America’s Most Advanced Climate Station Data Shows US In A 10-Year Cooling Trend Read more: http:

Typhoons in the Pacific are multiplying like gremlins putting China at risk

"this part of the world had its most active start to the typhoon season on record."

"Three of the first four typhoons that developed reached the equivalent of a Category 5 hurricane, and the planet has already seen as many Category 5 storms as it typically does in a given year."

"There are two primary reasons for the increase in storm activity. The first is a strengthening El Niño event, which is bringing much above average ocean temperatures to a broad area of the tropical Pacific Ocean, roughly from the international dateline eastward to South America."

The response is going to be that the US is not the world, only a small part. But consider what would be said if things were reversed. If the data shown indicated that the US was warming and the rest of the world was cooling. Those who seem to think we can do something about the climate would be saying that the US has the best equipment thus we have to believe the US data. Well I agree.

Go here to see the actual NOAA data:

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

From the linked article:

Data from America’s most advanced climate monitoring system shows the U.S. has undergone a cooling trend over the last decade, despite recent claims by government scientists that warming has accelerated worldwide during that time.

The U.S. Climate Reference Network was developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to provide “high-quality” climate data. The network consists of 114 stations across the U.S. in areas NOAA expects no development for the next 50 to 100 years.

Read more: Advanced Climate Station Data Shows U.S. In A Cooling Trend The Daily Caller

In theory, according to historical data, we should be going through a cooling period, quite a dramatic cooling period at that. What seems to be happening is that natural cooling is fighting with man made warming and they're almost balancing each other out. The US appears to be getting a little cooler, at least the eastern side. The rest of the world is getting a little warmer.
67 degrees in Chicago in July hmmm, cooler
And 90 in Seattle and Fairbanks, warmer. It is the overall average that counts, not what is in your or my backyard.

As usual data must be provided. According to this site it is 77 in Fairbanks and the record set in 2008 is 78, close but not a record. The max temperature for the 6th was set in 2014, 86 deg. 84 for the 5th. With the mean temperature for Fairbands at this time is 72, so a deviation is not that hard to believe. the 4th's record is 90 degress set in 1990.

Weather History for Fairbanks Ft. Wainwright AK Weather Underground

Alaska Heat Wave 90-Degree Temperatures Break Weather Records - International Science Times

By iScienceTimes Staff on June 26, 2013 12:14 PM EDT


A heat wave in Alaska has brought temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, an extremely rare occurrence in the state. The heat wave has been blamed for wildfires throughout the state. (Photo: Reuters)
The Alaska heat wave has caused the Land of the Midnight Sun to bask in 80 degree temperatures, 20 degrees Fahrenheit above normal temperatures.

The heat wave in Alaska, which is expected to last through the weekend, robbed the state of a normal spring.

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"It was an incredibly rapid transition," Michael Lawson, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service, told NBC. "Literally, our spring was about five days before we jumped into summer-type weather."

Temperatures have recently gone above 90 degrees, an extremely rare occurrence in Alaska. Fairbanks has only reached temperatures of 90 or above 14 times in the last 109 years. Alaska reached a record-breaking 96 degrees on Tuesday in the town of Talkeetna, about 100 miles north of Anchorage.

Aside from the fun aspect of the heat wave -- Alaskans have been flocking to lakes and beaches -- the heat wave is being blamed for wildfires. The heat wave has caused brush to become very dry, which can catch fire when lightning strikes. Near Fairbanks, more than 70 firefighters are currently battling a wildfire that started in this manner, and there are 80 fires burning around Alaska. The National Weather Service has issued warnings for a large swath in and around Fairbanks.
The response is going to be that the US is not the world, only a small part. But consider what would be said if things were reversed. If the data shown indicated that the US was warming and the rest of the world was cooling. Those who seem to think we can do something about the climate would be saying that the US has the best equipment thus we have to believe the US data. Well I agree.

Go here to see the actual NOAA data:

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

From the linked article:

Data from America’s most advanced climate monitoring system shows the U.S. has undergone a cooling trend over the last decade, despite recent claims by government scientists that warming has accelerated worldwide during that time.

The U.S. Climate Reference Network was developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to provide “high-quality” climate data. The network consists of 114 stations across the U.S. in areas NOAA expects no development for the next 50 to 100 years.

Read more: Advanced Climate Station Data Shows U.S. In A Cooling Trend The Daily Caller

In theory, according to historical data, we should be going through a cooling period, quite a dramatic cooling period at that. What seems to be happening is that natural cooling is fighting with man made warming and they're almost balancing each other out. The US appears to be getting a little cooler, at least the eastern side. The rest of the world is getting a little warmer.
67 degrees in Chicago in July hmmm, cooler
And 90 in Seattle and Fairbanks, warmer. It is the overall average that counts, not what is in your or my backyard.

As usual data must be provided. According to this site it is 77 in Fairbanks and the record set in 2008 is 78, close but not a record. The max temperature for the 6th was set in 2014, 86 deg. 84 for the 5th. With the mean temperature for Fairbands at this time is 72, so a deviation is not that hard to believe. the 4th's record is 90 degress set in 1990.

Weather History for Fairbanks Ft. Wainwright AK Weather Underground

Alaska Heat Wave 90-Degree Temperatures Break Weather Records - International Science Times

By iScienceTimes Staff on June 26, 2013 12:14 PM EDT


A heat wave in Alaska has brought temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, an extremely rare occurrence in the state. The heat wave has been blamed for wildfires throughout the state. (Photo: Reuters)
The Alaska heat wave has caused the Land of the Midnight Sun to bask in 80 degree temperatures, 20 degrees Fahrenheit above normal temperatures.

The heat wave in Alaska, which is expected to last through the weekend, robbed the state of a normal spring.

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"It was an incredibly rapid transition," Michael Lawson, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service, told NBC. "Literally, our spring was about five days before we jumped into summer-type weather."

Temperatures have recently gone above 90 degrees, an extremely rare occurrence in Alaska. Fairbanks has only reached temperatures of 90 or above 14 times in the last 109 years. Alaska reached a record-breaking 96 degrees on Tuesday in the town of Talkeetna, about 100 miles north of Anchorage.

Aside from the fun aspect of the heat wave -- Alaskans have been flocking to lakes and beaches -- the heat wave is being blamed for wildfires. The heat wave has caused brush to become very dry, which can catch fire when lightning strikes. Near Fairbanks, more than 70 firefighters are currently battling a wildfire that started in this manner, and there are 80 fires burning around Alaska. The National Weather Service has issued warnings for a large swath in and around Fairbanks.

Record breaking heat wave in the England too.

The harm the global warming hoax has done and continues to do is best seen in the efforts of the Environmental Protection Agency to wipe out the coal industry based entirely on the lie that CO2 is a “pollutant.” When the House Energy & Commerce Committee held a hearing on the Obama administration’s climate policies thirteen agencies were invited to testify, but the administration provided only EPA administrator Gina McCarthy and Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz. The latter read a prepared statement that was one long lie about global warming. Presumably he was under oath!

Ms. McCarthy, the latest in a long line of environmental fanatics to run the agency, was forced under questioning to admit that current and proposed greenhouse gas regulations are not there to protect the public but to influence “the international community” to reduce their CO2 and other alleged emissions.

Not only do the regulations have no basis in science, but they exist to keep the environmental war on energy use going and to pressure developing nations such as China and India. Within the past month, the citizens of Australia rose up and threw out the politicians who imposed a “carbon” tax on them. The new prime minister has shut down the “climate ministry” that existed to enforce it.

And while most of the world wasn’t watching, the United Nations was seeking to impose, once again, an international agreement similar to the failed and defunct Kyoto Protocol to limit CO2 and other greenhouse emissions, based on the BIG LIE! The 44th Pacific Islands Forum, held in the Marshall Islands, was intent on “an ambitious future climate regime to be finalized in 2015.”

That is what must be understood. These people will not give up until they have no other option. They will continue to exploit the ignorance of people regarding the actual science, penalizing them by driving up the cost of energy use, by closing down energy industries, prospective projects, and the jobs they provide,

They sustain the malignant ethanol scam that is ruining engines as this is being written. They are behind the useless solar panel and wind turbine industries that produce so little actual electricity they are a negative drag on the national grid. You, however, are picking up the tab for their mandated use. They practice a form of child abuse to tell children the Earth is doomed if their mother uses a plastic bag to bring groceries home from the supermarket.

The world’s BIGGEST LIE has been exposed and it will have to be exposed again and again until a stake is driven into the evil heart of the “global warming” hoax.

Global Warming The BIGGEST LIE Exposed Somewhat Reasonable
In theory, according to historical data, we should be going through a cooling period, quite a dramatic cooling period at that. What seems to be happening is that natural cooling is fighting with man made warming and they're almost balancing each other out. The US appears to be getting a little cooler, at least the eastern side. The rest of the world is getting a little warmer.
67 degrees in Chicago in July hmmm, cooler
And 90 in Seattle and Fairbanks, warmer. It is the overall average that counts, not what is in your or my backyard.

As usual data must be provided. According to this site it is 77 in Fairbanks and the record set in 2008 is 78, close but not a record. The max temperature for the 6th was set in 2014, 86 deg. 84 for the 5th. With the mean temperature for Fairbands at this time is 72, so a deviation is not that hard to believe. the 4th's record is 90 degress set in 1990.

Weather History for Fairbanks Ft. Wainwright AK Weather Underground

Alaska Heat Wave 90-Degree Temperatures Break Weather Records - International Science Times

By iScienceTimes Staff on June 26, 2013 12:14 PM EDT

what about Norway, Sweden, Finland?


A heat wave in Alaska has brought temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, an extremely rare occurrence in the state. The heat wave has been blamed for wildfires throughout the state. (Photo: Reuters)
The Alaska heat wave has caused the Land of the Midnight Sun to bask in 80 degree temperatures, 20 degrees Fahrenheit above normal temperatures.

The heat wave in Alaska, which is expected to last through the weekend, robbed the state of a normal spring.

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"It was an incredibly rapid transition," Michael Lawson, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service, told NBC. "Literally, our spring was about five days before we jumped into summer-type weather."

Temperatures have recently gone above 90 degrees, an extremely rare occurrence in Alaska. Fairbanks has only reached temperatures of 90 or above 14 times in the last 109 years. Alaska reached a record-breaking 96 degrees on Tuesday in the town of Talkeetna, about 100 miles north of Anchorage.

Aside from the fun aspect of the heat wave -- Alaskans have been flocking to lakes and beaches -- the heat wave is being blamed for wildfires. The heat wave has caused brush to become very dry, which can catch fire when lightning strikes. Near Fairbanks, more than 70 firefighters are currently battling a wildfire that started in this manner, and there are 80 fires burning around Alaska. The National Weather Service has issued warnings for a large swath in and around Fairbanks.

Record breaking heat wave in the England too.
And Europe. And Siberia.
here, from USA Today:

Climate in Siberia Russia USA Today


Summers in Siberia often see significantly warmer temperatures than the cold winters, leading to the melting of the winter snows. May sees temperatures rise above freezing, averaging 44 degrees in Yakutsk and 37 degrees in Verhojansk. During July, the warmest month for most of Siberia, visitors are typically able to shed most of their cold weather gear and enjoy average temperatures of 64 degrees in Yakutsk and 59 degrees in Verhojansk, with little risk of the temperature dropping below freezing."
Russia Siberia Warmest Winter on Record. New Theory on Mysterious Craters. Climate Denial Crock of the Week

MOSCOW, March 2. The outgoing winter, which ended a couple of days ago according to the calendar, has proved the warmest in the history of weather monitoring in Russia conducted since 1891, the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring said on Monday.

Over the past winter the average air temperatures in almost all Russian regions were two degrees above the norm as a minimum; on some territories it was even warmer. The past winter proved particularly mild in the Central, Northwest, Siberian and the Far Eastern Federal Districts, where seasonal air temperatures were 4-7 degrees above the norm.

The 2014-2015 winter beat a record earlier set by the 1962 winter by 0.5 degrees. The past winter was one of the four warmest winters in Moscow’s history, ranking fourth after almost equally warm winters registered in 1961, 1989 and 2008.

Record breaking winter for warmth.
Siberia bakes with new record temperatures - and busy beaches

Our pictures show sun-seekers in Novosibirsk cooling off in the River Ob, and also at the 'Ob Sea', a huge artificial reservoir close to Siberia's biggest city.

The same scenes have been repeated over many time zones as summer came to the this vast Russian region.

'If it doesn't cool soon, I'll die,' said one beach-lover.

Weather experts said that Siberia, along with some other Russian regions, was between 4C and 6c hotter than usual in June. Such trends have been common in recent years, coupled with warmer winters in some regions, leading to claims of climate change.

Omsk beat its previous hottest temperatures, hitting 36C, while records were also set at seven meteorological stations in Novosibirsk region.

In Vengeovo, there was a temperature of 35.8 C degrees, compared with the previous high of 32.6 C. In Chistozersky district thermometers reached 37 C degrees, another record. In the city of Novosibirsk the air temperature was 31.5 C, and despite the beach scenes, it was not a record.

Russian HydroMeteoCentre reports that the first half of 2015 was abnormally hot in Russia and the record of average air temperature was beaten.
[The usual bullshit, blather and lies from the fossil fuel industry propaganda pushers.....]


OK Mr. BullKrap, I get it, you're a conspiracy theory wacko, like most of your fellow denier cult dimwits, and you're stupid and gullible enough to fall for the pro-fossil fuel, anti-environmental, anti-science, reality-denying and very fraudulent propaganda being pushed by the Heartland Institute, a corrupt bunch of paid liars and rightwingnut ideologues, funded by the corporations and fossil fuel billionaires. In other words, you're utterly retarded and dead ignorant and you have no idea what you're talking about. Of course, all that was already obvious, just going by your previous demented dumbshit posts.

OK Mr. BullKrap, I get it, you're a conspiracy theory wacko, like most of your fellow denier cult dimwits, and you're stupid and gullible enough to fall for the pro-fossil fuel, anti-environmental, anti-science, reality-denying and very fraudulent propaganda being pushed by the Heartland Institute, a corrupt bunch of paid liars and rightwingnut ideologues, funded by the corporations and fossil fuel billionaires. In other words, you're utterly retarded and dead ignorant and you have no idea what you're talking about. Of course, all that was already obvious, just going by your previous demented dumbshit posts.

:badgrin: All that these little outbursts of yours prove is that you're a boring, homely, troll who's been completely SCREWED by the public should sue somebody.
OK Mr. BullKrap, I get it, you're a conspiracy theory wacko, like most of your fellow denier cult dimwits, and you're stupid and gullible enough to fall for the pro-fossil fuel, anti-environmental, anti-science, reality-denying and very fraudulent propaganda being pushed by the Heartland Institute, a corrupt bunch of paid liars and rightwingnut ideologues, funded by the corporations and fossil fuel billionaires. In other words, you're utterly retarded and dead ignorant and you have no idea what you're talking about. Of course, all that was already obvious, just going by your previous demented dumbshit posts.
All that these little outbursts of yours prove is that you're a boring, homely, troll who's been completely SCREWED by the public should sue somebody.
LOL. Since you have no facts to work with, Mr. BullKrap, you spew silly drivel like that.

I cite and quote scientific evidence on AGW/CC from NOAA, NASA, NSIDC, PIOMAS, Scientific American, Nature and other reputable scientific sources. Even though the majority of your posts are just moronic blather, you do occasionally cite and quote (as if it meant anything) some of the anti-scientific propaganda and lies created by the corporations and billionaires who are making hundreds of billions of dollars every year selling the carbon-emitting fuels that have raised Earth's atmospheric carbon dioxide levels by 43% (so far and still rising fast), which is disrupting our climate, severely damaging our planet's biosphere, and threatening the stability of our civilization. You idiotically trust the corporations and fossil fuel billionaires (like the Koch brothers) to give you real, factual information about scientific matters like AGW/CC, even when the facts of the matter severely threaten their economic investments; and you distrust the world scientific community, who are almost unanimous in their affirmation of the reality and dangers of human caused global warming and climate disruptions. Why? Because you believe that the scientists are all in a huge worldwide conspiracy to fool you. LOL. You are a conspiracy theory crackpot!

In theory, according to historical data, we should be going through a cooling period, quite a dramatic cooling period at that. What seems to be happening is that natural cooling is fighting with man made warming and they're almost balancing each other out. The US appears to be getting a little cooler, at least the eastern side. The rest of the world is getting a little warmer.
67 degrees in Chicago in July hmmm, cooler
And 90 in Seattle and Fairbanks, warmer. It is the overall average that counts, not what is in your or my backyard.

As usual data must be provided. According to this site it is 77 in Fairbanks and the record set in 2008 is 78, close but not a record. The max temperature for the 6th was set in 2014, 86 deg. 84 for the 5th. With the mean temperature for Fairbands at this time is 72, so a deviation is not that hard to believe. the 4th's record is 90 degress set in 1990.

Weather History for Fairbanks Ft. Wainwright AK Weather Underground

Alaska Heat Wave 90-Degree Temperatures Break Weather Records - International Science Times

By iScienceTimes Staff on June 26, 2013 12:14 PM EDT


A heat wave in Alaska has brought temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, an extremely rare occurrence in the state. The heat wave has been blamed for wildfires throughout the state. (Photo: Reuters)
The Alaska heat wave has caused the Land of the Midnight Sun to bask in 80 degree temperatures, 20 degrees Fahrenheit above normal temperatures.

The heat wave in Alaska, which is expected to last through the weekend, robbed the state of a normal spring.

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"It was an incredibly rapid transition," Michael Lawson, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service, told NBC. "Literally, our spring was about five days before we jumped into summer-type weather."

Temperatures have recently gone above 90 degrees, an extremely rare occurrence in Alaska. Fairbanks has only reached temperatures of 90 or above 14 times in the last 109 years. Alaska reached a record-breaking 96 degrees on Tuesday in the town of Talkeetna, about 100 miles north of Anchorage.

Aside from the fun aspect of the heat wave -- Alaskans have been flocking to lakes and beaches -- the heat wave is being blamed for wildfires. The heat wave has caused brush to become very dry, which can catch fire when lightning strikes. Near Fairbanks, more than 70 firefighters are currently battling a wildfire that started in this manner, and there are 80 fires burning around Alaska. The National Weather Service has issued warnings for a large swath in and around Fairbanks.

Record breaking heat wave in the England too.

Neither of the cities you mention broke a record as I showed you.

Never the less are you now arguing weather to make the case for GW?

Did you read to the bottom of your article? Did you read what I suppose are experts had to say?

So what is causing the Alaskan heat wave?

The jet stream, a band of air current high above the globe, has been behaving oddly, meteorologists say. The stream usually goes from west to east along a generally straight path. In the past few years it's been moving erratically, swinging from side to side, leading to fluctuating, extreme weather.

The polar jet stream, which hovers over Alaska, Canada, and the U.S., "has everything to do with the weather we experience," Rutgers University climate scientist Jennifer Francis told The Huffington Post.

In addition to the Alaska heat wave, extreme weather events like Hurricane Sandy and major snowstorms have all been blamed on the unusual jet stream.

"I've been doing meteorology for 30 years and the jet stream the last three years has done stuff I've never seen," said Jeff Masters, meteorology director at Weather Underground. "The fact that the jet stream is unusual could be an indicator of something. I'm not saying we know what it is."

Not a mention of global warming.

Talkeetna, Alaska, July 7th temperature record 86 set 1972, 6th 88 1972, 5th, not given, 4th 88 1999,

Slightly higher then normal some days although it was 82 on the 6th, 75 on the 5th, 66 on the 4th. At according to this site:

Weather History for Talkeetna AK Weather Underground

Typhoons in the Pacific are multiplying like gremlins putting China at risk

"this part of the world had its most active start to the typhoon season on record."

"Three of the first four typhoons that developed reached the equivalent of a Category 5 hurricane, and the planet has already seen as many Category 5 storms as it typically does in a given year."

"There are two primary reasons for the increase in storm activity. The first is a strengthening El Niño event, which is bringing much above average ocean temperatures to a broad area of the tropical Pacific Ocean, roughly from the international dateline eastward to South America."


Did you read to the bottom of your article? Did you read what I suppose are experts had to say?

So what is causing the Alaskan heat wave?

The jet stream, a band of air current high above the globe, has been behaving oddly, meteorologists say. The stream usually goes from west to east along a generally straight path. In the past few years it's been moving erratically, swinging from side to side, leading to fluctuating, extreme weather.

The polar jet stream, which hovers over Alaska, Canada, and the U.S., "has everything to do with the weather we experience," Rutgers University climate scientist Jennifer Francis told The Huffington Post.

In addition to the Alaska heat wave, extreme weather events like Hurricane Sandy and major snowstorms have all been blamed on the unusual jet stream.

"I've been doing meteorology for 30 years and the jet stream the last three years has done stuff I've never seen," said Jeff Masters, meteorology director at Weather Underground. "The fact that the jet stream is unusual could be an indicator of something. I'm not saying we know what it is."

Not a mention of global warming.

LOLOLOL......if you're that confused, perhaps you should read this article by Dr. Jennifer Francis in which she draws a clear connection between the global warming driven loss of Arctic ice and the recent disruptions to the path and behavior of the jet stream.

Weird Winter Weather Plot Thickens as Arctic Swiftly Warms
Scientists are working out potential linkages between rapid Arctic warming caused by climate change and a more wavy jet stream causing weird winter weather
Scientific American
By Jennifer Francis
February 19, 2015
67 degrees in Chicago in July hmmm, cooler
And 90 in Seattle and Fairbanks, warmer. It is the overall average that counts, not what is in your or my backyard.

As usual data must be provided. According to this site it is 77 in Fairbanks and the record set in 2008 is 78, close but not a record. The max temperature for the 6th was set in 2014, 86 deg. 84 for the 5th. With the mean temperature for Fairbands at this time is 72, so a deviation is not that hard to believe. the 4th's record is 90 degress set in 1990.

Weather History for Fairbanks Ft. Wainwright AK Weather Underground

Alaska Heat Wave 90-Degree Temperatures Break Weather Records - International Science Times

By iScienceTimes Staff on June 26, 2013 12:14 PM EDT


A heat wave in Alaska has brought temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, an extremely rare occurrence in the state. The heat wave has been blamed for wildfires throughout the state. (Photo: Reuters)
The Alaska heat wave has caused the Land of the Midnight Sun to bask in 80 degree temperatures, 20 degrees Fahrenheit above normal temperatures.

The heat wave in Alaska, which is expected to last through the weekend, robbed the state of a normal spring.

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"It was an incredibly rapid transition," Michael Lawson, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service, told NBC. "Literally, our spring was about five days before we jumped into summer-type weather."

Temperatures have recently gone above 90 degrees, an extremely rare occurrence in Alaska. Fairbanks has only reached temperatures of 90 or above 14 times in the last 109 years. Alaska reached a record-breaking 96 degrees on Tuesday in the town of Talkeetna, about 100 miles north of Anchorage.

Aside from the fun aspect of the heat wave -- Alaskans have been flocking to lakes and beaches -- the heat wave is being blamed for wildfires. The heat wave has caused brush to become very dry, which can catch fire when lightning strikes. Near Fairbanks, more than 70 firefighters are currently battling a wildfire that started in this manner, and there are 80 fires burning around Alaska. The National Weather Service has issued warnings for a large swath in and around Fairbanks.

Record breaking heat wave in the England too.

Neither of the cities you mention broke a record as I showed you.

Never the less are you now arguing weather to make the case for GW?

Did you read to the bottom of your article? Did you read what I suppose are experts had to say?

So what is causing the Alaskan heat wave?

The jet stream, a band of air current high above the globe, has been behaving oddly, meteorologists say. The stream usually goes from west to east along a generally straight path. In the past few years it's been moving erratically, swinging from side to side, leading to fluctuating, extreme weather.

The polar jet stream, which hovers over Alaska, Canada, and the U.S., "has everything to do with the weather we experience," Rutgers University climate scientist Jennifer Francis told The Huffington Post.

In addition to the Alaska heat wave, extreme weather events like Hurricane Sandy and major snowstorms have all been blamed on the unusual jet stream.

"I've been doing meteorology for 30 years and the jet stream the last three years has done stuff I've never seen," said Jeff Masters, meteorology director at Weather Underground. "The fact that the jet stream is unusual could be an indicator of something. I'm not saying we know what it is."

Not a mention of global warming.

Talkeetna, Alaska, July 7th temperature record 86 set 1972, 6th 88 1972, 5th, not given, 4th 88 1999,

Slightly higher then normal some days although it was 82 on the 6th, 75 on the 5th, 66 on the 4th. At according to this site:

Weather History for Talkeetna AK Weather Underground

View attachment 44033
Mr. Freewill, are you actively working for the title of really dumb ass? Here is what it said, in nice clear English;

Alaska Heat Wave 90-Degree Temperatures Break Weather Records - International Science Times

Temperatures have recently gone above 90 degrees, an extremely rare occurrence in Alaska. Fairbanks has only reached temperatures of 90 or above 14 times in the last 109 years. Alaska reached a record-breaking 96 degrees on Tuesday in the town of Talkeetna, about 100 miles north of Anchorage.
Did you read to the bottom of your article? Did you read what I suppose are experts had to say?

So what is causing the Alaskan heat wave?

The jet stream, a band of air current high above the globe, has been behaving oddly, meteorologists say. The stream usually goes from west to east along a generally straight path. In the past few years it's been moving erratically, swinging from side to side, leading to fluctuating, extreme weather.

The polar jet stream, which hovers over Alaska, Canada, and the U.S., "has everything to do with the weather we experience," Rutgers University climate scientist Jennifer Francis told The Huffington Post.

In addition to the Alaska heat wave, extreme weather events like Hurricane Sandy and major snowstorms have all been blamed on the unusual jet stream.

"I've been doing meteorology for 30 years and the jet stream the last three years has done stuff I've never seen," said Jeff Masters, meteorology director at Weather Underground. "The fact that the jet stream is unusual could be an indicator of something. I'm not saying we know what it is."

Not a mention of global warming.

LOLOLOL......if you're that confused, perhaps you should read this article by Dr. Jennifer Francis in which she draws a clear connection between the global warming driven loss of Arctic ice and the recent disruptions to the path and behavior of the jet stream.

Weird Winter Weather Plot Thickens as Arctic Swiftly Warms
Scientists are working out potential linkages between rapid Arctic warming caused by climate change and a more wavy jet stream causing weird winter weather
Scientific American
By Jennifer Francis
February 19, 2015
And yet the Arctic ice is growing man that doesn't seem to be consistent my friend
And 90 in Seattle and Fairbanks, warmer. It is the overall average that counts, not what is in your or my backyard.

As usual data must be provided. According to this site it is 77 in Fairbanks and the record set in 2008 is 78, close but not a record. The max temperature for the 6th was set in 2014, 86 deg. 84 for the 5th. With the mean temperature for Fairbands at this time is 72, so a deviation is not that hard to believe. the 4th's record is 90 degress set in 1990.

Weather History for Fairbanks Ft. Wainwright AK Weather Underground

Alaska Heat Wave 90-Degree Temperatures Break Weather Records - International Science Times

By iScienceTimes Staff on June 26, 2013 12:14 PM EDT


A heat wave in Alaska has brought temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, an extremely rare occurrence in the state. The heat wave has been blamed for wildfires throughout the state. (Photo: Reuters)
The Alaska heat wave has caused the Land of the Midnight Sun to bask in 80 degree temperatures, 20 degrees Fahrenheit above normal temperatures.

The heat wave in Alaska, which is expected to last through the weekend, robbed the state of a normal spring.

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"It was an incredibly rapid transition," Michael Lawson, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service, told NBC. "Literally, our spring was about five days before we jumped into summer-type weather."

Temperatures have recently gone above 90 degrees, an extremely rare occurrence in Alaska. Fairbanks has only reached temperatures of 90 or above 14 times in the last 109 years. Alaska reached a record-breaking 96 degrees on Tuesday in the town of Talkeetna, about 100 miles north of Anchorage.

Aside from the fun aspect of the heat wave -- Alaskans have been flocking to lakes and beaches -- the heat wave is being blamed for wildfires. The heat wave has caused brush to become very dry, which can catch fire when lightning strikes. Near Fairbanks, more than 70 firefighters are currently battling a wildfire that started in this manner, and there are 80 fires burning around Alaska. The National Weather Service has issued warnings for a large swath in and around Fairbanks.

Record breaking heat wave in the England too.

Neither of the cities you mention broke a record as I showed you.

Never the less are you now arguing weather to make the case for GW?

Did you read to the bottom of your article? Did you read what I suppose are experts had to say?

So what is causing the Alaskan heat wave?

The jet stream, a band of air current high above the globe, has been behaving oddly, meteorologists say. The stream usually goes from west to east along a generally straight path. In the past few years it's been moving erratically, swinging from side to side, leading to fluctuating, extreme weather.

The polar jet stream, which hovers over Alaska, Canada, and the U.S., "has everything to do with the weather we experience," Rutgers University climate scientist Jennifer Francis told The Huffington Post.

In addition to the Alaska heat wave, extreme weather events like Hurricane Sandy and major snowstorms have all been blamed on the unusual jet stream.

"I've been doing meteorology for 30 years and the jet stream the last three years has done stuff I've never seen," said Jeff Masters, meteorology director at Weather Underground. "The fact that the jet stream is unusual could be an indicator of something. I'm not saying we know what it is."

Not a mention of global warming.

Talkeetna, Alaska, July 7th temperature record 86 set 1972, 6th 88 1972, 5th, not given, 4th 88 1999,

Slightly higher then normal some days although it was 82 on the 6th, 75 on the 5th, 66 on the 4th. At according to this site:

Weather History for Talkeetna AK Weather Underground

View attachment 44033
Mr. Freewill, are you actively working for the title of really dumb ass? Here is what it said, in nice clear English;

Alaska Heat Wave 90-Degree Temperatures Break Weather Records - International Science Times

Temperatures have recently gone above 90 degrees, an extremely rare occurrence in Alaska. Fairbanks has only reached temperatures of 90 or above 14 times in the last 109 years. Alaska reached a record-breaking 96 degrees on Tuesday in the town of Talkeetna, about 100 miles north of Anchorage.
And yet it has hit 90° 14 times, seems normal.

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