America's image around the world CONTINUES to DECLINE despite liberal talking points

We were hated under Bush, hated Under Obama, did people really expect anything different?

But Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize.....shouldn't that mean that EVERYONE just loves him? Maybe they realized that he didn't earn it? :)
One has only to look at the progressive's unreasoning hatred and envy of the rich to understand why America is hated in the world.

The great conservative lie: Liberals hate rich people. They don't and they don't hate rich countries. What they hate is a country that consistently sticks its nose where it doesn't belong: Iraq, Chile, Laos, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Phillipines. The list goes on and on.

And then there's the World Bank and the IMF and the "Washington Consensus" which imposed free market reforms on every government in crisis from Chile forward, and then stood back as US multinationals swooped in, bought up infrastructure, raised prices, made a huge profit, and moved onto the next country like a plague of locusts. Millions died but who cares - the US made money.

There is nothing we can do, short of abandoning the world and allowing everyone else to enter and take over our resources, that will change this.

Anything anyone says about America being loved in the world if we only did "X" are delusional.

You could stop interfering in other countries' economic interests. The Iraqi's would have welcomed Americans if the Americans hadn't tried to strip the country of its resources. When the Iraqi's saw that the Americans were there to rape their country economically, they fought back - who can blame them?

Iraqi's should have lead the reconstruction of the country - not Haliburton and Blackwater. More dumb moves by W.

stripped the country of its resources! What a laugh you are and very misinformed, my dear.
One has only to look at the progressive's unreasoning hatred and envy of the rich to understand why America is hated in the world.

The great conservative lie: Liberals hate rich people. They don't and they don't hate rich countries. What they hate is a country that consistently sticks its nose where it doesn't belong: Iraq, Chile, Laos, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Phillipines. The list goes on and on.

And then there's the World Bank and the IMF and the "Washington Consensus" which imposed free market reforms on every government in crisis from Chile forward, and then stood back as US multinationals swooped in, bought up infrastructure, raised prices, made a huge profit, and moved onto the next country like a plague of locusts. Millions died but who cares - the US made money.

There is nothing we can do, short of abandoning the world and allowing everyone else to enter and take over our resources, that will change this.

Anything anyone says about America being loved in the world if we only did "X" are delusional.

You could stop interfering in other countries' economic interests. The Iraqi's would have welcomed Americans if the Americans hadn't tried to strip the country of its resources. When the Iraqi's saw that the Americans were there to rape their country economically, they fought back - who can blame them?

Iraqi's should have lead the reconstruction of the country - not Haliburton and Blackwater. More dumb moves by W.

stripped the country of its resources! What a laugh you are and very misinformed, my dear.

The liberals say whatever BS come to mind. I am really interested in the source of the information on how we were raping Iraq. was "they" the people that live their lives with their heads in the sand.
"We" the people tried to prevent this horror show.
Perhaps there is a lesson to learned here some people are going to hate the U.S no matter who is President Democrat or Republican. My advice stop looking to get everyone in the world to like us it's never going to happen.
When did "we" do that?

Not that I or You is a part of said "we"....just "we the people"

I get your point but I still don't see where any "we" did that.

"We" elected a world tour leading Obama rally.
Remember the throngs of people around the world gathering to dee him like a Michael Jackson concert?
The Nobel Peace prize for mere promises?
The "Obama Stash" drooling idiots?

Oh, the world was in LOOOVVE with Obama back then.

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