America’s Seniors Will Pay the Bill for a Democrat-Socialist Agenda

I think it's not only today's seniors but also the next generations that will have to deal with the fallout of ever-increasing interest payments on a gargantuan national debt. And not that long into the future either, it won't be too many years before the largest federal budget item will be the interest on the debt. And the 20- and 30-somethings who are voting for Biden don't even realize it.
America's seniors will pay with their lives if we let Trump continue with this herd immunity bullshit
Before Trump was elected SS was solvent thru 2037, now after Trump's payroll tax holiday, SS is insolvent in 2023, unless it is "fixed" before then.
So who is going to fund SS for us seniors?

Let me ask you a question: If you are Trump, stuck with an insane Nazi House of Reps which only cares about destroying you and refuses to work with you on anything, plus you got jammed up with Covid lockdowns and had to pay people tons of money because they were not allowed to work, what would YOU do to make it solvent?
There are many proposed SS fixes, all the lying DC coxuckers need to do is pick one or two and extend SS thru 2040 or 2050

Social Security fixes:
Raise the cap on payroll taxes and it's fixed with no pain.


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