Americans Stranded At Mazar-i-Sharif Airport Waiting On Biden Administration 'Paper Work' & Only Less Than A 100 Americans Remain...Or NOT


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Lies, Lies, & More Damnable LIES....

As reported already, while private citizens and groups have done what Biden refuses to do - go rescue / recover Americans left behind in Afghanistan - the Biden Administration has done next to nothing to get Americans out. In fact, they have been BLOCKING the on-going rescues and trying to take credit when Americans are successfully evacuated.

"So when White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked today about Americans still stranded and specifically what they were doing about the Mazar-i-Sharif situation now being held up by the Taliban, Psaki once again tried to play word games rather than simply answer honestly about getting Americans out.

The same folks who said they weren’t going to strand people in Afghanistan (and then did) are now trying to downplay the situation on the ground in Mazar-i-Sharif, not taking any responsibility for their part in the delay, covering for the Taliban holding up the planes. Psaki refused to even ascribe blame there, between the State Department and the Taliban, just calling it a problem of
“incorrect paperwork”that’s now held the planes up for more than six days."

With Americans lives in danger, getting them out of Afghanistan as quickly as possible literally being a matter of life and death, Americans at the mercy of terrorists being prevented from leaving for 6 DAYS because of incompetent / inept staff members who can't complete some paperwork, some people need to be fired and replaced with people who can do their jobs in a faster, more efficient way,

When asked how many more Americans are left in Afghanistan, Psaki responded by CLAIMING LESS THAN 100:
- "Psaki claimed that there were just under 100 Americans still in Afghanistan."

You know, I HATE Liars, but I f*ing HATE stupid, lazy, incompetent liars who don't even put in the slightest effort to try to make their lies sound believable or who don't put in minimal effort to look up simple details to ensure they aren't just spared from being caught in a lie but are spared from being caught in a lie about something simple.

Psaki is the perfect example of a stupid, lazy, incompetent liar. She was asked about the Americans left behind and have been blocked by the Biden administration for 6 (SIX) days due to a State Department 'paperwork' problem, AND SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW THE SIMPLEST, MOST IMPORTANT DETAILS ABOUT THE STORY....LIKE HOW MANY F*ING AMERICANS ARE TRYING TO GET OUT OF MAZAR-i-SHARIF AIRPORT!

Psaki stared straight into the eyes of the reporters - and those at home / around the world watching her and said, 'THERE ARE FEWER THAN 100 AMERCIANS STILL LEFT IN AFGHANISTAN WHO WANT TO GET OUT'.

Did Psaki not prepare at all for this Press conference? Did she really just decide, "I'm just going to go out there and 'WING IT'?!

The WH - Biden - already has zero credibility after promising not to leave Afghanistan until ALL Americans and allies were evacuated, only to prove he lied by leaving literally HUNDREDS of Americans and more allies behind! Psaki coming out and being caught in such a STUPID lie / mistake makes things worse. I hear Psaki say this, and I think she is either lying, or is either stupid, unprofessional, amd incapable of doing her job.

- Boy, that shit came around quick to bite them in the ass.

Psaki LIED when she said there are less than 100 Americans who want to leave in Afghanistan,
- There are 142 sitting in Mazar-i-Shariff waiting for Biden and his incompetent, treasonous administration to let them leave & come home.

- According to records / officials who have been talking to stranded Americans there is approximately 500 Americans still in Afghanistan...

That's a LOT more than 'Less Than 100'.

Got it - they are massively trying to downplay Biden's f*-up and how many Americans he left behind....but how they are doing it looks like a Saturday Night Live skit and they just end up looking like BIGGER liars...if that is possible at this point.


'Psaki then tried to steal credit for the rescue of the four Americans as well, something which we already reported the Biden team wasn’t responsible for.

“I think the State Department has given numbers that as you may have seen out there reported over the weekend, there were four American citizens who were able to depart overland. That’s one of the ways that we are working with American citizens to get out of the country,” Psaki said.

Yeah, NO, that was a LIE, you didn’t do anything to rescue them.

They really have no shame at all, especially given that they put them in this situation.'

NO credibility....NONE....ZIP....ZERO....ZILCH....NADA!

Yet Biden evacuated every American, even the idiots who chose not to leave during the 18 month window of peace, except for, according to you, at most 500. Thank you, Mr. President.
Biden cannot evacuate his bowels much less stranded Americans.
Except he evacuated all but at most 500, who are in the process of still being evacuated. And that's after they refused to leave despite having 18 months to do so.
Except you have no idea how many are there or were evacuated or anything at all......and no idiot pulls the military out of an occupied area without first having an evacuation plan for all civilians and equipment right nitwit Dimmer?
Except he evacuated all but at most 500, who are in the process of still being evacuated. And that's after they refused to leave despite having 18 months to do so.
What part of the word "clusterfuck" is it you don't understand, cluster or fuck?
What part of the word "clusterfuck" is it you don't understand, cluster or fuck?
I understand the term very well as this stupid country was trapped in clusterfucks in the Middle East all century long until very recently. I'm sorry you are sad we aren't anymore.
I understand the term very well as this stupid country was trapped in clusterfucks in the Middle East all century long until very recently. I'm sorry you are sad we aren't anymore.
Afghanistan was indeed a clusterfuck, never the more so than during Biden's withdrawal. Are you familiar with the term "asshole"?
Afghanistan was indeed a clusterfuck, never the more so than during Biden's withdrawal. Are you familiar with the term "asshole"?
Yeah you're a big fucking asshole you piece of shit. Clusterfucks end in clusterfucks. Learn your fucking lesson this time before continuing to vote for war every chance you get. Fuck yourself.
Yet Biden evacuated every American, even the idiots who chose not to leave during the 18 month window of peace, except for, according to you, at most 500. Thank you, Mr. President.

So you are finally admitting that Biden LIED to Americans and allies when he promised not to leave Afghanistan until ALL Americans and allies were out.

You are admitting that Psaki either lied her ass off or is completely STUPID when she claimed there is less than 100 Americans in Afghanistan when there is 142 waiting at an airport.

Thank you for agreeing with me that Biden and Psaki have ZERO credibility now and that nothing they say can be believed any more.
Lies, Lies, & More Damnable LIES....

As reported already, while private citizens and groups have done what Biden refuses to do - go rescue / recover Americans left behind in Afghanistan - the Biden Administration has done next to nothing to get Americans out. In fact, they have been BLOCKING the on-going rescues and trying to take credit when Americans are successfully evacuated.

"So when White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked today about Americans still stranded and specifically what they were doing about the Mazar-i-Sharif situation now being held up by the Taliban, Psaki once again tried to play word games rather than simply answer honestly about getting Americans out.

The same folks who said they weren’t going to strand people in Afghanistan (and then did) are now trying to downplay the situation on the ground in Mazar-i-Sharif, not taking any responsibility for their part in the delay, covering for the Taliban holding up the planes. Psaki refused to even ascribe blame there, between the State Department and the Taliban, just calling it a problem of
“incorrect paperwork”that’s now held the planes up for more than six days."

With Americans lives in danger, getting them out of Afghanistan as quickly as possible literally being a matter of life and death, Americans at the mercy of terrorists being prevented from leaving for 6 DAYS because of incompetent / inept staff members who can't complete some paperwork, some people need to be fired and replaced with people who can do their jobs in a faster, more efficient way,

When asked how many more Americans are left in Afghanistan, Psaki responded by CLAIMING LESS THAN 100:
- "Psaki claimed that there were just under 100 Americans still in Afghanistan."

You know, I HATE Liars, but I f*ing HATE stupid, lazy, incompetent liars who don't even put in the slightest effort to try to make their lies sound believable or who don't put in minimal effort to look up simple details to ensure they aren't just spared from being caught in a lie but are spared from being caught in a lie about something simple.

Psaki is the perfect example of a stupid, lazy, incompetent liar. She was asked about the Americans left behind and have been blocked by the Biden administration for 6 (SIX) days due to a State Department 'paperwork' problem, AND SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW THE SIMPLEST, MOST IMPORTANT DETAILS ABOUT THE STORY....LIKE HOW MANY F*ING AMERICANS ARE TRYING TO GET OUT OF MAZAR-i-SHARIF AIRPORT!

Psaki stared straight into the eyes of the reporters - and those at home / around the world watching her and said, 'THERE ARE FEWER THAN 100 AMERCIANS STILL LEFT IN AFGHANISTAN WHO WANT TO GET OUT'.

Did Psaki not prepare at all for this Press conference? Did she really just decide, "I'm just going to go out there and 'WING IT'?!

The WH - Biden - already has zero credibility after promising not to leave Afghanistan until ALL Americans and allies were evacuated, only to prove he lied by leaving literally HUNDREDS of Americans and more allies behind! Psaki coming out and being caught in such a STUPID lie / mistake makes things worse. I hear Psaki say this, and I think she is either lying, or is either stupid, unprofessional, amd incapable of doing her job.

- Boy, that shit came around quick to bite them in the ass.

Psaki LIED when she said there are less than 100 Americans who want to leave in Afghanistan,
- There are 142 sitting in Mazar-i-Shariff waiting for Biden and his incompetent, treasonous administration to let them leave & come home.

- According to records / officials who have been talking to stranded Americans there is approximately 500 Americans still in Afghanistan...

That's a LOT more than 'Less Than 100'.

Got it - they are massively trying to downplay Biden's f*-up and how many Americans he left behind....but how they are doing it looks like a Saturday Night Live skit and they just end up looking like BIGGER liars...if that is possible at this point.


'Psaki then tried to steal credit for the rescue of the four Americans as well, something which we already reported the Biden team wasn’t responsible for.

“I think the State Department has given numbers that as you may have seen out there reported over the weekend, there were four American citizens who were able to depart overland. That’s one of the ways that we are working with American citizens to get out of the country,” Psaki said.

Yeah, NO, that was a LIE, you didn’t do anything to rescue them.

They really have no shame at all, especially given that they put them in this situation.'

NO credibility....NONE....ZIP....ZERO....ZILCH....NADA!

The foaming at the mouth thing is getting old. Last I heard the uncleared planes were full of unvetted afghanis and no verified Americans at all. Can you show some proof of your claims?
Yeah you're a big fucking asshole you piece of shit. Clusterfucks end in clusterfucks. Learn your fucking lesson this time before continuing to vote for war every chance you get. Fuck yourself.
Ah, insight! Well, you may not have understood "clusterfuck", but insight helped you understand asshole.
Yet Biden evacuated every American, even the idiots who chose not to leave during the 18 month window of peace, except for, according to you, at most 500. Thank you, Mr. President.
He left 500 people to die, and you are thanking him?
The foaming at the mouth thing is getting old. Last I heard the uncleared planes were full of unvetted afghanis and no verified Americans at all. Can you show some proof of your claims?

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