Amnesty is a scam by lobbyist!


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I hate to say this but I think a lot of the push for amnesty comes from corporations who want cheap labor because if we suddenly deport illegals that would mean many industries would be without their cheap labor. What better way to retain your favorite worker who might get deported next week.
No shit, Sherlock. But welcome to the beginnings of your conversion to conservatism and true comprehension. :) You're embarking on a magical, transformative journey. You're going to start understanding your true priorities and values. As you explore ways to expound on your values, you'll start to realize that the common notions of "liberal" and "conservative" are utter bullshit. You'll start to see that most people on both sides are fakes, neither side giving a shit about the people or anything other than their own selves.

Assuming that freedom and the well being of the people truly are your greatest values, you'll eventually find yourself amongst the ranks of the dying breed of creatures known as true conservatives. Eventually, you will realize that true liberals are extinct and replaced by corporate manufactured idiots, and that true conservativism has long been abandoned by corporate manufactured Conservatives In Name Only.

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