to win that many contests. Never before have so many top tier candidates dropped out before a single vote was counted on Super Tuesday, even after they spent all that money and time campaigning specifically for that contest.

We're in a thread discussing how weak Harris is, Biden has more support in the black community.

Choosing her makes no sense outside Klobuchar forcing the media narrative onto it.

IDK if they have personal problems. But Klobuchar was cleary sniping at warren with that statement.

Your points about bernie are true but irrelevant by this point in the time line. They were competing for VP by then, and the only two viable presidential candidates were white men.

It was a white woman who stopped the other viable white woman VP candidates from getting selected, most obviously warren. Who was the clearly behind Klobuchar in Biden's choice list until Floyd.

Much more likely for men to be cut out than white women. White women are the core of the democratic party. You can lose any single demographic by race/ethnicity but white women and survive as the democrats.
The VP candidate was going to be a black female the second the DNC backed Biden over Bernie. That was the only way they could hand SC to Biden. Biden wasn't leading any states going into Super Tuesday, then suddenly everyone drops out and Biden is king. What a joke.

It was going to be klobuchar, that's who he wanted

this is not in dispute im' not going to banter about it

the DNC can see teh same numbers discussed in this thread. Harris was forced on them, we just had a black president why the fuck woudl you need a black VP? When the old white guy gets more black votes than all the black candidates because he was obama's buddy. Old black ladies LOVE Joe

Makes no sense what you're saying, at all

Beyond the accurate representation of Bernie's problems. Everything else your'e syaing was either fabricated by your terrible sources or you're not remembering correctly.

Timeline is

Bernie is winning > DNC moves against him, biden wins a few and becomes obvious candidate > Klobuchar takes top spot on biden's VP list > floyd dies, klobuchar's political career ends > She closes teh door on warren as she goes out

That's what happened
You are misremembering. Biden won once, in SC. He lost the previous contests convincingly. Iowa and New Hampshire were brutal, then all the sudden he's the guy? Klobuchar was BLM'd out before Floyd died, or at least the threats were being made. Biden needed the black community to win SC, the price for that win was a black VP, although I think Abrams was supposed to be the one.

No she was on top fo the list until floyd died

And yea the DNC moved against him, and he kept winning because they were behind him

Your memory is very flawed on this

"hurr durr the blacks"

lol black people have no real power in the DNC. What fucking party are you talking about? Buying up their propaganda

That was white people who anointed Joe

edit - Like i said the democratic party is the party of white women.
Sorry, but you are dead wrong on this. As a whole, black political power is limited to very specific areas, but that power is vastly greater within the DNC. Democrats cannot win if blacks stay home, just ask Hillary, Gore, or Kerry. The black participation between them and Biden isn't really that big a percentage, but it was all the difference between winning and losing.

No they project as it is

There were only two viable female black candidates, they picked the one who was also a former prosecutor

Just because the DNC messages that way doesn't mean it's black people doing it.

The numbers in elite positions and who votes say that's not it

At first Biden hinted a female, then likely a female of color, and out of all the potential people that could have been picked we got Harris. She obviously knows where some skeletons are buried, because she is woefully unfit and too unpopular for anyone with a brain to pick.

Yep. First he said a woman.

Then buckled to pressure to name a black woman.

And Kamala won the "right place, right time" lotto.
How do you know that he buckled to pressure and didn’t make that decision on his own?

You can use any of the following:

Google, which will point you to several articles of various groups pressuring him. Here's one

Your memory. Think about the climate in July of last year, when he first announced he had 4 black women suddenly under consideration for the position.

Common sense. Kamala wasn't/isn't the smartest/most qualified woman, much less person, for the job.

Are you joking around? It’s hard to take that reply seriously. Of course there was pressure, there is always pressure from a variety of opinions... but that doesn’t mean he buckled and didn’t make the call based on what he wanted. You’re point about her qualifications is subjective as well.

Oh, please, what are you looking for "beyond a reasonable doubt" criminal trial level proof, or simple preponderance of evidence, which we clearly have.

Look at the chain of events.

1. Joe says he'll pick a woman. ZERO discussion of a black woman.

2. BLM goes on a rampage. Black and dem leadership openly pressure Buden to choose a black woman.

3. Out of nowhere, "poof" Joe is suddenly publicly considering 4 black women.

Her qualifications relative to others is not at all subjective. Klobuchar in particular makes her look like an amatuer.

Uhh yes I would expect proof if you are going to make a claim like that instead of hyperbolic assumptions. Otherwise you’re stating an opinion

You really should start a movement then to overturn the the civil court process, which rules on countless cases each year without any such irrefutable proof.

No I’m good with the legal system. It works much better than a partisans opinion on a message board
Klobuchar really fukt up warren with that "he's gonna pick a black woman" line


She would have made an alright president. Pretending like she's baking cookies while she's playing to extend the empire's reach. I could see it
She was the only candidate that could have won legitimately, but she was BLM'd out. White women have no future in the DNC, wonder how long it will take them to figure that out?

Well i mean it was white women sniping at each otehr that prevented a white woman from becoming VP

Women tend to undercut each other irrelevant of their race, that's why all women business don't work. Turns out women don't like other women in a work setting

Just hte nature of feminine interaction.

A fucking mess
Not really, it was two things that ended Klobucher, that whole Spanish TV hostess totally trashing her in that one debate, and BLM trashing her.

No kobucher ended warren's bid for VP

it was warren lor klobuchar until klobuchar had issues with being a former DA and not prosecuting Chauvin. Which meant she was never going to be VP as soon as Floyd died.

No one even had to say anything to her, Kobuchar knew she had fucked up

Then just brought down warren with her for the fun of it.
Warren never had a chance, even in that extremely weak field. The 'leader' in that race changed weekly, except for the fact that our so-called VP had to drop out before the first contest, and Creepy Joe was sucking hind tit until the whole of the DNC backed him to stop Bernie. Bernie would have racked up the delegates without having to win that many contests. Never before have so many top tier candidates dropped out before a single vote was counted on Super Tuesday, even after they spent all that money and time campaigning specifically for that contest.

We're in a thread discussing how weak Harris is, Biden has more support in the black community.

Choosing her makes no sense outside Klobuchar forcing the media narrative onto it.

IDK if they have personal problems. But Klobuchar was cleary sniping at warren with that statement.

Your points about bernie are true but irrelevant by this point in the time line. They were competing for VP by then, and the only two viable presidential candidates were white men.

It was a white woman who stopped the other viable white woman VP candidates from getting selected, most obviously warren. Who was the clearly behind Klobuchar in Biden's choice list until Floyd.

Much more likely for men to be cut out than white women. White women are the core of the democratic party. You can lose any single demographic by race/ethnicity but white women and survive as the democrats.
The VP candidate was going to be a black female the second the DNC backed Biden over Bernie. That was the only way they could hand SC to Biden. Biden wasn't leading any states going into Super Tuesday, then suddenly everyone drops out and Biden is king. What a joke.

It was going to be klobuchar, that's who he wanted

this is not in dispute im' not going to banter about it

the DNC can see teh same numbers discussed in this thread. Harris was forced on them, we just had a black president why the fuck woudl you need a black VP? When the old white guy gets more black votes than all the black candidates because he was obama's buddy. Old black ladies LOVE Joe

Makes no sense what you're saying, at all

Beyond the accurate representation of Bernie's problems. Everything else your'e syaing was either fabricated by your terrible sources or you're not remembering correctly.

Timeline is

Bernie is winning > DNC moves against him, biden wins a few and becomes obvious candidate > Klobuchar takes top spot on biden's VP list > floyd dies, klobuchar's political career ends > She closes teh door on warren as she goes out

That's what happened
You are misremembering. Biden won once, in SC. He lost the previous contests convincingly. Iowa and New Hampshire were brutal, then all the sudden he's the guy? Klobuchar was BLM'd out before Floyd died, or at least the threats were being made. Biden needed the black community to win SC, the price for that win was a black VP, although I think Abrams was supposed to be the one.

No she was on top fo the list until floyd died

And yea the DNC moved against him, and he kept winning because they were behind him

Your memory is very flawed on this

"hurr durr the blacks"

lol black people have no real power in the DNC. What fucking party are you talking about? Buying up their propaganda

That was white people who anointed Joe

edit - Like i said the democratic party is the party of white women.
Sorry, but you are dead wrong on this. As a whole, black political power is limited to very specific areas, but that power is vastly greater within the DNC. Democrats cannot win if blacks stay home, just ask Hillary, Gore, or Kerry. The black participation between them and Biden isn't really that big a percentage, but it was all the difference between winning and losing.

No they project as it is

There were only two viable female black candidates, they picked the one who was also a former prosecutor

Just because the DNC messages that way doesn't mean it's black people doing it.

The numbers in elite positions and who votes say that's not it

At first Biden hinted a female, then likely a female of color, and out of all the potential people that could have been picked we got Harris. She obviously knows where some skeletons are buried, because she is woefully unfit and too unpopular for anyone with a brain to pick.

Yep. First he said a woman.

Then buckled to pressure to name a black woman.

And Kamala won the "right place, right time" lotto.
How do you know that he buckled to pressure and didn’t make that decision on his own?

You can use any of the following:

Google, which will point you to several articles of various groups pressuring him. Here's one

Your memory. Think about the climate in July of last year, when he first announced he had 4 black women suddenly under consideration for the position.

Common sense. Kamala wasn't/isn't the smartest/most qualified woman, much less person, for the job.

Are you joking around? It’s hard to take that reply seriously. Of course there was pressure, there is always pressure from a variety of opinions... but that doesn’t mean he buckled and didn’t make the call based on what he wanted. You’re point about her qualifications is subjective as well.

How did he not buckle? When Harris was forced on us, what was happening all across the urban hellscape of America? Endless riots for useless thugs. If it was a numbers game, the VP nod should have been Hispanic, but apparently Democrats like brown kids in cages too much to give brown folks any real power.

Riiiiight, so no proof that Biden wanted somebody else but then buckled under pressure?! Ok got it

Are you expecting a memo? Stay clueless, vote straight ticket Marxist, and you'll never have to use your pea-sized brain again.

I’m not a party line voter. You don’t know who you are talking to

Pretty sure I do, but you can keep pretending you're something else.

Good point you win. You know me better than I know myself. How could I have been so dumb as to not trust those amazing instincts of yours?! Idiot

I know what you post, that's all the evidence I need.
Klobuchar really fukt up warren with that "he's gonna pick a black woman" line


She would have made an alright president. Pretending like she's baking cookies while she's playing to extend the empire's reach. I could see it
She was the only candidate that could have won legitimately, but she was BLM'd out. White women have no future in the DNC, wonder how long it will take them to figure that out?

Well i mean it was white women sniping at each otehr that prevented a white woman from becoming VP

Women tend to undercut each other irrelevant of their race, that's why all women business don't work. Turns out women don't like other women in a work setting

Just hte nature of feminine interaction.

A fucking mess
Not really, it was two things that ended Klobucher, that whole Spanish TV hostess totally trashing her in that one debate, and BLM trashing her.

No kobucher ended warren's bid for VP

it was warren lor klobuchar until klobuchar had issues with being a former DA and not prosecuting Chauvin. Which meant she was never going to be VP as soon as Floyd died.

No one even had to say anything to her, Kobuchar knew she had fucked up

Then just brought down warren with her for the fun of it.
Warren never had a chance, even in that extremely weak field. The 'leader' in that race changed weekly, except for the fact that our so-called VP had to drop out before the first contest, and Creepy Joe was sucking hind tit until the whole of the DNC backed him to stop Bernie. Bernie would have racked up the delegates without having to win that many contests. Never before have so many top tier candidates dropped out before a single vote was counted on Super Tuesday, even after they spent all that money and time campaigning specifically for that contest.

We're in a thread discussing how weak Harris is, Biden has more support in the black community.

Choosing her makes no sense outside Klobuchar forcing the media narrative onto it.

IDK if they have personal problems. But Klobuchar was cleary sniping at warren with that statement.

Your points about bernie are true but irrelevant by this point in the time line. They were competing for VP by then, and the only two viable presidential candidates were white men.

It was a white woman who stopped the other viable white woman VP candidates from getting selected, most obviously warren. Who was the clearly behind Klobuchar in Biden's choice list until Floyd.

Much more likely for men to be cut out than white women. White women are the core of the democratic party. You can lose any single demographic by race/ethnicity but white women and survive as the democrats.
The VP candidate was going to be a black female the second the DNC backed Biden over Bernie. That was the only way they could hand SC to Biden. Biden wasn't leading any states going into Super Tuesday, then suddenly everyone drops out and Biden is king. What a joke.

It was going to be klobuchar, that's who he wanted

this is not in dispute im' not going to banter about it

the DNC can see teh same numbers discussed in this thread. Harris was forced on them, we just had a black president why the fuck woudl you need a black VP? When the old white guy gets more black votes than all the black candidates because he was obama's buddy. Old black ladies LOVE Joe

Makes no sense what you're saying, at all

Beyond the accurate representation of Bernie's problems. Everything else your'e syaing was either fabricated by your terrible sources or you're not remembering correctly.

Timeline is

Bernie is winning > DNC moves against him, biden wins a few and becomes obvious candidate > Klobuchar takes top spot on biden's VP list > floyd dies, klobuchar's political career ends > She closes teh door on warren as she goes out

That's what happened
You are misremembering. Biden won once, in SC. He lost the previous contests convincingly. Iowa and New Hampshire were brutal, then all the sudden he's the guy? Klobuchar was BLM'd out before Floyd died, or at least the threats were being made. Biden needed the black community to win SC, the price for that win was a black VP, although I think Abrams was supposed to be the one.

No she was on top fo the list until floyd died

And yea the DNC moved against him, and he kept winning because they were behind him

Your memory is very flawed on this

"hurr durr the blacks"

lol black people have no real power in the DNC. What fucking party are you talking about? Buying up their propaganda

That was white people who anointed Joe

edit - Like i said the democratic party is the party of white women.
Sorry, but you are dead wrong on this. As a whole, black political power is limited to very specific areas, but that power is vastly greater within the DNC. Democrats cannot win if blacks stay home, just ask Hillary, Gore, or Kerry. The black participation between them and Biden isn't really that big a percentage, but it was all the difference between winning and losing.

No they project as it is

There were only two viable female black candidates, they picked the one who was also a former prosecutor

Just because the DNC messages that way doesn't mean it's black people doing it.

The numbers in elite positions and who votes say that's not it

At first Biden hinted a female, then likely a female of color, and out of all the potential people that could have been picked we got Harris. She obviously knows where some skeletons are buried, because she is woefully unfit and too unpopular for anyone with a brain to pick.

Yep. First he said a woman.

Then buckled to pressure to name a black woman.

And Kamala won the "right place, right time" lotto.
How do you know that he buckled to pressure and didn’t make that decision on his own?

You can use any of the following:

Google, which will point you to several articles of various groups pressuring him. Here's one

Your memory. Think about the climate in July of last year, when he first announced he had 4 black women suddenly under consideration for the position.

Common sense. Kamala wasn't/isn't the smartest/most qualified woman, much less person, for the job.

Are you joking around? It’s hard to take that reply seriously. Of course there was pressure, there is always pressure from a variety of opinions... but that doesn’t mean he buckled and didn’t make the call based on what he wanted. You’re point about her qualifications is subjective as well.

Oh, please, what are you looking for "beyond a reasonable doubt" criminal trial level proof, or simple preponderance of evidence, which we clearly have.

Look at the chain of events.

1. Joe says he'll pick a woman. ZERO discussion of a black woman.

2. BLM goes on a rampage. Black and dem leadership openly pressure Buden to choose a black woman.

3. Out of nowhere, "poof" Joe is suddenly publicly considering 4 black women.

Her qualifications relative to others is not at all subjective. Klobuchar in particular makes her look like an amatuer.

Uhh yes I would expect proof if you are going to make a claim like that instead of hyperbolic assumptions. Otherwise you’re stating an opinion

You really should start a movement then to overturn the the civil court process, which rules on countless cases each year without any such irrefutable proof.

No I’m good with the legal system. It works much better than a partisans opinion on a message board

Nothing partisan about it and no need to get snippy.

I presented facts, you don't like them.

Oh well.
Klobuchar really fukt up warren with that "he's gonna pick a black woman" line


She would have made an alright president. Pretending like she's baking cookies while she's playing to extend the empire's reach. I could see it
She was the only candidate that could have won legitimately, but she was BLM'd out. White women have no future in the DNC, wonder how long it will take them to figure that out?

Well i mean it was white women sniping at each otehr that prevented a white woman from becoming VP

Women tend to undercut each other irrelevant of their race, that's why all women business don't work. Turns out women don't like other women in a work setting

Just hte nature of feminine interaction.

A fucking mess
Not really, it was two things that ended Klobucher, that whole Spanish TV hostess totally trashing her in that one debate, and BLM trashing her.

No kobucher ended warren's bid for VP

it was warren lor klobuchar until klobuchar had issues with being a former DA and not prosecuting Chauvin. Which meant she was never going to be VP as soon as Floyd died.

No one even had to say anything to her, Kobuchar knew she had fucked up

Then just brought down warren with her for the fun of it.
Warren never had a chance, even in that extremely weak field. The 'leader' in that race changed weekly, except for the fact that our so-called VP had to drop out before the first contest, and Creepy Joe was sucking hind tit until the whole of the DNC backed him to stop Bernie. Bernie would have racked up the delegates without having to win that many contests. Never before have so many top tier candidates dropped out before a single vote was counted on Super Tuesday, even after they spent all that money and time campaigning specifically for that contest.

We're in a thread discussing how weak Harris is, Biden has more support in the black community.

Choosing her makes no sense outside Klobuchar forcing the media narrative onto it.

IDK if they have personal problems. But Klobuchar was cleary sniping at warren with that statement.

Your points about bernie are true but irrelevant by this point in the time line. They were competing for VP by then, and the only two viable presidential candidates were white men.

It was a white woman who stopped the other viable white woman VP candidates from getting selected, most obviously warren. Who was the clearly behind Klobuchar in Biden's choice list until Floyd.

Much more likely for men to be cut out than white women. White women are the core of the democratic party. You can lose any single demographic by race/ethnicity but white women and survive as the democrats.
The VP candidate was going to be a black female the second the DNC backed Biden over Bernie. That was the only way they could hand SC to Biden. Biden wasn't leading any states going into Super Tuesday, then suddenly everyone drops out and Biden is king. What a joke.

It was going to be klobuchar, that's who he wanted

this is not in dispute im' not going to banter about it

the DNC can see teh same numbers discussed in this thread. Harris was forced on them, we just had a black president why the fuck woudl you need a black VP? When the old white guy gets more black votes than all the black candidates because he was obama's buddy. Old black ladies LOVE Joe

Makes no sense what you're saying, at all

Beyond the accurate representation of Bernie's problems. Everything else your'e syaing was either fabricated by your terrible sources or you're not remembering correctly.

Timeline is

Bernie is winning > DNC moves against him, biden wins a few and becomes obvious candidate > Klobuchar takes top spot on biden's VP list > floyd dies, klobuchar's political career ends > She closes teh door on warren as she goes out

That's what happened
You are misremembering. Biden won once, in SC. He lost the previous contests convincingly. Iowa and New Hampshire were brutal, then all the sudden he's the guy? Klobuchar was BLM'd out before Floyd died, or at least the threats were being made. Biden needed the black community to win SC, the price for that win was a black VP, although I think Abrams was supposed to be the one.

No she was on top fo the list until floyd died

And yea the DNC moved against him, and he kept winning because they were behind him

Your memory is very flawed on this

"hurr durr the blacks"

lol black people have no real power in the DNC. What fucking party are you talking about? Buying up their propaganda

That was white people who anointed Joe

edit - Like i said the democratic party is the party of white women.
Sorry, but you are dead wrong on this. As a whole, black political power is limited to very specific areas, but that power is vastly greater within the DNC. Democrats cannot win if blacks stay home, just ask Hillary, Gore, or Kerry. The black participation between them and Biden isn't really that big a percentage, but it was all the difference between winning and losing.

No they project as it is

There were only two viable female black candidates, they picked the one who was also a former prosecutor

Just because the DNC messages that way doesn't mean it's black people doing it.

The numbers in elite positions and who votes say that's not it

At first Biden hinted a female, then likely a female of color, and out of all the potential people that could have been picked we got Harris. She obviously knows where some skeletons are buried, because she is woefully unfit and too unpopular for anyone with a brain to pick.

Yep. First he said a woman.

Then buckled to pressure to name a black woman.

And Kamala won the "right place, right time" lotto.
How do you know that he buckled to pressure and didn’t make that decision on his own?

You can use any of the following:

Google, which will point you to several articles of various groups pressuring him. Here's one

Your memory. Think about the climate in July of last year, when he first announced he had 4 black women suddenly under consideration for the position.

Common sense. Kamala wasn't/isn't the smartest/most qualified woman, much less person, for the job.

Are you joking around? It’s hard to take that reply seriously. Of course there was pressure, there is always pressure from a variety of opinions... but that doesn’t mean he buckled and didn’t make the call based on what he wanted. You’re point about her qualifications is subjective as well.

How did he not buckle? When Harris was forced on us, what was happening all across the urban hellscape of America? Endless riots for useless thugs. If it was a numbers game, the VP nod should have been Hispanic, but apparently Democrats like brown kids in cages too much to give brown folks any real power.

Riiiiight, so no proof that Biden wanted somebody else but then buckled under pressure?! Ok got it

Are you expecting a memo? Stay clueless, vote straight ticket Marxist, and you'll never have to use your pea-sized brain again.

I’m not a party line voter. You don’t know who you are talking to

Pretty sure I do, but you can keep pretending you're something else.

Good point you win. You know me better than I know myself. How could I have been so dumb as to not trust those amazing instincts of yours?! Idiot

I know what you post, that's all the evidence I need.

Sounds like you got it all figured out! Good for you
I can agree with most of that. . . except the narrative that sex got her some of her positions. I cannot really say that if she hadn't had sex with Brown, that he would have given those opportunities to someone else.

It's pretty obvious. You have to be blind or ignorant or both to deny it.

Now, if The Whore hadn't been willing to suck Brown's Willie in exchange for the political appointments and opportunities that he gave her, then surely, someone else would have, and whomever that might even be who would now be in our nation's second-highest office.

Klobuchar really fukt up warren with that "he's gonna pick a black woman" line


She would have made an alright president. Pretending like she's baking cookies while she's playing to extend the empire's reach. I could see it
She was the only candidate that could have won legitimately, but she was BLM'd out. White women have no future in the DNC, wonder how long it will take them to figure that out?

Well i mean it was white women sniping at each otehr that prevented a white woman from becoming VP

Women tend to undercut each other irrelevant of their race, that's why all women business don't work. Turns out women don't like other women in a work setting

Just hte nature of feminine interaction.

A fucking mess
Not really, it was two things that ended Klobucher, that whole Spanish TV hostess totally trashing her in that one debate, and BLM trashing her.

No kobucher ended warren's bid for VP

it was warren lor klobuchar until klobuchar had issues with being a former DA and not prosecuting Chauvin. Which meant she was never going to be VP as soon as Floyd died.

No one even had to say anything to her, Kobuchar knew she had fucked up

Then just brought down warren with her for the fun of it.
Warren never had a chance, even in that extremely weak field. The 'leader' in that race changed weekly, except for the fact that our so-called VP had to drop out before the first contest, and Creepy Joe was sucking hind tit until the whole of the DNC backed him to stop Bernie. Bernie would have racked up the delegates without having to win that many contests. Never before have so many top tier candidates dropped out before a single vote was counted on Super Tuesday, even after they spent all that money and time campaigning specifically for that contest.

We're in a thread discussing how weak Harris is, Biden has more support in the black community.

Choosing her makes no sense outside Klobuchar forcing the media narrative onto it.

IDK if they have personal problems. But Klobuchar was cleary sniping at warren with that statement.

Your points about bernie are true but irrelevant by this point in the time line. They were competing for VP by then, and the only two viable presidential candidates were white men.

It was a white woman who stopped the other viable white woman VP candidates from getting selected, most obviously warren. Who was the clearly behind Klobuchar in Biden's choice list until Floyd.

Much more likely for men to be cut out than white women. White women are the core of the democratic party. You can lose any single demographic by race/ethnicity but white women and survive as the democrats.
The VP candidate was going to be a black female the second the DNC backed Biden over Bernie. That was the only way they could hand SC to Biden. Biden wasn't leading any states going into Super Tuesday, then suddenly everyone drops out and Biden is king. What a joke.

It was going to be klobuchar, that's who he wanted

this is not in dispute im' not going to banter about it

the DNC can see teh same numbers discussed in this thread. Harris was forced on them, we just had a black president why the fuck woudl you need a black VP? When the old white guy gets more black votes than all the black candidates because he was obama's buddy. Old black ladies LOVE Joe

Makes no sense what you're saying, at all

Beyond the accurate representation of Bernie's problems. Everything else your'e syaing was either fabricated by your terrible sources or you're not remembering correctly.

Timeline is

Bernie is winning > DNC moves against him, biden wins a few and becomes obvious candidate > Klobuchar takes top spot on biden's VP list > floyd dies, klobuchar's political career ends > She closes teh door on warren as she goes out

That's what happened
You are misremembering. Biden won once, in SC. He lost the previous contests convincingly. Iowa and New Hampshire were brutal, then all the sudden he's the guy? Klobuchar was BLM'd out before Floyd died, or at least the threats were being made. Biden needed the black community to win SC, the price for that win was a black VP, although I think Abrams was supposed to be the one.

No she was on top fo the list until floyd died

And yea the DNC moved against him, and he kept winning because they were behind him

Your memory is very flawed on this

"hurr durr the blacks"

lol black people have no real power in the DNC. What fucking party are you talking about? Buying up their propaganda

That was white people who anointed Joe

edit - Like i said the democratic party is the party of white women.
Sorry, but you are dead wrong on this. As a whole, black political power is limited to very specific areas, but that power is vastly greater within the DNC. Democrats cannot win if blacks stay home, just ask Hillary, Gore, or Kerry. The black participation between them and Biden isn't really that big a percentage, but it was all the difference between winning and losing.

No they project as it is

There were only two viable female black candidates, they picked the one who was also a former prosecutor

Just because the DNC messages that way doesn't mean it's black people doing it.

The numbers in elite positions and who votes say that's not it

At first Biden hinted a female, then likely a female of color, and out of all the potential people that could have been picked we got Harris. She obviously knows where some skeletons are buried, because she is woefully unfit and too unpopular for anyone with a brain to pick.

Yep. First he said a woman.

Then buckled to pressure to name a black woman.

And Kamala won the "right place, right time" lotto.
How do you know that he buckled to pressure and didn’t make that decision on his own?

You can use any of the following:

Google, which will point you to several articles of various groups pressuring him. Here's one

Your memory. Think about the climate in July of last year, when he first announced he had 4 black women suddenly under consideration for the position.

Common sense. Kamala wasn't/isn't the smartest/most qualified woman, much less person, for the job.

Are you joking around? It’s hard to take that reply seriously. Of course there was pressure, there is always pressure from a variety of opinions... but that doesn’t mean he buckled and didn’t make the call based on what he wanted. You’re point about her qualifications is subjective as well.

Oh, please, what are you looking for "beyond a reasonable doubt" criminal trial level proof, or simple preponderance of evidence, which we clearly have.

Look at the chain of events.

1. Joe says he'll pick a woman. ZERO discussion of a black woman.

2. BLM goes on a rampage. Black and dem leadership openly pressure Buden to choose a black woman.

3. Out of nowhere, "poof" Joe is suddenly publicly considering 4 black women.

Her qualifications relative to others is not at all subjective. Klobuchar in particular makes her look like an amatuer.

Uhh yes I would expect proof if you are going to make a claim like that instead of hyperbolic assumptions. Otherwise you’re stating an opinion

You really should start a movement then to overturn the the civil court process, which rules on countless cases each year without any such irrefutable proof.

No I’m good with the legal system. It works much better than a partisans opinion on a message board

Nothing partisan about it and no need to get snippy.

I presented facts, you don't like them.

Oh well.

I have no problem with facts. I’ve never been a fan of Kamalas, she bugs the hell out of me, but not as much as people who can’t present honest arguments. Why does everything have to be presumptive and hyperbolic?
I literally just wrote “yup those are my words” and your response is “That you will not now own up to what you said, and what it clearly means, is no deficiency on my part;”

And what you said, for which you will now not own up to what it means, is…

…there is nothing wrong with wanting to select a black women as VP…

Clearly implying, if not outright saying, that it is OK to pick someone for an important high office based on claimed minority status, without any regard to whether the candidate actually possesses the character or abilities to fulfill the duties of that office.

And you're saying this in defense of a specific example of someone who has been chosen for a high office, who very clearly does not possess the character or abilities to fulfill the duty of that office; who was undeniably chosen for reasons having nothing whatsoever to do with suitability for the position for which she was chosen.

And you are, as wrong as it is possible to be, at every level of this discussion.

At one level, you are openly defending sexism and racism, by defending the use of those criteria to select someone for a position.

And you are denying the value in considering the actual qualifications of a candidate for a position.

And when called on what what you said clearly means, you are lying in denying it; and trying to suggest that it is I with whom there is something wrong, for calling it out.

But then, nothing about this is any different from what everyone here already knows to expect from you. You are what you are.
Last edited:

I do not know what point you think you are making here.

You just cited three well-known left wrong-wing lies-and-propaganda sources, which don't even deny what happened, but try to spin it in ways to downplay the significance of it. I don't know who you or they think you or they are fooling.

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