Amy Cooper Faces Charges After Calling Police on Black Bird Watcher


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
This isn't even a slap on the wrist but it's a start since it's alleged that she is the first white person to be charged with maliciously making a false report on a black person, after all these centuries of malice.
"Ms. Cooper was captured on video calling the police after Christian Cooper asked her to keep her dog on a leash in Central Park.​

Amy Cooper was captured on video reporting Christian Cooper to the police.​
Credit...Christian Cooper​
When Amy Cooper, a white woman, called 911 from an isolated patch in Central Park where she was standing with her unleashed dog on Memorial Day, she said an “African-American man” was threatening her life, emphasizing his race to the operator.​
Moments before Ms. Cooper made the call, the man, Christian Cooper, an avid bird-watcher, had asked her to leash her dog, and she had refused.​
On Monday, Ms. Cooper was charged with filing a false report, a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail, the latest fallout from an encounter that resonated across the country and provoked intense discussions about how Black people are harmed when sham reports to the police are made about them by white people.​
Video of the encounter that Mr. Cooper shot on his phone has been viewed more than 40 million times. It was widely perceived as a startling and sobering example of racial attitudes in New York City, which prides itself on its supposedly progressive ideals.​
The video was posted to Twitter by Mr. Cooper’s sister.
The footage shows Amy Cooper calling the police on Christian Cooper in Central Park after he asked her to keep her dog on a leash. The video was posted to Twitter by Mr. Cooper’s sister.​
The pending criminal charge against Ms. Cooper appears to be among the first that a white person in the United States has faced for wrongfully calling the police to make a complaint about a Black person.
“We are strongly committed to holding perpetrators of this conduct accountable,” said Cyrus R. Vance Jr., the Manhattan district attorney.​
Ms. Cooper, who was issued a desk appearance ticket on Monday, is scheduled to be arraigned on Oct. 14. If convicted, she could receive a conditional discharge or be sentenced to community service or counseling rather than jail time.​
Ms. Cooper could not be reached for comment on Monday, but her lawyer, Robert Barnes, said in a statement that she would be found not guilty and he criticized what he called a “cancel culture epidemic” for a rush to judgment.​
“She lost her job, her home, and her public life,” Mr. Barnes said. “Now some demand her freedom? How many lives are we going to destroy over misunderstood 60-second videos on social media?”​
Mr. Cooper, who has expressed deep ambivalence about the severity of the public response to Ms. Cooper’s actions, said on Monday that he “had zero involvement” in the district attorney’s case against her.a​
Asked to comment on the pending charge, he said, “I have no reaction.”​
People are rarely charged with filing a false police report, legal experts said, because the authorities do not want to discourage the reporting of crimes and because it can be difficult to prove that a person made a false report knowingly.​
But experts said that the evidence in the case against Ms. Cooper was strong and that it could have broader implications in other instances of white people making false police reports against Black people.​
“To the extent that this woman was arguably deploying racial stereotypes and weaponizing them, it will make people think twice,” said Nancy Gertner, a Harvard Law School professor and a retired federal judge. “It is a big deal.”"​
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Fascism at work, charging someone with something that is never enforced.

The black man was harassing her, it’s on the video. White women have a reason to be afraid of black men, they are the most violent group in the country, and often assault and rape white women.
I'm pretty sure filing a false police report is regularly enforced.

You'd be surprised.

I did just read in the article posted that legal experts have said it's rarely enforced. That's batshit crazy given what other shit police have to deal with on a regular basis. Especially in New York City, having some young woman call the cops because some nerdy bird watcher asking her to adhere to some nerdy rule about bird watching.
This woman is pretty hysterical, imo. However, the guy did tell her that she wasn't going to like what he was going to do, then started trying to call her dog over. Getting freaked out and trying to get the police to respond with violent-crime-in-progress urgency might have been a massive overreaction, but filing a false report? A year in prison for reacting poorly to being afraid? Are we gonna start prosecuting schizophrenic people when their heightened paranoia responses cause offense to "historically oppressed" people, as well? She's already an unemployed social pariah, give your f'in bloodlust a rest.
Fascism at work, charging someone with something that is never enforced.

I'm pretty sure filing a false police report is regularly enforced.
The article says it rarely happens.

Besides, it’s on the video that the man is harassing her.

He's an openly gay comic book writer/bird watching enthusiast. How threatened do you think she really felt?
Oh snap, I must've missed the part of the video where the guy tells her about his occupation and hobbies and disarms her with tales of his romantic proclivities.

Let's be real, I can't vouch for his height (though he appears to be at least 6'2", 6'3" in images where the handlebars of what appears to be a touring bicycle reach roughly the level of his hips), but the birdwatcher has the square jaw and muscular build that one might expect of a retired serviceman and a neck like a collegiate wrestler. If I was a slight of build woman who had even the most remote inkling that this dude wanted to do me or my dog harm and knew nothing about him but what I was looking at, I could see being pretty freaked out.

He was speaking pretty calmly and didn't seem to have any violence in his motives, so personally it strikes me as an overreaction on her part, but you and I also have the ability to sit back at an antiseptic distance and make that judgement with zero possibility of having that presumption cost us anything. Acting like this guy shouldn't appear threatening because of things that you've read about his background is simply ignoring the limitations of the woman's perspective in that moment.
Fascism at work, charging someone with something that is never enforced.

I'm pretty sure filing a false police report is regularly enforced.
The article says it rarely happens.

Besides, it’s on the video that the man is harassing her.

He's an openly gay comic book writer/bird watching enthusiast. How threatened do you think she really felt?
Oh snap, I must've missed the part of the video where the guy tells her about his occupation and hobbies and disarms her with tales of his romantic proclivities.

Let's be real, I can't vouch for his height (though he appears to be at least 6'2", 6'3" in images where the handlebars of what appears to be a touring bicycle reach roughly the level of his hips), but the birdwatcher has the square jaw and muscular build that one might expect of a retired serviceman and a neck like a collegiate wrestler. If I was a slight of build woman who had even the most remote inkling that this dude wanted to do me or my dog harm and knew nothing about him but what I was looking at, I could see being pretty freaked out.

He was speaking pretty calmly and didn't seem to have any violence in his motives, so personally it strikes me as an overreaction on her part, but you and I also have the ability to sit back at an antiseptic distance and make that judgement with zero possibility of having that presumption cost us anything. Acting like this guy shouldn't appear threatening because of things that you've read about his background is simply ignoring the limitations of the woman's perspective in that moment.

He looks like a nerd. He was wearing a bicycle helmet and bird watching when the incident occurred. He was complaining about some park ordinance. I don't think you need a bio to know he wasn't some thug. :dunno:
Fascism at work, charging someone with something that is never enforced.

I'm pretty sure filing a false police report is regularly enforced.
The article says it rarely happens.

Besides, it’s on the video that the man is harassing her.

He's an openly gay comic book writer/bird watching enthusiast. How threatened do you think she really felt?
Oh snap, I must've missed the part of the video where the guy tells her about his occupation and hobbies and disarms her with tales of his romantic proclivities.

Let's be real, I can't vouch for his height (though he appears to be at least 6'2", 6'3" in images where the handlebars of what appears to be a touring bicycle reach roughly the level of his hips), but the birdwatcher has the square jaw and muscular build that one might expect of a retired serviceman and a neck like a collegiate wrestler. If I was a slight of build woman who had even the most remote inkling that this dude wanted to do me or my dog harm and knew nothing about him but what I was looking at, I could see being pretty freaked out.

He was speaking pretty calmly and didn't seem to have any violence in his motives, so personally it strikes me as an overreaction on her part, but you and I also have the ability to sit back at an antiseptic distance and make that judgement with zero possibility of having that presumption cost us anything. Acting like this guy shouldn't appear threatening because of things that you've read about his background is simply ignoring the limitations of the woman's perspective in that moment.

He looks like a nerd. He was wearing a bicycle helmet and bird watching when the incident occurred. He was complaining about some park ordinance. I don't think you need a bio to know he wasn't some thug. :dunno:
There's a fair amount of daylight between "some thug" and "not at all a threat". He doesn't look like a gangster by any means, but let's be clear, he wears glasses but he doesn't look like a nerd.


He ain't built like a nerd. Relatively tall, muscular, neck like a wrestler. In most of the pictures I found of the guy, these three not withstanding, he seems to have a pretty jovial resting facial expression, and obviously isn't someone who goes around trying to look intimidating. Physically speaking however, if this guy wanted to do something violent to that woman or her dog, he appears to have the athleticism to do quite a bit of damage, and she would WITHOUT A DOUBT be helpless to stop him. When faced with a confrontation framed within the reality of physical helplessness, a lot of people lose their shit. Particularly sheltered, Karen types.

If you ask me, this is less about racism and more about the untrained stress response of someone who hasn't had to face a lot of real adversity in her life.
Fascism at work, charging someone with something that is never enforced.

The black man was harassing her, it’s on the video. White women have a reason to be afraid of black men, they are the most violent group in the country, and often assault and rape white women.

Him asking her to put her dog on a leash was horrably threatening, wasnt it? Back when America was great, a black man would have been lynched for talking to a white woman. Trump is trying hard to remake America just like it was back then. MAGA!!
This isn't even a slap on the wrist but it's a start since it's alleged that she is the first white person to be charged with maliciously making a false report on a black person, after all these centuries of malice.
"Ms. Cooper was captured on video calling the police after Christian Cooper asked her to keep her dog on a leash in Central Park.​

Amy Cooper was captured on video reporting Christian Cooper to the police.​
Credit...Christian Cooper​
When Amy Cooper, a white woman, called 911 from an isolated patch in Central Park where she was standing with her unleashed dog on Memorial Day, she said an “African-American man” was threatening her life, emphasizing his race to the operator.​
Moments before Ms. Cooper made the call, the man, Christian Cooper, an avid bird-watcher, had asked her to leash her dog, and she had refused.​
On Monday, Ms. Cooper was charged with filing a false report, a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail, the latest fallout from an encounter that resonated across the country and provoked intense discussions about how Black people are harmed when sham reports to the police are made about them by white people.​
Video of the encounter that Mr. Cooper shot on his phone has been viewed more than 40 million times. It was widely perceived as a startling and sobering example of racial attitudes in New York City, which prides itself on its supposedly progressive ideals.​
The video was posted to Twitter by Mr. Cooper’s sister.
The footage shows Amy Cooper calling the police on Christian Cooper in Central Park after he asked her to keep her dog on a leash. The video was posted to Twitter by Mr. Cooper’s sister.​
The pending criminal charge against Ms. Cooper appears to be among the first that a white person in the United States has faced for wrongfully calling the police to make a complaint about a Black person.
“We are strongly committed to holding perpetrators of this conduct accountable,” said Cyrus R. Vance Jr., the Manhattan district attorney.​
Ms. Cooper, who was issued a desk appearance ticket on Monday, is scheduled to be arraigned on Oct. 14. If convicted, she could receive a conditional discharge or be sentenced to community service or counseling rather than jail time.​
Ms. Cooper could not be reached for comment on Monday, but her lawyer, Robert Barnes, said in a statement that she would be found not guilty and he criticized what he called a “cancel culture epidemic” for a rush to judgment.​
“She lost her job, her home, and her public life,” Mr. Barnes said. “Now some demand her freedom? How many lives are we going to destroy over misunderstood 60-second videos on social media?”​
Mr. Cooper, who has expressed deep ambivalence about the severity of the public response to Ms. Cooper’s actions, said on Monday that he “had zero involvement” in the district attorney’s case against her.a​
Asked to comment on the pending charge, he said, “I have no reaction.”​
People are rarely charged with filing a false police report, legal experts said, because the authorities do not want to discourage the reporting of crimes and because it can be difficult to prove that a person made a false report knowingly.​
But experts said that the evidence in the case against Ms. Cooper was strong and that it could have broader implications in other instances of white people making false police reports against Black people.​
“To the extent that this woman was arguably deploying racial stereotypes and weaponizing them, it will make people think twice,” said Nancy Gertner, a Harvard Law School professor and a retired federal judge. “It is a big deal.”"​
Fake news.
Fascism at work, charging someone with something that is never enforced.

The black man was harassing her, it’s on the video. White women have a reason to be afraid of black men, they are the most violent group in the country, and often assault and rape white women.
If the man harassed the woman on video, then her report was likely not false. However, if her dog was not on a leash, she is quite culpable for her failure to comply with ordinances against unleashed animals in public places.

What was she thinking to run an unleashed dog in a large public park. Here's why I think so: dog poop can cost a billion dollar watershed cleanup as it did in Virginia in 1991.

Other reasons: Picking Up Dog Waste: Scoop the Poop | Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District
None of this change is taking place without the threat of more violent protests and the cold dead eyes of Officer Cauvin.

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