Americans hate Donald Trump

There were zero supporters at his latest deposition in New York. There were plenty of patriotic Americans there, though.

Everyday is opposite day for a leftist. You guys want company for your miserable ways, because people don't like your choices. You don't get that company.

Donald Trump walked into an arena that holds 20,000 people and 19,999 people were so happy. And then there was Bill Burr’s wife.

It's MSNBC, naturally they are going to cherry-pick anything that keeps their own narrative alive.

And by the way, chanting "New York hates you!" is actually pretty lame when you consider the jobs that Trump has brought to the city.
Would you rather the showed video of him saying tens of thousands of people were at his rally, when it was held at a venue with a capacity of 5200, with lots of empty seats?

Americans Globalists, faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis, foreigners, wetbacks and degenerate lowlife pieces of dogshit hate Donald Trump​

There I fixed it for you.
But he'll always have Pooty!


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How many priests and Boy Scout Leaders have you killed Quit? You threaten child molesters with death and yet you say nothing about the clergy or the youth leaders who commit 1 out of every 5 child rapes in the USA. How many REAL pedophiles have you killed Quit????

Bad morning Lady?
How many priests and Boy Scout Leaders have you killed Quit? You threaten child molesters with death and yet you say nothing about the clergy or the youth leaders who commit 1 out of every 5 child rapes in the USA. How many REAL pedophiles have you killed Quit????

Quote me ever saying I have killed a pedophile.

And you're going to have to prove to us that you know what the word "quote" means.

PS, I donate regularly to an organization that supports priests who have been canceled for outing clergy who rape boys.

That means I do something REAL to fight the clergy abuse of children.


Hey Dragonlady, where'd you go? Off searching for that elusive leftist concept of PROOF?????

Get your lying ass back here and put your money where your mouth is!


Dragonlady, I'm waiting.

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Bad morning Lady?

Yep, bad day up there in Cunadia.

And, oh by the way, for you Christ haters:


Public school teachers sexually abuse more children than priests - Stephen Porter GREAT ONE!



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The vast majority of these MAGA dopes were all 'W is My President' during the 2000s. Then something new and shiny came along and they stopped supporting classic conservatism. The rightwing electorate changed. And with that change they had the freedom to vote another way. Now they want to prevent themselves from voting another way in the future by making elections a farce, like Saddam getting 99% of the popular vote in Iraq.
The vast majority of these MAGA dopes were all 'W is My President' during the 2000s. Then something new and shiny came along and they stopped supporting classic conservatism. The rightwing electorate changed. And with that change they had the freedom to vote another way. Now they want to prevent themselves from voting another way in the future by making elections a farce, like Saddam getting 99% of the popular vote in Iraq.
Whatever happened to the William F Buckley Republicans?

Americans Globalists, faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis, foreigners, wetbacks and degenerate lowlife pieces of dogshit hate Donald Trump​

There I fixed it for you.

Also, economists, bankers, Wall Street brokers, mainstream Christians, the American Chamber of Commerce, the middle class, all racial minorities, and any woman who has ever had a problem pregnancy, or knows a woman who has a problem pregnancy.

Racists, rapists, misogynists, con artists, and beta assholes like you are the only ones who like him and there aren't enough of you creeps to elect him again. The rest of the country learned their lesson after over a million people died of covid - the worst pandemic response in American history.
Whatever happened to the William F Buckley Republicans?
It gave way to the "blame everyone else for my failures" crowd. No more personal responsibility - "It's Joe Biden's fault that I'm throwing handfuls of fentanyl down my throat!" - and no more Strong America: "Let Putin and Xi rule the rest of the world while we become isolationists".

Tucker named his son Buckley, then put him in expensive private schools so he wouldn't get beat up.

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