An advice thread


Playing mind games with men only makes YOUR life a living hell.
Stop blaming men for everything YOU fuck up and lie about.
YOU are the one creating your own hell on earth. Take your head outta your ass and get a clue.

(no thats not all women, but it's a hefty sum of them)


Stop listening to the pretty little lies women tell you.
Anytime a woman opens her mouth, she WANTS SOMETHING.
And like any good politician, she's going to lie, cheat, and set you up in order to get it from you!!
Your best bet, is to act like it's Opposite Day when a woman is talking to you.
Take what she says and take it as the exact OPPOSITE of what she really means.
This could save you a LOT of headache and alimony!!!

This has become an female response to male domineering stances over the centuries.

By that, I mean women have developed this capability of lies and manipulation in order to subject males to their will without them realizing it until it's too late.

More often than not, it's the aggressive or "neanderthal" schemes of men looking for women that have caused women to develop this manipulative technique.

Men coming on too strong, NOT taking NO for an answer, forcing themselves into a dominating stance to scare the woman, talking DOWN to her as if she's an object and not a human being, etc................

If you want a woman just to date, tell her so up front. Don't be a dick about it.
If you are looking for a mate, then men need to learn how to talk to a woman as a human being. You don't have to believe in equality or womens rights in order to be a decent acting man and treat her with some dignity and honesty.

When a woman is hit with a lot of "male incitement" her manipulative techinques will automatcally enhance and bulk up. Whether she uses all of her techniques or not, they are at the ready for her. This can make for a very one-sided and awkward relationship.

If a man is honest and upfront with her, and tells her thats how he is. They she won't have anybody to blame but herself, if there's any underhandedness going on between the two.

A male roommate asked me how to talk to girls, because he was awkward around them and didn't know how to talk to them. And all he knew was all the male bullshit he saw in movies and on TV.

I simply explained he needed to stop seeing them as "girls" or "females" and learn to see them as people, period. Talk to her like you would your mother or a friend. Treat her like a friend, not a "thing" or an object.

Couple months after that, he had found himself a girlfriend!!

This is one of the many reasons I'm still alone, and prefer it that way.
I don't like the headgames, lies, and deciet that is involved in courtship nowadays.
It does not interest me in the least. And I'm happy for it.

Explain please?

If you've been married to her for 32 years and only 3 of them were happy years then the other 29 were unhappy years, the implication is that they were unhappy because you were married to her.

I'm surprised the explanation was needed.



Playing mind games with men only makes YOUR life a living hell.
Stop blaming men for everything YOU fuck up and lie about.
YOU are the one creating your own hell on earth. Take your head outta your ass and get a clue.

(no thats not all women, but it's a hefty sum of them)


Stop listening to the pretty little lies women tell you.
Anytime a woman opens her mouth, she WANTS SOMETHING.
And like any good politician, she's going to lie, cheat, and set you up in order to get it from you!!
Your best bet, is to act like it's Opposite Day when a woman is talking to you.
Take what she says and take it as the exact OPPOSITE of what she really means.
This could save you a LOT of headache and alimony!!!

This has become an female response to male domineering stances over the centuries.

By that, I mean women have developed this capability of lies and manipulation in order to subject males to their will without them realizing it until it's too late.

More often than not, it's the aggressive or "neanderthal" schemes of men looking for women that have caused women to develop this manipulative technique.

Men coming on too strong, NOT taking NO for an answer, forcing themselves into a dominating stance to scare the woman, talking DOWN to her as if she's an object and not a human being, etc................

If you want a woman just to date, tell her so up front. Don't be a dick about it.
If you are looking for a mate, then men need to learn how to talk to a woman as a human being. You don't have to believe in equality or womens rights in order to be a decent acting man and treat her with some dignity and honesty.

When a woman is hit with a lot of "male incitement" her manipulative techinques will automatcally enhance and bulk up. Whether she uses all of her techniques or not, they are at the ready for her. This can make for a very one-sided and awkward relationship.

If a man is honest and upfront with her, and tells her thats how he is. They she won't have anybody to blame but herself, if there's any underhandedness going on between the two.

A male roommate asked me how to talk to girls, because he was awkward around them and didn't know how to talk to them. And all he knew was all the male bullshit he saw in movies and on TV.

I simply explained he needed to stop seeing them as "girls" or "females" and learn to see them as people, period. Talk to her like you would your mother or a friend. Treat her like a friend, not a "thing" or an object.

Couple months after that, he had found himself a girlfriend!!

This is one of the many reasons I'm still alone, and prefer it that way.
I don't like the headgames, lies, and deciet that is involved in courtship nowadays.
It does not interest me in the least. And I'm happy for it.

So what happens if two people are a couple that are the same gender? Sorry, I'm not going woke and I'm straight I swear, curiosity was just getting the better of me because you know,... Well,.. the thing.
If you've been married to her for 32 years and only 3 of them were happy years then the other 29 were unhappy years, the implication is that they were unhappy because you were married to her.

I'm surprised the explanation was needed.



Thats what I thought.

But I wasn't sure if that was your meaning or you were responding to someones comment.
So what happens if two people are a couple that are the same gender? Sorry, I'm not going woke and I'm straight I swear, curiosity was just getting the better of me because you know,... Well,.. the thing.

The bullshit is the same, no matter WHO or WHAT they are.

The only differences are:

Lesbians tend to stay together longer than gay men, because they KNOW their own "language" as it were. They know what each other are saying, so there's little chance of them manipulating one another.

Gay men though, it's ALL fucking headgames and bullshit lies. Personally, I have enough to deal with when in public, and dealing with fuktards at work to have to go thru the same BS in my private life. Don't want it, don't need it.

There are 2 types of gay men. Those who are players and those who are homebodies. They players are the ones in the news and media, and that people are aware of. The homebodies are the ones that believe in morals, values, decency, protecting kids from pervs, a good solid home life, and being monogamous to one person. The media NEVER puts focus on these people, as they are "boring" and "dull" and not "news worthy" as there is nothing for the media to pervert and distort to make them money.

Does that help clear it up?
Regarding work.

If you oversleep and you are late for work, go out for breakfast. You're going to get yelled at anyway, you might as well have a full stomach.

If you mess something up, admit your mistake and take responsibility. If the boss tries to throw it back in your face later, tell him. "We already talked about this. If you want me to re-live yesterday, you have to pay me for it again."
Regarding work.

If you oversleep and you are late for work, go out for breakfast. You're going to get yelled at anyway, you might as well have a full stomach.

If you mess something up, admit your mistake and take responsibility. If the boss tries to throw it back in your face later, tell him. "We already talked about this. If you want me to re-live yesterday, you have to pay me for it again."
---You'll need the sustenance as well as you look for a new job after that final comment.
---You'll need the sustenance as well as you look for a new job after that final comment.
Spoken like someone who has never had an employee.

Someone who got fired for saying that wouldn't need another job. He would have a nice wrongful termination suit, which would drag out for months and he would get a nice back-pay settlement at the end.

Never mind that a boss who was that reactionary was in the wrong position to begin with...
Don't marry a woman who doesn't want to have kids because you also don't want to have kids. Or if you do, and she changes her mind, weigh the cost of having kids against the cost of a divorce before you decide whether to agree.

But don't take to long to decide, or she may surprise you before you do.
Spoken like someone who has never had an employee.

Someone who got fired for saying that wouldn't need another job. He would have a nice wrongful termination suit, which would drag out for months and he would get a nice back-pay settlement at the end.

Never mind that a boss who was that reactionary was in the wrong position to begin with...
Except, someone that has the work ethic that you described most likely has a documented history of lousy work performance which is legal cause for termination so the lawsuit would be pissing up a wet rope and no lawyer would take the case. I've had employees and NEVER been taken to court for anything.

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