Americans must go back to villages

Gandhi's walks through the villages of rural India endeared him with a profound love of the land and respect for the people who toiled in it. He came to believe that it was impractical for India's cities to accommodate the burgeoning population in a dignified way. He romanticized village life as self-sufficient, simple, free, non-violent, and truthful. To Gandhi, the qualities of village and rural life far surpassed that of the city, but he recognized that the playing field had to be leveled with both landscapes providing opportunities for personal growth and lifelong learning.
Yeah those villages didn't have abortion clinics or doctors, for the most part.

Or running water. Or pennicillin. He encouraged them to spin native fibers which is labor intensive and pays pretty much in the negatives per hour...but he recognized that you become more self sufficient by using the resources at hand.

Something leftists just can't wrap their heads around.
Sure (interesting idea, too), but it takes money (buying a gun, buying property, buying other farming tools, money to move) & education (learning how to hunt, learning how to farm, learning to be patient).How is a person out of a job and tight on resources going to attain those things?.
You will get farm jobs or work on fishing boats (big boats) :eusa_clap:

The way modern farming is done, there are far fewer farm jobs available.

As for fishing, I am not aware there is a big unfulfilled need for unskilled labor on big fishing boats.

As for living off the land, unless you want them invading gov't lands (trashing wildlife refuges and the like) it will be impossible. And most land owners are picky about who they allow to hunt on their land.
There are lots of jobs for Americans is rural USA. They can survive from farming work, hunting and fishing till they get jobs.

USA has vast land mass. :eusa_whistle:

Sure (interesting idea, too), but it takes money (buying a gun, buying property, buying other farming tools, money to move) & education (learning how to hunt, learning how to farm, learning to be patient).

How is a person out of a job and tight on resources going to attain those things?

. Uhhh. Keep your Homies in that urban ghetto you call "City". We like it that our women can walk to the Townsquare not be raped or otherwise molested.
Whatcha mean?
What part don't you understand??
Cities vote Dem over and over again ruining the place where they Live. Why do you think No One wants to move to Detroit?? Destroyed by Democrats running the place for decades.
We out in the "hills" take care of the land, the animals, the environment and we get along with our neighbors with very little crime. We vote republican.
Democrats figure out that their city stinks then want to bring their stinking politics voting for the same Democrats they are running from. Otherwise known as Californicating because Californians are notorious for bringing with them what they are leaving.
We Don't Want It ~

But why push for constant conflict and separateness?

Wouldn't the world be a much better place if some of those Urban Democrats could come out to the county, get to know the people, learn to hunt, learn their perspective on things, and then go from there?

Let's move towards solution/harmony because whether you like it or not if the Democrats are truly "destroying themselves" it would be in YOUR best interest to halt that activity because eventually the destruction WILL reach you and your family if it remains unchecked.

You say: But why push for constant conflict and separateness?
Kudos. Too many of us caught up in conflict. I'm guilty of it also. I vote democrat mostly and was fishing and hunting with my uncles as a kid in the 50's. I wish I would have kept up on those skills. I admire anyone that has the ability to live off the land.
I live it just north of the border. I can do anything. I don't understand the issue. I did it in Tennesse to. We are the most blessed countries in the world that way. I hunt and I fish and I garden I am without the government.

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