Americans for Prosperity Lures Michigan Right-to-Work Fans With Gas Cards, Free Food


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
The conservative group Americans for Prosperity is enticing supporters to rally at the Michigan state capitol in support of right-to-work legislation with $25 gas cards and free food and drinks, according to a staffer for the organization's Michigan chapter.

AFP's Michigan chapter also used gas cards and free lunches to lure supporters to a lobby day on December 6, the day GOP Gov. Rick Snyder and Republican lawmakers abruptly unveiled their right-to-work bills. Greg George, a government affairs associate with AFP-Michigan, says no one has taken the group up on its most recent gas card offer, but that the offer remains. "We've offered to gladly give them out," he says. (Because it is a nonprofit organization, Americans for Prosperity, which is partially backed by the Koch brothers, does not publicly disclose its donors.)

Despite what its supporters claim, right-to-work legislation does not prevent so-called "forced unionization." That's because forced unionization is a myth: No worker can be forced to become a full-fledged union member. What right-to-work would do is ban unions from collecting dues from nonunion members for representing them with management. After all, nonunion members can benefit from contracts negotiated by unions. Right-to-work allows those nonmembers to receive union representation without paying for it—unions deride those folks "free-riders." The result of right-to-work laws is that unions see their treasuries diminish and membership take a hit.

Americans for Prosperity Lures Michigan Right-to-Work Fans With Gas Cards, Free Food | Mother Jones
Forced unionization is a myth? lol.

Unions deride free-riders? LOL

You do realize that Unions protect that freeloaders all the time, right?

Thank you. I needed a laugh tonight.
BTW Why is it the people who have truth in their handles are usually the ones lying through their teeth?
NaziCons are pushing an ugly agenda, so their dirty tactics don't surprise me. Come on 2014...
The conservative group Americans for Prosperity is enticing supporters to rally at the Michigan state capitol in support of right-to-work legislation with $25 gas cards and free food and drinks, according to a staffer for the organization's Michigan chapter.

AFP's Michigan chapter also used gas cards and free lunches to lure supporters to a lobby day on December 6, the day GOP Gov. Rick Snyder and Republican lawmakers abruptly unveiled their right-to-work bills. Greg George, a government affairs associate with AFP-Michigan, says no one has taken the group up on its most recent gas card offer, but that the offer remains. "We've offered to gladly give them out," he says. (Because it is a nonprofit organization, Americans for Prosperity, which is partially backed by the Koch brothers, does not publicly disclose its donors.)

Despite what its supporters claim, right-to-work legislation does not prevent so-called "forced unionization." That's because forced unionization is a myth: No worker can be forced to become a full-fledged union member. What right-to-work would do is ban unions from collecting dues from nonunion members for representing them with management. After all, nonunion members can benefit from contracts negotiated by unions. Right-to-work allows those nonmembers to receive union representation without paying for it—unions deride those folks "free-riders." The result of right-to-work laws is that unions see their treasuries diminish and membership take a hit.

Americans for Prosperity Lures Michigan Right-to-Work Fans With Gas Cards, Free Food | Mother Jones

Unions pay minimum wage to non union affiliated/jobless/homeless/illegal immigrants, feed them, and bus them in with union funds to protest on their behalf and this guy can only complain about Americans for Prosperity offering gas cards to subsidize their very own non-astroturf supporters transportation to the event. AMAZING!

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Are you pissed because the offered free stuff or that the free stuff wasn't going to be paid for by tax payers?
BTW Why is it the people who have truth in their handles are usually the ones lying through their teeth?

Only "Ditto Heads" consider the "truth" to be a "lie", while believing the "lie" to be the "truth".:eusa_pray:

I highly doubt you are a ditto head. And you are clearly lying because you are trying to claim there is no forced unionization. Yet, if 51% of the workers decide to unionize, all the others are forced it. Dues are forced. The workers are forced to accept union "representation" in contract negotiations instead of being allowed to negotiate according to their merits.

You claimed that Unions deride free loaders. Yet, those are the workers they protect. They protect the unproductive workers who don't carry their load. Yes, there are plenty of union workers who work hard, but they aren't the ones being benefited from the union. Look at the teachers unions. There are tons of incompetant and even criminal teachers who cannot be fired because the unions protect them. NYC had to create a special place for these teachers, some of whom have committed crimes, because the unions have made it impossible for the city to just fire their incompetant behinds. So they sit in rooms doing absolutely nothing and continue to get a paycheck.

Unions protect this incompetant freeloading all the time.

So please, when you make clear lies like that, please dont pretend you care about the Truth.
NaziCons are pushing an ugly agenda, so their dirty tactics don't surprise me. Come on 2014...


stop the presses...Mother Jones has some BIG NEWS to report

so because of this it gives the Unions a free pass to tear down their tent and punch people in the face
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Unions and progressives hate seeing their own tactics used against them.
U.S. automotive manufacturing plants built in the last 20 years:

Hyundai/Kia: Alabama, Georgia
Daimler: Alabama
BMW: South Carolina (output today: 300,000 cars; 75% for foreign markets)
Nissan: Tennessee, Mississippi
Volkswagen: Tennessee
Toyota: Alabama, Texas, Indiana, Mississippi
Honda: Alabama
Chrysler: Indiana
General Motors: Tennessee

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