An Apology


Easygoing Conservative
Jun 11, 2013
Good morning all,

There's something I've been meaning to say for a while now, and I figure now's as good a time as any.

It's about the large @mention lists. About the mixed reception to it.

I understand now that I've annoyed some people with those lists. That was never my intention, so I think the right thing for me to do would be to apologize and change my behavior. If I have annoyed you, I apologize for that. And, to put actions behind my words, I will no longer mention anyone in a list unless it's explicitly okay with them. I do love people, and taking the time to share my life and views with theirs...but I don't want these means to sow discord instead... on accident. Some have told me that I shouldn't care about that, and keep doing so. However...

What I want doesn't matter if it's unintentionally annoying and angering people. Part of growing up is being considerate of others, and putting their peace of mind above your own selfish desires. I think my fear was in putting a good deal of time and effort into making a decent OP, getting only a handful of responses, and then nothing more. I didn't just want to start a good conversation, but have one, too. However, that's part of life, and I need to be strong enough to accept that people have their own lives, interests, and responsibilities. Oh? People didn't keep the discussion in your OP going? Well, tough. Become a better writer, figure out how to be interesting, and realize you're not more important than anyone else.

So, that's about it. If you're reading this thread, and you want your voice to be heard, please do so in this excellent thread by Derideo.

I wish you all a comfortable late-Spring weekend. :smiliehug:
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I don't think that's accurate, Ringel. The issue was that some people were annoyed with being mentioned in large lists, so that's no longer happening. Others like being mentioned this way, and if it's not hurting anyone else when doing so with them, then there's no issue. To each his own.
I heeded the initial request and was not going to post in this thread but since there's some posts now. :)

My take on this is that Wake blundered a bit with the initial @ use and after the initial blunders, remodeled his method of addressing people and accepted those who didn't want to be added to mass mailing lists and then moved onwards.

I've seen him do this with another issue that was a blunder as well. Then I saw him accept that even when he hopes to do something for peace, his best intentions can still end up for more angst.

@ Wake

I saw that in your thank of the Avatar and your reworking the @ listing.

Now for USMB? That's pretty good stuff and you're not any problem that I see, although you have your moments like the rest of us.

In the USMB hood, it's all good. :)
I answered in Derideo's thread but I'm totally fine with the @. It has never angered or annoyed me. It helps because I don't always find all the threads I might want to post it.

The fact that you are recognizing that some are bothering and trying to fix it is a good thing Wake. I don't think you are trying to annoy anyone on purpose.

I like the group or individual ones. I got one from Gracie about an awesome wolf pic-I'm glad to get those.
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I don't think that's accurate, Ringel. The issue was that some people were annoyed with being mentioned in large lists, so that's no longer happening. Others like being mentioned this way, and if it's not hurting anyone else when doing so with them, then there's no issue. To each his own.

You were taking that seriously......? From me.......?

Ringel's got a point. :D
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I don't think that's accurate, Ringel. The issue was that some people were annoyed with being mentioned in large lists, so that's no longer happening. Others like being mentioned this way, and if it's not hurting anyone else when doing so with them, then there's no issue. To each his own.

You were taking that seriously......? From me.......?

It's not easy detecting sarcasm when it comes to computer text. At least for me. Quit trying to trick me! :lol:;):D
I remembered Wolfsister said she didn't mind. ;)

I could have lied and said I checked Deri's thread, but...I don't lie. So...

I don't know what lists you are talking about. But it's the internets. Who freaking cares?
Psssst, kid. Just gimme the lists, I'll do the wet work for you ;)
I don't know what the big deal is about, either. So you get a mention number or many....they don't really clutter your pm box or can ignore them or you can check them out.
People give themselves way too much importance on these Forums.....I really don't care if I'm @ mentioned or not....I check out the ones I want and ignore the rest and it doesn't cost me a cent.....

I don't know what the big deal is about, either. So you get a mention number or many....they don't really clutter your pm box or can ignore them or you can check them out.
People give themselves way too much importance on these Forums.....I really don't care if I'm @ mentioned or not....I check out the ones I want and ignore the rest and it doesn't cost me a cent.....

People like to have a reason to feel violated, "look what that terrible Wake did! He made a list with my name in it!"

In that regard, Wake did a good thing - he brought happiness to people who love to wallow in sorrow.

Now, if we could just get rid of all communication with humans, ALL our problems would be solved.

Next on the list - awkward apologies, delivered with a sweaty, homoerotic man-hug.



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