America's First EMP Attack

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Happened in Hawaii in 1962.

In 1962 we weren't nearly so dependent as we are today. Kim Jong Fatboy has promised a preemptive strike against the USA. He doesn't need a missile to reach the mainland, or even Hawaii.

Electromagnetic pulse attack on Hawaii would devastate the state

On July 9, 1962, Hawaii was hit by a massive electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack, which within minutes took down the state’s communications systems and traffic lights — virtually everything that ran on electricity.

The EMP wasn’t an attack by a foreign government; rather the U.S. government had set off a 1.4-megaton nuclear warhead at a height of 248 miles above Johnston Atoll in an operation the military named “Starfish Prime.” The test caused radio disruptions in Hawaii, California, and Alaska, and knocked out six satellites above the Pacific.

“No one expected the test to impact Hawaii, because it was 850 miles away,” said Toby Clairmont, deputy administrator for the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, which is located within one of Hawaii’s most recognizable landmarks, Diamond Head. “This kind of blast does not hurt people, but as we’ve seen, it shuts down power and phones and goes after infrastructure and could cause problems at medical facilities.”
Yeah the Imps are a treacherous bunch. The Orcs can't really be trusted either but they've faithfully guarded our northern border for nigh on 43 moons. Surely we can wait until Aldebaran is in alignment with Ciris before condemning the Imps all-together. To Valdamont!
Liberalism is a mental disorder. Don't try to make sense of it

His head is buried well into the ground. Basically he is making fun of people who think an EMP can happen.
I am by no means, in any way, a conspiracy theorist, a prepper or "doomsday" predictor. But an EMP attack is the most likely attack ANY enemy would take on America.
It doesn't take much to have a 30 day supply of water and food. Well over half the population in the effected areas would be dead by then. If you can survive the first 30...your chances to continue to survive is somewhat decent.
Happened in Hawaii in 1962.

In 1962 we weren't nearly so dependent as we are today. Kim Jong Fatboy has promised a preemptive strike against the USA. He doesn't need a missile to reach the mainland, or even Hawaii.

Electromagnetic pulse attack on Hawaii would devastate the state

On July 9, 1962, Hawaii was hit by a massive electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack, which within minutes took down the state’s communications systems and traffic lights — virtually everything that ran on electricity.

The EMP wasn’t an attack by a foreign government; rather the U.S. government had set off a 1.4-megaton nuclear warhead at a height of 248 miles above Johnston Atoll in an operation the military named “Starfish Prime.” The test caused radio disruptions in Hawaii, California, and Alaska, and knocked out six satellites above the Pacific.

“No one expected the test to impact Hawaii, because it was 850 miles away,” said Toby Clairmont, deputy administrator for the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, which is located within one of Hawaii’s most recognizable landmarks, Diamond Head. “This kind of blast does not hurt people, but as we’ve seen, it shuts down power and phones and goes after infrastructure and could cause problems at medical facilities.”

Thanks for the link- interesting story.
Problem with that type of attack is that a disruption of the American system hurts the entire globe. Our enemies don't want to do saboutage themselves.
Well, except Muslims. They're suicidal psychotics.
Problem with that type of attack is that a disruption of the American system hurts the entire globe. Our enemies don't want to do saboutage themselves.
Well, except Muslims. They're suicidal psychotics.

Well that is the thing, I have discussed this with family/friends for several years. An attack like this is most likely to be religious based. And no other religion besides radical islam would consider it. I have no doubt they would like to send the whole world back to pre-modern times. It absolutely fits their beliefs.
In my honest opinion, an EMP is by far the most likely "shit hits the fan" scenario. some point in time is probably going to happen.
Happened in Hawaii in 1962.

In 1962 we weren't nearly so dependent as we are today. Kim Jong Fatboy has promised a preemptive strike against the USA. He doesn't need a missile to reach the mainland, or even Hawaii.

Electromagnetic pulse attack on Hawaii would devastate the state

On July 9, 1962, Hawaii was hit by a massive electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack, which within minutes took down the state’s communications systems and traffic lights — virtually everything that ran on electricity.

The EMP wasn’t an attack by a foreign government; rather the U.S. government had set off a 1.4-megaton nuclear warhead at a height of 248 miles above Johnston Atoll in an operation the military named “Starfish Prime.” The test caused radio disruptions in Hawaii, California, and Alaska, and knocked out six satellites above the Pacific.

“No one expected the test to impact Hawaii, because it was 850 miles away,” said Toby Clairmont, deputy administrator for the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, which is located within one of Hawaii’s most recognizable landmarks, Diamond Head. “This kind of blast does not hurt people, but as we’ve seen, it shuts down power and phones and goes after infrastructure and could cause problems at medical facilities.”

I love how the report says that it knocked out 6 satellites. What is doesn't say is that they failed over the next month and it was mostly from radiation, not the EMP.

In 1962, it was a miracle we even had six satellites up there!

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