An Anti-Israel President

Before the word Israel entered the Lexicon......there was Cannan,Moab etc,. Jews were not the original peoples of this land,something you misleadingly FORGOT TO MENTION:D

Israel is a Jewish state now, as it was before. Lets stay in the here and now.

Roc,I am of the understanding that many Cannaites,Moabites and Philstines were incorporated into seminal Israelites when the Israelites first established this territory

The Prophets say otherwise.
As the rockets fly from Gaza...

Remarks as Prepared by White House Coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa, and the Gulf Region Philip Gordon at the Ha'aretz Israel Conference for Peace


Israel should not take for granted the opportunity to negotiate that peace with President Abbas, who has shown time and again that he is committed to nonviolence and coexistence with Israel.

President Obama has articulated his vision for what peace looks like on several occasions. It hasn’t changed. But it bears repeating today, and at this forum.

A lasting peace will involve two states for two peoples: Israel as a Jewish state and the homeland for the Jewish people, and the state of Palestine as the homeland for the Palestinian people, each state enjoying self-determination, mutual recognition, and peace. While the core issues of the conflict must be negotiated, the basis of those negotiations is clear: a viable Palestine, a secure Israel.

Negotiations should therefore result in two states, with permanent Palestinian borders with Israel, Jordan, and Egypt, and permanent Israeli borders with Palestine. The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states. Any peace agreement will require robust security provisions that safeguard Israel’s security. And the Palestinian people must have the right to govern themselves, and reach their full potential, in an independent, sovereign and contiguous state.

The United States remains prepared to assist the parties in bridging the substantive gaps that remain. Our deep commitment has not waned, but it’s not our commitment by which peace will live or die. It’s yours, and your Palestinian neighbors’.

It will ultimately require courageous political decisions by Israeli and Palestinian leaders to find the common ground that enables them to resume direct negotiations. And when they demonstrate they are prepared to do so, the United States will be there, right by their side, to help them achieve the lasting peace their people so deserve.
Remarks as Prepared by White House Coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa, and the Gulf Region Philip Gordon at the Ha'aretz Israel Conference for Peace | The White House
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The Insanity of the leftists. Ever since Israel eschewed Socialism and pivoted to Capitalism.

Vig.....there are around 1.650,000 Palestinians already living in Israel who are infact Israelis, they account for 22% of the Israeli population all are bi-lingual Palestinian Arabic and Hebrew....The Palestinians have one of the highest matriculation rates for University entrants in the world.

They are Not in Gaza,Not in the West Bank but within Israels borders.steve(remember you and I start from scratch on this thread...friend):D
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As the rockets fly from Gaza...

Remarks as Prepared by White House Coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa, and the Gulf Region Philip Gordon at the Ha'aretz Israel Conference for Peace


Israel should not take for granted the opportunity to negotiate that peace with President Abbas, who has shown time and again that he is committed to nonviolence and coexistence with Israel.

President Obama has articulated his vision for what peace looks like on several occasions. It hasn’t changed. But it bears repeating today, and at this forum.

A lasting peace will involve two states for two peoples: Israel as a Jewish state and the homeland for the Jewish people, and the state of Palestine as the homeland for the Palestinian people, each state enjoying self-determination, mutual recognition, and peace. While the core issues of the conflict must be negotiated, the basis of those negotiations is clear: a viable Palestine, a secure Israel.

Negotiations should therefore result in two states, with permanent Palestinian borders with Israel, Jordan, and Egypt, and permanent Israeli borders with Palestine. The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states. Any peace agreement will require robust security provisions that safeguard Israel’s security. And the Palestinian people must have the right to govern themselves, and reach their full potential, in an independent, sovereign and contiguous state.

The United States remains prepared to assist the parties in bridging the substantive gaps that remain. Our deep commitment has not waned, but it’s not our commitment by which peace will live or die. It’s yours, and your Palestinian neighbors’.

It will ultimately require courageous political decisions by Israeli and Palestinian leaders to find the common ground that enables them to resume direct negotiations. And when they demonstrate they are prepared to do so, the United States will be there, right by their side, to help them achieve the lasting peace their people so deserve.
Remarks as Prepared by White House Coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa, and the Gulf Region Philip Gordon at the Ha'aretz Israel Conference for Peace | The White House

Hi reply.....The Bombs come in from Israel three fold....this all stems from the three Murdered Israeli students and the Burning Alive of a Palestinian youth....It's all too BARBARIC to contemplate but both sides are living this Hell.steve
That was over 5,000 years ago and the arena was nomadic.

For the Jews and Moses there was 40 years of wandering and Moses died before finding the "Promised Land".

I would not doubt that there were many tribes (groups) of people on the move and who joined.

Israel was a country of Jews but of course there were the other nomadic tribes (groups) as well.

The 1931 (Printed) (1928 - 1931) Census of the Ottoman Empire's "Palestine" partition, in both Hebrew and Aramaic.

Note "Settled" and "Nomadic" sections.

So, from ~5000 years earlier to 1931 there were settlements and nomads.

Note that the Jews are not Nomadic. That's because they settled the area. When Moses brought them to the "Promised Land", they settled.

This is telling.
That was over 5,000 years ago and the arena was nomadic.

For the Jews and Moses there was 40 years of wandering and Moses died before finding the "Promised Land".

I would not doubt that there were many tribes (groups) of people on the move and who joined.

Israel was a country of Jews but of course there were the other nomadic tribes (groups) as well.

The 1931 (Printed) (1928 - 1931) Census of the Ottoman Empire's "Palestine" partition, in both Hebrew and Aramaic.

Note "Settled" and "Nomadic" sections.

So, from ~5000 years earlier to 1931 there were settlements and nomads.

Note that the Jews are not Nomadic. That's because they settled the area. When Moses brought them to the "Promised Land", they settled.

This is telling.

You misunderstood me Ropey.......after the Wanderings of the Jews from Babylon the reason for the exile was because Nebuccunessor sic was defeated by the Assyirians from the north....they dispursed all minorities ........ the Jews finally settled in Caanan which had been SETTLED by the Caananites,they were not nomads in any sense of the word,same with Moab which adjoined Cannan.......the Jews had wars with both peoples and defeated them and absorbed both Moabites and Caananites into the Tribes of has happened with the Palestinians a lesser and different degree.............Jew have always had wars from time to time...even within only need to see the Schism between Saul and David to see how bitter and bloody this conflict was...excuse my spelling Jews were very nomadic at times in their history....Moses and after the defeat by the Romans for instance
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I didn't misunderstand you because I wasn't talking to you. I simply added information that showed the Jews had been settling for a long time. If they were nomadic, it was changed by the settlement. But I don't expect you to see that when you can look to the wandering days of the nomadic Jews and forget what happened to turn them into settlers.
All US Presidents are for Israel.

Surly Israelies will assassinate their own PMs/Presidents if they act weak on Israeli issues, never mind foreign leaders...

Vig.....there are around 1.650,000 Palestinians already living in Israel who are infact Israelis, they account for 22% of the Israeli population all are bi-lingual Palestinian Arabic and Hebrew....The Palestinians have one of the highest matriculation rates for University entrants in the world.

They are Not in Gaza,Not in the West Bank but within Israels borders.steve(remember you and I start from scratch on this thread...friend):D

I'm sorry lick, but those are ARABS living in Israel, some might also be muslim, but there is no such thing as a Palestinian...just another WORD to fill a void!
I didn't misunderstand you because I wasn't talking to you. I simply added information that showed the Jews had been settling for a long time. If they were nomadic, it was changed by the settlement. But I don't expect you to see that when you can look to the wandering days of the nomadic Jews and forget what happened to turn them into settlers.

Fair comment Ropey but to be fair the new exodus really only happened since 1925 onwards,in particular during and after Hitler got to power.....there have been Jews in Palestine since Roman times but very few compared to today(incidentally they got on very well with the Palestinians) steve
From 1925 - 1948 there were influxes of Jews, Arabs, Christians and Druze with a smattering of other tribal affiliations. There were purchases of land tracts that are all a part of the negotiations as validated proof by both sides. Much of the work is done.

The problem is ideology.

Israel is watching the pivoting US president repivot as I pen this.

Vig.....there are around 1.650,000 Palestinians already living in Israel who are infact Israelis, they account for 22% of the Israeli population all are bi-lingual Palestinian Arabic and Hebrew....The Palestinians have one of the highest matriculation rates for University entrants in the world.

They are Not in Gaza,Not in the West Bank but within Israels borders.steve(remember you and I start from scratch on this thread...friend):D

I'm sorry lick, but those are ARABS living in Israel, some might also be muslim, but there is no such thing as a Palestinian...just another WORD to fill a void!

Vig,this is simply not true.......Palestinians are a separate Semitic people that have been in the Holy Land for thousands of years....they are a distinctive nation unlike others......yes there are Muslim Palestinians living in Israel,also Christian etc,.

Your suggestion that there are no such people as Palestinians is an affront to your own intelligence.......Jews worldwide acknowledge this and always have throughout history....why you would say differently is somewhat of a surprize as you are an intelligent guy!!!!!.......steve

The diplomatic correspondent of Haaretz, Israel’s most liberal daily, wrote that Kerry’s draft plan stunned the Israeli cabinet and was a complete reversal of what they had been told was his position the day before. “It sounded like it came from a parallel universe,” wrote Barak Ravid.

The draft plan, he wrote, promised billions for Gaza’s redevelopment and met other demands Hamas is making as a pre-condition to an extended cease-fire while making no mention at all of Israeli demands, primarily the demilitarization of the Gaza Strip and the dismantling of Hamas’ rocket capacity.

“The document,” Ravid wrote, “placed Israel and Hamas on the same level, as if the first is not a primary U.S. ally, and as if the second isn’t a terror group which overtook part of the Palestinian Authority in a military coup and fired thousands of rounds at Israel.”

Israeli Officials, Press Criticize John Kerry?s Attempt to Achieve Cease-Fire in Gaza | Washington Free Beacon

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