Americas Rape Culture

Then again in the past if a man raped a women, well.... it was just considered sex and the woman had to deal with it.
I agree with you, but we aren't talking about rape here.

The feminist culture is redefining the terms.

What we are talking about is girls going to parties, getting drunk, and sleeping with guys. In the morning, they feel shame about what they did, and when the guy they like doesn't call them back or want to have anything to do with them, they turn around and call it rape because they are hurt.

In some instances, yes, it is forced sex, but in many others, it is murky at best. Neither the guy or girl can actually remember what happened. So you tell me, who can be blamed? Can anyone?

All I am saying is, if the girl was drunk, there IS NO RAPE. If she was binge drinking and partying so hard, and the guy she was with was doing the same thing, then neither can be held criminally liable for anything.

If they can be, why can't the man say he was raped? :dunno:

It's like folks don't remember college, have never been, or went to a lame school.

We're not talking about rape? Er... the thread title is about rape.

However I understand what you're saying about people making stuff up. But then again rape is always a hard one to deal with. How do you find a balance of encouraging people to report the crime, but discourage those who weren't raped from not reporting the crime?

What was being said was essentially that it was better when men raped and got away with it, than now where women could potentially use it as a weapon.

Do we give men the license to rape? Do we give women the license to cry wolf?
No, what we do is tell young people to have some common sense, decency and morality.

We tell them to use their heads and roll back the sexual mores of the late sixties and seventies that told them that sex is a toy and a game of pleasure to be used and abused at parties. All one needs to do is watch prime time TV or listen to the Top forty music to get a clue as to what is going on about these mixed messages they are receiving. Popular culture and their peer group tell them one thing; the family, polite society and faith tell them another. Is it any wonder young ladies feel regret about their behavior when they feel they have crossed the line? It is easier to blame others for what they feel are their personal failings, than to pin it on individual desires.

Hell, junior high school kids don't even think giving each other oral sex is even sex anymore because of the MSM culture. If this is the message we are sending them, is it any wonder that they act like drunken debauched Romans having an orgy in college on weekends, treating their bodies like an amusement park? If that is the attitude they are going to adopt, it is time to quit coddling them; it is time to stop having one code of ethics at night time on the weekends, and another Monday morning.

Sending mixed messages about what society expects is what is leading to this problem.

If we do these things, then we will know.

When a woman is sober, and she is attacked and raped, we will know.

If the man and the woman both know what went on, and the witnesses to their "date" both know that they were not binge drinking, folks will know what was a crime of dominance, and what was a drunken night out on the town of both genders looking to get their kicks.

Oh, and telling them to be good old chaps will make them good old chaps, won't it? No, it won't.

You do realize that abstinence only programs are the worst form of preventing sex, don't you?

However I partially agree with you. Yes, we need to instill something into kids. The problem is any time you try and do this the right shout "indoctrination".

Any mention of sex in school before the age of 89 and the right are going crazy that this will corrupt the kids. However the reality is that it works the other way. Kids don't have sex because they've been taught how to be safe, however they do have sex sex when they have sex if they've been taught (up to a certain point, kids will be like adults, stupid, when it suits them).

However you also seem to be calling for a time that won't exist again. Going back to a conservative time. It won't happen, there's no point in trying to go there. You have to deal with what exists. Repression of sex won't work. Education will work much better.
Hey man, I'm just looking at the sociological fact.

If we are going on like we are going, the culture and the civilization is doomed.

Maybe you're right, maybe the genie can't be put back in the bottle. It's all up to the girls now. :cool-45: They can either act like ladies or act like whores.

It's also about what we expect from our music and media. The shit I see in the theaters, on TV and hear on the radio is garbage compared to what I remember as a kid.

I see real parallels to the Roman empire. The decay and rot has set in.

No, we're not doomed. We just need to find where we want to be. Culture always changes, people always despair at the changing culture.

You know before Christianity people used to have sex, a lot. Why? because it's in our nature to do so. They had sex to get closer to god or gods.

What we have realized is that sex isn't necessarily bad. It's just that it needs to be done in a sensible way. That takes education. The right are against education and see higher rates of bad stuff, like unwanted pregnancies, STDs and so on. .
I agree with you, but we aren't talking about rape here.

The feminist culture is redefining the terms.

What we are talking about is girls going to parties, getting drunk, and sleeping with guys. In the morning, they feel shame about what they did, and when the guy they like doesn't call them back or want to have anything to do with them, they turn around and call it rape because they are hurt.

In some instances, yes, it is forced sex, but in many others, it is murky at best. Neither the guy or girl can actually remember what happened. So you tell me, who can be blamed? Can anyone?

All I am saying is, if the girl was drunk, there IS NO RAPE. If she was binge drinking and partying so hard, and the guy she was with was doing the same thing, then neither can be held criminally liable for anything.

If they can be, why can't the man say he was raped? :dunno:

It's like folks don't remember college, have never been, or went to a lame school.

We're not talking about rape? Er... the thread title is about rape.

However I understand what you're saying about people making stuff up. But then again rape is always a hard one to deal with. How do you find a balance of encouraging people to report the crime, but discourage those who weren't raped from not reporting the crime?

What was being said was essentially that it was better when men raped and got away with it, than now where women could potentially use it as a weapon.

Do we give men the license to rape? Do we give women the license to cry wolf?
No, what we do is tell young people to have some common sense, decency and morality.

We tell them to use their heads and roll back the sexual mores of the late sixties and seventies that told them that sex is a toy and a game of pleasure to be used and abused at parties. All one needs to do is watch prime time TV or listen to the Top forty music to get a clue as to what is going on about these mixed messages they are receiving. Popular culture and their peer group tell them one thing; the family, polite society and faith tell them another. Is it any wonder young ladies feel regret about their behavior when they feel they have crossed the line? It is easier to blame others for what they feel are their personal failings, than to pin it on individual desires.

Hell, junior high school kids don't even think giving each other oral sex is even sex anymore because of the MSM culture. If this is the message we are sending them, is it any wonder that they act like drunken debauched Romans having an orgy in college on weekends, treating their bodies like an amusement park? If that is the attitude they are going to adopt, it is time to quit coddling them; it is time to stop having one code of ethics at night time on the weekends, and another Monday morning.

Sending mixed messages about what society expects is what is leading to this problem.

If we do these things, then we will know.

When a woman is sober, and she is attacked and raped, we will know.

If the man and the woman both know what went on, and the witnesses to their "date" both know that they were not binge drinking, folks will know what was a crime of dominance, and what was a drunken night out on the town of both genders looking to get their kicks.

Oh, and telling them to be good old chaps will make them good old chaps, won't it? No, it won't.

You do realize that abstinence only programs are the worst form of preventing sex, don't you?

However I partially agree with you. Yes, we need to instill something into kids. The problem is any time you try and do this the right shout "indoctrination".

Any mention of sex in school before the age of 89 and the right are going crazy that this will corrupt the kids. However the reality is that it works the other way. Kids don't have sex because they've been taught how to be safe, however they do have sex sex when they have sex if they've been taught (up to a certain point, kids will be like adults, stupid, when it suits them).

However you also seem to be calling for a time that won't exist again. Going back to a conservative time. It won't happen, there's no point in trying to go there. You have to deal with what exists. Repression of sex won't work. Education will work much better.
Hey man, I'm just looking at the sociological fact.

If we are going on like we are going, the culture and the civilization is doomed.

Maybe you're right, maybe the genie can't be put back in the bottle. It's all up to the girls now. :cool-45: They can either act like ladies or act like whores.

It's also about what we expect from our music and media. The shit I see in the theaters, on TV and hear on the radio is garbage compared to what I remember as a kid.

I see real parallels to the Roman empire. The decay and rot has set in.

No, we're not doomed. We just need to find where we want to be. Culture always changes, people always despair at the changing culture.

You know before Christianity people used to have sex, a lot. Why? because it's in our nature to do so. They had sex to get closer to god or gods.

What we have realized is that sex isn't necessarily bad. It's just that it needs to be done in a sensible way. That takes education. The right are against education and see higher rates of bad stuff, like unwanted pregnancies, STDs and so on. .

Even after christianity they did. Sexual mores change with the times. The Germans were incredibly randy in the 1600's. Then times changed and they were total prudes in the 1800's. Now, times are changing again.
We're not talking about rape? Er... the thread title is about rape.

However I understand what you're saying about people making stuff up. But then again rape is always a hard one to deal with. How do you find a balance of encouraging people to report the crime, but discourage those who weren't raped from not reporting the crime?

What was being said was essentially that it was better when men raped and got away with it, than now where women could potentially use it as a weapon.

Do we give men the license to rape? Do we give women the license to cry wolf?
No, what we do is tell young people to have some common sense, decency and morality.

We tell them to use their heads and roll back the sexual mores of the late sixties and seventies that told them that sex is a toy and a game of pleasure to be used and abused at parties. All one needs to do is watch prime time TV or listen to the Top forty music to get a clue as to what is going on about these mixed messages they are receiving. Popular culture and their peer group tell them one thing; the family, polite society and faith tell them another. Is it any wonder young ladies feel regret about their behavior when they feel they have crossed the line? It is easier to blame others for what they feel are their personal failings, than to pin it on individual desires.

Hell, junior high school kids don't even think giving each other oral sex is even sex anymore because of the MSM culture. If this is the message we are sending them, is it any wonder that they act like drunken debauched Romans having an orgy in college on weekends, treating their bodies like an amusement park? If that is the attitude they are going to adopt, it is time to quit coddling them; it is time to stop having one code of ethics at night time on the weekends, and another Monday morning.

Sending mixed messages about what society expects is what is leading to this problem.

If we do these things, then we will know.

When a woman is sober, and she is attacked and raped, we will know.

If the man and the woman both know what went on, and the witnesses to their "date" both know that they were not binge drinking, folks will know what was a crime of dominance, and what was a drunken night out on the town of both genders looking to get their kicks.

Oh, and telling them to be good old chaps will make them good old chaps, won't it? No, it won't.

You do realize that abstinence only programs are the worst form of preventing sex, don't you?

However I partially agree with you. Yes, we need to instill something into kids. The problem is any time you try and do this the right shout "indoctrination".

Any mention of sex in school before the age of 89 and the right are going crazy that this will corrupt the kids. However the reality is that it works the other way. Kids don't have sex because they've been taught how to be safe, however they do have sex sex when they have sex if they've been taught (up to a certain point, kids will be like adults, stupid, when it suits them).

However you also seem to be calling for a time that won't exist again. Going back to a conservative time. It won't happen, there's no point in trying to go there. You have to deal with what exists. Repression of sex won't work. Education will work much better.
Hey man, I'm just looking at the sociological fact.

If we are going on like we are going, the culture and the civilization is doomed.

Maybe you're right, maybe the genie can't be put back in the bottle. It's all up to the girls now. :cool-45: They can either act like ladies or act like whores.

It's also about what we expect from our music and media. The shit I see in the theaters, on TV and hear on the radio is garbage compared to what I remember as a kid.

I see real parallels to the Roman empire. The decay and rot has set in.

No, we're not doomed. We just need to find where we want to be. Culture always changes, people always despair at the changing culture.

You know before Christianity people used to have sex, a lot. Why? because it's in our nature to do so. They had sex to get closer to god or gods.

What we have realized is that sex isn't necessarily bad. It's just that it needs to be done in a sensible way. That takes education. The right are against education and see higher rates of bad stuff, like unwanted pregnancies, STDs and so on. .

Even after christianity they did. Sexual mores change with the times. The Germans were incredibly randy in the 1600's. Then times changed and they were total prudes in the 1800's. Now, times are changing again.

I'm not sure times will change w/o a major war though. . . .

The 1600's? Wow, major war's swept the continent from then till the 1800's. I don't see anything major changing our situation.

It would be some terrible calamity. Something akin to the Civil War again. Like the Franco-Prussian War, the Napoleonic Wars, WWI or WWII, the great Depression. Something to makes folks have real values again. Who knows?

I haven't read that longitudinal study by J.D. Unwin, Sex and Culture, but it posits that there is a one way relationship I have been told. Germany today is just a loose as America. It might have had a temporary changing, but it is, in the end, just as liberal.

On Civilizations and Sex
On Civilizations and Sex - Ethika Politika

Remember, the German Empire is not what it once was.

Nor is the Roman Empire. Would you say Italy is the same as the Roman Empire? Is Germany the same as the Third Reich?

Comparing Germany of the 1600's with Germany of today seems a bit disingenuous. It's been completely destroyed twice.

Just my take on it.
Will This Strategy Finally Put an End to Sexual Assault on US College Campuses?
Why are women treated like this ?

Is it because of pornography or how people are brought up ?
Tommy's from Wales. They don't have rapes there because the women are so ugly that not even the Muslims want them.
You're full of shit.

I dated a Welsh woman once.

The Lady of the lake from King Arthur's tale, based on Welsh woman. Celts are some of the finest around.

No, what we do is tell young people to have some common sense, decency and morality.

We tell them to use their heads and roll back the sexual mores of the late sixties and seventies that told them that sex is a toy and a game of pleasure to be used and abused at parties. All one needs to do is watch prime time TV or listen to the Top forty music to get a clue as to what is going on about these mixed messages they are receiving. Popular culture and their peer group tell them one thing; the family, polite society and faith tell them another. Is it any wonder young ladies feel regret about their behavior when they feel they have crossed the line? It is easier to blame others for what they feel are their personal failings, than to pin it on individual desires.

Hell, junior high school kids don't even think giving each other oral sex is even sex anymore because of the MSM culture. If this is the message we are sending them, is it any wonder that they act like drunken debauched Romans having an orgy in college on weekends, treating their bodies like an amusement park? If that is the attitude they are going to adopt, it is time to quit coddling them; it is time to stop having one code of ethics at night time on the weekends, and another Monday morning.

Sending mixed messages about what society expects is what is leading to this problem.

If we do these things, then we will know.

When a woman is sober, and she is attacked and raped, we will know.

If the man and the woman both know what went on, and the witnesses to their "date" both know that they were not binge drinking, folks will know what was a crime of dominance, and what was a drunken night out on the town of both genders looking to get their kicks.

Oh, and telling them to be good old chaps will make them good old chaps, won't it? No, it won't.

You do realize that abstinence only programs are the worst form of preventing sex, don't you?

However I partially agree with you. Yes, we need to instill something into kids. The problem is any time you try and do this the right shout "indoctrination".

Any mention of sex in school before the age of 89 and the right are going crazy that this will corrupt the kids. However the reality is that it works the other way. Kids don't have sex because they've been taught how to be safe, however they do have sex sex when they have sex if they've been taught (up to a certain point, kids will be like adults, stupid, when it suits them).

However you also seem to be calling for a time that won't exist again. Going back to a conservative time. It won't happen, there's no point in trying to go there. You have to deal with what exists. Repression of sex won't work. Education will work much better.
Hey man, I'm just looking at the sociological fact.

If we are going on like we are going, the culture and the civilization is doomed.

Maybe you're right, maybe the genie can't be put back in the bottle. It's all up to the girls now. :cool-45: They can either act like ladies or act like whores.

It's also about what we expect from our music and media. The shit I see in the theaters, on TV and hear on the radio is garbage compared to what I remember as a kid.

I see real parallels to the Roman empire. The decay and rot has set in.

No, we're not doomed. We just need to find where we want to be. Culture always changes, people always despair at the changing culture.

You know before Christianity people used to have sex, a lot. Why? because it's in our nature to do so. They had sex to get closer to god or gods.

What we have realized is that sex isn't necessarily bad. It's just that it needs to be done in a sensible way. That takes education. The right are against education and see higher rates of bad stuff, like unwanted pregnancies, STDs and so on. .

Even after christianity they did. Sexual mores change with the times. The Germans were incredibly randy in the 1600's. Then times changed and they were total prudes in the 1800's. Now, times are changing again.

I'm not sure times will change w/o a major war though. . . .

The 1600's? Wow, major war's swept the continent from then till the 1800's. I don't see anything major changing our situation.

It would be some terrible calamity. Something akin to the Civil War again. Like the Franco-Prussian War, the Napoleonic Wars, WWI or WWII, the great Depression. Something to makes folks have real values again. Who knows?

I haven't read that longitudinal study by J.D. Unwin, Sex and Culture, but it posits that there is a one way relationship I have been told. Germany today is just a loose as America. It might have had a temporary changing, but it is, in the end, just as liberal.

On Civilizations and Sex
On Civilizations and Sex - Ethika Politika

Remember, the German Empire is not what it once was.

Nor is the Roman Empire. Would you say Italy is the same as the Roman Empire? Is Germany the same as the Third Reich?

Comparing Germany of the 1600's with Germany of today seems a bit disingenuous. It's been completely destroyed twice.

Just my take on it.

War or something, the US is headed towards something that will change the country. Yes, a lot of countries end up failing after being at their peak, it seems a natural course of events. But it's not about sex.
Will This Strategy Finally Put an End to Sexual Assault on US College Campuses?
Why are women treated like this ?

Is it because of pornography or how people are brought up ?
Tommy's from Wales. They don't have rapes there because the women are so ugly that not even the Muslims want them.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Please. this post a picture thing to prove a point is silly. I've been to Wales and the only uglier women I've seen in the western world were in Manchester.
This thread is illuminating. Sexist attitudes still prevail and blaming aliens misses the point. What do you think is going to help women report rape and stop perpetrators? Excusing the racist? Blaming "aliens". There is nothing more "alien" to humanity than rape.

Your altitude is as egregious as any in this thread.

You read "mutual intoxication" and your mind twisted it to "drug woman without her knowledge or consent and then rape her unconscious body".

There is no way a man accused of rape would get a fair trial if anyone in the process has the view of rape that you have demonstrated.
Will This Strategy Finally Put an End to Sexual Assault on US College Campuses?
Why are women treated like this ?

Is it because of pornography or how people are brought up ?
Tommy's from Wales. They don't have rapes there because the women are so ugly that not even the Muslims want them.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Please. this post a picture thing to prove a point is silly. I've been to Wales and the only uglier women I've seen in the western world were in Manchester.

Those were the tourists you were seeing! I go to Wales not infrequently and it, and its women, are beautiful.
I'm kind of curious as to what people mean when they say a rape "culture?" I don't believe we have any such "culture" here in America. People who rape get caught and are prosecuted here in America.

I would think a lot of places in the Middle East would be considered more of a "rape culture" where it is an accepted form of "punishment" for a woman, or where it is NOT illegal for a husband to rape his wife.

I wish people would think things through before they made stupid comments . . . PLEASE.
Unless you have personal knowledge of these kinds of situations, and a lot of them, you should stop fantasizing about what you THINK is going on. No girl is going to allege rape and go through all the bullshit of dealing with attitudes like yours unless she has been seriously affronted.

That's bullshit. False accusations DO happen.

A lot.
And plenty of women ARE raped and don't report it.

So you agree, false accusations do happen, a lot. Good.

Old Lady was saying the opposite. Thinking which, if not challenged, leads to the presumption of guilt on the man, and thus many innocent lives destroyed.
It used to be that the women were presumed liars, and had consented. There is also the gray area of subtance abuse.
Now the pendulum has swung too far the other way, imho. False allegations of rape can destroy the lives of men and their families every bit as much as genuine rape can destroy the lives of victims and their families.
You sort of work that out for yourself as you grow up.

No we don't. We are being told, mandated, forced assimilation

And that makes you rape ?
Geaux is not a rapist. You have some nerve, Tommy. You're living in Europe (you say) yet asking law abiding citizens on a message board why they rape women while you are living in the midst of Europe - and an Islamic culture of rape - that is literally paralyzing your own country in fear and terror! Talk about the height of hypocrisy. Clean up your own backyard.

When we discuss the various Rape Rings in the UK, Tommy is more concerned about using language that is sensitive to the Muslim Community, then he is about the safety of his nation's children.

And I am dead serious, and not exaggerating at all.
Tommy even denies who the perps are. Denied Cologne, denies the rape stats in Sweden, and denies rape jihad even exists. And here he is, slagging off America ..... Again. You couldn't make it up.

Actually, many of those claims are either untrue or distorted, particularly regarding rape jihad (a term that only exists in the Islamophobia Handbook). This is particularly true with the rape stats in Sweden about which much is made but little is accurate.

Aren't you the one who decried false allegations of rape and how they can destroy a man's life? I assume that only applies non-Muslims?
I'm kind of curious as to what people mean when they say a rape "culture?" I don't believe we have any such "culture" here in America. People who rape get caught and are prosecuted here in America.

I would think a lot of places in the Middle East would be considered more of a "rape culture" where it is an accepted form of "punishment" for a woman, or where it is NOT illegal for a husband to rape his wife.

I wish people would think things through before they made stupid comments . . . PLEASE.

I don't think the US has a rape culture either. Cultures which devalue women, or believe men have rights over women, are typically the ones with some degree of "rape culture" - India is one example, Middle Eastern countries, many parts of Africa. Women are are considered at fault for being raped and worse, ruined. Many of the girls rescued from Al Shabob came home to find they had no social place in their villages because they had been raped or forceably married to fighters :(
Those were the tourists you were seeing! I go to Wales not infrequently and it, and its women, are beautiful.
Understandable, you live in the US while I live in the Czech Republic. Any female whose knuckles don't scrape the ground when she walks must look pretty good to you

I live in the World. We have a place in Paris and I also spend loads of time in New Zealand. I had a very good friend in Praha who passed away a few years ago and spent many a great evening with him when he was alive at the Hemingway Bar which was just down the street from his flat. Is it still there? Great place and had the best rum selection I've ever seen.
I'm kind of curious as to what people mean when they say a rape "culture?" I don't believe we have any such "culture" here in America. People who rape get caught and are prosecuted here in America.

I would think a lot of places in the Middle East would be considered more of a "rape culture" where it is an accepted form of "punishment" for a woman, or where it is NOT illegal for a husband to rape his wife.

I wish people would think things through before they made stupid comments . . . PLEASE.

Its all part of the attempted broadening of the work Rape to include things like drunken sloppy hookups, and girls who got duped into having sex with a guy once or a few times.

Basically its the pendulum swinging back to the old extreme, opposite the sexual revolution of the 60's and 70's.
I'm kind of curious as to what people mean when they say a rape "culture?" I don't believe we have any such "culture" here in America. People who rape get caught and are prosecuted here in America.

I would think a lot of places in the Middle East would be considered more of a "rape culture" where it is an accepted form of "punishment" for a woman, or where it is NOT illegal for a husband to rape his wife.

I wish people would think things through before they made stupid comments . . . PLEASE.

Its all part of the attempted broadening of the work Rape to include things like drunken sloppy hookups, and girls who got duped into having sex with a guy once or a few times.

Basically its the pendulum swinging back to the old extreme, opposite the sexual revolution of the 60's and 70's.

Well, being a modern type of woman, I believe that everyone is responsible for their own actions. :D
Those were the tourists you were seeing! I go to Wales not infrequently and it, and its women, are beautiful.
Understandable, you live in the US while I live in the Czech Republic. Any female whose knuckles don't scrape the ground when she walks must look pretty good to you

I live in the World. We have a place in Paris and I also spend loads of time in New Zealand. I had a very good friend in Praha who passed away a few years ago and spent many a great evening with him when he was alive at the Hemingway Bar which was just down the street from his flat. Is it still there? Great place and had the best rum selection I've ever seen.
I believe that place is gone, but I'm not sure,

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