Americans' support for impeaching Trump rises: Reuters/Ipsos poll

The Russians did interfere in our election to help Trump and Hurt Clinton. Claiming it didn't happen isn't just another opinion. It's a lie.

BULLDOG, please provide one shred of evidence for your insane claim. :p

And folks, on a serious note, BULLDOG proves that folks who have the ability to access the internet still suffer from TDS and are literally crazy. Which is why we should not assume President Trump will have an easy victory over Creepy, Sleepy Biden or whoever the TDS dems present. There are literally millions of mentally ill folks out there. The DNC is planning all kinds of shit with their MSM. So it is not going to be easy.

Yep millions of mentally ill
Voters. The democrats wants them to vote
'NEW YORK (Reuters) - The number of Americans who said President Donald Trump should be impeached rose 5 percentage points to 45 percent since mid-April, while more than half said multiple congressional probes of Trump interfered with important government business, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Thursday.'

Americans' support for impeaching Trump rises: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Reuters

That means almost everyone who is not a die hard Republican is for impeaching President Bone Spurs...including independents.

I love it.

And every Republican is going to vote him back in for a second term, McLovin.

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Really? It's a long way to 2020 and he just might have some problems along the way:

Former Watergate prosecutor paints scenario of federal marshalls forced to remove Trump from the Oval Office in stand-off over court orders
Raw Story....ROFLMFAO!
got-dammit are you moonbats gullible! :blowpop:

That’s what you said before. Trump can’t win. No that’s you.

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I never said that.

Dims said that.

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... more than half said multiple congressional probes of Trump interfered with important government business, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Thursday.'

"Congressional probes?" :p The fact is 100% of US citizens should realize the fake Russian Hoax, the coup against our President, and the follow up Fat Jerry Nadler idiocy along with other cast of insane, anti-American democrats did make our country less safe as illegal aliens continue to stream into the USA, for example.

The Russians did interfere in our election to help Trump and Hurt Clinton. Claiming it didn't happen isn't just another opinion. It's a lie.

Fucking liar.

The Russians posted memes in facebook to create havoc and upheaval, as the Mueller dossier made clear.

Further, the Steele dossier was DIRECTLY aimed at harming the TRUMP campaign, the Russians fabricated that not to help Hillary, but to cause chaos.

You should use CAPS LOCK when you post. It will make you so much more credible.

You should lie incessantly when you post, it's the democrat way.

So are you lying that the Steele Dossier was NOT fabricated purely to damage the Trump campaign?
'NEW YORK (Reuters) - The number of Americans who said President Donald Trump should be impeached rose 5 percentage points to 45 percent since mid-April, while more than half said multiple congressional probes of Trump interfered with important government business, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Thursday.'

Americans' support for impeaching Trump rises: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Reuters

That means almost everyone who is not a die hard Republican is for impeaching President Bone Spurs...including independents.

I love it.

And every Republican is going to vote him back in for a second term, McLovin.

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Really? It's a long way to 2020 and he just might have some problems along the way:

Former Watergate prosecutor paints scenario of federal marshalls forced to remove Trump from the Oval Office in stand-off over court orders


And you fuckers claimed the birthers were unhinged... :lmaoi:
'NEW YORK (Reuters) - The number of Americans who said President Donald Trump should be impeached rose 5 percentage points to 45 percent since mid-April, while more than half said multiple congressional probes of Trump interfered with important government business, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Thursday.'

Americans' support for impeaching Trump rises: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Reuters

That means almost everyone who is not a die hard Republican is for impeaching President Bone Spurs...including independents.

I love it.

And every Republican is going to vote him back in for a second term, McLovin.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Really? It's a long way to 2020 and he just might have some problems along the way:

Former Watergate prosecutor paints scenario of federal marshalls forced to remove Trump from the Oval Office in stand-off over court orders
And what is President being removed from office for again? Is it Collusion?

Just because the Mueller report didn't say what the Stalinists wanted doesn't mean they can't flat out lie...
The Russians did interfere in our election to help Trump and Hurt Clinton. Claiming it didn't happen isn't just another opinion. It's a lie.

These people think Obama was born in Kenya.

So they're not the sharpest tacks in the drawer, if you know what I mean.

Far more rational than this "collusion" idiocy.

Bigfoot is more rational.

Collusion is the dumbest fucking conspiracy theory in a millennia.
'NEW YORK (Reuters) - The number of Americans who said President Donald Trump should be impeached rose 5 percentage points to 45 percent since mid-April, while more than half said multiple congressional probes of Trump interfered with important government business, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Thursday.'

Americans' support for impeaching Trump rises: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Reuters

That means almost everyone who is not a die hard Republican is for impeaching President Bone Spurs...including independents.

I love it.

And every Republican is going to vote him back in for a second term, McLovin.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Really? It's a long way to 2020 and he just might have some problems along the way:

Former Watergate prosecutor paints scenario of federal marshalls forced to remove Trump from the Oval Office in stand-off over court orders
And what is President being removed from office for again? Is it Collusion?

Just because the Mueller report didn't say what the Stalinists wanted doesn't mean they can't flat out lie...

You douche bags keep losing. Vote for Bernie or Joe in 2020, ass wipes.

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'NEW YORK (Reuters) - The number of Americans who said President Donald Trump should be impeached rose 5 percentage points to 45 percent since mid-April, while more than half said multiple congressional probes of Trump interfered with important government business, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Thursday.'

Americans' support for impeaching Trump rises: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Reuters

That means almost everyone who is not a die hard Republican is for impeaching President Bone Spurs...including independents.


I seriously doubt it will result in an actual impeachment. But at least it shows that a huge number of Americans are seeing things properly in this regard...that Donald J. Trump should not be President.

Once again I am neither Dem nor Rep and despise both parties. But Trump is obviously either massively stupid and/or mentally unbalanced and should not be President.

The poll you are using is from a international corporation, so why are you allowing a foreign entity to influence your opinion about our President?

Ipsos - Wikipedia

Reuters - Wikipedia
'NEW YORK (Reuters) - The number of Americans who said President Donald Trump should be impeached rose 5 percentage points to 45 percent since mid-April, while more than half said multiple congressional probes of Trump interfered with important government business, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Thursday.'

Americans' support for impeaching Trump rises: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Reuters

That means almost everyone who is not a die hard Republican is for impeaching President Bone Spurs...including independents.

I love it.

And every Republican is going to vote him back in for a second term, McLovin.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Really? It's a long way to 2020 and he just might have some problems along the way:

Former Watergate prosecutor paints scenario of federal marshalls forced to remove Trump from the Oval Office in stand-off over court orders
And what is President being removed from office for again? Is it Collusion?

Just because the Mueller report didn't say what the Stalinists wanted doesn't mean they can't flat out lie...

You douche bags keep losing. Vote for Bernie or Joe in 2020, ass wipes.

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Do you think you can lie the Mueller Dossier into the cornfield?

Sorry fucking liar,,,,

{The investigation did not, however, yield evidence sufficient to sustain any charge that any
individual affiliated with the Trump Campaign acted as an agent of a foreign principal within the
meaning of FARA or, in terms of Section 951, subject to the direction or control of the government
of Russia, or any official thereof. In particular, the Office did not find evidence likely to prove
beyond a reasonable doubt that Campaign officials such as Paul Manafott, George Papadopoulos,
and Carter Page acted as agents of the Russian governmentor at its direction, control, or
request during the relevant time period.1232}
Ouch, that's gotta sting, you lying pile of shit.....

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