America's biggest newspapers slam gop

This shouldn't be a surprise... the republicans are turning themselves in to a lightning rod of controversy. Have you not seen the news?

The news, or the propaganda put out by the DNC?


Neither, both, all of the above...

What the fuck difference does the source make when it's video of The Speaker speaking?
[ame=]John Boehner Statement On Government Shutdown 2013 - YouTube[/ame]
Listen closely to the FIRST question by reporters and his answer.
And are we suppose to care about this?

like this is something new?

most of the media is just a lapdog for the DNC as it is

they'll still be able to get on their knees for Obama, heck the shutdown will give them time to heal their knees
It is interesting to note that 10 of "America's Biggest Newspapers Slam The GOP Over Shutdown." This is the title of an article in Huffington. Taking a look at the names of the papers mentioned in the articles you will note that several of them are strongly right wing. An excellent example would be the Wall Street Journal.
Wall Street Journal
USA Today
New York Times
Washington Post
Chicago Tribune
LA Times
Chicago Sun-Times
New York Daily News
New York Post
Denver Post
When even right wing newspaper condemn your actions it is time to re-evaluate your stand. The problem is the tea party people responsible for this farce are incapable of re-evaluating ANYTHING.

America's Biggest Newspapers Slam The GOP Over Shutdown

The only conservatively biased publisher in that list is Newscorp. And there is no guarantee of that.
The WSJ is no longer middle of the road with regard to its editorial positions. It leans left now.
Newspapers are on their way out. They cannot compete with the internet. Advertising revenue continues on a downward trend.

The main stream media is an arm of the democrat party. Print media can longer be trusted to print the facts without placing left editorial bias on a news item.
I mean, has anybody in here ever noticed that I go out of my way to never call them reporters, the news, or least of all -- journalists.

You might also notice that I refuse to use Capital letters when addressing them (a small thing, to be sure. But it makes me feel better) or give them any respect for their fairness and/or objectivity.

I call them the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

Because...... That's what they are.

Elitist, Statist, and worst of all -- Narcissists.

They can make any excuse and demand it be accepted. They seldom apologize even when they are proven dead wrong.

And who votes for them? Who votes for the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM?

Nobody and that's good but if there were votes, at least we'd get somewhere around 47% representation in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM.

But we don't even get 10%

Yeah, FNC is Conservative and Rupert Murdock also owns the WSJ, but so what? Murdock also owns one of the most leftist papers in the world in Britain.

Rupert Murdock is a Capitalist, not a crusader.

The rest of the Networks..... Oh yeah.

And that's because of the people they attract.

If you knew what it took to become a successful, sustainable 'journalist', and the huge amount of time it often takes to get there, plus all the lost wages, the dipshit schools and the right fraternities and sororities and how much THEY cost.

And if you ever do meet a J-School tube and get know him just a little bit....

They'll admit they do it because they want 'change' or 'social justice' or 'power to the people'

They're not there to report the news fairly and accurately. They're there to MAKE the news.

:clap2: Finest job of label-tossing EVER!!​

Kudos, Bro! :thup:
And are we suppose to care about this?

like this is something new?

most of the media is just a lapdog for the DNC as it is

they'll still be able to get on their knees for Obama, heck the shutdown will give them time to heal their knees
Stephanie, you may dismiss the story all you wish. You can tap dance around it till your hearts content. But, the facts still remain that 10 of the largest papers in the US are blaming the shut down of the government on the gop. Any way you want to try to play it does not change the fact that a huge number of Americans are being told your party is to blame. You were told this would happen and that trying to hold the government hostage would end badly for the gop. Now, you have two choices: 1) You can accept the reality of the situation and acknowledge that the ACA is the law or 2) you can climb back into your bubble and pretend your party can do no wrong. (I'm betting you pick #2. republicans have never been very good at accepting reality. If they were good at it they wouldn't be republicans.)
And are we suppose to care about this?

like this is something new?

most of the media is just a lapdog for the DNC as it is

they'll still be able to get on their knees for Obama, heck the shutdown will give them time to heal their knees
Stephanie, you may dismiss the story all you wish. You can tap dance around it till your hearts content. But, the facts still remain that 10 of the largest papers in the US are blaming the shut down of the government on the gop. Any way you want to try to play it does not change the fact that a huge number of Americans are being told your party is to blame. You were told this would happen and that trying to hold the government hostage would end badly for the gop. Now, you have two choices: 1) You can accept the reality of the situation and acknowledge that the ACA is the law or 2) you can climb back into your bubble and pretend your party can do no wrong. (I'm betting you pick #2. republicans have never been very good at accepting reality. If they were good at it they wouldn't be republicans.)

the REALITY is the Dear leaders approvals were in the shitter and I think the reality will be people will get to see just how vindictive a President and the Democrat party are

but you can dance in the streets over some newspapers if you like
And are we suppose to care about this?

like this is something new?

most of the media is just a lapdog for the DNC as it is

they'll still be able to get on their knees for Obama, heck the shutdown will give them time to heal their knees

the OP thinks that if he makes his posts in a larger fonts that will make them more intelligent.

No. Not until he makes them all in RED :D
The only conservatively biased publisher in that list is Newscorp. And there is no guarantee of that.
The WSJ is no longer middle of the road with regard to its editorial positions. It leans left now.
Newspapers are on their way out. They cannot compete with the internet. Advertising revenue continues on a downward trend.

The main stream media is an arm of the democrat party. Print media can longer be trusted to print the facts without placing left editorial bias on a news item.
Ahhhhh..... The "liberal media" argument again!!! When ever the media prints something you disagree with it suddenly becomes the "liberal media." Did it ever occur to you that you disagree with the media because you only want to hear info that you agree with? That is why fox news is so popular. They don't tell people the news, they tell them what they want to hear.
Be that as it may, newspapers may be on the way out but the bottom line is that those 10 papers reach a huge audience across this country and that audience is being told the gop is at fault. YOU WERE TOLD THAT THIS WOULD HAPPEN AND NOW IT IS HAPPENING. Deny it if you wish but the gop will pay heavily for their stupidity and lack of courage.
It is interesting to note that 10 of "America's Biggest Newspapers Slam The GOP Over Shutdown." This is the title of an article in Huffington. Taking a look at the names of the papers mentioned in the articles you will note that several of them are strongly right wing. An excellent example would be the Wall Street Journal.
Wall Street Journal
USA Today
New York Times
Washington Post
Chicago Tribune
LA Times
Chicago Sun-Times
New York Daily News
New York Post
Denver Post
When even right wing newspaper condemn your actions it is time to re-evaluate your stand. The problem is the tea party people responsible for this farce are incapable of re-evaluating ANYTHING.

America's Biggest Newspapers Slam The GOP Over Shutdown

The Wall Street Journal:

We support the Republican effort to get the best deal they can, especially in the face of Mr. Obama's cynicism. But sooner or later the GOP will have to fund the government and raise the debt ceiling that expires two weeks from now. Republicans will have made their point about fighting hard on principle while noting that to achieve more on ObamaCare they'll need more Senate Republicans after 2014 and a GOP President after 2016. Unlike much of what you hear these days out of Washington, this has the added advantage of being true.


What the WSJ editorial staff fail to realize, however, is that even if there’s a republican Senate and president come 2017, the ACA will be allowing millions of Americans access to affordable health insurance and healthcare. Unless republicans in 2017 have something to replace the ACA with that accomplishes the same thing, it will be impossible for them to repeal it, and the TPM radicals know this – hence their desperate, reckless, and unwarranted attempt to ‘repeal/defund’ the ACA now.
And are we suppose to care about this?

like this is something new?

most of the media is just a lapdog for the DNC as it is

they'll still be able to get on their knees for Obama, heck the shutdown will give them time to heal their knees
Stephanie, you may dismiss the story all you wish. You can tap dance around it till your hearts content. But, the facts still remain that 10 of the largest papers in the US are blaming the shut down of the government on the gop. Any way you want to try to play it does not change the fact that a huge number of Americans are being told your party is to blame. You were told this would happen and that trying to hold the government hostage would end badly for the gop. Now, you have two choices: 1) You can accept the reality of the situation and acknowledge that the ACA is the law or 2) you can climb back into your bubble and pretend your party can do no wrong. (I'm betting you pick #2. republicans have never been very good at accepting reality. If they were good at it they wouldn't be republicans.)

the REALITY is the Dear leaders approvals were in the shitter and I think the reality will be people will get to see just how vindictive a President and the Democrat party are

but you can dance in the streets over some newspapers if you like
Sour grapes does not become you.
And are we suppose to care about this?

like this is something new?

most of the media is just a lapdog for the DNC as it is

they'll still be able to get on their knees for Obama, heck the shutdown will give them time to heal their knees

the OP thinks that if he makes his posts in a larger fonts that will make them more intelligent.

No. Not until he makes them all in RED :D
I doubt if you will understand this but I put my posts in a larger font because it is easier to read. If you do not like that please feel free to ignore my posts as I will probably ignore yours.
The Wall Street Journal:

We support the Republican effort to get the best deal they can, especially in the face of Mr. Obama's cynicism. But sooner or later the GOP will have to fund the government and raise the debt ceiling that expires two weeks from now. Republicans will have made their point about fighting hard on principle while noting that to achieve more on ObamaCare they'll need more Senate Republicans after 2014 and a GOP President after 2016. Unlike much of what you hear these days out of Washington, this has the added advantage of being true.


What the WSJ editorial staff fail to realize, however, is that even if there’s a republican Senate and president come 2017, the ACA will be allowing millions of Americans access to affordable health insurance and healthcare. Unless republicans in 2017 have something to replace the ACA with that accomplishes the same thing, it will be impossible for them to repeal it, and the TPM radicals know this – hence their desperate, reckless, and unwarranted attempt to ‘repeal/defund’ the ACA now.

oh, they don't have to do anything but change the mandatory part of the law - make it voluntary, dismantle the IRS portion and repeal the individual mandate altogether.
The law can stay - just take some provisions from it :D
And are we suppose to care about this?

like this is something new?

most of the media is just a lapdog for the DNC as it is

they'll still be able to get on their knees for Obama, heck the shutdown will give them time to heal their knees

the OP thinks that if he makes his posts in a larger fonts that will make them more intelligent.

No. Not until he makes them all in RED :D
I doubt if you will understand this but I put my posts in a larger font because it is easier to read. If you do not like that please feel free to ignore my posts as I will probably ignore yours.

No, it is NOT.
It actually makes one skip the entire post, as making ones fonts bigger is immature and childish.
People who depend on the world according to Huffington are the typical low information boobs that the democrat party needs to survive. Even according to Huffington's "research" it seems that the major newspapers are close to evenly split. It's rare for republicans to get a fair shake in the mainstream press but it seems the Wall Street journal says "we support the republican effort". The Chicago Trib "Democrats and republicans". The NY Post "Washington is backwards and republicans don't have the votes in the senate. The rest of the editorial rabble including the NY and LA Times and the rest of the rabble offer typical left wing mantra that sounds more and more like the 30's Nazis blaming the Jews.
the OP thinks that if he makes his posts in a larger fonts that will make them more intelligent.

No. Not until he makes them all in RED :D
I doubt if you will understand this but I put my posts in a larger font because it is easier to read. If you do not like that please feel free to ignore my posts as I will probably ignore yours.

No, it is NOT.
It actually makes one skip the entire post, as making ones fonts bigger is immature and childish.
Hummmm.... Go ahead and skip my posts. I will be crushed and deeply hurt but I will just have to learn to bear up and suffer the pain! <sigh>
Now, one final note, what is immature and childish is resorting to name calling. Based on the posts of yours that I have read it is pretty much what I expected from you.
I just had this great thought. Maybe if I make my font even larger it would guarantee you passing over them. Hummmmm .....

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