Amy Barrett Can Be in SCOTUS Next Month if Republicans Have the Balls

Any Barrett is my choice. She has outstanding credentials. I wonder how many fake people the Dims will try to trot out and try to destroy her?
What about her credentials do you like?
Any Barrett is my choice. She has outstanding credentials. I wonder how many fake people the Dims will try to trot out and try to destroy her?
What about her credentials do you like?
She is brilliant. She graduated magna cum laude undergrad and first in Law School class. She is considered one of the best legal minds in the Country.
Ive been reading up on her. She does sound smart and I haven’t seen glaring objectionable Areas. She does however seem very light in experience. I’m not seeing the credentials you speak of. Good education, clerked for Scalia, taught law in college, served as judge in the appellate court since 2017. That’s not a very long time and feels like a pretty light resume for SCOTUS. You don’t think so?
Thanks to Reid, no filibuster.
53-47 party line vote.
50-50 minus Romney, Collins, Murkowski.
Pence comes in, 51-50.

Now can Trump crack the whip hard enough.
What about "the American people deserve a choice"?

Or are you saying that republicans are just lying, hypocritical, shit-bags?
They always were lying hypocritical shit bags on this. Don’t remember their other arguments? A conservative justice should be replaced with a conservative justice? No president should be allowed to fill more than two vacancies?
Yup. I've been keeping track. So far in their thread it's "lying, hypocritical shit-bags" 5, "the American people deserve a choice" 0.

Dude, you're killing me. Please don't stop! :lol:
Doesn’t sound like you’re here to have a real discussion about Barrett. I’ll move onto somebody else who actually knows what they are talking about

I directly mentioned her qualifications which you agreed with. The Butt-hurt crowd deserves to be mocked, You don't like it...too bad,
Any Barrett is my choice. She has outstanding credentials. I wonder how many fake people the Dims will try to trot out and try to destroy her?
What about her credentials do you like?
Any Barrett is my choice. She has outstanding credentials. I wonder how many fake people the Dims will try to trot out and try to destroy her?
What about her credentials do you like?
She is brilliant. She graduated magna cum laude undergrad and first in Law School class. She is considered one of the best legal minds in the Country.
Ive been reading up on her. She does sound smart and I haven’t seen glaring objectionable Areas. She does however seem very light in experience. I’m not seeing the credentials you speak of. Good education, clerked for Scalia, taught law in college, served as judge in the appellate court since 2017. That’s not a very long time and feels like a pretty light resume for SCOTUS. You don’t think so?

She is 48 years old. Over three years at the Appellate level directly below the Supreme Court. She is plenty qualified.
3 years is rookie status but you are entitled to your opinion
Any Barrett is my choice. She has outstanding credentials. I wonder how many fake people the Dims will try to trot out and try to destroy her?
What about her credentials do you like?
Any Barrett is my choice. She has outstanding credentials. I wonder how many fake people the Dims will try to trot out and try to destroy her?
What about her credentials do you like?
She is brilliant. She graduated magna cum laude undergrad and first in Law School class. She is considered one of the best legal minds in the Country.
Ive been reading up on her. She does sound smart and I haven’t seen glaring objectionable Areas. She does however seem very light in experience. I’m not seeing the credentials you speak of. Good education, clerked for Scalia, taught law in college, served as judge in the appellate court since 2017. That’s not a very long time and feels like a pretty light resume for SCOTUS. You don’t think so?
Thanks to Reid, no filibuster.
53-47 party line vote.
50-50 minus Romney, Collins, Murkowski.
Pence comes in, 51-50.

Now can Trump crack the whip hard enough.
What about "the American people deserve a choice"?

Or are you saying that republicans are just lying, hypocritical, shit-bags?
They always were lying hypocritical shit bags on this. Don’t remember their other arguments? A conservative justice should be replaced with a conservative justice? No president should be allowed to fill more than two vacancies?
Yup. I've been keeping track. So far in their thread it's "lying, hypocritical shit-bags" 5, "the American people deserve a choice" 0.

Dude, you're killing me. Please don't stop! :lol:
Doesn’t sound like you’re here to have a real discussion about Barrett. I’ll move onto somebody else who actually knows what they are talking about

I directly mentioned her qualifications which you agreed with. The Butt-hurt crowd deserves to be mocked, You don't like it...too bad,
Oh please. All you really care is that she's got an "R" in front of her name.
So, you're going with "lying, hypocritical shit-bags" as well?

Popular choice amount republicans.

For the last 50 years or so.


Any Barrett is my choice. She has outstanding credentials. I wonder how many fake people the Dims will try to trot out and try to destroy her?
What about her credentials do you like?
Any Barrett is my choice. She has outstanding credentials. I wonder how many fake people the Dims will try to trot out and try to destroy her?
What about her credentials do you like?
She is brilliant. She graduated magna cum laude undergrad and first in Law School class. She is considered one of the best legal minds in the Country.
Ive been reading up on her. She does sound smart and I haven’t seen glaring objectionable Areas. She does however seem very light in experience. I’m not seeing the credentials you speak of. Good education, clerked for Scalia, taught law in college, served as judge in the appellate court since 2017. That’s not a very long time and feels like a pretty light resume for SCOTUS. You don’t think so?

She is 48 years old. Over three years at the Appellate level directly below the Supreme Court. She is plenty qualified.
3 years is rookie status but you are entitled to your opinion
How many years did Kagan serve on the bench? Does zero sound about right?

Any Barrett is my choice. She has outstanding credentials. I wonder how many fake people the Dims will try to trot out and try to destroy her?
What about her credentials do you like?
Any Barrett is my choice. She has outstanding credentials. I wonder how many fake people the Dims will try to trot out and try to destroy her?
What about her credentials do you like?
She is brilliant. She graduated magna cum laude undergrad and first in Law School class. She is considered one of the best legal minds in the Country.
Ive been reading up on her. She does sound smart and I haven’t seen glaring objectionable Areas. She does however seem very light in experience. I’m not seeing the credentials you speak of. Good education, clerked for Scalia, taught law in college, served as judge in the appellate court since 2017. That’s not a very long time and feels like a pretty light resume for SCOTUS. You don’t think so?
Thanks to Reid, no filibuster.
53-47 party line vote.
50-50 minus Romney, Collins, Murkowski.
Pence comes in, 51-50.

Now can Trump crack the whip hard enough.
What about "the American people deserve a choice"?

Or are you saying that republicans are just lying, hypocritical, shit-bags?
They always were lying hypocritical shit bags on this. Don’t remember their other arguments? A conservative justice should be replaced with a conservative justice? No president should be allowed to fill more than two vacancies?
Yup. I've been keeping track. So far in their thread it's "lying, hypocritical shit-bags" 5, "the American people deserve a choice" 0.

Dude, you're killing me. Please don't stop! :lol:
Doesn’t sound like you’re here to have a real discussion about Barrett. I’ll move onto somebody else who actually knows what they are talking about

I directly mentioned her qualifications which you agreed with. The Butt-hurt crowd deserves to be mocked, You don't like it...too bad,
Oh please. All you really care is that she's got an "R" in front of her name.
Just think, a conservative Constitutional SCOTUS for the next 20 years.
Thanks to Reid, no filibuster.
53-47 party line vote.
50-50 minus Romney, Collins, Murkowski.
Pence comes in, 51-50.

Now can Trump crack the whip hard enough.

Amy Coney Barrett, a Roman Catholic, a Mama of 7 kidlets, a good Christian woman, a solid Conservative, get her on The United States Supreme Court ASAP.

A good Christian woman and a follower of Jesus Christ Our Lord to replace an Athiest and a Jesus Christ Denying Heathen:


The Western World depends on the Republicans getting Amy Coney Barrett on The United States Supreme Court ASAP, before November 3 2020. This is because the Athiest Democrats aka Leftists aka Communists have REPEATEDLY said they will IMMEDIATELY take the Election to the COURTS with Creepy Joe's 600 lawyers.

Now the way I read this IF The United States Supreme Court stays as it is right now you could have a 4-4 deadlock THIS would mean that the Lower Courts would get to decide if the Democrats are allowed to steal the election via Mail-In Vote Harvesting WEEKS AND WEEKS AFTER November 3 2020. IF this happens then the ENTIRE Western World is in the balance.

Western Patriots around the Western World do NOT want America falling to the Marxists, we want America to REMAIN America and stay in the hands of Ethnic Americans and not literally GIVEN to Third World Shit Holers to destroy along with America's Fifth Column aka Traitors aka Leftists aka Communists with The Feral Mob in tow aka Antifa aka Communist WHITE TRASH and BLM aka Black Supremacist Marxists.

This is important and so we pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ:

PLEASE Dear Lord make President Donald Trump and as many Republican's in The Senate he needs - EVEN if it is the bare minimum of 50 plus Vice President Mike Pence - please Dear Lord make it happen that before November 3 your Loyal Servant Amy Coney Barrett is Confirmed and Seated on The United States Supreme Court to help save America from the clutches of those who HATE you and those who DENY your existence. Amen.
Thanks to Reid, no filibuster.
53-47 party line vote.
50-50 minus Romney, Collins, Murkowski.
Pence comes in, 51-50.

Now can Trump crack the whip hard enough.

Amy Coney Barrett, a Roman Catholic, a Mama of 7 kidlets, a good Christian woman, a solid Conservative, get her on The United States Supreme Court ASAP.

A good Christian woman and a follower of Jesus Christ Our Lord to replace an Athiest and a Jesus Christ Denying Heathen:

View attachment 390562

The Western World depends on the Republicans getting Amy Coney Barrett on The United States Supreme Court ASAP, before November 3 2020. This is because the Athiest Democrats aka Leftists aka Communists have REPEATEDLY said they will IMMEDIATELY take the Election to the COURTS with Creepy Joe's 600 lawyers.

Now the way I read this IF The United States Supreme Court stays as it is right now you could have a 4-4 deadlock THIS would mean that the Lower Courts would get to decide if The Democrats are allowed to steal the election via Mail-In Vote Harvesting WEEKS AND WEEKS AFTER November 3 2020. IF this happens then The ENTIRE Western World is in the balance.

Western Patriots around the Western World do NOT want America falling to the Marxists, we want America to REMAIN America and stay in the hands of Ethnic Americans and not literally GIVEN to Third World Shit Holers to destroy along with America's Fifth Column aka Traitors aka Leftists aka Communists with The Feral Mob in tow aka Antifa aka Communist WHITE TRASH aka BLM aka Black Supremacist Marxists.

This is important and so we pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ:

PLEASE Dear Lord make President Donald Trump and as many Republican's in The Senate he needs - EVEN if it is the bare minimum of 50 plus Vice President Mike Pence - please Dear Lord make it happen that before November 3 your Loyal Servant Amy Coney Barrett is Confirmed and Seated on The United States Supreme Court to help save America from the clutches of those who HATE you and those who DENY your existence. Amen.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg was not an atheist. She was Jewish.
Thanks to Reid, no filibuster.
53-47 party line vote.
50-50 minus Romney, Collins, Murkowski.
Pence comes in, 51-50.

Now can Trump crack the whip hard enough.

Amy Coney Barrett, a Roman Catholic, a Mama of 7 kidlets, a good Christian woman, a solid Conservative, get her on The United States Supreme Court ASAP.

A good Christian woman and a follower of Jesus Christ Our Lord to replace an Athiest and a Jesus Christ Denying Heathen:

View attachment 390562

The Western World depends on the Republicans getting Amy Coney Barrett on The United States Supreme Court ASAP, before November 3 2020. This is because the Athiest Democrats aka Leftists aka Communists have REPEATEDLY said they will IMMEDIATELY take the Election to the COURTS with Creepy Joe's 600 lawyers.

Now the way I read this IF The United States Supreme Court stays as it is right now you could have a 4-4 deadlock THIS would mean that the Lower Courts would get to decide if The Democrats are allowed to steal the election via Mail-In Vote Harvesting WEEKS AND WEEKS AFTER November 3 2020. IF this happens then The ENTIRE Western World is in the balance.

Western Patriots around the Western World do NOT want America falling to the Marxists, we want America to REMAIN America and stay in the hands of Ethnic Americans and not literally GIVEN to Third World Shit Holers to destroy along with America's Fifth Column aka Traitors aka Leftists aka Communists with The Feral Mob in tow aka Antifa aka Communist WHITE TRASH aka BLM aka Black Supremacist Marxists.

This is important and so we pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ:

PLEASE Dear Lord make President Donald Trump and as many Republican's in The Senate he needs - EVEN if it is the bare minimum of 50 plus Vice President Mike Pence - please Dear Lord make it happen that before November 3 your Loyal Servant Amy Coney Barrett is Confirmed and Seated on The United States Supreme Court to help save America from the clutches of those who HATE you and those who DENY your existence. Amen.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg was not an atheist. She was Jewish.
Carl Marx was Jewish and an atheist.
Thanks to Reid, no filibuster.
53-47 party line vote.
50-50 minus Romney, Collins, Murkowski.
Pence comes in, 51-50.

Now can Trump crack the whip hard enough.
What about "the American people deserve a choice"?

Or are you saying that republicans are just lying, hypocritical, shit-bags?
The American people don't choose scotus replacements you lying scumbag, we choose a president to do that, and by God he is destroying you filthy vermin!
So, you're going with hypocritical shit-bags then.

Dems told us it was wrong to deny Obama the opp to fill that seat. Okay fine our bad, so we'll let Trump fill this seat okay?
So, you're going with "lying, hypocritical shit-bags" as well?

Popular choice amount republicans.

For the last 50 years or so.

Poor Dims. So much deep, deep Butt-hurt.

They need some of this:

Any Barrett is my choice. She has outstanding credentials. I wonder how many fake people the Dims will try to trot out and try to destroy her?
What about her credentials do you like?
Any Barrett is my choice. She has outstanding credentials. I wonder how many fake people the Dims will try to trot out and try to destroy her?
What about her credentials do you like?
She is brilliant. She graduated magna cum laude undergrad and first in Law School class. She is considered one of the best legal minds in the Country.
Ive been reading up on her. She does sound smart and I haven’t seen glaring objectionable Areas. She does however seem very light in experience. I’m not seeing the credentials you speak of. Good education, clerked for Scalia, taught law in college, served as judge in the appellate court since 2017. That’s not a very long time and feels like a pretty light resume for SCOTUS. You don’t think so?
Thanks to Reid, no filibuster.
53-47 party line vote.
50-50 minus Romney, Collins, Murkowski.
Pence comes in, 51-50.

Now can Trump crack the whip hard enough.
What about "the American people deserve a choice"?

Or are you saying that republicans are just lying, hypocritical, shit-bags?
They always were lying hypocritical shit bags on this. Don’t remember their other arguments? A conservative justice should be replaced with a conservative justice? No president should be allowed to fill more than two vacancies?
Yup. I've been keeping track. So far in their thread it's "lying, hypocritical shit-bags" 5, "the American people deserve a choice" 0.

Dude, you're killing me. Please don't stop! :lol:
Doesn’t sound like you’re here to have a real discussion about Barrett. I’ll move onto somebody else who actually knows what they are talking about

I directly mentioned her qualifications which you agreed with. The Butt-hurt crowd deserves to be mocked, You don't like it...too bad,
Oh please. All you really care is that she's got an "R" in front of her name.
Like you only really care if a the person has a "D" in front of their name?
What about "the American people deserve a choice"?
The American people elected Donald Trump.

No, PUTIN elected Donald Trump
And will again, thanks to no voter ID and mass mail in ballots.
Ive already voted 12 times.

Cool, maybe one of your fellow Trumptards will bake you a file cake? :cool-45:

Trump has the CIA planting evidence at leading Democrats homes right now.

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