America’s Most Advanced Climate Station Data Shows US In A 10-Year Cooling Trend Read more: http:

Did you read to the bottom of your article? Did you read what I suppose are experts had to say?

So what is causing the Alaskan heat wave?

The jet stream, a band of air current high above the globe, has been behaving oddly, meteorologists say. The stream usually goes from west to east along a generally straight path. In the past few years it's been moving erratically, swinging from side to side, leading to fluctuating, extreme weather.

The polar jet stream, which hovers over Alaska, Canada, and the U.S., "has everything to do with the weather we experience," Rutgers University climate scientist Jennifer Francis told The Huffington Post.

In addition to the Alaska heat wave, extreme weather events like Hurricane Sandy and major snowstorms have all been blamed on the unusual jet stream.

"I've been doing meteorology for 30 years and the jet stream the last three years has done stuff I've never seen," said Jeff Masters, meteorology director at Weather Underground. "The fact that the jet stream is unusual could be an indicator of something. I'm not saying we know what it is."

Not a mention of global warming.

LOLOLOL......if you're that confused, perhaps you should read this article by Dr. Jennifer Francis in which she draws a clear connection between the global warming driven loss of Arctic ice and the recent disruptions to the path and behavior of the jet stream.

Weird Winter Weather Plot Thickens as Arctic Swiftly Warms
Scientists are working out potential linkages between rapid Arctic warming caused by climate change and a more wavy jet stream causing weird winter weather
Scientific American
By Jennifer Francis
February 19, 2015
And yet the Arctic ice is growing man that doesn't seem to be consistent my friend
Arctic ice is growing? Whatever are you talking about? The Sea Ice anomaly is down to -1.168 as of 6July15.

And only a blind man could not see the trend here, both on the upper and lower bounds.
Did you read to the bottom of your article? Did you read what I suppose are experts had to say?

So what is causing the Alaskan heat wave?

The jet stream, a band of air current high above the globe, has been behaving oddly, meteorologists say. The stream usually goes from west to east along a generally straight path. In the past few years it's been moving erratically, swinging from side to side, leading to fluctuating, extreme weather.

The polar jet stream, which hovers over Alaska, Canada, and the U.S., "has everything to do with the weather we experience," Rutgers University climate scientist Jennifer Francis told The Huffington Post.

In addition to the Alaska heat wave, extreme weather events like Hurricane Sandy and major snowstorms have all been blamed on the unusual jet stream.

"I've been doing meteorology for 30 years and the jet stream the last three years has done stuff I've never seen," said Jeff Masters, meteorology director at Weather Underground. "The fact that the jet stream is unusual could be an indicator of something. I'm not saying we know what it is."

Not a mention of global warming.

LOLOLOL......if you're that confused, perhaps you should read this article by Dr. Jennifer Francis in which she draws a clear connection between the global warming driven loss of Arctic ice and the recent disruptions to the path and behavior of the jet stream.

Weird Winter Weather Plot Thickens as Arctic Swiftly Warms
Scientists are working out potential linkages between rapid Arctic warming caused by climate change and a more wavy jet stream causing weird winter weather
Scientific American
By Jennifer Francis
February 19, 2015
And yet the Arctic ice is growing man that doesn't seem to be consistent my friend
Arctic ice is growing? Whatever are you talking about? The Sea Ice anomaly is down to -1.168 as of 6July15.

And only a blind man could not see the trend here, both on the upper and lower bounds.
Yep arctic ice is higher today then 2009, that's growing.
And 90 in Seattle and Fairbanks, warmer. It is the overall average that counts, not what is in your or my backyard.

As usual data must be provided. According to this site it is 77 in Fairbanks and the record set in 2008 is 78, close but not a record. The max temperature for the 6th was set in 2014, 86 deg. 84 for the 5th. With the mean temperature for Fairbands at this time is 72, so a deviation is not that hard to believe. the 4th's record is 90 degress set in 1990.

Weather History for Fairbanks Ft. Wainwright AK Weather Underground

Alaska Heat Wave 90-Degree Temperatures Break Weather Records - International Science Times

By iScienceTimes Staff on June 26, 2013 12:14 PM EDT


A heat wave in Alaska has brought temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, an extremely rare occurrence in the state. The heat wave has been blamed for wildfires throughout the state. (Photo: Reuters)
The Alaska heat wave has caused the Land of the Midnight Sun to bask in 80 degree temperatures, 20 degrees Fahrenheit above normal temperatures.

The heat wave in Alaska, which is expected to last through the weekend, robbed the state of a normal spring.

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"It was an incredibly rapid transition," Michael Lawson, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service, told NBC. "Literally, our spring was about five days before we jumped into summer-type weather."

Temperatures have recently gone above 90 degrees, an extremely rare occurrence in Alaska. Fairbanks has only reached temperatures of 90 or above 14 times in the last 109 years. Alaska reached a record-breaking 96 degrees on Tuesday in the town of Talkeetna, about 100 miles north of Anchorage.

Aside from the fun aspect of the heat wave -- Alaskans have been flocking to lakes and beaches -- the heat wave is being blamed for wildfires. The heat wave has caused brush to become very dry, which can catch fire when lightning strikes. Near Fairbanks, more than 70 firefighters are currently battling a wildfire that started in this manner, and there are 80 fires burning around Alaska. The National Weather Service has issued warnings for a large swath in and around Fairbanks.

Record breaking heat wave in the England too.

Neither of the cities you mention broke a record as I showed you.

Never the less are you now arguing weather to make the case for GW?

Did you read to the bottom of your article? Did you read what I suppose are experts had to say?

So what is causing the Alaskan heat wave?

The jet stream, a band of air current high above the globe, has been behaving oddly, meteorologists say. The stream usually goes from west to east along a generally straight path. In the past few years it's been moving erratically, swinging from side to side, leading to fluctuating, extreme weather.

The polar jet stream, which hovers over Alaska, Canada, and the U.S., "has everything to do with the weather we experience," Rutgers University climate scientist Jennifer Francis told The Huffington Post.

In addition to the Alaska heat wave, extreme weather events like Hurricane Sandy and major snowstorms have all been blamed on the unusual jet stream.

"I've been doing meteorology for 30 years and the jet stream the last three years has done stuff I've never seen," said Jeff Masters, meteorology director at Weather Underground. "The fact that the jet stream is unusual could be an indicator of something. I'm not saying we know what it is."

Not a mention of global warming.

Talkeetna, Alaska, July 7th temperature record 86 set 1972, 6th 88 1972, 5th, not given, 4th 88 1999,

Slightly higher then normal some days although it was 82 on the 6th, 75 on the 5th, 66 on the 4th. At according to this site:

Weather History for Talkeetna AK Weather Underground

View attachment 44033
Mr. Freewill, are you actively working for the title of really dumb ass? Here is what it said, in nice clear English;

Alaska Heat Wave 90-Degree Temperatures Break Weather Records - International Science Times

Temperatures have recently gone above 90 degrees, an extremely rare occurrence in Alaska. Fairbanks has only reached temperatures of 90 or above 14 times in the last 109 years. Alaska reached a record-breaking 96 degrees on Tuesday in the town of Talkeetna, about 100 miles north of Anchorage.

I would never try and take your title, you are safe.

What did you provide, a site that is dealing with anadotal information. What did I provide, the actual data and you bitch. What is going on here is your are not used to being blown away if true information. Your argument is an appeal to authority. You find an article that you like and that becomes your truth without a single thought about what the facts are. You have been presented with the actual facts, you choose to ignore the facts, thus you will remain the boards reigning dumb ass. (Disclaimer, not really true there just are too many dumb asses to award the prize to any of of you.)

JustCrazy is following the denier cult pattern and adhering to their dogmas, otherwise they'd throw him out of their little 'tribe' of anti-science rightwingnut retards....
67 degrees in Chicago in July hmmm, cooler
And 90 in Seattle and Fairbanks, warmer. It is the overall average that counts, not what is in your or my backyard.

As usual data must be provided. According to this site it is 77 in Fairbanks and the record set in 2008 is 78, close but not a record. The max temperature for the 6th was set in 2014, 86 deg. 84 for the 5th. With the mean temperature for Fairbands at this time is 72, so a deviation is not that hard to believe. the 4th's record is 90 degress set in 1990.

Weather History for Fairbanks Ft. Wainwright AK Weather Underground

Alaska Heat Wave 90-Degree Temperatures Break Weather Records - International Science Times

By iScienceTimes Staff on June 26, 2013 12:14 PM EDT

what about Norway, Sweden, Finland?


A heat wave in Alaska has brought temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, an extremely rare occurrence in the state. The heat wave has been blamed for wildfires throughout the state. (Photo: Reuters)
The Alaska heat wave has caused the Land of the Midnight Sun to bask in 80 degree temperatures, 20 degrees Fahrenheit above normal temperatures.

The heat wave in Alaska, which is expected to last through the weekend, robbed the state of a normal spring.

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"It was an incredibly rapid transition," Michael Lawson, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service, told NBC. "Literally, our spring was about five days before we jumped into summer-type weather."

Temperatures have recently gone above 90 degrees, an extremely rare occurrence in Alaska. Fairbanks has only reached temperatures of 90 or above 14 times in the last 109 years. Alaska reached a record-breaking 96 degrees on Tuesday in the town of Talkeetna, about 100 miles north of Anchorage.

Aside from the fun aspect of the heat wave -- Alaskans have been flocking to lakes and beaches -- the heat wave is being blamed for wildfires. The heat wave has caused brush to become very dry, which can catch fire when lightning strikes. Near Fairbanks, more than 70 firefighters are currently battling a wildfire that started in this manner, and there are 80 fires burning around Alaska. The National Weather Service has issued warnings for a large swath in and around Fairbanks.

Record breaking heat wave in the England too.
what about Norway, Sweden, Finland?
Did you read what experts had to say? The jet stream...behaving oddly...leading to fluctuating, extreme weather...climate scientist Jennifer Francis
Not a mention of global warming.
What did you provide...

What's the matter, FreeOfBrains, did the fact that your little bullshit post got so thoroughly debunked make you afraid to try to respond???

Read it again and weep for your gullibility and ignorance....

Weird Winter Weather Plot Thickens as Arctic Swiftly Warms
Scientists are working out potential linkages between rapid Arctic warming caused by climate change and a more wavy jet stream causing weird winter weather
Scientific American
By Jennifer Francis
February 19, 2015

JustCrazy is following the denier cult pattern and adhering to their dogmas, otherwise they'd throw him out of their little 'tribe' of anti-science rightwingnut retards....
Here from one of your own:
Oh my, grew over one and one quarter million square kilometers, didn't it. From about 2 and one quarter million square kilometers in 2012, to a whole three and one half square kilometers in 2013. Of course, from 1979 to 1989, it was mostly over 5 million square kilometers, and since 2007, it has been mostly below 3 and one half square kilometers, down to two and one quarter kilometers in 2012.

In the meantime there has also been and even greater diminishment of the volume of sea ice;

Fig.1 Arctic sea ice volume anomaly from PIOMAS updated once a month. Daily Sea Ice volume anomalies for each day are computed relative to the 1979 to 2014 average for that day of the year. Tickmarks on time axis refer to 1st day of year. The trend for the period 1979- present is shown in blue. Shaded areas show one and two standard deviations from the trend. Error bars indicate the uncertainty of the monthly anomaly plotted once per year.

Polar Science Center PIOMAS Arctic Sea Ice Volume Reanalysis

Mr. BullKurtz, instead of mindlessly repeating the flapyap of 'Conservatives', perhaps you should do a little research for yourself. If you are not to lazy to do so.
It's funny the increase this year higher than 2009. That's not decreasing is it?
Lordy, lordy, always have to prove how ridiculous you can be, don't you, Mr. jc? Note that the graph line is not a nice smooth one, many ups and downs. But the trend for the last 40 years is down, and will continue to be with the normal variations.
Did you read what experts had to say? The jet stream...behaving oddly...leading to fluctuating, extreme weather...climate scientist Jennifer Francis
Not a mention of global warming.
What did you provide...

What's the matter, FreeOfBrains, did the fact that your little bullshit post got so thoroughly debunked make you afraid to try to respond???

Read it again and weep for your gullibility and ignorance....

Weird Winter Weather Plot Thickens as Arctic Swiftly Warms
Scientists are working out potential linkages between rapid Arctic warming caused by climate change and a more wavy jet stream causing weird winter weather
Scientific American
By Jennifer Francis
February 19, 2015
Too funny, maybe you should learn what the jet stream is.
Weird Winter Weather Plot Thickens as Arctic Swiftly Warms
Scientists are working out potential linkages between rapid Arctic warming caused by climate change and a more wavy jet stream causing weird winter weather

Scientific American
By Jennifer Francis
February 19, 2015
Too funny, maybe you should learn what the jet stream is.

LOLOL....thanks for the comic relief, JustCrazy, it's always hilarious when an ignorant anti-science retard like you imagines that he knows or understands anything but the pseudo-science and lies fed to him by his puppet-masters in the fossil fuel industry.

You cited a quote from Dr. Jennifer Francis about the changes in the jet stream being responsible for the weird and extreme winter weather and claimed that "there was not a mention of global warming", so I showed you an article in Scientific American, by the same Dr. Jennifer Francis, specifically linking the unusual behavior of the jet stream, which is causing various kinds of weird and extreme weather events, to the major shrinkage of the Arctic ice cap due to global warming. now you're sneering at her testimony and suggesting she "should learn what the jet stream is" LOL. Are you now trying to repudiate the same climate scientist and expert on the jet stream that you cited a few posts earlier? Or are you just being an imbecile, as usual?

There's a good reason that you're known as 'JustCrazy'!!!
Last edited:
Damn, did man discover fire 4000 years ago?

Wacky Winter Weather of 2014 Caused by 4,000-Year-Old Jet Stream

Wacky Winter Weather of 2014 Caused by 4 000-Year-Old Jet Stream - Scientific American

A new study has found that the wavy jet stream pattern that tends to bring warm winter weather to the U.S. West and cold weather to the East was set in place 4,000 years ago.

The research, published in the journal Nature Communications, also suggests that climate change may help keep the wavy pattern in place.

"It's possible the kinds of changes we are seeing with increased jet stream sinuosity might continue into the future as a result of anthropogenic CO2 emissions, although it's not a perfect comparison," said Gabriel Bowen, a geochemist at the University of Utah and an author on the study.

When the jet stream is very wavy, it tends to bring warm air up from the tropics into the U.S. West. It then kinks up toward the Arctic and brings cold air down to the Great Plains and the East, Bowen said.

Some researchers have suggested that climate change, which has resulted in a rapidly warming Arctic, is leading to jet stream kinks that keep extreme weather in place, although that hypothesis is still being debated (ClimateWire, April 3).
Damn, did man discover fire 4000 years ago?

Wacky Winter Weather of 2014 Caused by 4,000-Year-Old Jet Stream

Wacky Winter Weather of 2014 Caused by 4 000-Year-Old Jet Stream - Scientific American

A new study has found that the wavy jet stream pattern that tends to bring warm winter weather to the U.S. West and cold weather to the East was set in place 4,000 years ago.

The research, published in the journal Nature Communications, also suggests that climate change may help keep the wavy pattern in place.

"It's possible the kinds of changes we are seeing with increased jet stream sinuosity might continue into the future as a result of anthropogenic CO2 emissions, although it's not a perfect comparison," said Gabriel Bowen, a geochemist at the University of Utah and an author on the study.

When the jet stream is very wavy, it tends to bring warm air up from the tropics into the U.S. West. It then kinks up toward the Arctic and brings cold air down to the Great Plains and the East, Bowen said.

Some researchers have suggested that climate change, which has resulted in a rapidly warming Arctic, is leading to jet stream kinks that keep extreme weather in place, although that hypothesis is still being debated (ClimateWire, April 3).
Do you have any idea how completely insane you sound? Where did that total non-sequitur come from anyway? Certainly nothing in the article you cited.
Damn, did man discover fire 4000 years ago?

Wacky Winter Weather of 2014 Caused by 4,000-Year-Old Jet Stream

Wacky Winter Weather of 2014 Caused by 4 000-Year-Old Jet Stream - Scientific American

A new study has found that the wavy jet stream pattern that tends to bring warm winter weather to the U.S. West and cold weather to the East was set in place 4,000 years ago.

The research, published in the journal Nature Communications, also suggests that climate change may help keep the wavy pattern in place.

"It's possible the kinds of changes we are seeing with increased jet stream sinuosity might continue into the future as a result of anthropogenic CO2 emissions, although it's not a perfect comparison," said Gabriel Bowen, a geochemist at the University of Utah and an author on the study.

When the jet stream is very wavy, it tends to bring warm air up from the tropics into the U.S. West. It then kinks up toward the Arctic and brings cold air down to the Great Plains and the East, Bowen said.

Some researchers have suggested that climate change, which has resulted in a rapidly warming Arctic, is leading to jet stream kinks that keep extreme weather in place, although that hypothesis is still being debated (ClimateWire, April 3).
Do you have any idea how completely insane you sound? Where did that total non-sequitur come from anyway? Certainly nothing in the article you cited.

Wacky Winter Weather of 2014 Caused by 4,000-Year-Old Jet Stream

Not recent warming but 4000 years ago.....Comprende?
That is not at all what it said, Freewill. It stated that they hypothesize that a warmer arctic creates a lessor temperature gradient. And that creates a wavier jet stream. And there seem to be 4000 year cycles for this happening naturally. What I didn't not see was a claim that we are in a period when the waviness is at a natural high. But if we are, and we are causing the Arctic to warm even faster than the norm, then we are not doing ourselves any favors.
Damn, did man discover fire 4000 years ago?

Wacky Winter Weather of 2014 Caused by 4,000-Year-Old Jet Stream

Wacky Winter Weather of 2014 Caused by 4 000-Year-Old Jet Stream - Scientific American

A new study has found that the wavy jet stream pattern that tends to bring warm winter weather to the U.S. West and cold weather to the East was set in place 4,000 years ago.

The research, published in the journal Nature Communications, also suggests that climate change may help keep the wavy pattern in place.

"It's possible the kinds of changes we are seeing with increased jet stream sinuosity might continue into the future as a result of anthropogenic CO2 emissions, although it's not a perfect comparison," said Gabriel Bowen, a geochemist at the University of Utah and an author on the study.

When the jet stream is very wavy, it tends to bring warm air up from the tropics into the U.S. West. It then kinks up toward the Arctic and brings cold air down to the Great Plains and the East, Bowen said.

Some researchers have suggested that climate change, which has resulted in a rapidly warming Arctic, is leading to jet stream kinks that keep extreme weather in place, although that hypothesis is still being debated (ClimateWire, April 3).
Do you have any idea how completely insane you sound? Where did that total non-sequitur come from anyway? Certainly nothing in the article you cited.

Wacky Winter Weather of 2014 Caused by 4,000-Year-Old Jet Stream

Not recent warming but 4000 years ago.....Comprende?
OK. So you're too stupid to understand what you read.....and so extremely retarded that you actually post science tidbits that don't at all say what you ignorantly imagine they say. Got it.
The response is going to be that the US is not the world, only a small part. But consider what would be said if things were reversed. If the data shown indicated that the US was warming and the rest of the world was cooling. Those who seem to think we can do something about the climate would be saying that the US has the best equipment thus we have to believe the US data. Well I agree.

Go here to see the actual NOAA data:

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

From the linked article:

Data from America’s most advanced climate monitoring system shows the U.S. has undergone a cooling trend over the last decade, despite recent claims by government scientists that warming has accelerated worldwide during that time.

The U.S. Climate Reference Network was developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to provide “high-quality” climate data. The network consists of 114 stations across the U.S. in areas NOAA expects no development for the next 50 to 100 years.

Read more: Advanced Climate Station Data Shows U.S. In A Cooling Trend The Daily Caller

If that's true, why is Lake Mead water level so low.
1.2 Gw of solar going in in Austin at less than 4 cents a kw. Wind now down below 4 cents a kw. Dirty coal, no scrubbers, still 6.6 cents a kw, and the price is rising. For wind and solar, the price will continue to decline. Coal is dead.

You are a lying bastard... why dont you included the 0.22 Cents of GOVERNMENT MONEY taken from Coal fired generation that is used to make it look like it is even comparable?

Old fraud is a lying son of a bitch.
OK. So you're too stupid to understand what you read.....and so extremely retarded that you actually post science tidbits that don't at all say what you ignorantly imagine they say. Got it.

Speaking of stupid people, have you and old fraud learned to read the papers you post and the meaning of MAY or MIGHT? The way you misrepresent papers makes me think you are the likes of Slandering Sou and revisionist/liar William Connolly...
The response is going to be that the US is not the world, only a small part. But consider what would be said if things were reversed. If the data shown indicated that the US was warming and the rest of the world was cooling. Those who seem to think we can do something about the climate would be saying that the US has the best equipment thus we have to believe the US data. Well I agree.

Go here to see the actual NOAA data:

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

From the linked article:

Data from America’s most advanced climate monitoring system shows the U.S. has undergone a cooling trend over the last decade, despite recent claims by government scientists that warming has accelerated worldwide during that time.

The U.S. Climate Reference Network was developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to provide “high-quality” climate data. The network consists of 114 stations across the U.S. in areas NOAA expects no development for the next 50 to 100 years.

Read more: Advanced Climate Station Data Shows U.S. In A Cooling Trend The Daily Caller

In theory, according to historical data, we should be going through a cooling period, quite a dramatic cooling period at that. What seems to be happening is that natural cooling is fighting with man made warming and they're almost balancing each other out. The US appears to be getting a little cooler, at least the eastern side. The rest of the world is getting a little warmer.

Actually No.. if you remove the data tampering we are infact cooling very nicely. -0.47 degrees C in the last 10 years globally.
That is not at all what it said, Freewill. It stated that they hypothesize that a warmer arctic creates a lessor temperature gradient. And that creates a wavier jet stream. And there seem to be 4000 year cycles for this happening naturally. What I didn't not see was a claim that we are in a period when the waviness is at a natural high. But if we are, and we are causing the Arctic to warm even faster than the norm, then we are not doing ourselves any favors.
The response is going to be that the US is not the world, only a small part. But consider what would be said if things were reversed. If the data shown indicated that the US was warming and the rest of the world was cooling. Those who seem to think we can do something about the climate would be saying that the US has the best equipment thus we have to believe the US data. Well I agree.

Go here to see the actual NOAA data:

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

From the linked article:

Data from America’s most advanced climate monitoring system shows the U.S. has undergone a cooling trend over the last decade, despite recent claims by government scientists that warming has accelerated worldwide during that time.

The U.S. Climate Reference Network was developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to provide “high-quality” climate data. The network consists of 114 stations across the U.S. in areas NOAA expects no development for the next 50 to 100 years.

Read more: Advanced Climate Station Data Shows U.S. In A Cooling Trend The Daily Caller

If that's true, why is Lake Mead water level so low.

Not enough rain. Too much use.

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