Americans oppose US involvement in Syria


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
Americans oppose intervention in Syria by a wide margin!
The American public is extremely hesitant to intervene directly in Syria's civil war.
Republican or Democrat the polls show the same thing..... Americans say stay out of Syria!!

Concerning Syria, only 15 percent in the poll say they favor U.S. military action
Only 11 percent want to provide arms to the rebel opposition even though John McCain gave his personal assurance that he could tell the good rebels from the bad rebel..

NBC/WSJ poll: Americans oppose intervention in Syria - First Read
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Yeah... you had to know this would be the case..

While I am disturbed about what allegedly went on there... There is no violation of a treaty with us, attack on an ally, etc for us to really do anything
The only ally in danger is obama's personal ally, al quaeda.

At this point, the only thing that can stop us from walking into a bloody mess is Russia. Russia can stop us, and should.
Yeah... you had to know this would be the case..

While I am disturbed about what allegedly went on there... There is no violation of a treaty with us, attack on an ally, etc for us to really do anything

Yeah I feel the same way, plus the rebels aren't looking much better than Assads goons in regards to the violence.
I can no longer defend my Senator from Arizona, John McCain.....I fear he's finally lost his mind. Not only voting with Reid NOT to make the completion of the border fence mandatory for an amnesty deal, but thinking he knows al-Qaida from any other jihadist savage is the last straw for me.
Americans oppose intervention in Syria by a wide margin!
The American public is extremely hesitant to intervene directly in Syria's civil war.
Republican or Democrat the polls show the same thing..... Americans say stay out of Syria!!

Concerning Syria, only 15 percent in the poll say they favor U.S. military action
Only 11 percent want to provide arms to the rebel opposition even though John McCain gave his personal assurance that he could tell the good rebels from the bad rebel..

NBC/WSJ poll: Americans oppose intervention in Syria - First Read
More good news from the WSJ:

"WASHINGTON—A U.S. military proposal for arming Syrian rebels also calls for a limited no-fly zone inside Syria that would be enforced from Jordanian territory to protect Syrian refugees and rebels who would train there, according to U.S. officials."

U.S. Military Proposal to Arm Rebels Includes No-Fly Zone in Syria -
I can no longer defend my Senator from Arizona, John McCain.....I fear he's finally lost his mind. Not only voting with Reid NOT to make the completion of the border fence mandatory for an amnesty deal, but thinking he knows al-Qaida from any other jihadist savage is the last straw for me.

Get someone who can beat him to run against him. His horrendous record on Immigration and the First amendment should make it child's play to challenge him.
Yeah... you had to know this would be the case..

While I am disturbed about what allegedly went on there... There is no violation of a treaty with us, attack on an ally, etc for us to really do anything

That wont stop them. If they cant get enough support, they will manufacture something to gin up support.

Obama is a progressive after Wilson style. Wilson ran for reelection on his second term promising to stay out of the war. Within months of getting into office, he had his propaganda machine stirring up the people to go to war.

History repeats itself.
Obama's a globalist. A globalist believe that they need to rebuild, allow and merge with the entire world. He thinks Syria is our fucking problem...Hell in fact he wants these people to come here by the tens of thousands!
Why are we supplying Syrian rebels with arms?

Because the rebels are al quaeda. They will use those arms against us or our allies.

At this point the best resolution would be for obama to declare a no fly zone and Russia declare a no fly zone against our planes.
Why are we supplying Syrian rebels with arms?

Because the rebels are al quaeda. They will use those arms against us or our allies.

At this point the best resolution would be for obama to declare a no fly zone and Russia declare a no fly zone against our planes.

Followed by us declaring war against Russia for messing with our planes. :eusa_whistle:
I can no longer defend my Senator from Arizona, John McCain.....I fear he's finally lost his mind. Not only voting with Reid NOT to make the completion of the border fence mandatory for an amnesty deal, but thinking he knows al-Qaida from any other jihadist savage is the last straw for me.
When's he up for reelection? Help to vote him out, next time. Or work towards a 'recall', if your State constitution makes provision for that? His time has come and gone. He needs to go home.
"Americans oppose intervention in Syria by a wide margin! The American public is extremely hesitant to intervene directly in Syria's civil war. Republican or Democrat the polls show the same thing..... Americans say stay out of Syria!! Concerning Syria, only 15 percent in the poll say they favor U.S. military action Only 11 percent want to provide arms to the rebel opposition even though John McCain gave his personal assurance that he could tell the good rebels from the bad rebel..."
Although I have supreme faith in the American People over the long-haul, I don't put a lot of stock in short-term public opinion polls. NATO has been chafing at the bit to do something there for months but we've been dragging our feet. Now that we've given the Russians and their Iranian buddies some breathing space to begin pulling-together arms shipments, it does seem to make sense to at least start pumping arms of some kind or another into the rebel alliance. I dunno. I have yet to hear a comprehensive analysis of why we are doing this, and, personally, I'm going to reserve further judgment on the relative wisdom of sending those arms until I've had a chance to hear such a justification and to give it a good think-over.
"Americans oppose intervention in Syria by a wide margin! The American public is extremely hesitant to intervene directly in Syria's civil war. Republican or Democrat the polls show the same thing..... Americans say stay out of Syria!! Concerning Syria, only 15 percent in the poll say they favor U.S. military action Only 11 percent want to provide arms to the rebel opposition even though John McCain gave his personal assurance that he could tell the good rebels from the bad rebel..."
Although I have supreme faith in the American People over the long-haul, I don't put a lot of stock in short-term public opinion polls. NATO has been chafing at the bit to do something there for months but we've been dragging our feet. Now that we've given the Russians and their Iranian buddies some breathing space to begin pulling-together arms shipments, it does seem to make sense to at least start pumping arms of some kind or another into the rebel alliance. I dunno. I have yet to hear a comprehensive analysis of why we are doing this, and, personally, I'm going to reserve further judgment on the relative wisdom of sending those arms until I've had a chance to hear such a justification and to give it a good think-over.

Honestly------what information are you going to use to make your decision and where are you going to get it from ?
"...Honestly------what information are you going to use to make your decision and where are you going to get it from?"
Honestly? I don't know.

me neither
Maybe someone should ask Wesley what he knew and when he knew it?

"As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.'"

He got the five year part wrong, but I'll wager the Iranians aren't perplexed.
Fuck if we're going to arm the rebels. Why not arm them right? Why not arm them to have better then anything Assad has.

-Battle tanks
-Some of our better smaller arms tech

Giving them a few small arms from the USSR isn't going to win this.
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I'm against our getting involved in Syria - but then I think the Russians and the Iranians should get out of there.

It's not like the Russians care about anything more than keeping their access to the Mediterranean via their Syrian base.......

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