America's image around the world CONTINUES to DECLINE despite liberal talking points

We were hated under Bush, hated Under Obama, did people really expect anything different?

Plenty of fools who voted for Obama did expect something different.

That is a wonder. Did thay not realize he was simply the Democratic nominee, the co-conspirators with the Republican party in the gradual coup d'état that has occurred over a long time? The only worse choice was McCain.

Some of us expected nothing from Obama, so we were not disappointed. The feeling he gave people was positive, at least, and that sparked some hope. Perhaps we jaded ones should acknowledge that.

Internationally, (yes, the US does have neighbors, other sovereign countries with just as much right to have their own ideas as has the US) America is, in common, viewed much better than under 'W'.
Obama's Approval Rating Plummets Worldwide from 2009

All the silly rhetoric that Obama has repaired damage done by Bush is just that, RHETORIC.

Couple of observations
1) Very dishonest to say 41% "is approaching" 34%.
2) The article makes several claims without including any numbers to back them up
3) The OP equates Obama approval with U.S. approval. Apples to oranges.

I'm not a big fan of this type of article nor this type of thread. It takes one or two numbers and makes some sweeping and unsupported claims.

It's just dishonest ax-grinding.

There are honest ways to voice legitimate concerns and then there is stuff like this.
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The bottom line is that corporations are driving global opinion about US leadership.

Reagan was the first wholly owned corporate subsidiary in the white house, there was a brief moment of respite under Pap Bush (who nutballs drove out of office), then rock solid locked down corporatist-directed presidents to this minute. Obama is in Junebug Bush's 4th term, only with a moron as VP instead of a criminal.

Probably the most hilarious misconception is about Obamacare. First belly laugh is labor unions got it done. What has labor got done in the last thirty years? That is laugh out loud funny. The fact is labor unions were the poster boys for corporate insurance companies' pressure on congress. Especially funny was a blue dog from Nebraska, name escapes me, who was an insurance executive and couldn't believe what was happening.
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America's image around the world CONTINUES to DECLINE despite liberal talking points's gonna take a while to recover.....

We were hated under Bush, hated Under Obama, did people really expect anything different?

Of course when Obama doubled down on things like drone strikes which really piss people off, it was hard for the world to see someone worse than Bush if they saw any difference at all.
Obama's Approval Rating Plummets Worldwide from 2009

All the silly rhetoric that Obama has repaired damage done by Bush is just that, RHETORIC.
One has only to look at the progressive's unreasoning hatred and envy of the rich to understand why America is hated in the world.

Simply apply their desire to bring everyone down to their level and then focus it at a superpower like America.

There is nothing we can do, short of abandoning the world and allowing everyone else to enter and take over our resources, that will change this.

Anything anyone says about America being loved in the world if we only did "X" are delusional.

We don't need to be loved. I think we need to significantly withdraw though. Let the chi-coms colonize the 3rd world for a while and see who they come crying too.
Ahh, I see. It's the Republicans fault.

Well, yes. But "American leadership" is being assessed, not just the President. That includes the Republicans who, as you constantly remind us, hold the House.

"I" constantly remind you?


Funny I don't remember saying a damn thing about who controls the house.

Im starting to think you just generally talk out of your ass

Know many liberal's who don't talk out of their ass?
One has only to look at the progressive's unreasoning hatred and envy of the rich to understand why America is hated in the world.

The great conservative lie: Liberals hate rich people. They don't and they don't hate rich countries. What they hate is a country that consistently sticks its nose where it doesn't belong: Iraq, Chile, Laos, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Phillipines. The list goes on and on.

And then there's the World Bank and the IMF and the "Washington Consensus" which imposed free market reforms on every government in crisis from Chile forward, and then stood back as US multinationals swooped in, bought up infrastructure, raised prices, made a huge profit, and moved onto the next country like a plague of locusts. Millions died but who cares - the US made money.

There is nothing we can do, short of abandoning the world and allowing everyone else to enter and take over our resources, that will change this.

Anything anyone says about America being loved in the world if we only did "X" are delusional.

You could stop interfering in other countries' economic interests. The Iraqi's would have welcomed Americans if the Americans hadn't tried to strip the country of its resources. When the Iraqi's saw that the Americans were there to rape their country economically, they fought back - who can blame them?

Iraqi's should have lead the reconstruction of the country - not Haliburton and Blackwater. More dumb moves by W.
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What an incredibly frustrating poll.

First, it's about US leadership, not about the president.
But what is the question referring to?

From the introduction;
Gallup has been asking residents worldwide to rate the leadership of the U.S. since 2005, providing a comparison of how perceptions of U.S. leadership change over time and from administration to administration.

And the actual question;
Do you approve or disapprove of the job performance of the leadership of the United States?
Is it referring to domestic or international leadership?
One has only to look at the progressive's unreasoning hatred and envy of the rich to understand why America is hated in the world.

The great conservative lie: Liberals hate rich people. They don't and they don't hate rich countries. What they hate is a country that consistently sticks its nose where it doesn't belong: Iraq, Chile, Laos, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Phillipines. The list goes on and on.

And then there's the World Bank and the IMF and the "Washington Consensus" which imposed free market reforms on every government in crisis from Chile forward, and then stood back as US multinationals swooped in, bought up infrastructure, raised prices, made a huge profit, and moved onto the next country like a plague of locusts. Millions died but who cares - the US made money.

There is nothing we can do, short of abandoning the world and allowing everyone else to enter and take over our resources, that will change this.

Anything anyone says about America being loved in the world if we only did "X" are delusional.

You could stop interfering in other countries' economic interests. The Iraqi's would have welcomed Americans if the Americans hadn't tried to strip the country of its resources. When the Iraqi's saw that the Americans were there to rape their country economically, they fought back - who can blame them?

Iraqi's should have lead the reconstruction of the country - not Haliburton and Blackwater. More dumb moves by W.

Not to mention the perception that the current financial crisis was caused by greed in Wall Street and lack of sensible oversight of the financial sectors by the US government.
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I would bet everything I own that if this thread were about the world holding a more positive view of "American leadership" since 2008, the people decrying this poll not being indicative of Obama would be crowing about how great Obama is for "saving" our image overseas. Guaranteed.

Anyway, someone explain to me how come views of the U.S. plummetted between 2008 and 2009, but have been on the uptick since 2010? What happened in 2008? 2010? Any liberal care to answer???
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When someone hurls a shoe at Obama I'll believe it. Until then, we can just assume Grumps is drunk and frustrated
Ah yes, an article by Breibart, always so honest when it comes to Obama.

The Gallup Poll asked about "American leadership", and not specifically President Obama. American Leadership has taken a nose dive in the polls because of ongoing idiocy over the Fiscal Cliff, tax cuts, and the whole basic obstructionist attitude of US party politics.

Leadership?? Obama??? what in the hell would those two words have in common. You have struck a good point. Hardly fair to blame Obama for leadership when he has displayed little. And why do you think other countries give a crap about our fiscal cliff that Obama invented after the election?
What an incredibly frustrating poll.

First, it's about US leadership, not about the president.
But what is the question referring to?

From the introduction;
Gallup has been asking residents worldwide to rate the leadership of the U.S. since 2005, providing a comparison of how perceptions of U.S. leadership change over time and from administration to administration.

And the actual question;
Do you approve or disapprove of the job performance of the leadership of the United States?
Is it referring to domestic or international leadership?

Yeah, Obama ain't no damn leader, right on brother.
I wonder when "the rest of the world" will get together to build a giant set of lips so they can kiss our ass?

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