America's Generation of Iiots

"What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?"
Plato, 4th Century BC
Which generation? So many to choose from. All featuring moments of utter idiocy. We should create a Generational Hall of Blame.

I personally think Generation X is the most sane of all the living generations.

I think the first generation were among the worst. Failing to outlaw slavery out of the gate was a huge blunder.

There were reasons for that. They were more concerned about having a united front against the British at the time and slavery was a highly contentious issue. The thinking was they'd come back and deal with it later, which they did, and we saw what it turned into.
"The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint... As for the girls, they are forward, immodest and unladylike in speech, behavior and dress."
Attributed to Peter the Hermit, AD 1274
A halloween email gets these kids at Yale into a full metal jacket breakdown.


Give me a break here.
A halloween email gets these kids at Yale into a full metal jacket breakdown.


Give me a break here.

I've really come full circle on PCism. As a means of social regulation, I'm an advocate. Beats the hell out of legal mandates. Plus, it's funny to piss of the ninnies.
Which generation? So many to choose from. All featuring moments of utter idiocy. We should create a Generational Hall of Blame.

I personally think Generation X is the most sane of all the living generations.
That says a lot more about you than them. I understand that idealism is the privilege of youth. I further understand that stupidity is not and that there is a distinct border which separates the two. When that border infringes on free speech and challenges the right of expressing it anywhere, and especially on college campuses, the we are moving to an Orwellian sphere of intolerance.

'Four legs good, two legs bad' was the bleat of sheep in Animal Farm written by the leftest Orwell himself who eventually learned the dangerous of self-righteousness gone amok.
“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

Obvioulsy, Socrates was not an idiot. there were generations of idiots before and since. Idiocy is, as many things, a matter of degree, I can't imagine people insisting on their 'safe space' could be anything but.
That's it folks. In addition to the usual suspects of blacks and redneck whites, America has spawned a generation of generation of pajama boys fostered by aging hipsters who feel that they have a right not to be offended.

This is doubtless of a president, a schooling regime and an unapologetic media which feeds mediocre minds with the monolithic doctrine of political correctness. the chickens have come home to roost and America is paying the price.

Yale University -- Students Try to Shut Down Free-Speech Event | National Review Online
Ridiculous, unfounded, reactionary nonsense.

Since before the advent of Western Civilization there has been unwarranted whining and complaining about how the current generation is somehow 'lacking,' 'weak,' or otherwise 'unworthy.'

There was the same idiocy expressed 40 years ago, 80 years ago, 100 years ago about the 'failings' of each respective current generation – where each generation has demonstrated such criticism to be in fact wrong.

And 40 years from now we'll hear the same ridiculous, unwarranted whining and complaining about that future generation as well.
Perhaps this tendency for young people to exhibit greater concern for the thoughts and feelings of others is the result of our generation demonstrating the ability to not give a shit what anyone else has to go through?

Anyone care to give that some thought?
Bullshit. This generation of young people far exceeds our generation in all manner of important categories. Not the least of which are entrepreneurship, compassion for their fellow man and the spirit of equality regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation.

For every case of young people being assholes you can find....I can find a dozen of them being outstanding Americans.
I've little doubt you find them inspirational. I've also little doubt you cannot fathom why some find them less so.

Sorry, these are a generation of pussies. Strong words perhaps, but a pussy is a pussy whether it's you or a more 'educated' Yale student.

Your thread premise fails as a composition fallacy.
That's it folks. In addition to the usual suspects of blacks and redneck whites, America has spawned a generation of generation of pajama boys fostered by aging hipsters who feel that they have a right not to be offended.

This is doubtless of a president, a schooling regime and an unapologetic media which feeds mediocre minds with the monolithic doctrine of political correctness. the chickens have come home to roost and America is paying the price.

Yale University -- Students Try to Shut Down Free-Speech Event | National Review Online
Ridiculous, unfounded, reactionary nonsense.

Since before the advent of Western Civilization there has been unwarranted whining and complaining about how the current generation is somehow 'lacking,' 'weak,' or otherwise 'unworthy.'

There was the same idiocy expressed 40 years ago, 80 years ago, 100 years ago about the 'failings' of each respective current generation – where each generation has demonstrated such criticism to be in fact wrong.

And 40 years from now we'll hear the same ridiculous, unwarranted whining and complaining about that future generation as well.
Seriously, shut up. you're the one who couldn't admit that political correctness exists. There should be a kiddie table for you.
Bullshit. This generation of young people far exceeds our generation in all manner of important categories. Not the least of which are entrepreneurship, compassion for their fellow man and the spirit of equality regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation.

For every case of young people being assholes you can find....I can find a dozen of them being outstanding Americans.
I've little doubt you find them inspirational. I've also little doubt you cannot fathom why some find them less so.

Sorry, these are a generation of pussies. Strong words perhaps, but a pussy is a pussy whether it's you or a more 'educated' Yale student.
Tell us, were the Jews who died in the concentration camps like lambs to the slaughter, pussies? Just curious.
Are you comparing the pampered Yale students whining about their 'free space' to Jews being rounded up for genocide?

What the fuck is wrong with you? I mean besides your inability to write coherently in English.
I'm not comparing them. And can you not answer the question?
“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

Complaining about the kids is as old as,......................................wait for it,
That's it folks. In addition to the usual suspects of blacks and redneck whites, America has spawned a generation of generation of pajama boys fostered by aging hipsters who feel that they have a right not to be offended.

This is doubtless of a president, a schooling regime and an unapologetic media which feeds mediocre minds with the monolithic doctrine of political correctness. the chickens have come home to roost and America is paying the price.

Yale University -- Students Try to Shut Down Free-Speech Event | National Review Online
Ridiculous, unfounded, reactionary nonsense.

Since before the advent of Western Civilization there has been unwarranted whining and complaining about how the current generation is somehow 'lacking,' 'weak,' or otherwise 'unworthy.'

There was the same idiocy expressed 40 years ago, 80 years ago, 100 years ago about the 'failings' of each respective current generation – where each generation has demonstrated such criticism to be in fact wrong.

And 40 years from now we'll hear the same ridiculous, unwarranted whining and complaining about that future generation as well.
Seriously, shut up. you're the one who couldn't admit that political correctness exists. There should be a kiddie table for you.

It exists....but it doesn't impact YOU in any way. You are whining about famous or influential people being held to account for their words and actions. You are neither famous nor influential....and therefore can say whatever you want whenever you want without fear.
“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

Obvioulsy, Socrates was not an idiot. there were generations of idiots before and since. Idiocy is, as many things, a matter of degree, I can't imagine people insisting on their 'safe space' could be anything but.
Obviously you don't get it.

The actions of the few are not representative of the whole.

Young people today are no better or worse than any previous generation.

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