Americans fault Trump for chaotic government shutdown, as more believe US is ‘on the wrong track’:

The liberal media has done its job spreading fake news well while Democrats and fake news journalists treat the battle over our national security as some combination of partisan theatrics and an immature high school spat.

'Trump Caves'

For the good of the country, which continues to be his focus, the President agreed to open the govt temporarily to allow the Congress to do its job ... which it will again fail to do under the current leadership on the House.

Nancy Pelosi voted for what Trump wanted twice, but she let her self/party-1st partisanship, party over country, oppose it, placing the country in a 'hostage situation'.
Pelosi's only goal was to hurt Trump's re-election in 2020.

Widespread election fraud / crime, Sanctuary Cities...evidence of willful Democrat crime to keep illegal immigration and illegals voting is widespread...but the sheep have been convinced stopping it would be a bad thing.
'An NBC-Wall Street Journal poll showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.”
  • By a 50 percent to 37 percent margin, Americans blame President Donald Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress.
'The government shutdown that just ended has deepened Americans’ discontent with the state of the nation--and they place the blame primarily on President Donald Trump, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday showed.

The poll’s results showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.” That’s significantly worse than the 56 percent to 33 percent finding from the December NBC/WSJ poll, taken before the shutdown.

And by 50 percent to 37 percent, Americans blame Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress, for the debacle. That result reflects their disagreement with his stance on the issue that caused it.'

Americans fault Trump for shutdown chaos, as more believe US is 'on the wrong track': NBC-WSJ poll

Interesting in how convincingly the media manipulates us by catering to our natural preferences to believe their manufactured news product.

Here is Ted Cruz for the HONEST counter-point.


Calling For Nancy Pelosi To RESIGN After Sen Ted Cruz EXPOSED THIS(VIDEO)!!!

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

What manufactured news product? It's a poll, dumbass.

You Trumpbots have got to be THE best fodder for the Milgram experiments ever.
In 2013 ALL of the current Senate Democrats who were there at the time voted to build and fund 350 miles of border wall.

Today, Senate Democrats refuse to vote for 234 miles of border wall.


Because they hate President Trump.
Because they are trying to depose this President.

Because Barack Obama knew that if Hillary Clinton was ever indicted for the same crime he was also guilty of, they BOTH might serve time.

Every bit of the acrimony and all of the allegations against the President, his family, friends and associates and staff and Cabinet Secretaries and supporters has been parts of an aggressive defensive campaign to keep the President off balance, confused (if possible), reeling and to also erode his base of support so that he might eventually either give up his intention of seeking to prosecute Clinton & Obama or give up the Oval Office to avoid being prosecured by C & O loyalists, himself.

Or to force him out and destroy him in any and every way they can.

The Dems. wall stance has some to do with their desire to increase their numbers of Democrat voters from the illegals that cross our under defended Southern border.

It also is, in part, due to their efforts to protect Obama and Hillary from prosecution.
Last edited:
The moron rules by his gut
By Reuters

The Trump administration's $1.5 trillion tax cut package appeared to have no major impact on businesses' capital investment or hiring plans, according to a survey released a year after the biggest overhaul of the tax code in more than 30 years.

The National Association of Business Economics' quarterly business conditions poll, published on Monday, found that while some companies reported accelerating investments because of lower corporate taxes, 84 percent of respondents said they had not changed plans. That compares to 81 percent in the previous survey published in October.

The White House had predicted that the massive fiscal stimulus package, marked by the reduction in the corporate tax rate to 21 percent from 35 percent, would boost business spending and job growth. The tax cuts came into effect in January 2018.

"A large majority of respondents, 84 percent, indicate that one year after its passage, the corporate tax reform has not caused their firms to change hiring or investment plans," said NABE President Kevin Swift.

The lower tax rates, however, had an impact in the goods producing sector, with 50 percent of respondents from that sector reporting increased investments at their companies, and 20 percent saying they redirected hiring and investments to the United States from abroad.
The moron rules by his gut
By Reuters

The Trump administration's $1.5 trillion tax cut package appeared to have no major impact on businesses' capital investment or hiring plans, according to a survey released a year after the biggest overhaul of the tax code in more than 30 years.

The National Association of Business Economics' quarterly business conditions poll, published on Monday, found that while some companies reported accelerating investments because of lower corporate taxes, 84 percent of respondents said they had not changed plans. That compares to 81 percent in the previous survey published in October.

The White House had predicted that the massive fiscal stimulus package, marked by the reduction in the corporate tax rate to 21 percent from 35 percent, would boost business spending and job growth. The tax cuts came into effect in January 2018.

"A large majority of respondents, 84 percent, indicate that one year after its passage, the corporate tax reform has not caused their firms to change hiring or investment plans," said NABE President Kevin Swift.

The lower tax rates, however, had an impact in the goods producing sector, with 50 percent of respondents from that sector reporting increased investments at their companies, and 20 percent saying they redirected hiring and investments to the United States from abroad.
He "rules" to protect his brand name with his base. The tax cuts were to get "wins" over the dems after he imploded on Obamacare. The gop senators noticed, while Trump apparently did not, that his brand name supporters LIKED MEDICAID EXPANSION because it helped them. All the moron had to do was rename it after keeping the goodies like Medicaid and preexisting conditions ....

His world view may end with "nato doesn't pay enough" and "China doesn't trade in a way that benefits me."
The Trump experiment of attacking the middle class and the poor, racism, homophobia and attacking women’s rights looks like it’s about to be over.

Republicans got so excited that they thought they were going to have a free hand attacking gay people and minorities.

Turns out it didn’t really work that way.

America has rejected the GOP’s politics of hate.

Possibly the tax cuts for billionaires had something to do with it.

Republicans are like a giant basket of deplorable‘s. The hatred for gays and minorities, and then the worship of the super rich. All of that together makes them a very unfriendly party to people with traditional American values.
The liberal media has done its job spreading fake news well while Democrats and fake news journalists treat the battle over our national security as some combination of partisan theatrics and an immature high school spat.

'Trump Caves'

For the good of the country, which continues to be his focus, the President agreed to open the govt temporarily to allow the Congress to do its job ... which it will again fail to do under the current leadership on the House.

Nancy Pelosi voted for what Trump wanted twice, but she let her self/party-1st partisanship, party over country, oppose it, placing the country in a 'hostage situation'.
Pelosi's only goal was to hurt Trump's re-election in 2020.

Widespread election fraud / crime, Sanctuary Cities...evidence of willful Democrat crime to keep illegal immigration and illegals voting is widespread...but the sheep have been convinced stopping it would be a bad thing.
there still will be no wall ,,lets see how much pain the ass in the wh is willing to inflict on America Say goodbye to repubs in 2020
In 2013 ALL of the current Senate Democrats who were there at the time voted to build and fund 350 miles of border wall.

Today, Senate Democrats refuse to vote for 234 miles of border wall.


Because we know it was a stupid idea now?

Because they hate President Trump.
Because they are trying to depose this President.

Yes, yes we are... This is a good thing.

Because Barack Obama knew that if Hillary Clinton was ever indicted for the same crime he was also guilty of, they BOTH might serve time.

Every bit of the acrimony and all of the allegations against the President, his family, friends and associates and staff and Cabinet Secretaries and supporters has been parts of an aggressive defensive campaign to keep the President off balance, confused (if possible), reeling and to also erode his base of support so that he might eventually either give up his intention of seeking to prosecute Clinton & Obama or give up the Oval Office to avoid being prosecured by C & O loyalists, himself.

Actually, it's more like this.. He says this stuff to make stupid people like you happy, but he know if he ever got a grand jury to look at it in DC, they'd laugh him out of the courthouse.
'An NBC-Wall Street Journal poll showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.”
  • By a 50 percent to 37 percent margin, Americans blame President Donald Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress.
'The government shutdown that just ended has deepened Americans’ discontent with the state of the nation--and they place the blame primarily on President Donald Trump, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday showed.

The poll’s results showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.” That’s significantly worse than the 56 percent to 33 percent finding from the December NBC/WSJ poll, taken before the shutdown.

And by 50 percent to 37 percent, Americans blame Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress, for the debacle. That result reflects their disagreement with his stance on the issue that caused it.'

Americans fault Trump for shutdown chaos, as more believe US is 'on the wrong track': NBC-WSJ poll


Only liberals could look at a poll where 63 percent of Americans think the nation is on the wrong track and think that's GOOD NEWS....for anyone. Of course the nation is on the wrong track. We're close to entirely dissolving, probably, we've lose faith in all our institutions, our polls, our democracy, and our media. You knuckleheads. Geez

So far, you have the post of the day, S-Sue.
The liberal media has done its job spreading fake news well while Democrats and fake news journalists treat the battle over our national security as some combination of partisan theatrics and an immature high school spat.

'Trump Caves'

For the good of the country, which continues to be his focus, the President agreed to open the govt temporarily to allow the Congress to do its job ... which it will again fail to do under the current leadership on the House.

Nancy Pelosi voted for what Trump wanted twice, but she let her self/party-1st partisanship, party over country, oppose it, placing the country in a 'hostage situation'.
Pelosi's only goal was to hurt Trump's re-election in 2020.

Widespread election fraud / crime, Sanctuary Cities...evidence of willful Democrat crime to keep illegal immigration and illegals voting is widespread...but the sheep have been convinced stopping it would be a bad thing.
So sick of the brain damaged, constantly complaining about the liberal media. It’s like truth is liberal. What is that make conservative? Lies?
'An NBC-Wall Street Journal poll showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.”
  • By a 50 percent to 37 percent margin, Americans blame President Donald Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress.
'The government shutdown that just ended has deepened Americans’ discontent with the state of the nation--and they place the blame primarily on President Donald Trump, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday showed.

The poll’s results showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.” That’s significantly worse than the 56 percent to 33 percent finding from the December NBC/WSJ poll, taken before the shutdown.

And by 50 percent to 37 percent, Americans blame Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress, for the debacle. That result reflects their disagreement with his stance on the issue that caused it.'

Americans fault Trump for shutdown chaos, as more believe US is 'on the wrong track': NBC-WSJ poll


Only liberals could look at a poll where 63 percent of Americans think the nation is on the wrong track and think that's GOOD NEWS....for anyone. Of course the nation is on the wrong track. We're close to entirely dissolving, probably, we've lose faith in all our institutions, our polls, our democracy, and our media. You knuckleheads. Geez
Only Republicans who have damaged the country terribly in the last two years could look at a poll that says we are on the wrong track and clap their hands together shouting “a job well done”.
'An NBC-Wall Street Journal poll showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.”
  • By a 50 percent to 37 percent margin, Americans blame President Donald Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress.
'The government shutdown that just ended has deepened Americans’ discontent with the state of the nation--and they place the blame primarily on President Donald Trump, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday showed.

The poll’s results showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.” That’s significantly worse than the 56 percent to 33 percent finding from the December NBC/WSJ poll, taken before the shutdown.

And by 50 percent to 37 percent, Americans blame Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress, for the debacle. That result reflects their disagreement with his stance on the issue that caused it.'

Americans fault Trump for shutdown chaos, as more believe US is 'on the wrong track': NBC-WSJ poll

Microsoft media outlet...
If it was up to Bill Gates, you’d be living in a mud tent in Northern Africa.

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