Americans Vote With Wallets To See obama Birth Certificate


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Americans Vote With Wallets To See obama Birth Certificate

$40K in 1st 4 days for 'truth and transparency' billboard campaign

Posted: May 21, 2009
10:45 pm Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

UPDATE: The "Where's the Birth Certificate?" billboard campaign has exceeded $40,000 in its first four days.

WASHINGTON – As WND's billboard campaign to raise visibility of the issues surrounding Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility yesterday continued to attract eager donors, the president had this to say: "I will never hide the truth because it is uncomfortable."

"On all of these matters related to the disclosure of sensitive information, I wish I could say that there is a simple formula," Obama said. "But there is not. These are tough calls involving competing concerns, and they require a surgical approach. But the common thread that runs through all of my decisions is simple: we will safeguard what we must to protect the American people, but we will also ensure the accountability and oversight that is the hallmark of our constitutional system. I will never hide the truth because it is uncomfortable. I will deal with Congress and the courts as co-equal branches of government. I will tell the American people what I know and don’t know, and when I release something publicly or keep something secret, I will tell you why."

Joseph Farah, WND's editor and chief executive officer, reacted to Obama's statement in stunned amazement.

"This is a guy who has no trouble turning over sensitive documents from previous administrations, but he still refuses to release for public view something seemingly so innocuous as his own birth certificate," said Farah. "This is a double-standard wide enough to sail the Queen Mary 2 through. Statements like this need to be challenged by a vibrant and free press. And that's what our 'Where's the birth certificate?' billboard campaign is all about."

More than $35,000 has been raised in the first 72 hours of the national billboard campaign – and the first sign, an electronic one, is already up and online.

Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND, said he's calling it "the truth and transparency campaign."

The money is being used to erect billboards around the country that ask a simple question: "Where's the birth certificate?"

The first such sign to be posted under the 3-day-old campaign, a digital, electronic one, is up and online on Highway 165 in Ball, La. – the result of a donation by the owner. In addition, based on the heavy volume of financial donations in the first two days of the campaign, WND was able to commit to leasing two more standard billboards – one in Los Angeles and the other in Pennsylvania. It will take several weeks to get those billboards up because of the vinyl printing and shipping involved.

The "Certification of Live Birth" posted online and widely touted as "Obama's birth certificate" does not in any way prove he was born in Hawaii, since the same "short-form" document is easily obtainable for children not born in Hawaii. The true "long-form" birth certificate – which includes information like the name of the birth hospital and attending physician – is the only document that can prove Obama was born in Hawaii, but to date he has not permitted its release for public or press scrutiny.

"I know now, because of the sensational response to this idea from WND viewers, that this national campaign is going to be big and long-lasting," said Farah.

Story continues here...
Do I see an impending transfer to the Lame Zone?

Probably, but I see nothing resembling a conspiracy or "lame" about Americans wanting to see obama's "real" birth certificate. Evidently there's hundreds upon thousands of Americans that feel as I do.

It'll just be one of the board liberal mods that will try and discredit this topic by moving it. But, it isn't going away. No matter how hard they try and keep the subject quite and hidden, much like obama and his real birth certificate.
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I believe the investigation to unearth the birth certificate is already underway!!!

[ame=]YouTube - The Omen 1976 - Graveyard Scene[/ame]
I don't think Gunny is going to take you lying about him very lightly.

No, probably not.

Some stuff is just beyond stupid and I'm sick of it. This is a political debate message board. If all one has to offer is lame shit, it's going in the Lame Zone...I'm sick of threads that say "Bush lied ..." or "Obama is a Muslim and wasn't born in the US."

And believe it or not, I am MORE offended by so-called conservatives acting like leftwingnuts than I am leftwingnuts acting like themselves. I don't expect better of THEM.
I don't think Gunny is going to take you lying about him very lightly.

No, probably not.

Some stuff is just beyond stupid and I'm sick of it. This is a political debate message board. If all one has to offer is lame shit, it's going in the Lame Zone...I'm sick of threads that say "Bush lied ..." or "Obama is a Muslim and wasn't born in the US."

And believe it or not, I am MORE offended by so-called conservatives acting like leftwingnuts than I am leftwingnuts acting like themselves. I don't expect better of THEM.

Regardless of whether or not Gunny did want it moved, I truly believe where there's smoke there's fire, and obama isn't keeping his "real" birth certificate hidden for nothing. There's a reason, and frankly anyone that isn't just a little bit suspicious of WHY should think again.
I don't think Gunny is going to take you lying about him very lightly.

No, probably not.

Some stuff is just beyond stupid and I'm sick of it. This is a political debate message board. If all one has to offer is lame shit, it's going in the Lame Zone...I'm sick of threads that say "Bush lied ..." or "Obama is a Muslim and wasn't born in the US."

And believe it or not, I am MORE offended by so-called conservatives acting like leftwingnuts than I am leftwingnuts acting like themselves. I don't expect better of THEM.

Regardless of whether or not Gunny did want it moved, I truly believe where there's smoke there's fire, and obama isn't keeping his "real" birth certificate hidden for nothing. There's a reason, and frankly anyone that isn't just a little bit suspicious of WHY should think again.

I used to be in the "Ah c'mon now..." camp regarding this topic, but the fact so much has been done to keep this thing covered up, leads me to at least consider the possibility there is something to this.

I wonder if VP Biden sent in a check to this ad campaign?? :lol:
No, probably not.

Regardless of whether or not Gunny did want it moved, I truly believe where there's smoke there's fire, and obama isn't keeping his "real" birth certificate hidden for nothing. There's a reason, and frankly anyone that isn't just a little bit suspicious of WHY should think again.

I used to be in the "Ah c'mon now..." camp regarding this topic, but the fact so much has been done to keep this thing covered up, leads me to at least consider the possibility there is something to this.

I wonder if VP Biden sent in a check to this ad campaign?? :lol:

What was released as a copy of his birth certificate proves exactly nothing. Whether it's real or not is irrelevant. The state of Hawaii gave those out to anyone in 1961 that walked in and said they were born there and needed one.

I don't know why people have such a problem with the simple question... "why is obama hiding his real birth certificate?" I can tell you one thing, there has to be a damn good reason, OR HE WOULDN'T BE DOING IT!

I see the biggest scandal in the history of America in the making.

To quote obama:
and when I release something publicly or keep something secret, I will tell you why."
So... then tell us obama, why are you hiding your real birth certificate?
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I think "biggest scandal in the history of America" is a bit of a stretch.

But all the same, why go through so much trouble to hide it?

I think "biggest scandal in the history of America" is a bit of a stretch.

But all the same, why go through so much trouble to hide it?


Exactly... that's the million dollar question, and one obama is NOT answering, although he just got through saying he would.

I think it will be, and it's inevitable. obama's real birth certificate will be released, or leaked. One way or the other we're going to see the real thing. Just imagine what will happen as obama is arrested and taken to prison... :eusa_eh:
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the op shouldn't be allowed to post such bs. this birth certificate thing got old a long time ago.
Obama Hawaiian-born: Citizen for sure: The Swamp

Seeking to squelch persistent rumors that Sen. Barack Obama isn't eligible to become president because he allegedly was born outside the United States, a Hawaiian official has confirmed she has "personally seen and verified" that the state "has Sen. Obama's original birth certificate" - meaning Obama was born in the Aloha state, and is therefore an American citizen.

"There have been numerous requests for Sen. Barack Hussein Obama's official birth certificate. State law (Hawai'i Revised Statutes §338-18) prohibits the release of a certified birth certificate to persons who do not have a tangible interest in the vital record," reads an Oct. 31 statement from Hawaii's Dr. Chiyome Fukino, who heads the Hawaii office that oversees health records -- including birth certificates.

"Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai'i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai'i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama's original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures," Fukino said in the three paragraph statement.

"No state official, including Governor Linda Lingle, has ever instructed that this vital record be handled in a manner different from any other vital record in the possession of the State of Hawai'i," the statement concludes.

Does this mean Obama was born in Hawaii?

"Yes," said Hawaii Health Department spokeswoman Janice Okubo, in both email and telephone interviews with the Tribune. "That's what Dr. Fukino is saying."

So is the Hawaii dept of health in on the conspiracy, then?
Regardless of whether or not Gunny did want it moved, I truly believe where there's smoke there's fire, and obama isn't keeping his "real" birth certificate hidden for nothing. There's a reason, and frankly anyone that isn't just a little bit suspicious of WHY should think again.

I used to be in the "Ah c'mon now..." camp regarding this topic, but the fact so much has been done to keep this thing covered up, leads me to at least consider the possibility there is something to this.

I wonder if VP Biden sent in a check to this ad campaign?? :lol:

What was released as a copy of his birth certificate proves exactly nothing. Whether it's real or not is irrelevant. The state of Hawaii gave those out to anyone in 1961 that walked in and said they were born there and needed one.

Really? Then why do all of your fellow conspiracry theorists say the certificate was made in 2007? :cuckoo:

You people can't get your story right.

I'll be responding in my thread tomorrow.
I think "biggest scandal in the history of America" is a bit of a stretch.

But all the same, why go through so much trouble to hide it?


You mean this? Born in the U.S.A.

You know Mr. DavidS, thats all well and good, and I'd bet a months pay that Obama really is a natural born citizen.

But why is Obama being so damn stubborn about it?

If I were in his situation, I'd be holding a press conference, and holding up my original birth certificate and saying "Shut up people".

You know what I'm saying.

Why not just end the debate about it?

Appreciate the link.
You know Mr. DavidS, thats all well and good, and I'd bet a months pay that Obama really is a natural born citizen.

But why is Obama being so damn stubborn about it?

If I were in his situation, I'd be holding a press conference, and holding up my original birth certificate and saying "Shut up people".

You know what I'm saying.

Why not just end the debate about it?

Appreciate the link.

He's probably accepted that nothing he can do will quiet these idiots, so he's resolved to ignore them. He has presented his birth cirtificate, and the state of Hawaii has confirmed he was born in Hawaii.

Nothing will satisfy these people.
I think "biggest scandal in the history of America" is a bit of a stretch.

But all the same, why go through so much trouble to hide it?


You mean this? Born in the U.S.A.

You know Mr. DavidS, thats all well and good, and I'd bet a months pay that Obama really is a natural born citizen.

But why is Obama being so damn stubborn about it?

If I were in his situation, I'd be holding a press conference, and holding up my original birth certificate and saying "Shut up people".

You know what I'm saying.

Why not just end the debate about it?

Appreciate the link.

I have no idea what you're talking about. He released this back in June when he won the primary. If conspiracy theorists like Pale Rider want to sit here and wonder about this shit, that's up to them, but he's already done everything he needs to.

Not only has a REPUBLICAN Governor's administration said flat out "He was born in Hawaii", but we've seen actual photographs of his birth certificate which is a SHORT FORM COPY of the original. I don't know about you guys, but I lost my original birth certificate years ago - and I recently ordered a certified copy of it. I highly doubt President Obama has his original birth certificate - what he probably has is a certified copy of his long form in a vault in Hawaii. He's done everything he needs to do concerning this.

But people like Pale Rider will completely dismiss one website because it's been favorable to Obama, but then cite a whacko, far right wing website called Worldnetdaily!

It's like me saying Worldnetdaily is a far right-wing website and completely nuts and then saying The Daily Kos is just fine and dandy. Just because someome disagrees with your political philosophy, doesn't mean they're in on some grand big conspiracy with a Republican Hawaii administration.

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