Amnesty Denounce American Crimes


VIP Member
Sep 30, 2009
Obama talks ofen about justice but those terrorists cowboys still above justice!

Amnesty US Ignores Afghanistan War Crimes News teleSUR

ISIS joins other rebels to thwart Syria regime push near Lebanon
Tuesday, Mar. 4, 2014

Despite the reported falling out between radical rebels who belong to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and other, more moderate rebel factions, the two sides are cooperating to resist a Syrian government effort to retake a strategic region along the Lebanese border known as the Qalamoun.
The Syrian government and its Lebanese allies from the Hezbollah militant group announced last November that they’d launched an operation to clear the mountainous Qalamoun – including the key rebel-held city of Yabroud – in order to take control of the country’s main highway and break a key rebel supply route that links rebel strongholds in central Syria with the pro-rebel Lebanese city of Arsal.

But progress has been slow, as hundreds of ISIS fighters, as well as a unit of radical fighters from Saudi Arabia, have bolstered the rebel forces, according to Syrian activists who maintain close contact with radical groups that are fighting to topple the regime of President Bashar Assad.

ISIS joins other rebels to thwart Syria regime push near Lebanon - McClatchy DC News - The Sacramento Bee

Syrian Army Wins decisive Battle in Yabroud, Secures Damascus, Cuts off Supply from Lebanon
Sunday, Mar 16, 2014

The city of Yabroud and its surroundings in the northern countryside of Damascus have fallen under the control of the Syrian armed forces on Sunday, following a series of special operations with units of the armed forces carried out in cooperation with civil defense forces. Expelling mercenary brigades from the Yabroud area and its surroundings dealt a fatal blow to the insurgency and its foreign supporters and likely a key event that spells a near final defeat of major foreign-backed insurgencies.

The Syrian Arab News Agency SANA quotes one of its reporters on the scene as saying that army units have restored security and stability to Yabroud after they killed large numbers of mercenary terrorists who had been stationed in Yabroud and used it as a passage to allow the entry of arms and terrorists into Syria.

The army units, the reporter added, are now in the process of combing the neighborhoods in the city and dismantling the many explosive devices which the terrorists had planted at the entrances of the city and its neighborhoods and in front of the residents’ houses.

The reporter stressed that about 150 explosive devices of various weights and types, including magnetic and trip-wire improvised explosive devices which immediately explode upon touching, were dismantled, in addition to a number of mines

The terrorists had also made a number of car tire bombs and planted them in various areas across Yabroud city, particularly at its entrance, to prevent the Syrian army’s advance, said the reporter.

The SANA reporter said that taking Yabroud was a swift military operation and that it took less than 48 hours to seize control over the entire area after first seizing control over all the city’s entrances and the surrounding hills.

Syrian Army Wins decisive Battle in Yabroud Secures Damascus Cuts off Supply from Lebanon nsnbc international
Fuck Amnesty International.

They have long-since lost their objectivity - and their credibility - and do little more than throw rocks at the US and The West, while oftentimes turning a blind eye to so much worse that occurs on a regular basis throughout the domains of Islam, much of Africa, Asia, and even South America.
Fuck Amnesty International.

They have long-since lost their objectivity - and their credibility - and do little more than throw rocks at the US and The West, while oftentimes turning a blind eye to so much worse that occurs on a regular basis throughout the domains of Islam, much of Africa, Asia, and even South America.

Kondor---sorry to say----you are preaching to the choir. I (you remember me.....the brilliant one) have,, LONG AGO----noted
that the people who ---"people" some organizations-----are.......
well...sorta,, idiots. Those organizations devoted to love and
peace------seem to attract ----the DIM WITTED. Of those groups----are such groups as "AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL"----
but also....THE AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES jerks. Even
UNICEF is infected with the stupidity virus. Long ago---when I was young (and beautiful) I recall-----whilst in a lecture for the
HIGHLY EDUCATED YOUNG-----someone mentioned the
US GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT-------and one of our number---
one of the future leaders of America YELLED OUT ------"we steal most of it from the impoverished of south America and Asia"

you cannot argue with any group that PURPORTS to be
it's a sin

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