America's Generation of Iiots

It exists....but it doesn't impact YOU in any way. You are whining about famous or influential people being held to account for their words and actions. You are neither famous nor influential....and therefore can say whatever you want whenever you want without fear.
I have no idea what your point is and I suspect you have but a fleeting inkling yourself.

Think of what you want to articulate and then do so. If you are unable to do so, then it's best to desist from comment even here on our amateur forum.
“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

Obvioulsy, Socrates was not an idiot. there were generations of idiots before and since. Idiocy is, as many things, a matter of degree, I can't imagine people insisting on their 'safe space' could be anything but.
Obviously you don't get it.

The actions of the few are not representative of the whole.

Young people today are no better or worse than any previous generation.
Horace summed it up;

In Book III of Odes, circa 20 BC, Horace wrote:

Our sires' age was worse than our grandsires'. We, their sons, are more
worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more
“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

Obvioulsy, Socrates was not an idiot. there were generations of idiots before and since. Idiocy is, as many things, a matter of degree, I can't imagine people insisting on their 'safe space' could be anything but.
Obviously you don't get it.

The actions of the few are not representative of the whole.

Young people today are no better or worse than any previous generation.
Horace summed it up;

In Book III of Odes, circa 20 BC, Horace wrote:

Our sires' age was worse than our grandsires'. We, their sons, are more
worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more
In sum: Those damn worthless kids (said by every generation as far as we know).
It exists....but it doesn't impact YOU in any way. You are whining about famous or influential people being held to account for their words and actions. You are neither famous nor influential....and therefore can say whatever you want whenever you want without fear.
I have no idea what your point is and I suspect you have but a fleeting inkling yourself.

Think of what you want to articulate and then do so. If you are unable to do so, then it's best to desist from comment even here on our amateur forum.

Dumb shit. It's written in plain English. You might be the only person here who can't comprehend what I've written. How does that make you feel?
Bullshit. This generation of young people far exceeds our generation in all manner of important categories. Not the least of which are entrepreneurship, compassion for their fellow man and the spirit of equality regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation.

For every case of young people being assholes you can find....I can find a dozen of them being outstanding Americans.

Now that right there is funny.

Yeah...I'm sure the new global economy is gonna place so much value on employees who are skilled at "safe spaces" and being fluent in vocabulary of gender and equality issues.

Meanwhile....this generation is falling further behind in math, science, work ethic, etc etc etc.
Someone wants to put you in a camp, or you end up there, do you die that way or die trying to get out? Which way would the pussy choose? Fight and die like a man, or let the camp slowly kill you off?
I do not know. But it reminds me of the stupid law of "resisting arrest" in the light of the Declaration of Independence:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
It is a natural response in the animal kingdom to resist or escape confinement and acknowledged in the above document as an unalienable right.
Someone wants to put you in a camp, or you end up there, do you die that way or die trying to get out? Which way would the pussy choose? Fight and die like a man, or let the camp slowly kill you off?
I do not know. But it reminds me of the stupid law of "resisting arrest" in the light of the Declaration of Independence:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
It is a natural response in the animal kingdom to resist or escape confinement and acknowledged in the above document as an unalienable right.
So, those who did not fight back and died in the camps were pussies, yes or no?
Someone wants to put you in a camp, or you end up there, do you die that way or die trying to get out? Which way would the pussy choose? Fight and die like a man, or let the camp slowly kill you off?
I do not know. But it reminds me of the stupid law of "resisting arrest" in the light of the Declaration of Independence:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
It is a natural response in the animal kingdom to resist or escape confinement and acknowledged in the above document as an unalienable right.
So, those who did not fight back and died in the camps were pussies, yes or no?
How the fuck I know? I wasn't there.... Maybe survival instinct suggested to them that they may survive. It is just a speculation on my part...
Someone wants to put you in a camp, or you end up there, do you die that way or die trying to get out? Which way would the pussy choose? Fight and die like a man, or let the camp slowly kill you off?
I do not know. But it reminds me of the stupid law of "resisting arrest" in the light of the Declaration of Independence:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
It is a natural response in the animal kingdom to resist or escape confinement and acknowledged in the above document as an unalienable right.
So, those who did not fight back and died in the camps were pussies, yes or no?
How the fuck I know? I wasn't there.... Maybe survival instinct suggested to them that they may survive. It is just a speculation on my part...
The answer is obvious. never-mind...
So, those who did not fight back and died in the camps were pussies, yes or no?
I think I may have spotted your problem, and it probably goes back to your linguistics handicap, A college campus is not the same thing as a concentration camp. Campus and camp are indeed different words. Don't worry, your not alone, some affirmative action students seem to have the same problem.
So, those who did not fight back and died in the camps were pussies, yes or no?
I think I may have spotted your problem, and it probably goes back to your linguistics handicap, A college campus is not the same thing as a concentration camp. Campus and camp are indeed different words. Don't worry, your not alone, some affirmative action students seem to have the same problem.
I see you are unable to deal with the fact that the Jews who died in the camps died like pussies, not men. Since you were on a 'point out the pussy theme' I'm surprised that bothered you.
So, those who did not fight back and died in the camps were pussies, yes or no?
I think I may have spotted your problem, and it probably goes back to your linguistics handicap, A college campus is not the same thing as a concentration camp. Campus and camp are indeed different words. Don't worry, your not alone, some affirmative action students seem to have the same problem.
I see you are unable to deal with the fact that the Jews who died in the camps died like pussies, not men. Since you were on a 'point out the pussy theme' I'm surprised that bothered you.
WTF are you talking about? WTF do Jews murdered by NAZIs have to do with a bunch of students whining about their safe space?

Drop it Paint, you have neither the intellect nor the facts to challenge me on this, I won't even mention your lack of articulation simply because I don't need to.
So, those who did not fight back and died in the camps were pussies, yes or no?
I think I may have spotted your problem, and it probably goes back to your linguistics handicap, A college campus is not the same thing as a concentration camp. Campus and camp are indeed different words. Don't worry, your not alone, some affirmative action students seem to have the same problem.
I see you are unable to deal with the fact that the Jews who died in the camps died like pussies, not men. Since you were on a 'point out the pussy theme' I'm surprised that bothered you.
WTF are you talking about? WTF do Jews murdered by NAZIs have to do with a bunch of students whining about their safe space?

Drop it Paint, you have neither the intellect nor the facts to challenge me on this, I won't even mention your lack of articulation simply because I don't need to.
We are discussing pussies. This should not have been a hard question for you to answer. As to the PC crowd, they are also pussies but you seem to have missed the obvious here, every generation thinks the kids are now pussies.
So, those who did not fight back and died in the camps were pussies, yes or no?
I think I may have spotted your problem, and it probably goes back to your linguistics handicap, A college campus is not the same thing as a concentration camp. Campus and camp are indeed different words. Don't worry, your not alone, some affirmative action students seem to have the same problem.
I see you are unable to deal with the fact that the Jews who died in the camps died like pussies, not men. Since you were on a 'point out the pussy theme' I'm surprised that bothered you.
WTF are you talking about? WTF do Jews murdered by NAZIs have to do with a bunch of students whining about their safe space?

Drop it Paint, you have neither the intellect nor the facts to challenge me on this, I won't even mention your lack of articulation simply because I don't need to.
We are discussing pussies. This should not have been a hard question for you to answer. As to the PC crowd, they are also pussies but you seem to have missed the obvious here, every generation thinks the kids are now pussies.
No, not all generations were considered pussies.

I cannot recall a previous generation demanding apologies because their 'safe space' was intruded. and your comparison about how Jews who suffered in the Holocaust are akin to the events that effect the thin skinned students on college campuses today can be compared with those who were going to lose their lives 70 years ago in concentration camps.

By any metric, that's just sick.
Actually they wanted up on stage, their turn at Free Speech, nothing was shut down.

Fuck them and fuck their 'free space'. As for you, learn to write in comprehensible English. I don't care if you're black or publicly schooled.

As for you, learn to write in comprehensible English.
"America's Generation Of Iiots" you say?

That kind of thing just writes itself, don't you think? :lol:
So, those who did not fight back and died in the camps were pussies, yes or no?
I think I may have spotted your problem, and it probably goes back to your linguistics handicap, A college campus is not the same thing as a concentration camp. Campus and camp are indeed different words. Don't worry, your not alone, some affirmative action students seem to have the same problem.
I see you are unable to deal with the fact that the Jews who died in the camps died like pussies, not men. Since you were on a 'point out the pussy theme' I'm surprised that bothered you.
WTF are you talking about? WTF do Jews murdered by NAZIs have to do with a bunch of students whining about their safe space?

Drop it Paint, you have neither the intellect nor the facts to challenge me on this, I won't even mention your lack of articulation simply because I don't need to.
We are discussing pussies. This should not have been a hard question for you to answer. As to the PC crowd, they are also pussies but you seem to have missed the obvious here, every generation thinks the kids are now pussies.
No, not all generations were considered pussies.

I cannot recall a previous generation demanding apologies because their 'safe space' was intruded. and your comparison about how Jews who suffered in the Holocaust are akin to the events that effect the thin skinned students on college campuses today can be compared with those who were going to lose their lives 70 years ago in concentration camps.

By any metric, that's just sick.
Either up your game or don't bother? Your own thin skin is of no interest to me.
And here I thought a "liot" was like a liger...was looking forward to some cute kitten photos. :(

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