Among top LSAT scorers (170 or above), 82.5% are white, 15.6% are Asian, 1.6% Hispanic, and 0.3% black.

There is no game involved except in the minds of those who are upset to discover that the things they were taught and believed their entire lives about Black people turns out not to be true.

Structural, systemic racism against Black people in America was created, supported and perpetuated by white racists, based upon their white supremacists' beliefs. This, for all intents and purposes is something that is tangible in the sense that we can compile the laws, the court rulings, the public policies, the lynchings, the cross burnings, the decimation and utter destruction of prosperous Black neighborhood, communities, families and lives.

This was the status quo in the United States which disadvantaged Black people while favoring whites, irrespective of their racial leanings, for approximately 190 years. In other words, a white person did not have to be a racist in order to benefit from the Jim Crow laws that were put in place to control and oppress the lives of Black people, but many did nonetheless.

Then the Civil Rights Act of 1964 essentially made all of the laws, policies, and other trappings of racial segregation and discrimination in American society, null and void.

This provided the white members of society, who were NOT racist, a legal basis for moving forward and working towards the full integration of Black people into American society. What it did not do however is change the hearts and minds of those members of society who are white supremacists and believe in their own superiority and the alleged inferiority of Black people. They couldn't have cared less about any change in the laws that the Civil Rights Act brought about and we've heard them and seen them admit to both violating the laws and doing things to Black people to cause them harm, in direct contravention of all laws prohibiting such behaviors.

As previously mentioned, it's easy enough to point to all of "tangible" things that comprised the racist society of Jim Crow & it's predecessor. Trying to point to the alleged "absence" of those things the CRA outlawed, since they're pretty much intangible, is a very challenging task, particularly in light of the fact that although outlawed, the racial hatred and discrimination still exists in many of America's citizens.

This message board is a case in point because you have individuals who are in full knowledge of how historically the discrepancies between the races occurred but then continue on disingenuously pretending that all things between the races are [being] equal, then the only conclusion that can be drawn is that Black people are [allegedly] inferior and that collectively as a race this creates some intangible metric dubbed "Black failure".

It is beyond ironic that you've raised this "issue" in a thread about the LSAT which tests the student on their understanding of complex logical reasoning and critical thinking abilities.

It's understood that your tactics are a defense mechanism employed to prevent you and everyone else from having to acknowledge any of facts surrounding racism in America against Black people, including your own complicity in perpetuating said racism and the harm that it causes.

The biggest lie that you all keep telling is that racism is a thing of the past. If it is still occurring, and these are racial crimes and torts against Black people resulting in your alleged "Black failures", then logic dictates that they are carried out, utilizing the infrastructure put in place for those purposes, by white people "racists". Does that answer the "how" are your question?
Instead of making excuses for you failures, has it ever occurred to you to actually be fathers to the children you spawned and set decent examples of what they could be instead of the abject failures of their parents?
Structural, systemic racism against Black people in America was created, supported and perpetuated by white racists, based upon their white supremacists' beliefs.
You are correct

America was a racist country in a racist world where black people were not respected - even in Africa

Our story begins 500 years ago when Columbus discovered America and whites began buying black slaves from Arab slave traders who bought them from waring black african tribes

Bummer huh?

But that was 500 years ago and the Euro’s who first brought black slaves to the New World have long since taken pity on the slaves and reformed themselves

I cant do much about the low opinion towards black people that still exists around the world

Only black people themselves can fix that

But slavery was abolished 200 years ago

and in America today black people have the same legal rights as everyone else

I know thats not what you have been led to believe by some jive talking race hustler

But its a fact
Mac7 is ignorant.

According to the study, “Black Reparations for Twentieth Century Federal Housing Discrimination: the Construction of White Wealth and the Effects of Denied Black homeownership", Federal housing policies funding provided the equivalent of 1.239 quintillion dollars to create white wealth in the 20th century. Blacks were excluded from these same policies.

These handouts created the current white middle class. Whites would not have what they do now without this assistance. Then we have the 190 years of whites only in everything by written law. So when you say:

"You will talk about black failure every time you want something such as reparations or affirmative action."

You show that you're an ignorant mf who really should not be trying to debate highly intelligent blacks such as Newsvine or Currried Goats. I put your punk ass on ignore because you're a waste of my time. You and plagerist. Idiots.

Not one of you white racists could survive what each of us blacks here have endured in our lifetimes. You bitches are crying about discrimination against you because others have the same opportunity you have aways been given. You whine when one white boy can't get a job in a company that is 90 percent white. Nobody black could cry about racial discrimination in a job that's 90 percent black.

You talk about IQ and you're stump stupid. Nobody pays attention to what white racists publish about IQ on Stormfront or American Rennaissance. The fact is that the blacks in this thread have a far higher IQ than the whites in here making comments about black IQ's. At minimum, there are 2 blacks in here with graduate degrees as opposed to the ignorant whites here who apparenty have never seen college. So then in the final analysis, what we see is the failure of a white culture that created idiots like Mac7, Oddball, plagerist, hector, Lisa, Azralewhale, Westvall, el midget, and the king of fail Donald Trump.
And Biden is promoting the lesser people to seats on Federal courts. DEI destroying us bit-by-bit. Naturally, Democrats are behind all this.

What we are living in is a totally upside down world. Where fanatical left wingers never bring forth any solutions to the very harmful issues that minority communities face especially black folks. What Lefties do in topics like this is simply call people racist without ever offering up a solution. Interesting how that works isn’t it?

It is a form of treachery. Some form of the left-wing are pumped up on drugs and propaganda, but others know full well that they are engaging in lies. Like how they blame white people of history for the struggles of blacks today which is completely insane. Because when we look at world history, we can see that all over the world there has been success. Think about the great European Christian explorer Who had nothing and achieved greatness. Think about the European poor peasants who immigrated from Italy and Ireland to the United States with a few pennies in their pocket… and went on to become middle-class people or even some of the most wealthy around.

And yes we can talk about African empires, which built some of the finest architecture in the world history


Anybody who blames the white man or white history for the struggles of black Americans is either drugged up or evil.
The major corporations and power structures in America have racist hiring quotas that favor minorities. And left BLM supporters had the audacity to continue to complain about “racism against blacks in America”. It is truly a form of evil or again these left-wingers are pumped up on drugs and they just don’t know any better.

There is no white supremacy in any position of power in the USA. There is otoh extreme feminized pro-BLM weakness from a segment of left-wing white people Who treat blacks like babies. A result of that is degradation and dysfunction among the black majority inner city communities.

We need to have solutions to these issues to help out our fellow Americans citizens who are poor Black people. Notice the left-wing does not offer a solution to these issues. They will continue to blame white people or “white privilege.”
when we break down income by ethnicity of the USA. We can see that Indians and Filipinos make more money compared to white Americans. At the bottom of the list, are black Americans. Well I as a white man won’t say that Indians in Filipinos are privileged, that would be evil and a form of nastiness. Well clearly Indians and Filipinos are very hard workers, and they have a traditional value system that perhaps white and black Americans had decades ago.

These issues are not related to racism or anything like that. Not in the country like America 2024 it is due to hard work, determination, but in some way politicians can play a role not by racism, but for example by treating black folks like babies, being soft on crime in high crime areas…today we see the degradation and downfall of the nuclear family among black Americans. White Americans have a high divorce rate and dysfunction as well but these issues impact blacks more than anyone. Nobody in the political world even Republicans are being honest and talking truthfully about this issues maybe out of fear of being called a racist or something. …. it is a shame to see such filth and degradation in poor black majority communities.. that’s not right that this is occurring in America. It was not like this in the past.

It’s not because of racism that we have a lot of poverty and degradation in black majority communities. And Nobody has a right to rob anybody and get a slap on the wrist for it. Violent crime doesn’t occur in countries like Cambodia and Thailand. I visited these countries. I can walk around anywhere in these countries safely. But I cannot go to the intercity hoods of Chicago or Baltimore and walk around safely.

DEI and Black Lives Matter is a failure. It’s also a failure to see our soft on crime policies where you have a criminal with 50 previous arrests walking on the street. We need to go back to having meritocracy and respecting traditional values that our grandparents had. It starts with the family. One of the big reasons why black folks are overrepresented in prison and have the lowest income is because of the dysfunction among black families the massively high divorce rate the massively high child born out of wedlock rate. Hollywood and the media is in part to blame for that for preaching such filth and degradation. So again we need to go back to traditional values And respecting our grandparents.
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