Amy Comey Barrett Federal Judgeship Confirmation Hearing


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Not that it will matter in the least to her Supreme Court nod but this exchange between Senator Franken and ACB is somewhat disturbing from two srandpoints;

First that she holds this view on LGBTQ community. Its out of step with today's climate. She took speaking fees 4 times (if I recall the video correctly) from a group that wants to sterilize gay people abroad.

Second,,,for whatever reason, she strikes me as being what I would call "the real deal"...that feeling you get when you encounter someone with whom you're unfamiliar but you just know from the first moment..."yep, she's got this."

Its concerning but I don't think it's alarming. Give the exchange a listen, See what you think:

PS: The "NOW THIS" folks are decidely left wing. So there may be some creative editing in what was left out on the video. There is also some liberties taken with the presentation of the "last word" if you will. A good video but you got to know where they are coming from.
Not that it will matter in the least to her Supreme Court nod but this exchange between Senator Franken and ACB is somewhat disturbing from two srandpoints;

First that she holds this view on LGBTQ community. Its out of step with today's climate. She took speaking fees 4 times (if I recall the video correctly) from a group that wants to sterilize gay people abroad.

Second,,,for whatever reason, she strikes me as being what I would call "the real deal"...that feeling you get when you encounter someone with whom you're unfamiliar but you just know from the first moment..."yep, she's got this."

Its concerning but I don't think it's alarming. Give the exchange a listen, See what you think:

PS: The "NOW THIS" folks are decidely left wing. So there may be some creative editing in what was left out on the video. There is also some liberties taken with the presentation of the "last word" if you will. A good video but you got to know where they are coming from.

Wasnt Senator Franken the guy who put his hands on a womans tits while flying in a military aircraft?

ADF supports the inclusion of invocations at public meetings and the use of religious displays (such as crosses and other religious monuments) on public lands and in public buildings.[34] --
I support being able to pray for True Love and performing True Love rituals at a temple dedicated to a goddess of Love.

ADF opposes same-sex marriage and civil unions, as well as adoption by same-sex couples based on their belief that children are best raised by a married mother and father.
The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

ADF believes parents should be able to opt their children out of sex education in schools that run counter to a family's religious beliefs.[34]
Knowledge is more important than any bigotry from Original Sinners who cannot Obey, Ten simple Commandments from God and complain about the Taxes necessary for Government on Earth.
Not that it will matter in the least to her Supreme Court nod but this exchange between Senator Franken and ACB is somewhat disturbing from two srandpoints;

First that she holds this view on LGBTQ community. Its out of step with today's climate. She took speaking fees 4 times (if I recall the video correctly) from a group that wants to sterilize gay people abroad.

Second,,,for whatever reason, she strikes me as being what I would call "the real deal"...that feeling you get when you encounter someone with whom you're unfamiliar but you just know from the first moment..."yep, she's got this."

Its concerning but I don't think it's alarming. Give the exchange a listen, See what you think:

PS: The "NOW THIS" folks are decidely left wing. So there may be some creative editing in what was left out on the video. There is also some liberties taken with the presentation of the "last word" if you will. A good video but you got to know where they are coming from.
Sounds like they're getting desperate. HA HA. I guess they can't find a guy she raped.
Thats because your democratic party intentionally dosed three senators, and the president with wuhan coronavirus!
The latest conspiracy theory?
Well it goes right along with the "Everything bad is the Democrats fault/ everything good comes from Republicans thing.
I hear the Confirmation hearing is on hold because one of the Republicans has COVID
Not that it will matter in the least to her Supreme Court nod but this exchange between Senator Franken and ACB is somewhat disturbing from two srandpoints;

First that she holds this view on LGBTQ community. Its out of step with today's climate. She took speaking fees 4 times (if I recall the video correctly) from a group that wants to sterilize gay people abroad.

Second,,,for whatever reason, she strikes me as being what I would call "the real deal"...that feeling you get when you encounter someone with whom you're unfamiliar but you just know from the first moment..."yep, she's got this."

Its concerning but I don't think it's alarming. Give the exchange a listen, See what you think:

PS: The "NOW THIS" folks are decidely left wing. So there may be some creative editing in what was left out on the video. There is also some liberties taken with the presentation of the "last word" if you will. A good video but you got to know where they are coming from.

“First that she holds this view on LGBTQ community. Its out of step with today's climate.”

Conservative dogma is comprehensively out of step with today’s climate.

Indeed, conservatives relish being out of step, contrary, reactionary, and at odds with the majority of the American people – they’ll do anything to maintain their minority rule.
I watched until Sen. Franken started quoting the far leftist SPLC.
That's when I turned off the video. ... :cool:
I hear the Confirmation hearing is on hold because one of the Republicans has COVID
McConnell will find a way to force a vote before the end of the year.

It will be McConnell the consummate rightwing partisan hack – confirming a justice to the Supreme Court appointed by a president just voted out of office.

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