Americas dumbest people

Yes indeed. The place is disappearing because all of the rivers tributaries have been damned up. It is a well known issue, and has nothing to do with "climate change". It is man caused however. I suggest you read a book called "The Control of Nature" by John McPhee. He go's into great detail about the issue. It was written waaaaaay back in 1989. The people aren't stupid. They are just well acquainted with the problem so aren't moved by the AGW faithful's propaganda.

Once again religion shows how it makes people dumber then dog shit.

And you're a prime example of why stupid people shouldn't try and talk about science. The problem is well known, and has nothing to do with the fraud of AGW.
Hey Tommy, while it might just now be starting in LA, it's been happening in Alaska for a while.

Alaska's erosion accelerated by climate change

Coastal Alaska natives face ‘some of the highest shoreline erosion in the world’

And, some Alaskans are having to be relocated because their villages are falling into the sea because of coastal erosion.

Alaskan Village, Citing Climate Change, Seeks Disaster Relief In Order To Relocate
Post hoc ergo propter hoc. Not a shred of actual physiical evidence to support the claims.

No physical evidence? I think the erosion of the shoreline because the permafrost is melting and villages are falling into the sea is evidence enough.
Yeah, because erosion never happened before people started driving SUVs!

The permafrost has been melting since the end of the last ice age

This is the danger of ignorance and in this case arrogant ignorance to humanity. I mean people living on a small island that refuse to believe a rising sea in front of their own eyes. Good lord this is such a rejection of reality it is hard to fathom. Make no mistake, human beings can be made to believe anything. If you said the words cognitive dissonance not a single one of them would know or care what it means.

This is like people sitting on the deck of the Titanic as the water rises to their feet and they're still sure the ship isn't sinking.

Yeah, because if the water is rising on the sides of your ship, that means the entire planet is sinking into ocean.

You are an idiot. You know that, don't you?

Yes indeed. The place is disappearing because all of the rivers tributaries have been damned up. It is a well known issue, and has nothing to do with "climate change". It is man caused however. I suggest you read a book called "The Control of Nature" by John McPhee. He go's into great detail about the issue. It was written waaaaaay back in 1989. The people aren't stupid. They are just well acquainted with the problem so aren't moved by the AGW faithful's propaganda.


The place is disappearing because all of the rivers tributaries have been damned up.
Tangiers Island is in the Chesapeake Bay. I'm not sure you are in the right locale.

This is the danger of ignorance and in this case arrogant ignorance to humanity. I mean people living on a small island that refuse to believe a rising sea in front of their own eyes. Good lord this is such a rejection of reality it is hard to fathom. Make no mistake, human beings can be made to believe anything. If you said the words cognitive dissonance not a single one of them would know or care what it means.

This is like people sitting on the deck of the Titanic as the water rises to their feet and they're still sure the ship isn't sinking.

Yeah, because if the water is rising on the sides of your ship, that means the entire planet is sinking into ocean.

You are an idiot. You know that, don't you?

You believe an island is floating on water like a ship? Ok then Copernicus, sounds like you have all your planets aligned to Kolob. Good work and I like your tin-foil hat. Very stylish.

Daulphin Island after Hurricane Frederic 1979. Daulphin Island is a BARRIER ISLAND...........the OCEAN creates these Islands and DESTROYS THEM......................they are what they say they are.................BARRIERS that protect erosion from the Mainland..............The eye of this Hurricane went right over my house..........Cut this Island to shreds..............there are still lagoons that were created by Frederic there..............Anyone who lives on these Islands understand this...................

If you don't put in PROTECTIVE BARRIERS or replenish the sand after storms they will wash away................Doesn't have a dang thing to Ocean Rising................We get into arguments down here as the Tax Payers get handed the bill to have SAND DREDGED from the Ocean and put back on the Beaches there which belong to Private Owners................saying you are the ones who chose to live on a Barrier pay for it.

This OP is UTTER NONSENSE................and those agreeing are complete and utter idiots.
Now that this nonsense thread is explained a little bit, because the OP wouldn't know a Barrier Island if it bit him in the butt.............

Come see the sights at Daluphin Island.........paid for by us taxpayers..............ENJOY THE VIEW.


This is the danger of ignorance and in this case arrogant ignorance to humanity. I mean people living on a small island that refuse to believe a rising sea in front of their own eyes. Good lord this is such a rejection of reality it is hard to fathom. Make no mistake, human beings can be made to believe anything. If you said the words cognitive dissonance not a single one of them would know or care what it means.

This is like people sitting on the deck of the Titanic as the water rises to their feet and they're still sure the ship isn't sinking.

Yeah, because if the water is rising on the sides of your ship, that means the entire planet is sinking into ocean.

You are an idiot. You know that, don't you?

You believe an island is floating on water like a ship? Ok then Copernicus, sounds like you have all your planets aligned to Kolob. Good work and I like your tin-foil hat. Very stylish.

Is sea level changing on the shores of Chesapeake Bay right nearby? Er . . . . no, it isn't. But you, the rocket scientist, concludes it is because you live on an Island that's eroding away.

This is the danger of ignorance and in this case arrogant ignorance to humanity. I mean people living on a small island that refuse to believe a rising sea in front of their own eyes. Good lord this is such a rejection of reality it is hard to fathom. Make no mistake, human beings can be made to believe anything. If you said the words cognitive dissonance not a single one of them would know or care what it means.

This is like people sitting on the deck of the Titanic as the water rises to their feet and they're still sure the ship isn't sinking.

Yeah, because if the water is rising on the sides of your ship, that means the entire planet is sinking into ocean.

You are an idiot. You know that, don't you?

You believe an island is floating on water like a ship? Ok then Copernicus, sounds like you have all your planets aligned to Kolob. Good work and I like your tin-foil hat. Very stylish.

Is sea level changing on the shores of Chesapeake Bay right nearby? Er . . . . no, it isn't. But you, the rocket scientist, concludes it is because you live on an Island that's eroding away.

Smith Island, threatened by rising water and dwindling population, aims to shore up its future

This is the danger of ignorance and in this case arrogant ignorance to humanity. I mean people living on a small island that refuse to believe a rising sea in front of their own eyes. Good lord this is such a rejection of reality it is hard to fathom. Make no mistake, human beings can be made to believe anything. If you said the words cognitive dissonance not a single one of them would know or care what it means.

This is like people sitting on the deck of the Titanic as the water rises to their feet and they're still sure the ship isn't sinking.

Yeah, because if the water is rising on the sides of your ship, that means the entire planet is sinking into ocean.

You are an idiot. You know that, don't you?

You believe an island is floating on water like a ship? Ok then Copernicus, sounds like you have all your planets aligned to Kolob. Good work and I like your tin-foil hat. Very stylish.

Is sea level changing on the shores of Chesapeake Bay right nearby? Er . . . . no, it isn't. But you, the rocket scientist, concludes it is because you live on an Island that's eroding away.

Smith Island, threatened by rising water and dwindling population, aims to shore up its future

The Baltimore Sun is a notorious left wing paper. I know because I used to live in Baltimore.
This is the danger of ignorance and in this case arrogant ignorance to humanity. I mean people living on a small island that refuse to believe a rising sea in front of their own eyes. Good lord this is such a rejection of reality it is hard to fathom. Make no mistake, human beings can be made to believe anything. If you said the words cognitive dissonance not a single one of them would know or care what it means.

This is like people sitting on the deck of the Titanic as the water rises to their feet and they're still sure the ship isn't sinking.
Yeah, because if the water is rising on the sides of your ship, that means the entire planet is sinking into ocean.

You are an idiot. You know that, don't you?

You believe an island is floating on water like a ship? Ok then Copernicus, sounds like you have all your planets aligned to Kolob. Good work and I like your tin-foil hat. Very stylish.

Is sea level changing on the shores of Chesapeake Bay right nearby? Er . . . . no, it isn't. But you, the rocket scientist, concludes it is because you live on an Island that's eroding away.
Smith Island, threatened by rising water and dwindling population, aims to shore up its future

The Baltimore Sun is a notorious left wing paper. I know because I used to live in Baltimore.
Irrelevant. Are the people spending 8.5 million to protect the shoreline from erosion or not?
Luddites will always lack credibility because their "opinion" is part of a dumb ideology and not based on science.They have a narrow set of beliefs that the civilised world laughs at.
Luddites will always lack credibility because their "opinion" is part of a dumb ideology and not based on science.They have a narrow set of beliefs that the civilised world laughs at.

Luddites will always lack credibility because their "opinion" is part of a dumb ideology and not based on science.

Destroy the machines, they emit CO2.

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