Among Trump's first year accomplishments finally beating ISIS, but where is the MSM?

If trump beat ISIS, Obama got Bin Laden. Remember all the assertions by the RWNJ's that it was our Special Forces that got Bin Laden, not Obama?
We are finally beating ISIS, but media won't give Trump credit

"As many of you will recall, one of President Trump's core campaign promises was to defeat ISIS. With the stunning fall of Mosul in June, and now with ISIS nearly eradicated from Raqqa, it is clear that ISIS's so-called caliphate is crumbling across Iraq and Syria," Sanders said.

Topic most covered: controversy over President Trump's delay in contacting service members killed in action after an ambush in Niger/feud with Democratic congresswoman over remarks made to one KIA soldier's family.
That got 25 questions total out of 48 total questions asked.

Coming in second were questions on tax reform/tax cuts (6 questions), followed by health care (3), California wildfires (2), James Comey (2), 20-week abortion ban (1), Fed chair appointment (1), opioid epidemic (1), renewable fuel standards during conversation with Iowa governor (1), NFL anthem protests (1), bump-stock ban (1), Puerto Rico (1), NAFTA (1), Kurdish plan for independence from Iraq (1).

The 48th and final question concerned the ISIS fall in Raqqa. It came from Trey Yingst of One America News Network, a right-leaning cable news network headquartered in San Diego.

"You opened up at the top discussing the liberation of Raqqa," Yingst noted. "So my question for you is: How does the president envision future U.S. involvement in both Syria and Iraq, post-ISIS?"

Add it all up, and 52 percent of the questions asked of the press secretary focused on the president's calls to fallen soldiers and a fight with a Democratic congresswoman over one call where both sides dispute what was said.
We are finally beating ISIS, but media won't give Trump credit

Where with such emphasis on ISIS in the past has this monumental accomplishment gone unnoticed?
936 stories in the News!
While Trump's calls to fallen soldiers?
over 368 results!View attachment 167736
View attachment 167735
We've not "beaten ISIS" by a long shot. It is good that soldiers from the Middle East have pushed ISIS out of it's claimed territory. They couldn't have done it without our support and bombs, and it is a big deal, but we're nowhere close to shutting those fuckers down. says "beating ISIS", meaning in process, unlike Obama's BS efforts.
Obama's "BS" efforts set the stage and had taken back 40% of ISIS held territory in Iraq before Trump took office, and it was done by Muslims, not Americans.
Obama was also "beating ISIS."
Glad they're out of the caliphate, but you're politicizing this way too much. Try being reasonable for once.

Obama ARMED ISIS in Syria, Al Qaeda too.
Yes Obama was a cofounder of ISIS, but don’t say that to some Americans. They don’t like the truth.
If trump beat ISIS, Obama got Bin Laden. Remember all the assertions by the RWNJ's that it was our Special Forces that got Bin Laden, not Obama?
You are partially right! Obama did NOTHING to HELP get Osama because the plans were put in place BEFORE Obama was president.
Now it was the onerous ROEs that Obama directed OUR military to operate under that TRUMP removed that has allow ISIS to be removed from 94% of Iraq/Syria.
So in that case Trump let the military do what the military is best at doing and didn't micromanage the military as Obama had done.
We are finally beating ISIS, but media won't give Trump credit

"As many of you will recall, one of President Trump's core campaign promises was to defeat ISIS. With the stunning fall of Mosul in June, and now with ISIS nearly eradicated from Raqqa, it is clear that ISIS's so-called caliphate is crumbling across Iraq and Syria," Sanders said.

Topic most covered: controversy over President Trump's delay in contacting service members killed in action after an ambush in Niger/feud with Democratic congresswoman over remarks made to one KIA soldier's family.
That got 25 questions total out of 48 total questions asked.

Coming in second were questions on tax reform/tax cuts (6 questions), followed by health care (3), California wildfires (2), James Comey (2), 20-week abortion ban (1), Fed chair appointment (1), opioid epidemic (1), renewable fuel standards during conversation with Iowa governor (1), NFL anthem protests (1), bump-stock ban (1), Puerto Rico (1), NAFTA (1), Kurdish plan for independence from Iraq (1).

The 48th and final question concerned the ISIS fall in Raqqa. It came from Trey Yingst of One America News Network, a right-leaning cable news network headquartered in San Diego.

"You opened up at the top discussing the liberation of Raqqa," Yingst noted. "So my question for you is: How does the president envision future U.S. involvement in both Syria and Iraq, post-ISIS?"

Add it all up, and 52 percent of the questions asked of the press secretary focused on the president's calls to fallen soldiers and a fight with a Democratic congresswoman over one call where both sides dispute what was said.
We are finally beating ISIS, but media won't give Trump credit

Where with such emphasis on ISIS in the past has this monumental accomplishment gone unnoticed?
936 stories in the News!
While Trump's calls to fallen soldiers?
over 368 results!View attachment 167736
View attachment 167735
We've not "beaten ISIS" by a long shot. It is good that soldiers from the Middle East have pushed ISIS out of it's claimed territory. They couldn't have done it without our support and bombs, and it is a big deal, but we're nowhere close to shutting those fuckers down. says "beating ISIS", meaning in process, unlike Obama's BS efforts.
Obama's "BS" efforts set the stage and had taken back 40% of ISIS held territory in Iraq before Trump took office, and it was done by Muslims, not Americans.
Obama was also "beating ISIS."
Glad they're out of the caliphate, but you're politicizing this way too much. Try being reasonable for once.

Where did you come up with the figure 40% ISIS territory by Obama?
In 2014 ISIS controlled 35,000 sq. miles.
End of 2016 ISIS controlled 23,000 sq. miles meaning 12,000 miles less under ISIS or 34%
But by end of 2017 ISIS controlled is down to 4%
Analysis | Trump’s claim that he’s done more ‘by far’ than Obama in the fight against ISIS

With new losses Friday, the Islamic State group has been driven from more than 96 percent of the large parts of Iraq and Syria it once held, crushing its goal of establishing a “caliphate” in the region.
So sq miles down to less then 4% or 1,400 sq. miles at the end of 2017 a loss then in 2017 of 93% of the 23,000 miles at the start of 2017.

So tell me you still hold on to "40%" when in fact it was less then 34% AND over 3 years to wrest back from ISIS by the bumbling never had military experience Obama...while
Trump in his first year and a military school graduate, was able to take back in less then a year over 60% of the original 35,000 sq. miles!

Again... Obama with NO military experience wanted to be so politically correct that the military had one arm always tied behind their back...Trump knowing that it is always
best to let people trained for what they are to do...let them do it! Stupid ROEs among other reasons helped untie the military's restraints and in less then a year almost all the
ISIS caliphate is gone!

The Iraqis beat ISIS with some help from the US. Thanks to Obama.

We are finally beating ISIS, but media won't give Trump credit
"As many of you will recall, one of President Trump's core campaign promises was to defeat ISIS. With the stunning fall of Mosul in June, and now with ISIS nearly eradicated from Raqqa, it is clear that ISIS's so-called caliphate is crumbling across Iraq and Syria," Sanders said.
"This eminent victory by the global coalition and our brave service members comes at a high cost," she continued, "particularly to the Syrian Democratic Forces who suffered many casualties as they fought to liberate their own country from the oppression of ISIS."

But one would think the topic would be broached in the form of a question in at least the first 40 questions asked.
It did not.
Here's what the White House press corps decided the narrative would be on Wednesday instead.
Topic most covered: controversy over President Trump's delay in contacting service members killed in action after an ambush in Niger/feud with Democratic congresswoman over remarks made to one KIA soldier's family. That got 25 questions total out of 48 total questions asked.
We are finally beating ISIS, but media won't give Trump credit


Yup... there will always be idiots like you and ISIS stragglers that hate democracy, are intolerant of religious beliefs!
Have to eradicate them all...over time.
But in the meantime the number one reason that less then 4% of the 25,000 square miles of land ISIS claimed is this:

It had to do with the people I put in and it had to do with rules of engagement,” said Trump in a Tuesday interview on The Chris Plante Show, when asked why ISIS was in retreat. “We weren’t fighting to win [before Trump came to office], we were fighting to be politically correct.”
Trump said that he had changed the rules of engagement and devolved more power to his generals, resulting in a more effective and efficient military strategy.

The White House used to get calls, ‘Can we do this? Can we do that?’ to places and in places that they’d never even heard of. And by the time they’d got back a week and two and three weeks later, there was no fight left, OK. It was ridiculous.
“So I totally changed the rules of engagement, I totally changed our military, I totally changed the attitudes of the military and they have done a fantastic job,
said Trump. “ISIS is now giving up, they’re giving up, they’re raising their hands, they’re walking off—nobody’s ever seen that before.”

What I do is I authorize my military. We have the greatest military in the world and they’ve done a job as usual. We have given them total authorization and that’s what they're doing. Frankly, that’s why they’ve been so successful lately.”

Former President Barack Obama was famously a micromanager of the military, and the difference between the two presidents’ approaches was encapsulated in an anecdote told by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and reported in The Washingtonian.
Graham relayed a phone call between Mattis and Trump, where the defense secretary asked for permission to send 50 U.S. soldiers to a village outside Raqqa.

“Why are you calling me?” said Trump. “I don’t know where this village is at.” Mattis replied: Well, that’s what we’ve done for the last eight years.Trump then asked Mattis who wanted to send troops into the village. A major, first in his class at West Point,” Mattis replied. “Why do you think I know more about that than he does?” Trump replied, according to Graham, before hanging up.

Trump’s change in approach has been praised by Mattis and other generals, who say it has allowed them to take the fight to ISIS without waiting on approval from the White House. “No longer will we have slowed decision cycles because Washington, D.C. has to authorize tactical movements on the ground,” said Mattis at a Pentagon press conference in May.

President Trump’s claim that he “changed the rules of engagement” appears to have some support among military figures, who have expressed appreciation of greater leeway and authority in directing anti-ISIS operations

President Trump thinks he is responsible for defeat of ISIS in Raqqa. Is he?

You and your fellow idiots don't comprehend that Trump let's people who are more informed, better equipped than he is to make decisions like the above!
That's what a good experienced business person does! Trust your people that you have hired and fire those that are not doing the job...i.e. Comey,etc.!
We've not "beaten ISIS" by a long shot. It is good that soldiers from the Middle East have pushed ISIS out of it's claimed territory. They couldn't have done it without our support and bombs, and it is a big deal, but we're nowhere close to shutting those fuckers down. says "beating ISIS", meaning in process, unlike Obama's BS efforts.
Obama's "BS" efforts set the stage and had taken back 40% of ISIS held territory in Iraq before Trump took office, and it was done by Muslims, not Americans.
Obama was also "beating ISIS."
Glad they're out of the caliphate, but you're politicizing this way too much. Try being reasonable for once.

Where did you come up with the figure 40% ISIS territory by Obama?
In 2014 ISIS controlled 35,000 sq. miles.
End of 2016 ISIS controlled 23,000 sq. miles meaning 12,000 miles less under ISIS or 34%
But by end of 2017 ISIS controlled is down to 4%
Analysis | Trump’s claim that he’s done more ‘by far’ than Obama in the fight against ISIS

With new losses Friday, the Islamic State group has been driven from more than 96 percent of the large parts of Iraq and Syria it once held, crushing its goal of establishing a “caliphate” in the region.
So sq miles down to less then 4% or 1,400 sq. miles at the end of 2017 a loss then in 2017 of 93% of the 23,000 miles at the start of 2017.

So tell me you still hold on to "40%" when in fact it was less then 34% AND over 3 years to wrest back from ISIS by the bumbling never had military experience Obama...while
Trump in his first year and a military school graduate, was able to take back in less then a year over 60% of the original 35,000 sq. miles!

Again... Obama with NO military experience wanted to be so politically correct that the military had one arm always tied behind their back...Trump knowing that it is always
best to let people trained for what they are to do...let them do it! Stupid ROEs among other reasons helped untie the military's restraints and in less then a year almost all the
ISIS caliphate is gone!

The Iraqis beat ISIS with some help from the US. Thanks to Obama.

We are finally beating ISIS, but media won't give Trump credit
"As many of you will recall, one of President Trump's core campaign promises was to defeat ISIS. With the stunning fall of Mosul in June, and now with ISIS nearly eradicated from Raqqa, it is clear that ISIS's so-called caliphate is crumbling across Iraq and Syria," Sanders said.
"This eminent victory by the global coalition and our brave service members comes at a high cost," she continued, "particularly to the Syrian Democratic Forces who suffered many casualties as they fought to liberate their own country from the oppression of ISIS."

But one would think the topic would be broached in the form of a question in at least the first 40 questions asked.
It did not.
Here's what the White House press corps decided the narrative would be on Wednesday instead.
Topic most covered: controversy over President Trump's delay in contacting service members killed in action after an ambush in Niger/feud with Democratic congresswoman over remarks made to one KIA soldier's family. That got 25 questions total out of 48 total questions asked.
We are finally beating ISIS, but media won't give Trump credit

I can't believe they are still going on about that shit.

And I recall how much the lefties ridiculed Trump for claiming he would defeat ISIS.

They do need to be served up a nice plate of crow.
What did trump do to beat isis!?
He removed the GOD-AWFUL Military-hand-cuffing Rules Of Engagement Islamic Extremist Sympathizing / Enabling Obama had put in place.

One of his most egregious Rules of Engagement (ROE) he had not only imposed on OUR military but also on the militaries of our ALLIES was the mandate that made the ISIS-owned/controlled Black Market Oil facilities and assets, which funded 50% of its terror attacks / activities 'OFF LIMITS' - no one could strike them.

Trump can't take credit for getting rid of THAT dumbass ROE. Almost immediately after Obama declared from France that he had 'isolated' ISIS In the Middle East ISIS perpetrated the biggest attack on France, in Paris, since WWII. Immediately after that attack French and Russian forces began preparing for air strikes on ISIS' Black Market oil fields and assets, effectively killing that existing Obama ROE. Did Obama order the military to join in as part of the response to the heinous terrorist attack on one of our allied coalition partners in the war on terror? No... Instead, Obama 'committed treason'. He ordered US planes to DROP LEAFLETTS DOWN TO THE TERRORISTS AT THE OIL FACILITIES WARNING THEM AN ATTACK WAS COMING.

When Trump became President, though, he talked to the military leaders / commanders and ended up cutting them loose, removing Obama's handcuffs. Since then the US military has been kicking terrorist the OP's link states.
What did trump do to beat isis!?
He stopped funding and supplying them like his predecessor

Yeah, Barry would not provide weapons to Ukrainians facing a Russian invasion, after the United States had vowed to help the Ukraine protect its sovereign borders...but he gave money and weapons to the Muslim Brotherhood, to Al Qaeida, to ISIS, to Hezbollah, and to Mexican Drug Cartels....

I am so glad Trump cut the delivery of weapons to terrorists in Syria!

(For all his funding, supplying, arming, training, protecting, and defending of terrorists, resulting in the deaths of countless people around the world, to include Americans, Barry should be stripped of his Nobel 'Peace' Prize...)
We are finally beating ISIS, but media won't give Trump credit

Two days ago........

ISIS claims responsibility for deadly suicide bombing in Afghanistan ...

Islamic State's defeat could result in 'ISIS 2.0 or al-Qaeda 3.0'

Yup... there will always be idiots like you and ISIS stragglers that hate democracy, are intolerant of religious beliefs!

Let's see......I remind you that ISIS may be far from dead........and your half brain "concludes".........LOL

there will always be idiots like you and ISIS stragglers that hate democracy, are intolerant of religious beliefs!
After all....Trump does know more than the Generals

Again, to be "fair"...If any general ever wanted to learn how to royally screw sub-contractors when building a golf course, WHO BETTER than to ask Trump???

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