Americas dumbest people

You stated that the majority of the problem with those islands going under water was land subsidence. I just showed you that the sea level rise was nearly double the rate of land subsidence. If you have any credentials in science, you just shit all over them.

1.6 mm of land subsidence per year. 3.2 mm of sea level rise. Now which is the bigger number? Don't strain yourself thinking about it.
Hmmmmmm............................ So you are stating that your opinion is worth more than the work of the USGS. LOL What we expect from a silly denier.
Not at all. I simply understand what I read. You post another's "opinion". That's why I laugh so often at you.

It is tragic, much you soil science. But, you and others won't change. Your politics are more imporant than scientific integrity. Mine aren't.
He has no ability to discern facts from opinions. Heck, he believes Modeling is empirical evidence. I think his problem is in his ability to discern observed physical evidence from fantasies..modeling in his mind is more accurate that observed physical evidence even when that physical evidence proves his fantasies wrong.
You stated that the majority of the problem with those islands going under water was land subsidence. I just showed you that the sea level rise was nearly double the rate of land subsidence. If you have any credentials in science, you just shit all over them.

1.6 mm of land subsidence per year. 3.2 mm of sea level rise. Now which is the bigger number? Don't strain yourself thinking about it.
Have you removed the NASA upward adjustment of 1.8-2.1mm/yr?

Your modeling friend Gavin hates real world physical evidence showing the additions are wrong on all levels and not scientifically sound in reasoning.
Hey Tommy, while it might just now be starting in LA, it's been happening in Alaska for a while.

Alaska's erosion accelerated by climate change

Coastal Alaska natives face ‘some of the highest shoreline erosion in the world’

And, some Alaskans are having to be relocated because their villages are falling into the sea because of coastal erosion.

Alaskan Village, Citing Climate Change, Seeks Disaster Relief In Order To Relocate
Post hoc ergo propter hoc. Not a shred of actual physiical evidence to support the claims.

No physical evidence? I think the erosion of the shoreline because the permafrost is melting and villages are falling into the sea is evidence enough.

This is the danger of ignorance and in this case arrogant ignorance to humanity. I mean people living on a small island that refuse to believe a rising sea in front of their own eyes. Good lord this is such a rejection of reality it is hard to fathom. Make no mistake, human beings can be made to believe anything. If you said the words cognitive dissonance not a single one of them would know or care what it means.

This is like people sitting on the deck of the Titanic as the water rises to their feet and they're still sure the ship isn't sinking.

or did the water rise?

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