Amtrack Driver Did Not Mention He Was Driving 80 MPH When Calling For Help.

Don't trains have brakes anymore? Anyone driving?
This is the problem with all that automatic shit. If it isn't working, you're in trouble.
The engineer was driving the train, nothing automatic is on there to stop it.

We live in a world where airplanes take off and land themselves, trucks and cars drive themselves, we have transit trains running without a human operator and yet a train that goes on the same track everyday doesn't use an automated system. It boggles my mind.

You know, you've got a point Papa. We've got a whole bunch of transportation that can safely drive itself, but trains are still left in the dark ages.


They don't go anywhere except where the tracks run.

I'll bet Hillary Clinton or some other liberal had something to do with that rain leaving the tracks. I have heard that she is ugly enough to make a train take a dirt road. Maybe it was trying to get on the interstate to avoid her!

Self driving cars stay on the roads. What's your point? If they had some kind of automatic driving system they wouldn't take curves at higher than suggested speeds. That is kinda what the PTC system is supposed to do.

Those things cost money. Why do we need a redundant system? Isn't that why that Amtrak soaks up so many tax dollars already?

Redundant systems are also known as back up systems. You don't think that redundant safety features should be required for passenger trains? I do.
The engineer was driving the train, nothing automatic is on there to stop it.

We live in a world where airplanes take off and land themselves, trucks and cars drive themselves, we have transit trains running without a human operator and yet a train that goes on the same track everyday doesn't use an automated system. It boggles my mind.

You know, you've got a point Papa. We've got a whole bunch of transportation that can safely drive itself, but trains are still left in the dark ages.


They don't go anywhere except where the tracks run.

I'll bet Hillary Clinton or some other liberal had something to do with that rain leaving the tracks. I have heard that she is ugly enough to make a train take a dirt road. Maybe it was trying to get on the interstate to avoid her!

Self driving cars stay on the roads. What's your point? If they had some kind of automatic driving system they wouldn't take curves at higher than suggested speeds. That is kinda what the PTC system is supposed to do.

Those things cost money. Why do we need a redundant system? Isn't that why that Amtrak soaks up so many tax dollars already?

Redundant systems are also known as back up systems. You don't think that redundant safety features should be required for passenger trains? I do.

How about we just do away with Amtrak and eliminate the problem that way?

My daughter once took trip from Florida to DC for her middle school field trip. The system is so great they had to go all the way to Philadelphia and then take bus back to DC.

One of her friends wanted to ride the train to come visit this Christmas, so we looked at Amtrak. To get from NC to KY, she would have to travel all the way to the northeast and backtrack to Cincinnati over a period of 25 hours and would still be required to travel over 5 hours by car on either end of the trip.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but if there is a speed limit for a train, what is it?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If I have ever been on one, I was too young to remember being on it now.

Yes, in many areas there are speed limits of how fast the train can go.
Train Engineer said screw speed limits. They are just needless regulations. Trump says we don't need no regulation! Just take the brakes off & watch it go!!!
Train Engineer said screw speed limits. They are just needless regulations. Trump says we don't need no regulation! Just take the brakes off & watch it go!!!

You don't know what happened, you are as stupid as the people that claimed antifa was responsible. You morons all need to take a hike and start living in reality.
Instead of rushing to make driverless 18-Wheelers maybe we should work on the driverless train. It has to be safer. These fuckwads driving 80 in a 30 zone should go to prison for life.

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