Among top LSAT scorers (170 or above), 82.5% are white, 15.6% are Asian, 1.6% Hispanic, and 0.3% black.

When you dumb ass white right wing idiots recognize that you have never earned anything on merit, America will be a better place.
Says the guy posting from a computer or smart phone via the internet all invented by……..
Says the guy posting from a computer or smart phone via the internet all invented by……..
Do you think you as a white guy get a participation trophy for those inventions? This is partly what he's talking about. You think you're something by virtue of some other white a hundred years ago inventing something. :laugh:
Beatiality? Is that a Jamaican thing? Never heard of it.
You've heard of misspelling though right? See when you're not frail it's okay to admit what you did. I misspelt a word and you fantasized about beastiality. Those are all facts. You should learn to be emotionally mature enough to accept them. :itsok: :laugh:
You've heard of misspelling though right? See when you're not frail it's okay to admit what you did. I misspelt a word and you fantasized about beastiality. Those are all facts. You should learn to be emotionally mature enough to accept them. :itsok: :laugh:
You're not in Nigeria or Jamaica anymore. Your boyfriend, fine, but some things are off limits in civilized countries.
And Biden is promoting the lesser people to seats on Federal courts. DEI destroying us bit-by-bit. Naturally, Democrats are behind all this.

Q: What is the makeup of black law students viz. the population demographic?

That blacks, in general, score lower in tests like the LSAT isn't news....But we can't have an accurate percentage until that number is reflected in the stats.

Just sayin'.
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Meathead said:
You're not in Nigeria or Jamaica anymore. Your boyfriend, fine, but some things are off limits in civilized countries.

Oh, is your beastiality fan fiction going to contain a love story? :dunno: :laugh:
Just because you are a member of a group that statistically has low intelligence does not mean that YOU have low intelligence. But whatever that group is with statistically low intelligence, that low intelligence will be reflected in the "success" of that group in society, no matter what you consider "success." The same is also true on the other side of the Bell Curve. There are stupid Asians and Ashkenazi Jews in our midst.

ANY VALID intelligence or competence test, when viewed demographically, will reflect the same general distribution of "success" as intelligence tests reflect for each demographic group. So if you are talking about SAT tests or LSAT tests or MCAT's or anything else that measures competence, the curve will closely follow the curve of intelligence tests.

The Bell Curve is the best illustration of how these differences plays out, and its validity has been shown in countless areas. People of Black African ancestry and "Hispanics" (I personally hate that term), generally score a full Standard Deviation below the Mean in measured intelligence. WHAT THIS MEANS IS, if there is a higher-than-average standard for selection to basically anything, Blacks and Hispanics will have a far lower percentage of their representatives meeting that standard. So if you have a population that is 12% African-American, you cannot expect that 12% of the successful individuals to be African-American.

Specifically, let's say that it takes an IQ of 115 or better (one Standard Deviation above the Mean) in order to score well enough on the LSAT to get into the least competitive law school in the land. Only 32% of the general population has an IQ high enough to meet that threshold; but only 5% of Blacks do. If the standard is 130 IQ, then 5% of the general population can meet it, but only 3/10 of one percent of African Americans will meet the standard. Look at PhD's in STEM subjects. Blacks are a fraction of one percent, even though educational institutions have been giving them a break for generations.

Finally, it's worth saying that these tests are designed NOT to be susceptible to significant changes when taking prep courses or taking the test multiple times. They have been writing these tests for decades and if you could significantly improve you score like that then the tests would have little validity and nobody would pay attention to them. You hear anecdotally that some kids went from a poor score to a great score, but that generally only happens when there was a problem of some kind with the first test. The student didn't understand the best strategy or something. In most cases the second try will not be significantly better than the first one.

The LSAT test results at the top of this thread are not the least bit surprising.
Oh, is your beastiality fan fiction going to contain a love story? :dunno: :laugh:
If the Starliner launch occurs today and is successful, it will still cost near two times more per astronaut to launch into low earth orbit as compared to Space X. DEI. We will never reduce real poverty with these games.
Just because you are a member of a group that statistically has low intelligence does not mean that YOU have low intelligence. But whatever that group is with statistically low intelligence, that low intelligence will be reflected in the "success" of that group in society, no matter what you consider "success." The same is also true on the other side of the Bell Curve. There are stupid Asians and Ashkenazi Jews in our midst.

ANY VALID intelligence or competence test, when viewed demographically, will reflect the same general distribution of "success" as intelligence tests reflect for each demographic group. So if you are talking about SAT tests or LSAT tests or MCAT's or anything else that measures competence, the curve will closely follow the curve of intelligence tests.

The Bell Curve is the best illustration of how these differences plays out, and its validity has been shown in countless areas. People of Black African ancestry and "Hispanics" (I personally hate that term), generally score a full Standard Deviation below the Mean in measured intelligence. WHAT THIS MEANS IS, if there is a higher-than-average standard for selection to basically anything, Blacks and Hispanics will have a far lower percentage of their representatives meeting that standard. So if you have a population that is 12% African-American, you cannot expect that 12% of the successful individuals to be African-American.

Specifically, let's say that it takes an IQ of 115 or better (one Standard Deviation above the Mean) in order to score well enough on the LSAT to get into the least competitive law school in the land. Only 32% of the general population has an IQ high enough to meet that threshold; but only 5% of Blacks do. If the standard is 130 IQ, then 5% of the general population can meet it, but only 3/10 of one percent of African Americans will meet the standard. Look at PhD's in STEM subjects. Blacks are a fraction of one percent, even though educational institutions have been giving them a break for generations.

Finally, it's worth saying that these tests are designed NOT to be susceptible to significant changes when taking prep courses or taking the test multiple times. They have been writing these tests for decades and if you could significantly improve you score like that then the tests would have little validity and nobody would pay attention to them. You hear anecdotally that some kids went from a poor score to a great score, but that generally only happens when there was a problem of some kind with the first test. The student didn't understand the best strategy or something. In most cases the second try will not be significantly better than the first one.

The LSAT test results at the top of this thread are not the least bit surprising.
Here's how we know all of this is bullshit. Average IQ's have been increasing by about 3 points per decade as per the Flynn affect. That means today's Black Americans have around the same average IQ as the generation of Americans who whites call the Greatest generation and even though that generation has a lower IQ than the much more progressive white generation of today, you old fuckers still think you know better than them. So none of this is really a basis for your beliefs. They're just an excuse for your racism and you cherry pick how to apply these facts to arrive at your racist conclusions.
  • Fact
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Just because you are a member of a group that statistically has low intelligence does not mean that YOU have low intelligence. But whatever that group is with statistically low intelligence, that low intelligence will be reflected in the "success" of that group in society, no matter what you consider "success." The same is also true on the other side of the Bell Curve. There are stupid Asians and Ashkenazi Jews in our midst.

ANY VALID intelligence or competence test, when viewed demographically, will reflect the same general distribution of "success" as intelligence tests reflect for each demographic group. So if you are talking about SAT tests or LSAT tests or MCAT's or anything else that measures competence, the curve will closely follow the curve of intelligence tests.

The Bell Curve is the best illustration of how these differences plays out, and its validity has been shown in countless areas. People of Black African ancestry and "Hispanics" (I personally hate that term), generally score a full Standard Deviation below the Mean in measured intelligence. WHAT THIS MEANS IS, if there is a higher-than-average standard for selection to basically anything, Blacks and Hispanics will have a far lower percentage of their representatives meeting that standard. So if you have a population that is 12% African-American, you cannot expect that 12% of the successful individuals to be African-American.

Specifically, let's say that it takes an IQ of 115 or better (one Standard Deviation above the Mean) in order to score well enough on the LSAT to get into the least competitive law school in the land. Only 32% of the general population has an IQ high enough to meet that threshold; but only 5% of Blacks do. If the standard is 130 IQ, then 5% of the general population can meet it, but only 3/10 of one percent of African Americans will meet the standard. Look at PhD's in STEM subjects. Blacks are a fraction of one percent, even though educational institutions have been giving them a break for generations.

Finally, it's worth saying that these tests are designed NOT to be susceptible to significant changes when taking prep courses or taking the test multiple times. They have been writing these tests for decades and if you could significantly improve you score like that then the tests would have little validity and nobody would pay attention to them. You hear anecdotally that some kids went from a poor score to a great score, but that generally only happens when there was a problem of some kind with the first test. The student didn't understand the best strategy or something. In most cases the second try will not be significantly better than the first one.

The LSAT test results at the top of this thread are not the least bit surprising.

Talking out his ass again ^^^^^.
Right. According to the one thing you imagine is more important than real world experience. Maybe that's why the real world, where a Black man just convicted your favorite white on 34 felony counts, confuses and upsets your Simp feelings. :itsok: :laugh:
“Real world experience” is just your work-around for black academic qualifications and performance

Rather than raise blacks up you want to dumb everyone down to their level
Here's how we know all of this is bullshit. Average IQ's have been increasing by about 3 points per decade as per the Flynn affect. That means today's Black Americans have around the same average IQ as the generation of Americans who whites call the Greatest generation and even though that generation has a lower IQ than the much more progressive white generation of today, you old fuckers still think you know better than them. So none of this is really a basis for your beliefs. They're just an excuse for your racism and you cherry pick how to apply these facts to arrive at your racist conclusions.
Low intelligence is evident when it has been determined that IQ tests don't prove intelligence but people keep repeating debunked garbage as if it's fact.
Really? Why don't you try showing this evidence you have that makes you believe my picture is fake?

Because you can't.

You look like a retarded school janitor, but we know you're a lower class old white fag than even that.
Your whole game is to blame all black failure on white people
There is no game involved except in the minds of those who are upset to discover that the things they were taught and believed their entire lives about Black people turns out not to be true.

Structural, systemic racism against Black people in America was created, supported and perpetuated by white racists, based upon their white supremacists' beliefs. This, for all intents and purposes is something that is tangible in the sense that we can compile the laws, the court rulings, the public policies, the lynchings, the cross burnings, the decimation and utter destruction of prosperous Black neighborhood, communities, families and lives.

This was the status quo in the United States which disadvantaged Black people while favoring whites, irrespective of their racial leanings, for approximately 190 years. In other words, a white person did not have to be a racist in order to benefit from the Jim Crow laws that were put in place to control and oppress the lives of Black people, but many did nonetheless.

Then the Civil Rights Act of 1964 essentially made all of the laws, policies, and other trappings of racial segregation and discrimination in American society, null and void.

This provided the white members of society, who were NOT racist, a legal basis for moving forward and working towards the full integration of Black people into American society. What it did not do however is change the hearts and minds of those members of society who are white supremacists and believe in their own superiority and the alleged inferiority of Black people. They couldn't have cared less about any change in the laws that the Civil Rights Act brought about and we've heard them and seen them admit to both violating the laws and doing things to Black people to cause them harm, in direct contravention of all laws prohibiting such behaviors.

As previously mentioned, it's easy enough to point to all of "tangible" things that comprised the racist society of Jim Crow & it's predecessor. Trying to point to the alleged "absence" of those things the CRA outlawed, since they're pretty much intangible, is a very challenging task, particularly in light of the fact that although outlawed, the racial hatred and discrimination still exists in many of America's citizens.

This message board is a case in point because you have individuals who are in full knowledge of how historically the discrepancies between the races occurred but then continue on disingenuously pretending that all things between the races are [being] equal, then the only conclusion that can be drawn is that Black people are [allegedly] inferior and that collectively as a race this creates some intangible metric dubbed "Black failure".

It is beyond ironic that you've raised this "issue" in a thread about the LSAT which tests the student on their understanding of complex logical reasoning and critical thinking abilities.

It's understood that your tactics are a defense mechanism employed to prevent you and everyone else from having to acknowledge any of facts surrounding racism in America against Black people, including your own complicity in perpetuating said racism and the harm that it causes.

The biggest lie that you all keep telling is that racism is a thing of the past. If it is still occurring, and these are racial crimes and torts against Black people resulting in your alleged "Black failures", then logic dictates that they are carried out, utilizing the infrastructure put in place for those purposes, by white people "racists". Does that answer the "how" are your question?
Your whole game is to blame all black failure on white people
  • Brilliant
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Really? Why don't you try showing this evidence you have that makes you believe my picture is fake?

Because you can't.
Already been done. But you never accepted my challenge. Retake "your" pic. Put that white shirt on your couch. Fold the right sleeve. Place "your" hat there. Put your left hand in the pic. And then, post a sign that reads USMessageBoard. You can't.

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