An Analysis of Marijuana Use

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Marijuana. Pot. Weed. Ganja. Mary Jane. Reefer. The Devil’s Lettuce. Whatever you call it, when consumed it gets a person “high”, thereby impairing their judgment, cognitive ability, and motor skills. It is also a carcinogenic when smoked. We also know that the substance(s) in the weed have hallucinogenic properties.

Who would decide to use such stuff? It messes up your reality for a period of time. You get all giggly and overtaken by a preternatural craving for shitty junk food. In America, it has been illegal for most of our history. Thus, the skeevy counter culture types were into it. In the 1960s and early 1970s, it was widely used by the dirty hippy generation. In fact, drug use generally was part of their culture. When the hippy fags outgrew their bell bottom jeans and tie-dyed shit, they traded them in for disco outfits and roller skates. But they still loved the weed.

In the 1980s we entered a glorious period in which society rightfully started looking down on these degenerate dregs. We had a resurgence of virtue seeking. But since being a shitty person is far easier than being a person of strong character, the lower rungs of society eventually slithered back into positions of influence. Today, these slugs are the elite leftist filth. Once anti-establishment, they are now THE ESTABLISHMENT. They are authoritarian and violent, and they hate America. But I digress.

Thereafter, pot started becoming legalized. It became infused with big money. It also became engineered to be much, much stronger. Think about this for a moment. Big money going into a despicable industry that profits from fucking people up and killing brain cells MAKES THE DRUG STRONGER. Who benefits from something like that? Well, those with authoritarian political aspirations would. Who is like that today in America? Hmmmm…. Well, the leftists are exactly like that. Who is pimping the idea of totally free, unfettered access to this drug?!? Leftists. To be sure, there are libertarians who pimp this shit too. But they are statistically insignificant in today’s society. Plus, they are self-interested. They like to smoke weed and do weird shit. While libertarians are intellectually far superior to leftists, they are an odd lot.

Who smokes pot today? There are essentially 4 primary classes of pot users. Please allow me to elaborate.

  1. Young People: It is not disputed that the general rule is that everyone today under the age of 25 is dumber than shit. They, and to a lesser degree the older generations going back to the millennials, are conditioned to obey rather than used their brains in critical thought and analysis. In fact, my generation, Generation X, was the last American generation to espouse and abide by ethics of hard work and strong moral character. The generations that follow are getting shittier and shittier. This is not sustainable and is hurling our nation off a cliff. But I digress. The point is that these young people are raised to be a group-think privileged lot. Combine this with youthful exuberance and general ignorance, and it is not surprising that they smoke pot. They also swallow laundry detergent and spend 99% of their time in every interpersonal social situation on their phones binging on social media. They are stupid. Stupid people do stupid things.

  1. Black People. Smoking weed is an integral part of black American culture. They do not all do it, of course. Clarance Thomas most likely does not smoke pot. But the George Floyd class, which is like 90% of black America, does. They do other shit too. But since weed is ingrained in their culture, you will see them pull out a J and blaze it up just as casually as they will light a menthol or pop open a sugary generic soda. It “ain’t no thang” to them.

  1. White Trash: As I mentioned in a post here yesterday, there is a very thin line between white trash, blacks, and young people. They all smoke pot. They have poor credit. They don’t have much money. They are fringe types. White trash, if I must explain, are white folks who act like the majority 90% of blacks, with some notable exceptions (they are racist against blacks, they tend to lust after Camaros rather than Dodge Chargers, etc…). White trash are essentially broke rednecks. See, a redneck will work hard and honor God. But a failed redneck foregoes all hope and becomes white trash, living in a trailer, huffing gasoline, and hitting a J on payday.

  1. Weirdos: The composite of the weirdo is a 40-ish white male with stupid long hair and glasses, probably out of shape, but is pretty smart and makes a minimum wage living repairing computers. Some weirdos are relics from the hippy and disco ages. You may remember the Elon Musk video of him hitting a blunt on Joe Rogan’s show. Musk was doing a bit. He is not a pot head. Pot heads are not successful financially. That is, you do not make yourself into a millionaire while you are an avid pot head. Pot is a barrier to material success. It is also a barrier to every other kind of objectively verifiable success that exists in this dimension, except for being a Cheech and Chong level pothead.

Let me point out that there may be some blurring of the lines between some of these groups. As with most sociological analysis, I speak in terms of generalities. Suffice it to say that nobody of any class smokes pot. It smells like shit when burning. I have smelled fresh dog shit that is more pleasant than weed smell. Have you ever seen a decent lad forego his favored brandy, in a warm class, after a dinner of mutton, in favor of “Alabama Sunshine” or some other strain of marijuana? Of course not. That is because decent folk don’t smoke weed. We do blow, drive fast cars, and bang beav.

Smoking pot is like the lowest thing in the world. It is you essentially acknowledging that you ought to be living shoeless under an overpass, but you prefer living indoors and have just enough money to do so (barely). Using weed is degrading. You pretend not to notice. But you know it is. Or, perhaps you don’t because you are just too ignorant. Blacks do the pot thing right. They wove it into the fabric of their culture. They get together for Sunday football and PTA meetings and smoke doobs together. Young people are too stupid to notice. But white trash and the weirdos know; barely, but they know they are on the lower rungs of society.

The white trash are defeated. They know they could have done more with their lives. They are white, after all. But something malfunctioned. They have to live with the knowledge of being fuck ups. So they self-medicate. Weirdos are all over the spectrum. If they could have just focused when they were younger, then they could done something with their lives. If mom had not smoked crack while pregnant, or dated that black dude, then things would have turned out differently. Instead, they work at a shitty electronics repair shop during the day and host a podcast at night about the race of reptilian aliens living below the surface of the Earth.

I don’t care who you are, and I suspect that some of you reading this will get a bug up your asses. But the simple truth is that if you smoke pot on a regular basis, and you are hardcore in favor of legalization, then you are less than a whole person. You are not self-actualizing. You are wasting what God gave you, which is an affront it the Creator.

I don’t blame the blacks for being serial pot heads. Hell, they hang out and smoke blunts in the church parking lot after services let out. They have gone through some shit over the years and face obstacles in life constantly as a result of leftist ideology. For them it’s like, “What the fuck do I care what I do to my body and mind?!?! I am already screwed.” But the white trashers have to live with the knowledge that they are such fuck ups that they could not achieve anything EVEN THOUGH they are white.

As an aside, let me tell you something else about white trash. I believe that there is a solid connection between white trash and the Nephilim of the Bible. See, in the bible, some hacked off Angels came to Earth and decided to fuck with God’s creation. The male Angels started banging some of the human chicks, who in turn gave birth to creatures that were abominations. They were giants, hairy, and generally disgusting, filthy critters. These things are called the Nephilim. Some folks even theorize that sasquatch is actually a descendent of the Nephilim. But that topic is for another time.

Likewise, white trash are angry and bitter. In true white trash fashion, they blame others for their sorry station in life. So they walk the Earth with this bitterness hanging over their heads like a black storm cloud. They smoke pot and drink whatever piss beer is on sale that week down at the Gas-N-Go. They get messed up and fuck their relatives out of drunken spite. This produces horrid, deformed, dumb inbred offspring that pollute the gene pool. This behavior is parallel to the creation of the Nephilim. I surmise that many of these white trashers are also products of inbreeding, making them white trash Nephilim themselves! But enough of the white trash anthropology.

Smoking pot is a badge of dishonor. Noblemen do not do this. We should always strive to be noble, good people. Such is the pursuit of virtue. If we do not do this, then we end up with what we have going on in America today: a leftist driven nihilism that is destroying our nation and the world generally. Good, virtuous men do not let things like this stand. They fight evil, preserve the family, and serve their God with a fiery sword. They do not watch cartoons, smoke pot, and whack off. The former is the greatest vision of mankind, while the latter is the concept of a completely failed humanity.
Do you think booze is okay? ... how about pharmaceuticals? ... gambling, prostitution, New York Yankees ... or are you too chickenshit to even try smoking pot ...

You and John Wesley can go to Nebraska for all I care ...

This post brought to you by "Memory Eraser", the affordable C. sativa, guarantied THC 33.40%, CBD 0.12% ... Fryville ... don't toke and drive, potheads are better than boozers ...
In America, it has been illegal for most of our history.

It was legal from the founding of our nation till essentially 1937.

". . . Even though there was no evidence to support claims that marijuana had a Jekyll-and-Hyde effect, 29 states outlawed marijuana between 1916 and 1931. The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 essentially banned it nationwide despite objections from the American Medical Association related to medical usage. This act came just a year after the film Reefer Madness warned parents that drug dealers would invite their teenagers to jazz parties and get them hooked on “reefer.”

. . . and of course, since the later part of this century, more and more states have been reversing this trend.

So, this statement is categorically false.

It makes me wonder, how much else in this opinion piece is off the mark?

Do you think booze is okay? ... how about pharmaceuticals? ... gambling, prostitution, New York Yankees ... or are you too chickenshit to even try smoking pot ...

You and John Wesley can go to Nebraska for all I care ...

This post brought to you by "Memory Eraser", the affordable C. sativa, guarantied THC 33.40%, CBD 0.12% ... Fryville ... don't toke and drive, potheads are better than boozers ...
He has zero experience. Nothing but a scared jackass.
I’ve been an occasional user since the early 70’s. My recent usage is my most prolific and it’s still only once a week on average

I started buying a few years ago, previously my friends always provided

I also tried to grow a few times and always ended in disaster and white mold

Sometimes it has no effect at all, on rare occasions it’s absolutely exhilarating and soulful

I have a small peas worth of hash I procured on my last buying excursion and still debating when and how to have it
Do you think booze is okay? ... how about pharmaceuticals? ... gambling, prostitution, New York Yankees ... or are you too chickenshit to even try smoking pot ...

You and John Wesley can go to Nebraska for all I care ...

This post brought to you by "Memory Eraser", the affordable C. sativa, guarantied THC 33.40%, CBD 0.12% ... Fryville ... don't toke and drive, potheads are better than boozers ...
Whoa there, sweetheart. We are talking about marijuana. You completely flared out in all directions. Go suck on a phatty and chill out!
I’ve been an occasional user since the early 70’s. My recent usage is my most prolific and it’s still only once a week on average

I started buying a few years ago, previously my friends always provided

I also tried to grow a few times and always ended in disaster and white mold

Sometimes it has no effect at all, on rare occasions it’s absolutely exhilarating and soulful

I have a small peas worth of hash I procured on my last buying excursion and still debating when and how to have it
Coke can
Marijuana. Pot. Weed. Ganja. Mary Jane. Reefer. The Devil’s Lettuce. Whatever you call it, when consumed it gets a person “high”, thereby impairing their judgment, cognitive ability, and motor skills. It is also a carcinogenic when smoked. We also know that the substance(s) in the weed have hallucinogenic properties.

Who would decide to use such stuff? It messes up your reality for a period of time. You get all giggly and overtaken by a preternatural craving for shitty junk food. In America, it has been illegal for most of our history. Thus, the skeevy counter culture types were into it. In the 1960s and early 1970s, it was widely used by the dirty hippy generation. In fact, drug use generally was part of their culture. When the hippy fags outgrew their bell bottom jeans and tie-dyed shit, they traded them in for disco outfits and roller skates. But they still loved the weed.

In the 1980s we entered a glorious period in which society rightfully started looking down on these degenerate dregs. We had a resurgence of virtue seeking. But since being a shitty person is far easier than being a person of strong character, the lower rungs of society eventually slithered back into positions of influence. Today, these slugs are the elite leftist filth. Once anti-establishment, they are now THE ESTABLISHMENT. They are authoritarian and violent, and they hate America. But I digress.

Thereafter, pot started becoming legalized. It became infused with big money. It also became engineered to be much, much stronger. Think about this for a moment. Big money going into a despicable industry that profits from fucking people up and killing brain cells MAKES THE DRUG STRONGER. Who benefits from something like that? Well, those with authoritarian political aspirations would. Who is like that today in America? Hmmmm…. Well, the leftists are exactly like that. Who is pimping the idea of totally free, unfettered access to this drug?!? Leftists. To be sure, there are libertarians who pimp this shit too. But they are statistically insignificant in today’s society. Plus, they are self-interested. They like to smoke weed and do weird shit. While libertarians are intellectually far superior to leftists, they are an odd lot.

Who smokes pot today? There are essentially 4 primary classes of pot users. Please allow me to elaborate.

  1. Young People: It is not disputed that the general rule is that everyone today under the age of 25 is dumber than shit. They, and to a lesser degree the older generations going back to the millennials, are conditioned to obey rather than used their brains in critical thought and analysis. In fact, my generation, Generation X, was the last American generation to espouse and abide by ethics of hard work and strong moral character. The generations that follow are getting shittier and shittier. This is not sustainable and is hurling our nation off a cliff. But I digress. The point is that these young people are raised to be a group-think privileged lot. Combine this with youthful exuberance and general ignorance, and it is not surprising that they smoke pot. They also swallow laundry detergent and spend 99% of their time in every interpersonal social situation on their phones binging on social media. They are stupid. Stupid people do stupid things.

  1. Black People. Smoking weed is an integral part of black American culture. They do not all do it, of course. Clarance Thomas most likely does not smoke pot. But the George Floyd class, which is like 90% of black America, does. They do other shit too. But since weed is ingrained in their culture, you will see them pull out a J and blaze it up just as casually as they will light a menthol or pop open a sugary generic soda. It “ain’t no thang” to them.

  1. White Trash: As I mentioned in a post here yesterday, there is a very thin line between white trash, blacks, and young people. They all smoke pot. They have poor credit. They don’t have much money. They are fringe types. White trash, if I must explain, are white folks who act like the majority 90% of blacks, with some notable exceptions (they are racist against blacks, they tend to lust after Camaros rather than Dodge Chargers, etc…). White trash are essentially broke rednecks. See, a redneck will work hard and honor God. But a failed redneck foregoes all hope and becomes white trash, living in a trailer, huffing gasoline, and hitting a J on payday.

  1. Weirdos: The composite of the weirdo is a 40-ish white male with stupid long hair and glasses, probably out of shape, but is pretty smart and makes a minimum wage living repairing computers. Some weirdos are relics from the hippy and disco ages. You may remember the Elon Musk video of him hitting a blunt on Joe Rogan’s show. Musk was doing a bit. He is not a pot head. Pot heads are not successful financially. That is, you do not make yourself into a millionaire while you are an avid pot head. Pot is a barrier to material success. It is also a barrier to every other kind of objectively verifiable success that exists in this dimension, except for being a Cheech and Chong level pothead.

Let me point out that there may be some blurring of the lines between some of these groups. As with most sociological analysis, I speak in terms of generalities. Suffice it to say that nobody of any class smokes pot. It smells like shit when burning. I have smelled fresh dog shit that is more pleasant than weed smell. Have you ever seen a decent lad forego his favored brandy, in a warm class, after a dinner of mutton, in favor of “Alabama Sunshine” or some other strain of marijuana? Of course not. That is because decent folk don’t smoke weed. We do blow, drive fast cars, and bang beav.

Smoking pot is like the lowest thing in the world. It is you essentially acknowledging that you ought to be living shoeless under an overpass, but you prefer living indoors and have just enough money to do so (barely). Using weed is degrading. You pretend not to notice. But you know it is. Or, perhaps you don’t because you are just too ignorant. Blacks do the pot thing right. They wove it into the fabric of their culture. They get together for Sunday football and PTA meetings and smoke doobs together. Young people are too stupid to notice. But white trash and the weirdos know; barely, but they know they are on the lower rungs of society.

The white trash are defeated. They know they could have done more with their lives. They are white, after all. But something malfunctioned. They have to live with the knowledge of being fuck ups. So they self-medicate. Weirdos are all over the spectrum. If they could have just focused when they were younger, then they could done something with their lives. If mom had not smoked crack while pregnant, or dated that black dude, then things would have turned out differently. Instead, they work at a shitty electronics repair shop during the day and host a podcast at night about the race of reptilian aliens living below the surface of the Earth.

I don’t care who you are, and I suspect that some of you reading this will get a bug up your asses. But the simple truth is that if you smoke pot on a regular basis, and you are hardcore in favor of legalization, then you are less than a whole person. You are not self-actualizing. You are wasting what God gave you, which is an affront it the Creator.

I don’t blame the blacks for being serial pot heads. Hell, they hang out and smoke blunts in the church parking lot after services let out. They have gone through some shit over the years and face obstacles in life constantly as a result of leftist ideology. For them it’s like, “What the fuck do I care what I do to my body and mind?!?! I am already screwed.” But the white trashers have to live with the knowledge that they are such fuck ups that they could not achieve anything EVEN THOUGH they are white.

As an aside, let me tell you something else about white trash. I believe that there is a solid connection between white trash and the Nephilim of the Bible. See, in the bible, some hacked off Angels came to Earth and decided to fuck with God’s creation. The male Angels started banging some of the human chicks, who in turn gave birth to creatures that were abominations. They were giants, hairy, and generally disgusting, filthy critters. These things are called the Nephilim. Some folks even theorize that sasquatch is actually a descendent of the Nephilim. But that topic is for another time.

Likewise, white trash are angry and bitter. In true white trash fashion, they blame others for their sorry station in life. So they walk the Earth with this bitterness hanging over their heads like a black storm cloud. They smoke pot and drink whatever piss beer is on sale that week down at the Gas-N-Go. They get messed up and fuck their relatives out of drunken spite. This produces horrid, deformed, dumb inbred offspring that pollute the gene pool. This behavior is parallel to the creation of the Nephilim. I surmise that many of these white trashers are also products of inbreeding, making them white trash Nephilim themselves! But enough of the white trash anthropology.

Smoking pot is a badge of dishonor. Noblemen do not do this. We should always strive to be noble, good people. Such is the pursuit of virtue. If we do not do this, then we end up with what we have going on in America today: a leftist driven nihilism that is destroying our nation and the world generally. Good, virtuous men do not let things like this stand. They fight evil, preserve the family, and serve their God with a fiery sword. They do not watch cartoons, smoke pot, and whack off. The former is the greatest vision of mankind, while the latter is the concept of a completely failed humanity.
let me know when all these bad things are going to happen to me,,

so far after 45 yrs I am doing fine and nothng you listed has happened to me or those I know that do the same,,
let me know when all these bad things are going to happen to me,,

so far after 45 yrs I am doing fine and nothng you listed has happened to me or those I know that do the same,,
You won't be so innocent when the human cost of the drug trade is considered.

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