An American Travesty..Fmr Louisiana House Rep David Duke Arrested In Cologne, Germany

Germany is so ashamed of what a pile of crap it was that it's shame allows it to trample all over free speech. Not that they ever cared about any of that anyway. You people obviously don't know the hun very well.
Two racists with the same bad day?

Makes my day.

And people still say racism isn't an issue.

David Duke is indeed an American travesty.

And he looks gay.

You know why skinheads shave their head right? Easier cleanup after white power huddle.
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Hey he and libs could have united in their hated of Jews at that pro Pali idiot who is always near the Koelner Dom with his displays.
WE have a First Amendment which gives US the right to give voice to the hateful shit endorsed by guys like Duke.

But the Germans, with a rancid history over such things, has a law prohibiting that speech.

Duke, being a rancid fucking idiot piece of shit, goes where? to GERMANY to give voice to his imbecility.

And they arrest his idiot ass.

Too fucking funny.

And Lakhota's question to USAR is an instant classic imho!
WE have a First Amendment which gives US the right to give voice to the hateful shit endorsed by guys like Duke.

But the Germans, with a rancid history over such things, has a law prohibiting that speech.

Duke, being a rancid fucking idiot piece of shit, goes where? to GERMANY to give voice to his imbecility.

And they arrest his idiot ass.

Too fucking funny.

And Lakhota's question to USAR is an instant classic imho!

Duke is a White Civil Rights activist standing up for the rights of all European Whites. You should support his cause.
WE have a First Amendment which gives US the right to give voice to the hateful shit endorsed by guys like Duke.

But the Germans, with a rancid history over such things, has a law prohibiting that speech.

Duke, being a rancid fucking idiot piece of shit, goes where? to GERMANY to give voice to his imbecility.

And they arrest his idiot ass.

Too fucking funny.

And Lakhota's question to USAR is an instant classic imho!

Duke is a White Civil Rights activist standing up for the rights of all European Whites. You should support his cause.

Duke is a racist dumbfuck piece of shit.

Like you.
Kinda funny, Koeln it notorious for being the gayest city in Germany. Funny how these nazi groups were having their meeting there. Was it being held at Dingleberries? That's not too far from the Cathedral.
This is great. Germany has laws, since WW2, against voicing the kinds of things that David Duke rants about.

Well except he did not SAY anything. Further the Government LET him in the Country. Unless they have retroactive laws about what you say outside the Country as a NON German national.....

Unless he was arrested for actually saying something this is gonna look bad for Germany.

And isn't it telling that the left horrays this arrest? Lets go back and compare who supports Germany here and who voted in the poll on essential freedoms in America being taken, shall we?

Or is this simply the case that since Duke is an ass, you think it is ok to arrest him and shut him up? Remember the story does not say he was arrested for anything he said in Germany and that the German Government gave him a Visa and allowed him to enter the Country.

On one hand I agree with you he hadn't said anything yet and he was let into the country. On the other hand it's David Duke, so fuck him!
By arresting him, they are admitting Duke is right, and that anything the Duke says has so much truth to it, that it needs to be hidden. In other words, silence the opposition before he speaks.

That is, by far, the dumbest thing I've ever seen written on this website.
Im not really surprised that the Germans arrested a racist given their history.
You know, at some point, we are going to find out that USAR is just punking us....

Nobody could actually beleive teh shit he says...

I think this person is serious. I really do. What I find interesting is how people in here who agree with his positions. Its kind of disturbing really.
This is outrageous, it is indeed an American travesty and it shows that Europe is becoming more less tolerant of free speech. It is putting a stranglehold on society. This event is a sign that could get full blown in America. David Duke was invited by the German Nationalist Party to speak at a event but apparently by the looks of things they yanked him to prison before he could make any speeches. It's a disgusting fact that he is a European man and he is unwelcome in a White homeland but all the Africans, Asians, Turks, Muslims and anything else that crawls out of the sewer is welcomed with open arms in Germany and all of Europe!Could you imagine any other American being arrested overseas over a free speech issue and the American media basically ignores it?

If Jesse Jackson were arrested, it would be on the front page of every US newspaper, but because Duke represents White people instead of Blacks and because the media is controlled by Jews, the arrest of Duke has gotten no mention on the mainstream media so far.

If anyone needs proof that the Jewish media has a bias against anyone who is pro-White, this is a great example of that!

Could you imagine any other American being arrested overseas over a free speech issue and the American media basically ignores it?

If Jesse Jackson were arrested, it would be on the front page of every US newspaper, but because Duke represents White people instead of Blacks and because the media is controlled by Jews, the arrest of Duke has gotten no mention on the mainstream media so far.

If anyone needs proof that the Jewish media has a bias against anyone who is pro-White, this is a great example of that!

David Duke Arrested in Germany | The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD

On Friday, the 25.11.2011 a very special guest was in Cologne at an event to talk to German nationalists. Outside the Network in Cologne had invited the famous American politician David Duke as a speaker.

Before Dr. Duke could enter the meeting hall in the east of Cologne, he was arrested as as “undesirable foreigner”.

All information requests directed at the Cologne police went unanswered. The appointed counsel at the earliest, tomorrow may provide more clarity in this matter. It may well be that Dr. Duke is deported and may even spend some time in federal prison. This news will be posted here soon.

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First, who the hell cares about a dumb KKK-loving redneck like David Duke. Second, "In 2007, a ruling originating from Switzerland banned Duke from entering and staying in the contiguous states of Europe, but the 61-year-old Holocaust denier reportedly was living in Austria since then and came to Germany for the event last week." David Duke arrested prior to address at German neo-Nazi event | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

He knew what he was doing. He wants the attention. :badgrin:

"In 2007, a ruling originating from Switzerland banned Duke from entering and staying in the contiguous states of Europe, but the 61-year-old Holocaust denier reportedly was living in Austria since then and came to Germany for the event last week."
You know, at some point, we are going to find out that USAR is just punking us....

Nobody could actually beleive teh shit he says...

I think this person is serious. I really do. What I find interesting is how people in here who agree with his positions. Its kind of disturbing really.

Exactly who agrees with his positions?

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