An electoral disaster waiting to happen”: Demographics expert predicts Trump loss


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Even “if 99 percent of white, non-college-educated men turned out to vote”

The white christian party will become a smaller and smaller regional party representing the bitter uneducated as we are seeing now

“We’re looking at a margin among college-educated white men for him that’s less than half what Romney won”

For over a decade, political experts have observed demographic shifts in the U.S. and concluded that a mostly racially homogenous Republican Party will be left in the wilderness during national elections. The browning of America, if you will, doesn’t bode well for would-be conservative inhabitants of the White House

“An electoral disaster waiting to happen”: Demographics expert predicts Trump loss even “if 99 percent of white, non-college-educated men turned out to vote”

What's your bet, guno?

Will Hillary fall on her face, literally, at the first, second, or third debate?
I hate to say it but white males are easily fooled into the emotional violent cult of loserterianism and are going to pay the political price for this idiocy.
Even “if 99 percent of white, non-college-educated men turned out to vote”

The white christian party will become a smaller and smaller regional party representing the bitter uneducated as we are seeing now

“We’re looking at a margin among college-educated white men for him that’s less than half what Romney won”

For over a decade, political experts have observed demographic shifts in the U.S. and concluded that a mostly racially homogenous Republican Party will be left in the wilderness during national elections. The browning of America, if you will, doesn’t bode well for would-be conservative inhabitants of the White House

“An electoral disaster waiting to happen”: Demographics expert predicts Trump loss even “if 99 percent of white, non-college-educated men turned out to vote”

We need better voter suppression
Even “if 99 percent of white, non-college-educated men turned out to vote”

The white christian party will become a smaller and smaller regional party representing the bitter uneducated as we are seeing now

“We’re looking at a margin among college-educated white men for him that’s less than half what Romney won”

For over a decade, political experts have observed demographic shifts in the U.S. and concluded that a mostly racially homogenous Republican Party will be left in the wilderness during national elections. The browning of America, if you will, doesn’t bode well for would-be conservative inhabitants of the White House

“An electoral disaster waiting to happen”: Demographics expert predicts Trump loss even “if 99 percent of white, non-college-educated men turned out to vote”

Of the two candidates which one is a white Christer from the south?
‘“If Mr. Trump is only doing as well or worse than Mr. Romney did with white men, he will never make up the votes he is losing among women and nonwhites,” the Times reported.

A recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll had Clinton with 43 percent support among men to Trump’s 42 percent. While a Bloomberg Politics survey showed Trump with a low-single-digit lead among men.

“We’re looking at a margin among college-educated white men for him that’s less than half what Romney won,” Gary Langer, an independent pollster who conducted an ABC News/Washington Post survey this month that showed Trump losing over all to Clinton, told the Times. “And that is problematic for Trump given his need to appeal to whites.”

Republican pollster Whit Ayers sounded an even more dire alarm for Trump.

“If you set out to design a strategy to produce the lowest popular vote possible in the new American electorate of 2016, you would be hard-pressed to do a better job than Donald Trump has,” Ayres told the Times. “This is an electoral disaster waiting to happen”’

To be fair to Trump, this would likely be the case regardless who the GOP nominee might have been – this is the consequence of a Republican Party hostile to diversity, and which seeks to divide the American people, something that was occurring long before Trump.

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